The influential factors of organizational training in a holding company affiliated to the ministry of energy examined by a diagnostic trichotomy model. Using a descriptive research inquiry a content analysis of organizational characteristics was applied. The sample was included all managers and experts that worked at the training and development department of all 90 affiliated companies which are under the holding company’s directions. The means of gathering data was a series of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured/open questions and interviews. In order to content analysis, after extracting relevant concepts, themes, and contents, each items classified into one of the three (structural, behavioral, environmental/context) dimensions of the model. The results show that sructural component has a more influential effect on explanation of strength and weakness of training and development activities than the other two components. In this regard, the article concluded that structural/process aspect of organizational training met with more difficulties than behavioral and context so need to pay more attention. Finally, it seems that the trichotomy model of analysis is a useful diagnostic approach to the organizational pathology and could lead to appropriate applied results.