The objective of the present study was to identify managerial competencies. This study reviewed existing managerial competencies in a cultural context resulting in the development of a broad based psychometrically sound leadership questionnaire. The unit of analysis of the research was a theoretical and experimental research related to managerial competencies, provided from seventeen Iranian and non-Iranian databases. Two Islamic books, Nahjul-Balaghah and Nahjul-Fasahah, were selected to focus on Islamic management and naturalization of competency modeling in Iran. In sum, the 137 data (135 researches of databases and 2 books) were analyzed through content analysis. The total number of 380 concepts relating to managerial competencies was classified into the 82 competency clusters (sub-core competencies). The factor analysis (principal components analysis with Varimax rotation) of sub-core competencies resulted in an 8-factor structure of core competencies labeled value, analysis, decision-making, knowledge, adaptation, performance, leadership, and communication. Face and content validity as well as Kappa reliability of the new managerial competency model were established for this new measure. This analysis resulted in the development of the Managerial Competencies Questionnaire (MCQ) composed of eighty-two items, which will be useful for researchers, students, educators, managers, and organizations.