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The aim of this study is to optimize the allocation of water resources in Chah-nimeh Sistan reservoirs under three management scenarios using the metamorphic techniques of the Ant Community. The results of the research show that the best value of the objective function (maximizing water supply) was 5. 82 million cubic meters using the algorithm. Also, in the early years, the optimum release rate of ant anchor algorithm 21 and the demand was 3. 98 million cubic meters that there were 3. 77 million cubic meters of lack of supply. The function of Ant's algorithm is closer to the optimal objective function in the second pipeline scenario for drinking water in Zahedan. According to the final results, the average values of the objective function were 100. 0593 in the scenario of fixing the microspheres, hence, the release from agricultural sector, after a while, would not be possible. The results of development scenario of area under cultivation based on Horizon 1404 indicate that demand was low at the beginning of the period and it gradually increased with agricultural development in the region. Therefore, it has been suggested that it will be possible to overcome the recent difficulties and droughts with the extension of Iran's right of Afghanistan

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Artificial Neural Network, Theis type curve, Principal component analysis (PCA), Sugeno fuzzy logic, confined aquifer

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Seawater intrusion is a transient process, but the transient behavior of this phenomenon has received less attention due to human limitations to acquire numerical and experimental results. The influence of decreasing and increasing of the freshwater head on the saltwater wedge and the mixing zone movement was simulated using SUTRA code. To acquire and analysis simulated resulting, automated algorithm was planned in MATLAB. In order to more study the saltwater movement, changes in the three indicators of wedge toe length, wedge area and wedge height were measured over the time. The results demonstrated that the wedge area behavior is similar to the wedge toe length under transient condition. In the case of seawater intrusion, the wedge height reaches the steady state conditions sooner than the two other indicators, while in the retreating case, all the three indicators are stopped almost together. Also, the results showed that the mixing zone expanded at the primary stages of the retreating, but whit passage of time condensed again until it finally reaches its original state at the beginning of the intruding case. Sensitivity analyzes demonstrated that the rate of seawater intrusion and retreat does not affect the mixing zone thickness in the steady condition.

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The estimation of evapotranspiration is one of the most important parameters in irrigation planning. In this research, drainage lysimeter data and three single-source energy balance, SEBAL, METRIC and SSEB and a two source energy balance algorithm, TSEB have been evaluated. Satellite imageries of MODIS, ETM + sensors were used in the years 1379-1382 according to the lysimeter data loading and OLI & TIRS sensor images in 1392-1395. It should be noted that, the mismatching of the OLI & TIRS images timing with the lysimeter data timing, cause to try to evaluate the results of OLI images with Hargreaves Sarmari equation as a superior experimental method. According to the statistical indices, the results obtained from single-source algorithms showed that the SSEB algorithm with the lowest root mean square error in MODIS, ETM + and OLI & TIRS (RMSE = 0. 87, 0. 41 and 0. 92 mm per day), and a large correlation It was introduced with lysimeter data as the best method in this area (R = 0. 97, 0. 99, 0. 96). Among the sensors examined, ETM +, OLI & TIRS sensitivity is high on the two sensors, but the ETM + sensor also has better results.

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Chitsazan Manuchehr | Eilbeigy Mehdi | Mohammad Rezapour Tabari Mahmood

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Nitrate is one of the most significant pollutants that most aquifers, including the Karaj aquifer, have suffered from it. Because the conventional method to investigate the hydrogeochemical processes in the aquifer is graphical ones, in order to evaluate the pollution of nitrate in the qualitative data of 86 wells in Karaj aquifer in 2013, the multivariate statistical methods has been carried out as a complementary method for understanding the factors affecting groundwater quality, pollution identification and classification of similar samples. In this regard, XLSTAT software is used to study the pollution of nitrate and its relationship to other chemical parameters of water, and the factors influencing it. The statistical analysis indicates that hierarchal clustering has led to the extraction of three clusters. The second and the third cluster samples have a higher concentration of nitrate than the first one. The results, based on the principal components analysis (PCA), also show that the nitrate parameter has the highest correlation with chlorine and the least adaptation with sodium and sulfate. On the other hand, based on the varimax rotation, the main components were summed up to two components. The first one is a geogenic factor, which is due to the effect of the material that forms aquifer and second is an anthropogenic factor that is due to human actions, especially sewage.

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Water quality is one of the most important factors that should be considered when evaluating the development of a region. Underground waters play an important role in the present and future functions and position of Shush country. The quality of the groundwater resources of the study area has not been evaluated so far, thus this study evaluated the groundwater resources quality of Shush country-Khuzestan province. In this study sodium, chloride, sulfate, total soluble solids, acidity, magnesium and calcium as parameters of the resources quality index contained in the World Health Organization's (WHO) guidebook were evaluated. For this purpose, after normalizing the data and plotting of variograms, spatial distribution map of these parameters were provided using Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) methods and the results of these methods were compared. The results showed that in all parameters the accuracy of the Kriging method was highest. In the next step, the prepared maps were combined and the groundwater quality map of the study area was prepared based on water quality standards for drinking (WHO). The results showed that 23. 67% of the groundwater in the study area was at the optimum level and 15. 29% had a quality level for drinking.

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The limitation of the use of fossil fuels, increasing environmental concerns caused by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels, growth in population and energy consumption, power losses, low efficiency of thermal power plants as the issues that improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable resources. Thus, the water and wastewater industry has the potential of renewable energy due to the availability of facilities such as water pipelines and underground reservoirs, which this issue not only provides the possibility of the construction of renewable power plants, but also it is a good alternative to fossil fuels for reasons such as the lack of renewable energy, low cost of production, exploitation of minimum water potential, less social and environmental problems in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the number of distributed generation of small scale. The losses in power distribution networks as one of the key parameters in energy efficiency, the importance of water and wastewater industry as a great potential for the distributed generation shows. In this paper, the potential of the water and wastewater industry for the distributed generation of clean energy with an emphasis on the benefits of micro-hydropower systems in this industry has been investigated for Tehran.

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Drought is a complex danger. Therefore, the study and prediction of climate change could have a significant role in the management and planning. In this study, at first rainfall and temperature data were obtained daily from the period of 1985-2010 from eight selected stations in the region. The indices during the observation period with SPEI and SPI indexes was calculated using statistical methods and their zoning map was drawn. In this study, GCM data and HADCM3 model under two scenarios A2 and B1 were used for prediction of drought. Then, the GCM large-scale data were downscaled using three methods including SDSM, LARS-WG and artificial neural networks. The results of statistical measures of performance evaluation showed that the ability the ANN model to simulate rainfall is relatively more acceptable than other models. The results of the Man-Kendall statistics for drought indexes show that the predicted values by the LARS-WG model for the SPI and SPEI indexes are consistently more negatively correlated. This can be deduced by observing the zoning map of drought indicators in Khuzestan province that in the coming periods, the mean values of the two indices have always dropped but did not change significantly in terms of spatial.

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It is very important to predicte and modifed the groundwater levels in the future period and the possibility of water resources planning and management to improve aquifer conditions. In this study, for the first time, used election algorithm to predicted groundwater level in the Miandoab plain. EA algorithm is a repeat algorithm inspired by presidential election and working with a set of khown solutions as a population. Also the results were compared of ANN and Genetic algorithm. Water table level data such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, evaporation and water surface data for the 2005-2015 period was used as our data in this study. Based on the calculations performed and the results predicted from the statistical parameters, the election algorithm has a significant ability in the groundwater level with RMSE, R2 and NSE, 0. 027, 0. 93 and 0. 74, respectively, in comparison to ANN method and GA algorithm and provides reliable results.

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Groundwater vulnerability assessment plays a key role in the conservation and proper usage of these strategic resources. Various methods have been proposed to assess the vulnerability and the most common is the DRASTIC model. The DRASTIC model consists of seven hydrogeologic factors to compute for the vulnerability index. The main problem with this method is fixed rates and weights related to each parameters in this model. So the main purpose of this research is to modify primary DRASTIC model by Single Parameter Sensitivity Analysis (SPSA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and finally to produce vulnerability map in GIS environmental software. Yasuj plain located in southwest of Iran is chosen as a study area. Nitrate concentration related to 24 wells are used to compare which method make better prediction based on real pollution in study area. Finally SPSA method has shown the best correlation with sample Nitrate, by specifying more suitable weight for DRASTIC parameters in each polygon. Also AHP method has assigned new weights to each parameters based on the importance and better result was achieved compare with basic DRASTIC. These results can be used to map groundwater susceptibility to pollution.

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Urmia Lake, as a hyper saline and very shallow lake, located in the northwest of Iran, has had reduced water level of about 40 centimeters each year over the past two decades and is drying, which this problem has led to social and environmental consequences. In this research, the indexes of environmental and agricultural sustainability were evaluated using performance criteria influenced by climate change and water management strategies for the Zerrinehrud and Siminehrud river basins as the largest sub-basin of Urmia Lake Basin. Modeling of hydrologic behavior of these basins was performed by WEAP21 model. The LARS-WG downscaling model was used to simulate climate change. Then the model was analyzed for three future emission scenarios (A2, A1B and B1), for the period 2015-2040, and five water management scenarios: (1) keeping the existing situation (S0), (2) crop pattern change (S1), (3) improving the conveyance and distribution efficiency (S2), (4) combining the improvement of conveyance and distribution efficiency with improving the application efficiency using modern technology (S3), and (5) the combination of crop pattern change with the improvement of total irrigation efficiency (S4). The results showed that the highest values of indices of environmental sustainability and agricultural sustainability were related to the scenario of combining the crop pattern change with improving the total irrigation efficiency under the B1 emission scenario (B1S4). In this scenario, the average annual flow of water entering the Urmia Lake from Zarrinehrud and Siminehrud river basins will be equal to 1292 and 351 MCM per year, and as a result, the environmental flow requirements of the lake will be supplied from these basins.

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Making the optimal decision to prioritize the operation in watershed management projects is to reduce the risk of flooding due to the impact of various parameters, complex and, of course, important. The game theory has a high performance in making the optimal decision to solve multi-objective problems. In this study, this method was used to prioritize on the watershed of the flood risk in the Sezar watershed. By using two Borda algorithms and bargaining in game theory, the most effective parameters in all sub-watersheds and the most critical sub-watersheds were identified. By implementing the Borda scoring method, residential parameters with 93. 5, drainage density of 91 and average slope, and the shape of the sub area with a score of 90. 5, and hence the implementation of the bargaining algorithm, the most effective parameters in the competition between the 12 parameters in all sub-watersheds, Moderate slope parameters, length of the main waterways and rangelands were used. According to the principles governing this method, the selection of these parameters is based on the running of all players in all fields. In fact, the three parameters mentioned above are faster in all sub-watersheds, and the number 16 is the number Subways have arrived. Finally, the Sezar watershed Prioritization Plans are presented with both methods, which are in the first place under the Borda method, under the domains I, N, G, P and O, and in the bargaining chamber, G, H, N, I and F are in the first place.

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There is groundwater flow exchange between coastal aquifers and water bodies such as the sea, lake or gulf, in nature and this exchange can be of great importance with respect to the characteristics of the water body. The Bandar-e-Gaz coastal aquifer is located in the Gorgan Gulf region in northern Iran, and the Gorgan Gulf area has a very high ecological and environmental importance due to its specific conditions. In this study, the exchange of groundwater flow between the coastal aquifer of Bandar-e-Gaz and Gorgan gulf was simulated using the GMS mathematical model during the 24-month period. The results show that during the low flow periods, the sea water level and groundwater outflow from Bandar-e-Gaz aqufer to Gorgan gulf reach to its maximum (-26. 37 m) and minimum (1331939 cubic meter per month) respectively, while in high flow periods there are reverse pattern. Moreover, consideration of time series of studied observed and estimated variables shows that the range of changes of groundwater outflow from the coastal aquifer is much higher than changes of sea water level. Based on the simulation results, it can be concluded that a hydraulic gradient under the influence of relatively limited changes of sea water level can have a completely significant effect on the change in groundwater outflow from Bandar-e-Gaz aqufer to Gorgan gulf.

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In this study, to investigate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater of Seydan-Farooq plain, chemical analysis results of twelve wells in 2016 were used. According to the spatial distribution maps of chemical parameters, groundwater quality diminishes from North-West to South-East. The study of geological formations shows that groundwater quality is suitable in the vicinity of recharging formations of aquifer which are mainly carbonate rocks and it decreases towards the outlet of the plain and next to Kajdomi Formations as well as clay-marl sediments. Stiff diagram shows that the predominant water type in aquifer is calcic-bicarbonate. However, in some wells such as wells no. 4 and 6, chlorine anion is predominant. Piper diagram of Seydan-Farooq plain indicates that five hydrogeochemical facies with predominant bicarbonate and calcium constituents. Gibbs diagram reveals that rock-water interaction process is the main source of ions and change in chemical quality of groundwater in the studied plain. Also, geochemical ion ratios were used to determine the source of salts and ions in the aquifer. Geochemical diagrams confirm that the rock-water interaction is an active process in the studied aquifer also shows that the dissolution of clay-marl sediments, ion exchange process and in some area human activities affect the groundwater quality in Seydan-Farooq plain. Since there is no linear pattern in any of the scatter plots and the samples are distributed in two areas, it can be concluded that there are at least two aquifer recharge sources.

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Long-term groundwater monitoring networks can provide essential information for planning and management water resources. Budget constraints in water resource management agencies often mean a reduction in the number of observation wells included in a monitoring network. Due to economic considerations and reducing monitoring costs, the optimization approach in this study is to reduce the monitoring stations. In the present study, genetic algorithm was used to designing optimal water level monitoring network. The aim of optimization to determine an optimal combination (reduced) from the main network was well observed, so that the possibility of measurement error smallest and least loss of data and provide the best distribution of wells. Using the genetic algorithm, the groundwater monitoring network of the region was optimized. Using the genetic algorithm, the groundwater monitoring network of the region was optimized. In Koohdasht Plain, among of 15 observation wells, 13 wells observations had data. in order to do this research, the data for 36 consecutive months, namely, data from 1392 to 1394 were used. Using the genetic algorithm, the groundwater monitoring network was redesigned and selected wells were selected from potential points. finally, 28 wells had the lowest RMSE of 0. 113 and had the best distribution. Location of wells obtained by a number of existing wells was near. The results obtained with the criteria of the quantity of groundwater monitoring network design, which corresponded to show the effectiveness of this approach.

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Distinguishing the type of agricultural production usingfor optimal water resource management the Remote Sensing, despite the low availability of direct access to agricultural land, would significantly reduce costs in the agricultural area. However, agricultural classification is not very accurate due to the high similarity of different products using one image of multi-spectral. One of the ways to dominate this problem is to use the data time series of the satellite. The purpose of this study is to increase the precision of agricultural product separation by using time series data. In this study after the process of optical data, various vegetation indices, as well as albedo and surface temperature of the optical time series data were calculated and using the TIMESAT model, the key phonological parameters of the plant were extracted in part of the Miandoab plain. Given the availability of ground truth data and, vegetation status such as distribution and vegetation characteristics were examined. Then, using all of these features, a map of agricultural products was created using the support vector machine classification algorithm. The support vector machine classification algorithm is due to the high flexibility of this algorithm for different situations and purposes with a total accuracy of 92% and a kappa of 0. 91 if the classification process involves the combination of bands, vegetation indices GNDVI and the ALBEDO, LST index, made the most careful distinction between crops.

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Evapotranspiration is one of the main components of the water balance in each region and also one of the key factors for proper planning and improving water efficiency in Faryab lands. Due to covering large areas, satellite images have better application for regional studies than weather station data to overcome the spatial constraints of Point method. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to estimate the actual evapotranspiration of Urmia lake watershed using the SEBS remote sensing and AVHR sensor images. First, 248 images were obtained from AVHR sensor and NOVAA satellite and after the investigating of non-cloudiness are used in the period of 1998-2009. In order to making the estimation of evaporation more accurate, the case study divided into three parts: Saqes, Urmia, and Tabriz. Actual evaporation has been calculated accompanied with the agricultural land use maps and compared with the pure irrigation requirement of the area. By calculating the evaluation indices of the model for Tabriz plain, RMSE and coefficient of determination were 10. 89 and 0. 79 respectively. The results showed that the trend of evapotranspiration changes has consistency with the pure irrigation requirement and the SEBS model has a good accuracy in the estimating of actual evapotranspiration for agricultural lands in different parts of the Urmia lake watershed

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Evaporation is a process that changes fluid from liquid to gas. Evaporation rates from free surfaces depend on factors such as temperature, wind speed, water depth and vapor pressure. A detailed study of the information received from the Meteorological Office of Zahak concluded that the factors of temperature and wind speed in this region were the most influential factors, and interestingly, the main factor was the high wind speed. There are several methods to deal with the phenomenon of evaporation, which include the use of physical covering and wind speed. According to previous research, the best attraction of sunlight is to produce the highest Efficiency power in the northern hemisphere to the south. The use of solar panels is considered simultaneously as a physical covering to reducing evaporation and high-energy production. In this paper, priority is given to reducing evaporation and energy production equally. The use of modeling the flow rate effected by horizontal and vertical positioning angles of solar panels was used to obtain the best evaporation reduction using the ANSYS FLUENT 16 model and determining the best horizontal and vertical angle for obtaining the best output efficiency power. The results shows that in this case of designing solar panels measuring 2. 5 × 2. 5 meters by the angles of, the horizontal angle of 0° (Northwest towards the wind direction) and the angle of inclination of 60° with the evaporative reduction of 90. 25 Percentage will be achieved. Also, the highest energy efficiency is achieved under the horizontal angle of 30 degrees (northwest towards the wind direction) and the angle of inclination is 30 degrees to 99. 45 percent. Therefore, according to the available data, the optimal possible condition is the horizontal angle of 30 degrees (northwest direction, wind direction) and the angle of inclination of 30 degrees, with a reduction of evaporation of 71. 36 percent and energy efficiency of 99. 45 percent, Relative to the ideal state.

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Monitoring network optimization in water resources, a decision-making process is available for having the best combination in between stations. The study of particle swarm algorithm or PSO algorithm were used for determination of the location and number of network observation wells. The first using the least squares support vector machine model and input parameters coordinates, evaporation, precipitation last two months, one month before groundwater table with RBF kernel function was simulated groundwater table. Then the link LSSVM models and PSO model proper location well under two scenarios were determined. In the first scenario was to determine the location of fixed piezometers 42. In the second scenario was considered as a variable number of piezometers. The results of this study showed, Given that our objective function is to minimize the difference between the observed and the simulated, in the first scenario is the least amount of difference in repeat 280 with the objective function 0. 9865. The results of the second scenario shows that the number was 28 piezometers Which represents a decrease of 55 percent compared to the initial state is the number of piezometers. In both scenarios, the distribution of points in the southern parts has increased due to the increase in the hydraulic slope and has decreased in the northern parts. In this scenario, the lowest error was repeated 338 with the aim of 0. 9145. This optimization at various stages with several stages of trial and error, show the degree of importance and superiority of the latter scenario than the first scenario.

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The negative consequences of losing water resources on human life and other biological diversity has led to requirement of the study on the reliability of basins in supplying water. Therefore, in the present research, for the first time, a risk analysis method was used to identify the vulnerability points of water resources, and provide a comprehensive index in the basin scale. Thus, the undesirable event of the basin was determined using risk analysis method called Fault Tree (FTA). Then, the factors that led to fault occurrence including natural hazards and human threats were identified through causal relationships and with the help of logical gates. The proposed model was applied to a case study in the Urmia Basin which is facing water crisis in recent years. The main risk of Lake Urmia Basin was considered as a top event in the structure of the fault tree due to the occurrence of the factors such as water quantity, water quality, ecological, social and economic failure events. Failure likelihood of the top event was calculated about 58% based on the aggregating the probabilities obtained from experts. Due to this high failure likelihood, in order to increase the confidence of the basin, the Birnbaum Index was used to determine the importance measure of the basic events. According to the results, three events of "Improper governance", "the low level of awareness of people", and ''non-release of environmental rights" had the highest contribution in the occurrence of the top event. According to result of this study, comprehensive index can be proposed as a general benchmark for the study water resources risk in other basins of Iran.

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Population growth over the last decades and consequently the need for food, have led humans to dominate more cultivated land. Inevitably, these lands require water, which can be possible by controlling the rivers water by constructing dams. Finding suitable land for agricultural purposes in a way that suitable conditions for cultivation and also water required for it can be provided by various methods such as controlling surface water (dam) and underground water (well drilling, etc. ) It has always been the attention of experts. In this study, the feasibility of suitable agricultural lands in the upstream of the Javeh dam has been investigated. Accordingly, by assuming pumping water with different heads from the pumping station in the dam reservoir, taking into account different factors (slope, head, distance and land use), the site selection has been carried out. Spatial analysis was performed using ArcGIS software. By overlapping the factor maps and weighting each one of them, the appropriate ranges are derived based on the defined factors. The results show that by increasing the head twofold, the area of the selected range is almost doubled, while by increasing the head fourfold, the area of the selected range increases about six times. It should be noted that in this study, verification of the selected areas has done by using satellite images.

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Increasing the Earth’ s temperature causes disrupting climate balance of the Earth and causes wide climate changes in most areas of the Earth which is defined as “ climate change” . Using statistical microscale models in estimation of climate fluctuations makes it possible to produce weather data in proper spatial-temporal scale. Efficiency of LARS-WG Model was studied and evaluated through using statistical parameters RMSE, R2, MAE and MBE for producing and simulating of daily data of minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation and radiation in Borujerd and its resulted changes in the future decades became clear. The results represented that the model is capable enough to produce daily data and used the model’ s output after being sure regarding model efficiency and daily data of minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation and radiation for base period (1996 – 2015) was simulated under three scenarios A1B, A2, B1. Results which are obtained from estimation of HadCM3 Model for case studies in the future periods, the average of total meteorology parameters have had increasing trend and each of these three scenarios represent this amount of increase.

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Thin films of Bismuth Vanadate (BiVO4)crystals are deposited on bare FTO substrates using hydrothermal method. The samples are annealed in a temperature range from 450 oC to 550 oC. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern of the prepared BiVO4 thin films confirms its monoclinic structure. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images determine the truncated bipyramid shape of the crystals while a significant number of crystals expose their high photoelectrochemically active facet. By controlling and optimizing parameters such as temperature, deposition time, precursor concentration, and annealing temperature, a uniform and robust BiVO4 layer is synthesized. Finally, the optimum BiVO4/FTO layer is prepared at 120 oC for at least 4 hours by using a 0. 027M BiVO4 precursor solution with a pH of 1. 2. In order to have a measurement for the application of the fabricated crystals in water treatment and Hydrogen generation, the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) measurements of samples are measured and compared. The LSV tests show a photo-response up to 70 µ A/cm2 at V=1 V (vs Ag/AgCl) for BiVO4/FTO samples annealed at temperatures higher than 500 oC. In addition, a simple model are proposed to understand the growth behavior of BiVO4 crystals under different growth conditions.

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In this paper whit thw purpose and process AHP-Fuzzy model, introduced a propr approaches to achive a location decision-making for selecting the palce of spreading operation. With consideration in this field selected three type of water sources and hydrology, geographical and socio-economic factors in level one. Based on these criteria, there are 16geograohical informational layers including: infiltration, ground water level, discharge, water quality, slope, elevation, geology, drainage density, land use, proximity to urban and rural areas, proximity to the infrastructure and roads, proximity to cultural and historical sites, due to the information industrial town is known Eshtehard collection and classification. These matters weghting by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). in order to standardization of layers of fuzzy method used in Arc GIS software enviroment. Integrated maps with WLC method usually in order to map standardizedcontained with fuzzy theory and the obtained results indicated proper areas even for flood distribution as geologically in Quaternary units (Qt3, Qal) The slope prone areas placed in 0-3 % and also the most important restiction in proper areas and extremely areasrelated to Industrial land and water for agriculture but this matter removed of the Map features. With regarding the communication of final results with land usage reveled that for 18. 46% of lands in these area they are in the first priority and 20. 04% are in the second priority to flood distribution operation which they will be the meadow Lands low density.

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Today, the quantitative and qualitative monitoring of fresh water resources in arid and semi-arid areas is one of the requirements of every management, monitoring, and monitoring system. However, the existence of many qualitative variables in international standards has led managers to consider only quantitative variables in terms of economic and temporal conditions. So, selecting this variable is important for assessment the water quality standard. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the variables that are unique and affect the pollution of Qaleh Ghazi Plain of Hormozgan by statistical methods (Principle Components Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Piper diagrams, one way ANOVA, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)) and Geostatistical. The results of cluster analysis showed that the wells are located in two clusters that can be distinguished by location. The results of PCA / FA showed that 72. 77% of the data variance was justified in two factors, and the spatial analysis using Geostatistical showed that the interaction of water-rock in factor score 1 is an evidence of the effective role of evaporative formations on plain contamination. ANOVA results also showed a significant difference between the concentrations of factor score 1 and factor score 2 in factor analysis. Accordingly, the variables EC, Cl, SO42, Mg and Na were selected for review by SEM. The results of this method confirmed the findings of statistical methods.

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