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Aquatic Ecology

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In this study, the effects of different diets on growth rates of Gammarus Pontogammarous meoticus were determined. A biomass of 1.5 g Gammarus with an average length of 7±0.25 mm was transferred to the glass aquaria with volume 900 cm3 (volume 2.5 l). The Gammarus were fed with diets include baked potato (treatment 1), 30 percent yeast and 70 percent potato, (treatment 2), 50 yeast percent and 50 percent potato (treatment 3), no feeding (treatment 4) at rate of 6 to 7 percent of total biomass for 45 days. Results showed that the total production rate (adult and baby), specific growth rate and population doubling time were significantly high in treatments 2 and 3 (P>0.05). The biomass and daily growth rate were significantly higher than yeast fed Gammarus (P>0.05). Additionally Gammarus in treatment 3 had the highest food conversion ratio. The results of the present study showed that the administration of yeast in diet can improve Gammarus growth rate under culture conditions.

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Aquatic Ecology

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In the present study histological effects of copper sulphate on, 180 common carp, Cyprinus carpio, fingerlings were studied. In this regard, fish of treatment groups were exposed to 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm of copper sulphate during 4 days. Behaviours and clinical signs of fish were recorded during the experiment, and samples were done from kidney, liver and gill of moribund and fresh dead fish, and specimens were studied after section and hematoxylin_ Eosin staining for histopathological signs. In this study LC50 value for 48 and 96 hours exposure were calculated as 6.3 and 4.9 mg/l, respectively for common carp fingerlings. Mild to severe histopathological signs were observed in kidney, liver and gill of all treatment fish specimens. Pathologic severity signs in sampled tissues were increased by increasing in concentration and exposure times of copper sulphate. According to the results, it is not recommended to use copper sulphate in fingerling common carp farms in dosage higher than 2 mg/l.

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Aquatic Ecology

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Barnacles are one of the dominant macrofouling organisms found in the intertidal region throughout the word. In this study, the effects of mono and mixed algal diet (Chaetoceros calcitrans, C. muelleri, Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis suecica and Chlorella vulgaris) on the larval metamorphosis of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite were evaluated. Larvae obtained from A. amphitrite were cultured in six-well plate on a daily algal food at cell concentration of 2×105 cell/L. One-Way ANOVA and Tukey’s test indicated significant differences among the metamorphose rates of the larvae reared at different algal diet (p<0.05). Larvae fed with mono (except T. suecica) and mixed algal diet developed into cyprids within five days while those fed with T. suecica developed into cyprids after 6 days. There was higher percentage of metamorphosis in larvae fed with the mixed diet of C. calcitrans and T. suecica. Our results showed that mixed algal diets especially when diatoms are present shorten naupliar duration and increase metamorphosis success to cypris stage.

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Aquatic Ecology

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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between body shape and environmental factors related to a rivarian ecosystem in Kura barbel (Barbus cyri) of the Sefidrud River basin. For this purpose, a number of 285 specimens were sampled from three rivers with different habitat properties including the Taleghan, Totkabon and Kloraz Rivers. The relationship between body shape (extracted using geometric morphometric method) of studied stocks with environmental parameters including depth, velocity, river width, slope of river, number of large stones of river bed, average diameter of stream bed ston, stream bed index, algae covers bed index and riparian vegetation cover index using with two-Blocks Partial Least Squares was investigated. The result showed a significant relationship between habitat factors and body shape in Kura barbel suggested depth, width, average diameter of stream bed as effective factors. The results of 2B-PLS revealed that body shape of kloraz, most part of Totkabon and Taleghan stoks have a deeper body, large head and deep caudal peduncle that are significantly related to more depth, lower velocity, lower width and more number of large stones of river bed, and individuals with with fusiform body shape with lower depth, smaller head, deeper caudal peduncle have significant relationship with higher velocity, more depth, greater width and river bed with smaller stones.

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Aquatic Ecology

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Heavy metal pollution can have devastating effects on the ecological balance of the recipient environment and a diversity of aquatic organisms. Among animal species, fishes are the inhabitants that cannot escape from the harmful effects of these contaminants. In the present research, during spring 2014, twenty-nine specimens of Liza aurata were collected from Bandar Anzali coast in Gilan province. The aim of this study was to provide information on heavy metal (Cd and Pb) concentrations in the muscles of this fish species and to evaluate the possible risk associated with their consumption. The levels of heavy metals were measured by GFAAS after digestion of the samples using concentrated acids. The results of this study showed that the average concentrations of cadmium and lead in muscle were 0.67 and 0.072 µg/g, respectively. The concentration of two metals in the present research were lower than the limits permitted by FAO, WHO, MAFF and NHMRC. The estimated daily intakes (EDI) of two metals through consumption of the Liza aurata fish by native people in the Bandar Anzali coast were well below the permissible tolerable daily intake for 70 kg person (PTDI70) set by EPA. Therefore, it can be concluded that no problems on human health would be raised at present from the consumption of Liza aurata fish from the Bandar Anzali coasts.

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Aquatic Ecology

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Effects of different levels of spirulina dietary supplementation on some immune parameters of Benny Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi fingerlings were investigated in an 8 weeks experimental period. Dried and powdered spirulina algae in five levels of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 % was added to the experimental diet.Experimental fish were fed to satiation twice daily. Results indicated that the amount of complements C3, C4 and lysozyme were higher in benny fish receiving diet with 10% spirulina compared to fish being fed diet with 0% of spirulina. Amount of C3, C4 and lysozyme activity in 10% treatment were higher and showed a significant difference (P<0.05) with control treatment. The results revealed that spirulina supplementation at 10% level leads to increase indices complements and lysozyme of benny fish.

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Aquatic Ecology

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This study was conducted to determine the virtual population analysis, recruitment pattern and cohort analysis of blue swimming crab (Portunus segnis) in coastal waters of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea (Hormozgan province). Sampling was carried out monthly by bottom trawl from May 2010 to October 2011. Results of Thompson and Bell prediction analysis showed that the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was 302.2 tons, total survival biomass was 131.6 and maximum economic yield (MEY) was $625.3. A 10 % decrease in the level of fishing effort is recommended to ensure sustainability of the blue swimming crab stock.Maximum of recruitment pattern was in October (age of recruit 0.5 Y-1) with average carapace width of 91 and 110 mm for female and male respectively. Three cohorts were distinguished based on Bhattacharya's method for both sex of blue swimming crab.

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Aquatic Ecology

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The emergence of new pathogens and the increase in the number of multidrug-resistant strains in well-established pathogens during the past decade represent a growing public health concern globally. Therefore, it is important to introduce and replace new sources of drug such as medicinal plants with antimicrobial properties. The aim of the present sturdy was to evaluate the antibacterial effects of areal parts extract of Epilobium species collected from Iran. The results revealed that extract of all species studied, except (E. roseum subsp. subsessile) could inhibit the growth of bacteria. Based on our results, gram positive test bacteria showed the most susceptibility to the extracts compared to gram negative ones. None of the extracts could affect the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis. We found that the willow herb extract inhibited the growth of bacteria in culture more effectively than related common antibiotics. Given that aerial parts of plant extract was utilized for this study, further investigation is recommended to determine which specific part of the plant (i.e., leaves, stem, and flowers) possess the antibacterial properties.

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Aquatic Ecology

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This is confirmed that bacteria and other living organisms are not able to decompose or excrete the heavy metals, so heavy metals concentrate and accumulate in their tissues and cause toxicity in other organisms in high levels of food chain via biomagnifications and transfer by organisms to the intermediate levels of food chain for instance macrobenthos. Mean concentration of lead was estimated in sediment and also in three groups of macrobenthose in five areas in coast of Bandar Abbass. Results showed that the mean concentration of the Lead in sediments was from 0.359 ppm in Goorsozan estuary to 0.216 ppm in Posht-e-Shahr. Lead concentration in crab was maximum in Goorsoozan estuary with 0.470 ppm and minimum in Posht-e-shahr with 0.270 ppm. Bivalvia with 0.300 ppm in Bahonar Jetty and 0.250 ppm in Goorsoozan estuary obtained maximum and minimum concentration of Lead, respectively. Gastropoda obtained 0.150 ppm of Pb in Getty Bahonar and 0.039 ppm in Goorsoozan estuary. The results confirmed that Lead concentration was in order of Crabs>Gastropoda> Bivalvia. Spatial comparison of Lead concentration showed that sediment and crabs obtained high concentration of Lead in Goorsoozan estuary, while Gastropoda and Bivalvia obtained high concentration of Lead in Jetty Bahonar. The significant coefficient of Lead concentration between sediment and crab indicated that crabs bioaccumulate Lead from sediment directly but lack of significant coefficient between Gastropoda and Bivalvia with sediment showed these organisms bioaccumulate Lead from other sources of sediment for instance water.

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Aquatic Ecology

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The following research was conducted to study the concentration of Pb, Fe & Zn in skeletons and sediments of dominant hard coral family (Faviidae) in Zeyton Park, Naz Islands and Shib-deraz stations, South of Qeshm Island. The analysis of these heavy metals in digested samples of skeletons and sediments was done using graphite furnace Atomic Absorbtion Spectophotometry for measuring the levels of Pb and Flame Atomic Absorbtion Spectophotometry for measuring the levels of Fe & Zn. The results indicated that there are significant statistical differences toward concentration of Pb and Zn in skeletons of coral family (Faviidae) among Zeyton Park, Naz Islands Shib-deraz stations (P<0.01). There are not significant statistical differences toward concentration of Fe in skeletons of coral family (Faviidae) among Zeyton Park, Naz Islands Shib-deraz stations (P<0.01). In addition, considering the concentration of Pb and Fe in sediments of coral family (Faviidae) there are significant differences between Zeyton Park, Naz Islands and Shib-deraz stations (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). So, the result of this research suggested that corals can be suggested as a pollution biomonitor.

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Aquatic Ecology

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This study aimed to determine sex ratio, age, growth and reproduction of the populations of R. amarusin Sefidrood river. In total 189 fish were caught monthly from February to June 2013. Overal sex ratio was 1: 1.39. Total weight (W) and total length (TL) was 17.2-71.2 mm and 0.06-5.81 g, respectively. The condition coefficient of males was higher than females. Growth models in all population were positive allometric for males and females. Fishes in Sefidrood river population had 1 till 9 age group. The average number of eggs was 78.778±33.11. Fecundity (F) with fish total length (TL) and weight (W) had significant correlation. The results of this study would help to increase the information of these species.

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Aquatic Ecology

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of Mentha piperita extract on growth factors, survival rate and body composition of Rutilus frisii kutum fry. For this purpose, four groups of fish with mean weight of 1.12±0.14 g were raised for 56 days in plastic tanks (40 fish to each tank) and feeding with different levels of M. piperita with concentrations of 0, 1, 2.0 and %3.0. At the end of the trial, growth factors (final weight, weight gain, SGR, feed conversion ratio (FCR), survival rate and body composition were determined and compared with control group. Our results showed that R. frisii kutum fry fed on diet supplemented with 3% M. piperita had significantly higher growth factors and survival rate compared to other treatments (P<0.05). The study of body composition showed no significant difference between different treatments (P>0.05). Based on the results, using of M. piperita extract, especially at the level of 3.0% can improve the growth performance and survival rate of R. frisii kutum fry.

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Aquatic Ecology

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The effect of Rainbow trout farms effluents on benthic macro-invertebrates of Marber River in Semirom city was investigated in spring and summer of 2013. Sampling from benthic macro-invertebrates was done monthly using Surber sampler (mouth area of 30.5*30.5 cm with a 500 mesh net) at entrance, discharge and far from three fish farms. In addition to measuring physical and chemical parameters of water, a number of 5326 samples from benthic macro-invertebrates were identified totally, which belonged to 34 genus, 22 families and 8 orders. Indices of EPT richness and EPT/Chir were lower at stations immediately located after the farms in compare to the upstream stations. These indices were improved by getting far from the farms. Hilsenhoff family biotic index categorized the quality of water in the range of fair to excellent. Based on the results, Marber River in Semirom has got the ability of self-purification and at the distance of two kilometers from trout farms, its water quality has been improved.

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Aquatic Ecology

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In this study fish in 8 Qanats in Taft and Mehriz townships of the Yazd Province were compared to specimens from Sirvan, Karun, Mond, Kor Rivers, Kerman and Namak basins. In the studied Qanats, Capoeta saadi and Cyprinion sp. were observed. The haplotypic diversity in Qanats was zero. Capoeta saadi haplotype observed in Qanats was similar to haplotype observed in the Kor basin. Cyprinion sp. haplotype was highly distant (1.68-1.94 percent) from the haplotypes observed in Cyprinion watsoni and Cyprinion macrostomum of Mond and Karun Rivers. In the phylogenetic analyses the genus Capoeta clustered as a monophyletic group with Luciobarbus and Barbus genera as ancestral groups relative to it. According to the observed data the genus Cyprinion is older than the other genera studied here and it may be justified based on its ploidy level (diploid) compared to other genera.

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Aquatic Ecology

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The objective of study was to determine the effects of added rosemary extract on increasing shelf-life and quality of meat in silver carp during ice storage. Fishes dipped in a solution prepared of rosemary extract (200 and 600 ppm) for 90 minutes and then were icing. Chemical and Enzymatic index includes total volatile basic nitrogen, thiobarbituric acid, peroxide value were measured and compared with control treatment at the beginning of the experiment, and again on days 4, 8, 12 and 16 of ice storage with 3 replicates. Based on results in all of treatments by passing time, rosemary extract significantly (p<0.05) delayed lipid oxidation in treated samples. Best effects on fish quality were seen in 600 ppm rosemary extract, so that was remained within standard range in the end of the period.

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