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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Many factors threaten marriage and cause boredom in married women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of group counseling using interpersonal therapy (IPT) on reducing marital boredom in female divorce applicants in Delfan, Lorestan, Iran.Method: This quasi-experimental research was a pre-test, post-test study, with fallow up and control group. The study population included female divorce applicants in Delfan, Lorestan, Iran. From 60 volunteers who were willing to participate in the research and had a high a score in marital boredom, 30 subjects were selected and randomly divided into experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. Couple Burnout Scale (CBM) was administered to both groups. The experimental group received 10 sessions of interpersonal therapy (IPT) but control group did not receive any intervention.Results: Results of the one way analysis of covariance showed that, group counseling with interpersonal therapy decreased the marital boredom and its physical, mental, and affective subscales in the female applicants to divorce in the intervention group (p<0.001).Conclusion: The results revealed that there were significant differences between control and experimental groups and it continued in the follow-up period significantly. Therefore, this intervention is recommended to reduce marital dissatisfaction and divorce rates.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: Test anxiety is a type of situation dependent anxiety that can lead to a significant reduction in the individual’s ability in dealing with tests and assessments. Considering its high prevalence negative effects on the students’ education, several methods have been developed to reduce it. This study aimed to determine the effect of time management training on test anxiety among the university students.Method: This was a pretest-posttest study with a quasi-experimental design and a control group. The study population of the present study included all university students who had test anxiety and referred to the counseling center of university of Sistan and Baluchestan in November 2014. Using convenience sampling method, 48 university students were selected as the sample and were randomly placed into two experimental and control groups. Afterwards, time management training was conducted for the experimental group for four weeks (eight sessions). The control group did not receive any intervention. Through applying Sarason test anxiety scale, the levels of test anxiety were assessed in both groups before intervention and two weeks after the intervention. Data were compared using analysis of covariance and SPSS version 21.Results: After the intervention, mean scores on test anxiety reduced in the experimental group significantly (P<0.001).Conclusion: Time management training could be effective in reducing the university students’ test anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: Nursing is a practical discipline and has a lot of similarity to the doctrine of pragmatism. Many studies have paid to the issue of pragmatism in the nursing each in particular direction and in particular society and results of these studies are often contradicting each other.Method: Internet searching was conducted in Google Scholar, PubMed and Scopus databases. Articles were evaluated and used that examines the gap between theory and practice in nursing.Results: It can be concluded of the total of these studies that the meaning of the gap between the theory and practice is nonconformance theoretical training with what is nurses at the bedside to do. In terms of pragmatism truth is not static and unchangeable, but it grows and develops with time at each stage of the endless evolution what we call reality will be something that enables us to examine current problems satisfactorily. Nursing is diverse and pluralistic; Diversity in ideologies and our actions and plurality in the knowledge that is generated and used. The ideological diversity leads to a difference in the discourse, and these differences are plurality for one fact, these differences will continue in texts and create barriers for the development of nursing knowledge; but although the theory was out through experiences and whether there is before the experience we need it.Conclusion: There should be a gap between theory and practice because if there is no distance longer cannot be called theories and it is an actually practice; Remove this distance not desirable and sometimes preserve it is desirable for us. What makes the people unable to understand the theory in practice is that they cannot find the relationship between theories with practice or theory is so abstract that consider it different from the act.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: Using only traditional methods of education does not meet the needs of education today; In today’s educational systems, New and active teaching methods in the teaching-learning process has been of interest to many. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Bybee (5E) teaching method on learning and retention in the Basic Concepts of Nursing for the students of Nursing at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences.Method: In this study, the pretest-posttest design with a control group was used. The population of this study consisted of all students of Nursing at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, 2014-15 were enrolled in the academic year. The subjects were 40 patients who were selected using convenience sampling method. students in two classes of 20 students. The instruments used in this study were a pre-test- post-test with the reliability of 89.0, a self-made recall test with the reliability of 87.0. The face and content validity of all these instruments were approved by the experts. The independent T-test and spss software used analyze the collected data.Results: The findings showed that The learning (p=0.016) and retention (p=0.001) of students with trained teaching Bybee, increase than To students who are traditionally trained.Conclusion: Due to the impact of Bybee teaching methods on learning and retention of the Basic Concepts of Nursing course, Using this method of teaching to executives involved in the field of medical education is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: Nursing as a discipline and a profession is following to meet the needs of clients in clinical settings. The nurse participation and cooperation in the programs of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy has not been recorded in Iran. On the other hand, health care system needs to provide specialized care for patients under endoscopy. The aim of this study was to develop a professional curriculum for endoscopy nurse education in Iran.Method: This was a study to approve the content and curriculum for endoscopy nurse education in Iran using the Delphi method. This study carried out in three phases; a review of the literature on endoscopy nursing courses and training program in the world; assessment of expert groups and individuals associated with gastrointestinal endoscopy; and finally, a consensus on the curriculum of nursing endoscopy and its implementation.Results: Based on the endoscopy nurse training needs, eight priorities for education endoscopy nurse including theory, practical, and clinical professional was determined. Total hours of training were 210 hours, including 140 hours for theoretical and practical courses and 70 hours of clinical training. Different strategies were used to teach the theoretical and practical subjects. For theoretical teaching, lectures, group work, and self-learning were applied. Role Playing and simulation were used for practical training; and for clinical training, endoscopy clinical practice settings were determined.Conclusion: This training program was based on a participant survey on the digestive endoscopy and educational needs. This educational curriculum involved learning different areas of knowledge, attitudes, and skills for nurses to train caring of patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy through an inter-professional education program. These special nursing educational programs can be contributed to the professional development of Iranian nurses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: In recent years, the use of Team-Based Learning in the medical education and also nursing education is common. But, still studing the efficiency of this method, required conditions and factors for successful learning teams is continuing. This study aims to To investigate effect of reflection (on processes and outcomes) on team effectiveness (performance, learning and satisfaction) according to the moderating effects of context (instructor and peer) support.Method: A descriptive - correlational methodology was conducted on a random sample of 155 nursing students from Islamic Azad university of Saveh in 2012. Data gathered by a researcher developed questionnaire to assess context support, reflection and team effectiveness. Gathered data analyzed by using two-way Anova analysis.Results: Results of two-way Anova analysis showed that main effects of reflection were significant. But main effect of context support was only significant on satisfaction. The moderating role of context support in effects of reflection on performance, learning and satisfaction was not significant. However, diagrams showed that learning and performance is higher when people reflect and receive more support. Further, inspite of low reflection, satisfaction is higher when the support is high.Conclusion: Based of this finding concluded that the teams with high context support and reflection are more effective. This means that they have higher performance, learning and satisfaction. Also, when context support is high, teamwork satisfaction increases, even if the reflection is low.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction: Along with the advent of the Internet, there has been a growth of virtual education. This method of learning has created opportunities outside the borders of a country or state for everyone. It is impossible to be successful in virtual training unless we consider individuals’ viewpoints toward it. Despite this fact, less attention has been paid to students’ attitudes in the published studies. The aim of this study was to investigate Kerman nursing students’ attitudes toward virtual learning.Method: This study is descriptive study of 114 undergraduate and postgraduate students of Kerman Nursing and Midwifery College were selected by census method in 2009. Data collected from the questionnaire: 1. Demographic information 2. A researcher-made questionnaire of attitude toward virtual learning and analyzed by SPSS software (ver=17) at the significant level of p£0.05 using descriptive statistics and analytic statistics (independent t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation).Results: The average age of students participating in the study was 22.29± 4.2 and the mean scores of students attitude was 3.2 ± 0.4. % 85 of students had a positive attitude towards Virtual Learning. In demographic variables, only age has related negatively with nursing attitude. The older students had more negative attitude to virtual learning (P = 0.018 and r = - 0.22) Conclusion: Although in our country, virtual learning is a new concept but in general, students’ attitudes to Virtual Learning were positive and were interested to work in a virtual environment so we can say that Virtual Learning can be associated with official acceptance among students and universities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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Introduction Merrill by criticizing the lecturing methods stated that “the sole transfer of information is not learning and teaching”. Teaching and learning have some principles that are education’s corner stone that are known as “Merrill’s first principles of instruction”. Also, the team-based learning is one of the methods that are being emphasized on in medical education. The present research seeks to study the impact of instructional design based on Merrill’s first principles of instruction and team-based learning on the achievement of recall and application of nursing students.Method: The method of the research is semi-experimental, and research plan was pretest – posttest with control group. The population consisted of all undergraduate students of Ardebil medical university, Meshkinshahr campus. Research sample was a nursing class that was selected by in access sampling method. Before the implementation of intended instructional design, pre-test was taken for each group and then plan was performed for a period of 5 weeks and the post-test was performed to achieve the purposes of recall and application. The finding was analyzed by using of Covariance Analysis Method (ANCOVA).Results: Before interventions, there were no meaningful difference between score mean of recall and application of both groups (pretest mean score in recall level: control group 1.70, experimental group 1.68; and in application level: control group 1.45, experimental group 1.47). The results after intervention showed that the rate of experimental group score in both recall and application level was increased significantly in comparison with control group (posttest mean score in recall level: control group 14.70, experimental group 17.42; and in application level: control group 12.33, experimental group 15.38).Conclusion: Findings showed that between the rate of achieving objectives of recall and application in both control and experimental group there was a significant difference and experimental group was faced with better learning. Hence, with using of Merrill’s first principles of instruction and team based learning method, the level of achieving level of recall and application can be improved and rated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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