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In the Neolithic period, the production of clay figurines in animal and human shapes became common in Fertile Crescent and soon became prevalent in most sites of the Near East. The abundance of the figurines in many Neolithic sites shows its importance by the mentioned societies. Although there is a considerable variety in the forms of the Neolithic human figurines, some striking similarities are distinguishable. One of the common form is the form of seated figurines which has been common in many Neolithic sites. It was only from the early Neolithic period when this style got common while in prior period, Upper Paleolithic, this style was not considered. The result shows that the seated figurines from Neolithic to early Chalcolithic period covers a vast geographical area from West Levant to North East part of Iran’ s central plateau. In this paper, by adding some data from Iran, it is attempted to draw geographical distribution of seated human figurines in Near East. The main aim of this research is to see how the figurines were related together based on the form and style. While the figurines of some sites of Iran were in hand in this study, the rest information was gathered based on the publications. The method of this study is comparative study of the figurines forms to see their relation together. With the cultural historic point of view, this research is attempted to provide an overview to the geographical and timetable dispersion of the human seated figurines of Neolithic to Chalcolithic period. Based on the coincidence of the domestication distribution and the clay figurines manufactory in many sites of Near East on one hand and the repetition of some forms like seated figurines on the other hand, it seems that some forms of figurines were affected by the cultural interactions.

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The Idier was first found at the secon survey campaign in 1383/2004. Idier was excavated 2004 too. Idier is located 16 km south of Aslandouz, in Moghan plain. Aras River and its branches, passing through the Moghan plain, have provided the appropriate environmental conditions for the establishment of human settlements. Suitable soil for sowing, proper humidity, rainfall of approximately 300 mm per year, relatively warm temperatures and low Mogan area, all indicate the great potential of this plain for the cultivation of high quality products, as well as the rich meadows of this plain, conditions for livestock breeders in order to preserve Livestock, in autumn, winter and spring. With these conditions, it seems that the area should have a large number of ancient sites that have been formed in this climate, but because of the extensive construction and leveling of the vast lands of the Moghan Plain with various agencies, organizations, institutions and farmers, these sites have disappeared and only a few. This research is based on the systematic survey of site and stratigraphy excavation. we have tried to answer some of the questions raised along with the typology of pottery. Questions such as how to look at the technological and decorative changes of Idira’ s potteries; The influence of Obaid culture has existed in this area? What is the position of this culture in this area, despite the Dolma culture pottery in Idir’ s findings? What impact does native culture have on clay products? And in the end, it’ s a matter of special interest to the Indigo bronze ware, which has been using its pottery technology in neighboring areas along with its interactions. It can be argued, that the Chalcolithic potteries hier are local, although there are similarities to other northwestern Chalcolithic settlements in Iran.

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There are many uses of obsidian by prehistoric peoples that includes a long period from Paleolithic until the Bronze Age and before the invention of metal. Due to its chemical structure, obsidian has special potential for fingerprinting and provenance studies, and it allows for the reconstruction of long-distance trade and the history of prehistoric exchanges in various parts of the Western Asia. Until now, only obsidian mines have been identified in Anatolia (northeast, southeast, central, western) and the Caucasus, and based on experimental analysis of the obsidian tools of the ancient sites of the northwest of Iran, however, some samples obtained from various parts of Iran, have remained unexploited due to lack of studies on the origins and identification of major mines and other indigenous mines. This research is trying to analyze 38 samples of obsidian artifacts belong to Chalcolithic and Bronze Age (Kura-Araxes) cultures, from 9 different prehistoric sites in Khoy region with using the XRF analysis method for identification of Chalcolithic and Bronze Age provenance sources, and to clarify that in which period which sources have been used predominantly and whether changes to the source have been made by changing in each period or not they used only the same sources in different periods. Our analysis show that 53 artifacts from the prehistoric sites of Khoy came from nine different sources. The sources are: Meydan Dag (15 artifacts), Syunik (8 artifacts), Tsakhunyats (4 artifacts), Suphan Dag (3 artifacts), Gutansar (3 artifacts), Arteni (2 artifacts) and Nemrut Dag and Tendurek (1 artifact) and unassigned (1 artifact). According to analysis results Meydan Dag and Syunik could be suggested as two main obsidian sources of prehistoric sites of Khoy region.

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Archaeologically, South East of Iran is one of the most important regions of the Near East in the Bronze Age. The site of Shahdad, as one of the major urban centers of Southeastern Iran, plays an important role in the Near Eastern archaeological studies. After half a century of the Shahdad excavations, it is time to have a new look at the Shahdad and its objects in light of our present knowledge from the archeology of southeast Iran. Here is an assessment of the results of Shahdad and especially on graves, pottery and stone objects. The main objectives of this study were to determine the exact position of all graves, their chronology and the relation between graves of different parts of the cemetery. Indeed, the internal chronology of Shahdad should be specified in order to determine the syntax of the various parts of the excavated areas. In addition, to study the regional and cross-regional interactions of Shahdad in the context of the Bronze Age archeology of Southwest Asia. The similarity and harmony between the cultural materials of Shahdad and different parts of the Southwest Asia, from Mesopotamia and Southwest Iran to Central Asia, the Indus valley and the south of the Persian Gulf indicate the existence of a cultural interaction sphere in the west of Asia during the early and middle Bronze Age.

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Cultural relations and interactions in Bronze period are among the most important topics understandable by analyzing and studying the handicraft in a comparative approach. However, Khorasan cultural sphere has been nicknamed White Archaeo-logical Area due to the lack of reliable studies, although new studies have revealed small dimensions of its importance. In this respect, the research basis of this article includes semiotics, interpretation and comparative study of a silver handicraft re-covered from Shahrak Firouzeh site in Neyshabur Plain in 2008. It is a dignity good and its iconography indicates the interaction between Khorasan with the most important neighboring cultural centers in the early Bronze Age Near East, includ-ing the culture of Kerman in South East as well as Balkh-Merv in Central Asia. It seems that some designs under study are considered a common symbol of the men-tioned cultures and has probably been portrayed in iconography of the work in Shahrak Firouzeh site during a comprehensive ideological process.

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In many myths around the world, there are some mythological creatures called hybrids. They are combined body parts of two or more natural species. Some hybrids have been used as protomes of ivory rhyta found in the ancient city of Nisa, the first Parthian capital. Majority of the hybrids in the corpus of rhytons, can be classified into three categories. The first category is Leogryphs: creatures combined from lion and eagle which are very popular in Achaemenid art motifs. The second category is Bull-men which are half man-half bull creatures. Third category is Centaurs: half man-half horse creatures which are well known in Greek myths. All three categories represent new looks among Iranian ancient popular motifs. The present study uses historical-descriptive research method and benefits the comparative mythology approach. A library research method is adopted for the study. This paper discusses the role of Iranian and Greek mythologies in composing Nisa hybrids as art motifs and their equivalent related symbols and meanings. The study attempts to answer two questions: Which myths have impressed the iconography of rhyta’ s hybrids? What are the equivalent concepts of their representation? The results indicate that Centaur is retrieved from Greek mythology, Bull-Man is affected by both Iranian and Greek myths and Leogryph offers a direct reference to the Achaemenid models. Concepts implicated by these motifs are fertility, immortality, heroism and creating civilization, all connected to the manner the rhyta were used. Considering Nisa hybrids as cultural phenomenon, a real background of Parthian ideological believing system can be realized which was entering into a new chapter due to cultural synthesis besides returning to Iranian traditions.

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Notable in the assemblage of small finds from Valiran are seven coins recovered in the Parthian cemetery and eight others coming from the Sasanian structure at the site. Since the Parthian and Sasanian coins bear assorted inscriptions and representations, their examination may furnish indispensable information on royal names and their portraits, the minting places, titles and honorifics, religion, and generally lead to a purified chronology. The present work represents a qualitative study relying on field excavations and library research and also benefits from the knowledge of ancient languages in order to find answers to such questions as: In the reigns of which Parthian and Sasanian kings did the Parthian cemetery and the Sasanian fort were in use, and for how long? And, what are the characteristics and stylistic attributions of the discovered coinage? The results of the numismatic analysis show that the Parthians used the Veliran cemetery to bury their dead for about a century, spanning the reigns of Mithridates II and Orodes I, and after a hiatus of some 500 years, the Sasanians settled the site in the times of Khosrow I by constructing there a fort.

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Southwestern of Lorestan province that known as Tarhan, is one of the most important areas in the aspect of Sassanian and early Islamic archaeology studies. Chaartaqi of Tamer khow located in this ancient reign. This Chahartaq located in Kohnani district in Southwest lorestan province in 20 Km north of Sassanian sites in behind of Seymareh dam. This is a part of a larger site called Chia Kalek-i-Tamer khaw. Like other Sassanian fire-temples in western Iran, was built with stone and mortar. The study carried out in this building shows that this Chahartaqi is the main part of a larger building with four stone piers, Corridors, firebox platform, and courtyard. There were also some rooms in the south of mound that would be related to the Chahartaqi. This feature shows that Tamer Khow’ s Chahartaqi has been a fire temple. In this article according to the archeological evidence, we will attempt to analyze the architectural features, and compare it with other Sassanian fire temples. The main goal of this article is to answers the questions about the date of built fire-temple, rank and its similarities to other Sassanian fire-temples. The result shows that Tamer Khow Firtempele was built in late Sassanian era and have been worshiped in it the Adooran fire (local fire). In terms of the plan and architectural spaces, it has the most similarity to Ghale-e-kahzade in Romeshgan. Nevertheless, it has similarities to some of the fire-temples in western Iran such as Shian, Mil-i-Milagah and Chin jiayah. In terms of the plan and architectural spaces, it has the most similarity to Ghale kahzade-i-Romeshgan.

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One of the prominent monument in the Bistoon monuments collection is a building called the Ilkhanid Inn, built on the walls of a semi-complete Sassanid palace. During the Ilkhanid era, it was converted in to Inn and after a short time, was once demolished and abandoned, one of the most Controversial issues in its historical life. During the last periods of the Islamic era, especially During the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, construction on the ruins Inn was carried out, which caused considerable damage to its main foundation and made it different to identify the demolition factors. In such as approach it is necessary to study the factors and causes of the demolition of this monument. therefore, the main purpose of the present study is to analyze how the building was demolished. This research attempts to used historical analytical method based on evidence and historical texts through historian’ s descriptions of historical earthquakes while carefully studying the architectural stricture of the Bistoon Ilkhanid monument which after several chapters of German and Iranian archaeological excavations, done to discuss its historical life. Now the question is raised: what was the reason for the destruction and abandonment of the Bistoon Ilkhanid Inn? According to archaeological evidence of type of roof fall and bodies buried beneath the debris, it is assumed that the archaeological Inn was destroyed and abandoned by the earthquake. This hypothesis can be substantiated by the placement of the Bistoon in the vicinity of the Central Zagros High-Risk Fault complex and the large seismicity of it, which has historically damaged many buildings. Some historical texts also point this. This result of research indicates that due to numerous earthquakes, various era as of Kermanshah and various buildings such as the Anahi Temple at Kangavar and the Bistoon Ilkhanid Inn have been demolished and their architectural patterns deformed, so that even sometimes its population has fluctuated.

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Less historical sites can be found in Islamic lands without incised through slip wares. This type due to the variety of its designs, motifs and comparative ease of the production, has been manufactured and used in the important Islamic pottery centers specially during fourth till seventh centuries of Hijri. This is why Researchers call it as “ Traditional Pottery of Islamic Lands” . Researchers confess that Throughout the Islamic territory, either based on its variety the technique and Motifs and its quantity is unique in Iran. while the classifications are ineffective and are not based on scientific information so the present research tries to reconsider the method of construction and decorating this type of pottery on the one hand and the findings of the exploration of the sites and important centers for the production of pottery in Iran in other hands, suggests some classification, and comprehensive dating of this type based on ways of making this type of pottery, Studies have been conducted on this type in Iran how it can stablish a scientific manner and the interoperability for all pottery pieces and sherds in different sites. This research has been done in this field through the collecting of information in different Libraries and comparison and identification of the findings in Archaeological sites which related to this field. The research questions include: What classification can be considered for the type of Incised through slip ware (Sgraffiato) that can cover all the samples obtained from this type of pottery throughout Iran? Or in which centuries this type produced more or for how long has it been produced in Iran? The present study was conducted through collecting information via library and field studies of findings in this field. The results of this research indicate that the classification with regard to technical and decorative properties together can be the most comprehensive classification possible, and in this regard, three general decorative styles Introduced: Incised through slip with a few sub-styles, Champlevé , and combination style. Also, unlike the opinion of most researchers whom consider time of making this pottery is limited to the 4th-7th centuries A. H, now we know that this type of pottery was produced in Iran at least until the Safavid period.

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The present study based on classical texts concentrates on the frontier region separating Fars from Kerman during Islamic periods. The two major nearby administrative centers in this region were Rudan (Rafsanjan) and Shahr-e Babak on the eastern and western side of the mountain that forms a natural barrier separating these two state. The lower height of the northern part of this mountain create the only natural path, which at least from the early Islamic period had been the connecting corridor between the two states of Fars and Kerman. The path was One of the important attributes of the region its cities, and caused it to be mentioned in many geographical texts of the Islamic period. However, following the establishment of the national government by the Safavid dynasty and the diminishing and changing of the interstate borders, the path lost its importance. This situation has caused the administrations of Rafsanjan and Shahr-e Babak to undergo many changes and with the strengthening of one of these two states, the other would be annexed to it. On account of geographical sources, the most important city center in the area was Rudan, the location of which is unclear. There were also about ten other cities that we have little information about, and in many cases their exact location is unknown. This studies attempts to locate the missing cities in the region based on the textual and archaeological sources by regarding Shahr-e Babak as a Rostaq and Rudan as a Nahiya that belongs Fars and Kerman states respectively. The evidence in written source shows how awareness of geographical infrastructures and their potential let to the prosperity of a region that ensured security on the border of the tow important provinces of Fars and Kerman.

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Kermā nshā h has built on the border of natural frontier of Irā nʼ s plateau, on a plain of central Zagros. It has been at the center of human community attention, because of its geographical situation and biologic circumferential, from the Paleolithic period till now. The geographical situation and its settlement at the political and natural borders, has caused its military importance. This case rise from Safavid and after Iran and Ottomanʼ s continually challenges and has continued after establishment of Irā nʼ s west frontier. Historical documents represent that after rise the quarrels between these two countries and for the purpose of providing western front equipment in the age of Afshā rid, Kermā nshā h became one of the Nā derʼ s military centers and a fort has been established. This fort is in the category of few forts which have been made on the plain and Star-Shaped plan has been used in its design and building and makes it to be comparable with the European ones. Its complete desolation has happened by fort demolition in the uproar of organizing Zandyeʼ s governorship, deployment of city space and changing the Qara suʼ s riverbed. This text tries to find the reasons of building fort by Nā der Shā h, architecture, and its armaments output as the artillery of western front and its desolation after being the opposition house, by reliance on existent witness and documents. The questions of search are: First, whether the Qale Kohne has been a military fort and the center of producing the army armaments? And; whether the architecture structure that is comparable with the European ones can explain its output? The answers are propounded as theories replying on armaments output and continuity presentation of western architecture elements after Safavid. This search has been done in the method of descriptive-analytic and historical and while studying the text and documents, the aerial images and the accidental discoveries.

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