In this study, in order to assess qualitatively the status fish ponds, three fish ponds in northern Iran were investigated. Water and fish samples were collected in the mid-June, August and October, 2014. Some parameters (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, transparency (SD), nitrate and phosphate) were measured on the sites while the others (Chlorophyll-a, Fe, Zn, total weight, total length, K and phytoplankton identification) were estimated at the laboratory using standard methods and procedures. The principal component analysis (PCA) and One-Way ANOVA were conducted to statistical analysis. The result showed that, during the study period, in the three fish ponds, the phytoplankton population was dominated by Bacillariophyceae (25%) followed by Chlorophyceae (23%) and Cyanophyceae (22%). Among Cyanophyceae, Chroococcus (35%) and Merismopedia (25%) were dominant. The results obtained from PCA indicated, the first three axes explain more than of 80 % of the total variance. The first axes (PC1) include EC, Chl-a, pH and SD. Also, significant differences were observed in temperature, DO, No3, Chl-a concentration, total weight and total length over the period of three months (p<0.05). The observations in this study suggest that based on the determined desirable limits for water quality in fish ponds, and based on obtained results from the fish biometry and K, generally, studied ponds are suitable for fish farming and can supply optimum and healthy production.