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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Reducing the complications of wounds and speeding up the wound healing process are among the topics of research in the field of surgery science. There is genral interest in identifying efficient and cost-effective medicines, particularly herbal products. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Mamisa plant (Khashkhash Bahri) on wound healing and to compare the effects with that of tetracycline in adult male rats. 30 male albino rats were randomly divided into three groups of 10 rats. After wounding the rats in a similar condition, the effects of Mamisa plant and tetracycline ointment on healing noninfectious wounds were examined. Accordingly, a control group was also considered. After seven and fourteen days of treatment the trend of wound healing process was examined in the dermis and epidermis layers of all groups. Compared with the control, the herbal treated group showed a significant healing (p < 0. 05). Based on the obtained results, it seems that the hydro alcoholic extract from Mamisa plant, its alkaloid and flavonoids compounds speed up the wound healing in the dermis and epidermis layers.

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Iran is one of the richest sources of medicinal plants in the world with high variability in habitat conditions for a variety of these plants. Therefore, in this study tries to kinship and genetic distance between populations is assessed cumin. A total of five population of cumin were collected and then were analyzed using 10 RAPD primers and 10 ISSR primers. To analysis of data will be used NTsys pc2. 1, GenAlex6. 501 and Popgene32 software. The RAPD primers gave 182 Amplified bands that TIBMBC03 primer had the highest bands (24), marker index (12. 15) and diversity index (0. 5) and The ISSR primers gave 135 Amplified bands that UBC809 primer had the highest bands (18), marker index (7. 56) and diversity index (0. 47). In RAPD marker, the highest Nei diversity (0. 32) and Shanoon diversity (0. 333) was belong to cumin of Sabzvar and also in ISSR marker the highest Nei diversity (0. 18) and Shanoon diversity (0. 27) was belong to cumin of Sabzvar. According to RAPD marker, the lowest value of similarity (0. 114) between Sabzvar and Kashan Cumin and also in ISSR primer, the lowest value of similarity was observed (0. 085) between Sabzvar and Kashan Cumin. Moreover, according to both ISSR and RAPD analysis, the lowest genetic similarity was 0. 117 between Sabzvar and Kashan Cumin. The results of this study showed that Sabzevar cumin is recommended as a center of plant diversity on the basis of studied populations and the farthest population to earliest possible crosses and create a variety of genetic diversity were cumin of Sabzevar and Kashan.

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Aziz Khajeh a. | Dorani e.

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Because of the importance of tomato in the human diet, a reproducible in vitro regeneration system with commercial applications is necessary for its genetic transformation. Active cellular division at the time of inoculation of plant tissues by Agrobacterium, has a crucial role in plant transformation efficiency. To achieving this purpose, the effects of an auxin pretreatment, flowed with other plant growth regulator treatments on tomato organogenesis was investigated. Cotyledon and hypocotyl explants were prepared from seven day seedlings and were placed on MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0. 6% agar and different concentrations of IAA, NAA and BAP. Pretreatment of explants with 2, 4-D had no effect on plant regeneration; but lead to callus formation. Calli didn’ t produce shoot in other mediums. The highest percentage of regeneration was observed in Cherry cultivar in mediums containing BAP (3 or 1. 5 mg/l) + 0. 1 mg/l IAA. The highest shoot formation was noted in cotyledon explants of Cherry tomato in MS mediums supplemented with 3 or 1. 5 mg/l BAP + 0. 1 mg/l IAA. Rooting of shoots was done in medium containing 2 mg/l IBA.

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Rosa damascenes Mill. is a most important aromatic plant that it has pharmacies properties'. In this research regeneration of 18 different accessions was studied for genetic diversity production. Callus induction was achieved on leaf, petiole, stipule and filament sections of these accessions. Culture of explants was done on semi solid MS medium supplemented with growth regulator(s) in different concentrations of 2, 4-D, IBA, NAA, PCPA, Kinetin and BAP. Total callus induction about each accession was measured and these data were analyzed at randomized complete design by using of SPSS software (2006). Averages were compared by Duncan's multiple rang test. Genotypes showed significant differences (P<0. 01) for callus induction. Also, lowest and highest callus induction was observed repeatedly in genotypes of Azerbaijan ( western and eastern) and Isfahan 6 that last, cultured on MS medium contained 1 mg/l Kinetin and 5 mg/l PCPA. The media such as B5, DKW and MS with different ranges of growth regulators were used for regeneration. Within 18 accessions, regeneration of callus was done at stem explants of Isfahan 4 accession in MS medium with 3mg/l BA. The results emphasized on genotype, kind of explants and concentration of growth regulators as key factors in regeneration of Rosa damascene and optimal application of these factors was necessary for soma clonal variation followed by organogenesis and regeneration from callus.

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Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) is a perennial grass that is used for pastures and hay production. Genetic variation for 15 ecotype were surveyed using the number of 20 ISSR primers, that the number of 12 primers can be scored. The ISSR primers can be produced the number of 90 bands, which the polymorphism was showed for the number of 67 bands. The primer of IS5 showed the highest number of band (12 bands) and IS7, IS12, IS10 and IS15 showed the lowest number of band (5 bands). The average of polymorphism percentage and polymorphism information content (PIC) between populations was 75. 45% and 0. 33 respectively. The highest polymorphism information content (PIC) was belonged to IS9 and IS10. Classification of cluster analysis showed that the ecotype were divided into 4 groups and the genetic diversity of the ecotype not matching with the geographical diversity, also the results of grouping by using analysis of coordinate analysis (PCo) were confirmed.

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Probiotics are live microorganisms, that their usage in host, strengthen and balance the intestinal microflora and have beneficial effects on host health as well. Lactobacillus are the most common type of probiotic microorganisms, which Lactobacillus plantarum is one of the most important of these bacteria. Reduction of intestinal infection and gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases risk, and immune stimulating efficacy are believed provieded by consumption of Lactobacillus plantarum containing food products. The purpose of this research is identification the probable presence of bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum in apple vinegar using molecular and biochemical methods. Microorganisms were isolated from apple vinegar and some biochemical characteristics such as fermentation of sugars, and extracellular catalase and oxidase enzymes activity, were studied. Molecular identification of strains was performed by specific primer. Their probiotic properties, as ability to grow in different pH and bile salt concentrations, were examined. Of eight microorganisms, isolated from apple vinegar, three strains presented specific band by Lactobacillus plantarum specific primers. These bacteria, were gram-positive and catalase and oxidase-negative. These strains grew pretty well in acidic and bile environments. The results showed that apple vinegar could be a good source for isolation of Lactobacillus plantarum.

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FTO gene is a transcription factor in genes associated with synthesize of lipids. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between polymorphism in fourth and ninth exons of FTO gene with carcass traits. To do that, 97 male cross lambs (Afshari × Booroola Merino) of almost the same age were used. Blood samples were taken from all animals for DNA extraction and blood parameters were measured. Primers pairs for fourth exon and ninth exon were designed based on DNA sequences available for cow; the lengths of the target DNA were 518 and 468 bp respectively. Polymorphism in this area was identified using amplification of target DNA by PCR. Conformational differences were studied by denaturation and monitoring of the PCR products using SSCP technique and loading on 10 % acrylamide gel. In the fourth exon, three genotypes namely AB, AA and AC and in the ninth exon area two genotypes, DD and DE were observed. There was no significance difference observed between these genotypes in terms of carcass traits and blood parameters. Although in other species except sheep there is a relationship between allel of this gene and fat and obesity traits but was not found any relationship in studied area of this gene with fat traits, birth weight and weight before slaughter in sheep. However, to have a better conclusion about this gene and it’ s relation with fat content of carcass in sheep further study with large number of samples and on other parts of this gene is necessary.

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Rosmarinic acid (RA) is a valuable medicinal compound which can be produce through the phenilpropanoid biosynthesis pathway. In this research, RA accumulations, flavonoid content and TAT gene expression were analyzed in 30 days old Lemon balm seedlings which treated with different concentrations of CuO nanoparticles for 8 hours. RA contents were significantly evaluated in treated seedlings with all nano particles concentrations in compared to the control. The most content of this matter was seen in the treated seedlings with the lowest nanoparticles and decreased by increasing nano particles in media. Interestingly, the TAT gene expression showed the similar pattern as seen for RA content. The total flavonoid content gradually increased up 1000 mg/L concentration and significantly decreased at the highest concentration rater to 1000 mg/L. Based on the results, it seems the nanoparticle affected flavonoid and RA contents through effect on the genes expression which involve in phenolic compound biosynthesis pathway.

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex childhood neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by deficits in verbal and non-verbal communication, reciprocal social interactions, stereotypic behaviors, interests, and activities. During emberyonic brain development, Reelin provides signal for proper migration of newly generated postmitotic neurons. Since the Reelin plays a crucial role in these migratory processes. Therefore, reelin gene is considered as a potential candidate gene for autism. In this study, we aimed to investigate the probable association of this polymorphisms with autism spectrum disorder in Iranian-Azeri population. In this Case-control study, we recruited 74 patients with Autism spectrum disorder and 88 healthy controls. Genomic DNA isolated from blood leukocytes by the proteinase K and salting out method. SNP genotyping was carried out by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. The collected data were analyzed through javastat online statistics software, using Chi-square (v2), with a significance level of 0. 05. The allele and genotype frequencies did not show significant difference between cases and controls (p>0. 05). Therefore, this SNPs could not be used as a useful molecular biomarker to predict genetic susceptibility for autism spectrum disorder in Iranian-Azeri patients.

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Thermolysin-like proteases (TLPs) belong to subset of Zn-metalloproteases superfamily. The family includes a zinc ion which plays a critival role in the function of enzyme and some different calcium ions to improve stability of the structure. The enzyme function of this family depends on specific conformational motions of active site. The active site in this family is located between N-terminal and C-terminal domain and it has been proposed that TLPs endure a hinge-bending motion during catalysis resulting in “ closure” and “ opening” of the active-site cleft and raise the probability of structural changes during catalytic process. In this study, the activity of thermolysin compared with elastase achieved from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated and structural changes of the enzymes were investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The results disclosed that, on one hand-due to reduced hinge-angle-thermolysin tends to greater affinity to the substrate, however, the open mouth of active site represents more freedom of movements of catalytic residues in elastase and therefore catalytic rate constant (kcat) is higher. In general, catalytic efficiency of two enzymes does not reveal much difference at 60 ° C.

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Nanoscale science and technology is production of structures with nanoscale dimensions and utilization of their properties in modern tools and systems. The nanoparticles produced by biomedical sciences are used in medicine, optics, electronics and mechanics. In this study the antimicrobial and antifungal effects of silver nanoparticles from aerial parts of sesame were studied by diffusion disc and well methods. Spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 300 to 600 nm and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to verify the production of silver nanoparticles and to measure size and shape of the nanoparticles, respectively. Produced silver nanoparticles were spherical in the range of 18 to 70 nm. FTIR was done to indicate the potential role of different functional groups in the synthetic process. Based on the results of this study, nanoparticles produced by aqueous extract of sesame showed effective antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and pathogenic fungi, Candida albicans. Therefore useless organs of sesame can be used as a biological source for the synthesis of nanoparticles in an industrial scale with a very low cost.

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One of the first effects of various stresses, is related Changes in gene expression. So, study of the effect of stress on gene expression is of special importance. The analysis of gene expression requires precise, and reproducible measurements for quantitative or semi-quantitative mRNA level. For normalization of the data, the selection of suitable internal control (reference or housekeeping) genes, whose expression do not fluctuate during treatments is important. The GAPDH and EF1α genes are used as reference genes in many studies. In this study, the expression of two reference genes under spermine (0 and 0. 1 mM) pretreatment, salinity (0 and 80 mM NaCl), and the stability of their expression in leaves and roots of pumpkin were investigated. Study of the reference genes expression showed that, the expression of GAPDH gene varied in both different organs and under salinity stress and spm application, but EF1α gene has more stable expression than GAPDH gene in the roots and leaves. Therefore, the results of this study suggests that GAPDH plays an important role in salt stress tolerance in pumpkin, and also EF1α , can be used as suitable reference gene for normalization of gene expression analysis in pumpkin under salinity stress.

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