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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Vitality sense is one of our most important supports to deal with problems. Real vitality is based on this fact that human being meets the innate and hidden needs through the accepted norms of society. The main objectives of this research were: The study of relationship between the rate of social security sense and social vitality among the staff of Governor in East Azerbaijan. A survey method was used for this purpose. The statistical populations of this study are the staffs of Governor in East Azerbaijan who were 447 men and women. The sample of study includes 205 staffs that were randomly selected based on Morgan’s table. After collecting the data, the following results were obtained: There is a significant relationship between social security sense and its indexes (the mental, job security sense and social vitality). Except the age, there were no significant differences in the social vitality on the basis of gender, marital status, and employment and work experience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aims to investigate the social and political participation of citizens and its influential factors in Tabriz. Since participation in development, democracy, political development, increasing the social participation and providing grounds for inclusion of different groups in political and social fields and also the government control and responsibility of citizens are main issues, to explain the social and political participation of citizens, we used different theoretical perspectives such as symbolic interaction and structural functionalism.The results show that gender variable with 0.022, social political awareness with 0.01, membership in voluntary associations with 0.00, using the media with 0.00, social solidarity with 0.00, commitment to the religious beliefs with 0.00, social trust with 0.00, political tendencies with 0.00, meeting the needs with 0.00, social alienation with 0.00, social and economical status with 0.036 and social deprivation with 0.097 significant level have no effect on political participation. In other words, there was a significant relationship between these variables and the dependent variable, except social deprivation.The regression results indicate that the political participation of citizens was affected first by voluntary membership in associations and second by political awareness of the citizens. The findings show that the level of political awareness, in terms of the favorable conditions for the political activities of the subjects, was evaluated from moderate to high level. Due to the hierarchical nature of social and political participation variable, the results of this study show that a few number of the subjects had the lowest level of political participation, while 52% of citizens had the highest level of participation.

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Identifying the role and effect of sport, as a new social movement, on social integration in 1380s is one of the main objectives of this research. To do this, we study the effects of sport in understanding the national symbols, improving the national shares, individuals agreement, forming habitus, personality evolution, social capital etc. According to the subject, a survey method was used as basic method and a historical method as complementary method. Also, the questionnaire and library techniques have been utilized as original and complementary Techniques. To analyze the data, SPSS software was implemented in both descriptive and inferential parts. In order to count the correlation coefficient between variables, Pearson and Spearman coefficients and to recognize and anticipate the correlation and effects of independent variables on dependent variable, step wise multiple regression were used. Finally, path analysis was used for testing the variables.We collected the data from 305 male and 159 female champions and medalist athletes from national and international competitions. Results of statistical test (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient) show that there is a highest correlation between social integration, agreement and compatibility as independent variable (0.785) and a lowest correlation between freshness and happiness (0.295). Considering the F rate and its significant on confidence level (95%), results of multiple regression test indicates that regression equation and its results are analyzable. Also, the results of multiple regression and path analysis tests indicate that there is a significant correlation between all independent variables and dependent variable from whom the main influential variable on social integration, according to correlation rate, are agreement, rationality, social capital, production and improvement of value system, communication action, habitus, improvement and success motivation, cultural capital, creation of common aspects, freshness and happiness, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study has been done among students of Islamic Azad University of khalkhal with the aim of sociological investigation and tries to assess the relationship between religiosity and students' familiarity with their citizenship rights. Theoretical framework and analytical model include the theories of Turner. B.S, Marshal T.H, Jorgen Habermas, Talcott Parsons so on. Also, in analyzing the concept of religiosity, the multi- dimensional model of Gluck and Stark was used. This research was conducted by a survey method and for enhancing the validity of questionnaire; the factor analysis techniques were used. The outcome of factor analysis was 87% and reliability of Cronbach alpha for dependent variable was 75% and for independent variable was 82%.The statistical population includes all students (2427) of Islamic Azad University of khalkhal from whom just 331 students were chosen randomly by using Cochran formula as a sample of study. To analysis the data, two descriptive and inferential approaches were used by SPSS software. After providing matrix table, the data were encoded in dimensional and multi-dimensional tables. The results of study show that the subjects’ familiarity with citizenship rights (dependent variable) has significant relationship with all aspects of religiosity including belief, ritual, consequential, and emotional ones. Furthermore, the multi-variable regression results indicate that independent variable totally explain 58% of dependent variables changes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This investigation obtained from a survey research which evaluates the relationship between religious lifestyle and its related factors among 15-65 year-old citizens in Tabriz City. Data were collected by a questioner. The sample of study includes 705 subjects selected by Cochran formula and a multi-step sampling method (including cluster and classification methods) along with random sampling method.Results of referential variance analysis and independent t-test indicate that women are in higher level in terms of residential area, living in District 5, membership in groups and organizations. In terms of employment, the members of Basij and staffs of army had the highest rate and the unemployed ones had the lowest rate. In terms of education, illiterate and Diploma people had the highest rate and graduates had the lowest rate. In terms of the social and economical aspect, the middle-class had the highest rate and the lower class had the lowest rate of religious lifestyle. Results of r-Pearson indicate that there is a significant and direct relationship between age and religious lifestyle, while there is a significant and reversed relationship between family aspect and religious lifestyle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper is based on findings of a research conducted on the risk behaviour and pathology of the student's environment. The statistical population includes 337 female and male students in all disciplines and at all levels of school from whom we choose 12680 students of Isfahan University through stratified sampling method. To collect the data, a researcher made questionnaire, IAT test of Davis, YAS test of Young, isolation and Self-esteem questionnaire of Rosenberg are used. Six hypotheses were adjusted based on cognitive-behavioural approach by Davis, addiction based theory of Young and self-esteem theory of Rosenberg. According to the results, the average hours of using internet by users is 21:48 hours per week, with an average of 3:42 hours a day. That is, 34% of the users are addicted to internet. They have different degrees of education and job loss, weakness in affairs, social shyness, loneliness, social isolation and lack of willing to interpersonal relationships and interactions. Also, compared to girls, boys had increasing tendency to use the internet.In general, according to the results, the internet addiction of boys is higher than girls and the internet addiction at age 24 was higher than the other ages. The study results also show that the subjects effectively use the communication capabilities of the internet and found it as a good place to stop or make a connection. Chatting, scientific and educational use of the Internet as a medium and checking e-mail respectively have the highest number of users among the subjects.

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The present research studies the relationship between cultural capital among Khalkhal high school teachers and their social status. For this purpose, Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital has been used. Bourdieu believes that cultural capital has three aspects: subjective, objective and institutional ones. The main question of research is: what effect does the cultural capital have on social status of teachers in khalkhal city? How does each aspect of cultural capital affect on the social status of teachers?The research is conducted in a correlational method and carried out by survey method and with questionnaire. The statistical population of this research includes all teachers in Khalkhal high school. Due to the few numbers of them, 120 teachers were selected as sample of study. The results show that the cultural capital of teachers, compared with their social status, is in desirable level. They got better scores in different kinds of cultural investment, especially objective one that includes personal skills and abilities. In studying the research hypotheses, it can be said that there is a positive correlation between cultural capital and social status. Also, the three aspects of cultural capital had positive and significant effect on social status, with this difference that compared with other aspects; the correlation of intuitional aspect is higher. The results of multiple regression analysis show that three aspects of cultural capital could explain 0.7% of social status variations.

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This article studies the impact of social security on life style. It is assumed that life style is categorized into two mandatory and voluntary forms based on two basic aspects: personal choice / social necessity and covert / overt representation of behaviors. Social security index was also based on two aspects; occupational security and prestige security. This is a survey research and the sample of study includes 2160 over 25 year old people living in Tehran. They were chosen by cluster sampling method using Cochran formula. The "t" test was used for analyzing the data. Findings show that people with higher social security belong to voluntary life style and people with less social security have mandatory life style. People with less occupational security organize their life styles under social necessities and pressures. Also, people with less prestige security severely reject the overt behaviors and tend to covert behaviors. Thus, voluntary life style is generally a function of social security and aspects of social security have significant effect on aspects of voluntary life style.

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