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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aim: In recent years, social media metrics have been introduced as an alternative of the traditional bibliometric indicators for research evaluation and scientific impact.This research aims to investigate the presence and attentions received by scientific outputs of Iran in social media.Methods: The current study is an applied research, which conducted using altmetric and scientometric indicators. A total of 43076 documents which listed Iran as their affiliated country and indexed by Scopus in 2015, were selected as the population of the study.Results: Results of the study showed relatively low altmetric coverage for scientific output of Iran, with only 5840 documents (13.55%) were mentioned at least once in social media.platforms. These documents have received 28517 mentions in 14 sources of attention, of which Mendeley makes up the highest share (87%), followed by Twitter (77.91%) and Facebook (17.87%). Studying the temporal trend of mentions showed that the highest share of attentions received mainly soon after publishing and then tended to demonstrate a decreasing trend. Almost half of the publications (49.24%) with altmetric score were published in medical sciences area. Moreover, scientific output published through international research collaboration showed higher altmetric scores compared with the mean altmetric score of the country.Conclusion: Iranian researchers need to know more about the potential and advantages of social media tools in dissemination of scholarly output and evaluation of research impact.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), as the only local pervasive broadcasting service in Iran, has faced with serious challenges by the advent of new technologies and changes in media communication models in recent years. For this purpose, IRIB is going to lunch the IPTV in order to achieve the new media technologies and keep its situation in the media consumption baskets of Iranian families. However, employing a scientific method is needed to guarantee success due to the high costs of this work.. Therefore, with regard to a research vacuum in this field, this study aimed to recognise the capabilities of Gamification to increase audience engagement in IPTV.Methods: the preset study first tried to recognise the IPTV services with the highest gamification capability using three consecutive research methods including documentary studies, Delphi (in three consecutive rounds) and interviews. Then, capabilities of Gamification with the highest ability to gamify those services and practical examples of how to gamify these services were presented.Results: In result of documentary and delphi (three consecutive rounds) studies, 12 IPTV services with gamification capability and 13 gamification capabilities with integrated ability with those services were selected by experts who were involved in study of community surveyed. Finally, in order to being more tangible, profound interviews were made with gamification experts and practical examples of integrated Gamification Capabilities with the IPTV services presented.Conclusion: Th implementation of gamification technology in Iran’s IPTV media can act as a incentive technology in order to attract, engage and hold the audiences. It is also able to change Iran’s IPTV media as an affordable media with reference to its high launching costs. This technology can also be a tool to guarantee success of this media among media competitive environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), as the only local pervasive broadcasting service in Iran, has faced with serious challenges by the advent of new technologies and changes in media communication models in recent years. For this purpose, IRIB is going to lunch the IPTV in order to achieve the new media technologies and keep its situation in the media consumption baskets of Iranian families. However, employing a scientific method is needed to guarantee success due to the high costs of this work.. Therefore, with regard to a research vacuum in this field, this study aimed to recognise the capabilities of Gamification to increase audience engagement in IPTV.Methods: the preset study first tried to recognise the IPTV services with the highest gamification capability using three consecutive research methods including documentary studies, Delphi (in three consecutive rounds) and interviews. Then, capabilities of Gamification with the highest ability to gamify those services and practical examples of how to gamify these services were presented.Results: In result of documentary and delphi (three consecutive rounds) studies, 12 IPTV services with gamification capability and 13 gamification capabilities with integrated ability with those services were selected by experts who were involved in study of community surveyed. Finally, in order to being more tangible, profound interviews were made with gamification experts and practical examples of integrated Gamification Capabilities with the IPTV services presented.Conclusion: Th implementation of gamification technology in Iran’s IPTV media can act as a incentive technology in order to attract, engage and hold the audiences. It is also able to change Iran’s IPTV media as an affordable media with reference to its high launching costs. This technology can also be a tool to guarantee success of this media among media competitive environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to measure the overlap of 4 local Persian search engines of Parsijoo, Yooz, Parseek, and Rismoun and to compare the capabilities of these engines in covering indexable web.Methods: This was an applied and evaluative research. To collect data, a keyword-based method was used. First, the selected keywords were entered into the search engines and then a sample was extracted of the retrieved records. Finally, based on the existence or absence of these records in the search engines, the necessary data were gathered. Accordingly to analyze the data, inferential statistical methods were used.Results: The relative overlap of the Parseek compared to that of Parsijoo and Parsijoo's one compared to Yooz was 26 percent on average and Parseek had the most recall. Rismoun had not any common records with the other investigated search engines. Three search engines (Parseekc, Parsijoo and Yooz retrieved 27 common records out of 225 recalled records; there was a significant difference between the relative overlap of the 4 search engines. Also, on average, Parseel, Parsigoo, Yooz and Rismoun covered respectively 38, 31, 26, and 6 percent of the indexable web. There was a significant difference between the coverage of the 4 search engines.Conclusion: It seems that each search engine has a different indexing policy, and users need to search for more than one search engine to get comprehensive information about an issue. It can be predicted that by foraging in two search engines, Parseek and Parsijoo, one may access 70 percent of the indexable web.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: This research was performed to investigate factors affecting the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in E-Government from the perspective of the Hamadan province's citizens who refer to the offices of E-government using a descriptive survey.Methods: this survey is applied using descriptive-analytic approach. To collect the required research data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire includes 24 questions in 7 dimensions (Economic, Individual, Technological, Cultural, Organizational, Motivational and Social Factors) and 5 questions related to demographic information. The statistical population of the survey includes citizens who apply for public and private sector services to E-government counter offices. A sample using stratified random sampling with proportional allocation was determined 518 people. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS-24 and Amos-24 software.Results: The results from this research showed a significant relationship between all the 6 factors of economic, individual, technological, cultural, organizational and motivational factors in the Web 2.0 technologies acceptance to implement E-government in the Hamadan.Nonetheless, no relationship was found between results from the social factors and Web 2.0 technologies acceptance.Conclusion: Based on the results, in order to invest in the implementation of E-government based on Web 2.0 technologies focus should be on the field of economic, individual, technological, cultural, organizational and motivational factors. Because each of these factors has subcomponent that provide the context for development of these factors will indirectly affect the other factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to explain the mediating role of social capital in the relationship between the application of virtual social network and knowledge sharing practices in cyberspace.Methods: The research in terms of the main strategy, was quantitative, in terms of the strategy, was field, and in terms of analytical, was descriptive-post-event technique. The statistical population consisted of postgraduate students users of telegrams social network at Mohaghegh Ardabili University in the academic year of 2016-2017. The sampling method was random. The sample size according to the Kregci-Morgan model and with error a =0.05, was considered 210 persons. To collect data, virtual social networking questionnaire (with reliability a=0.70), Social Capital Questionnaire of Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) (with reliability a=0.93) and Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire of Bohlool (1392) (with reliability a=0.93) was used. Validity of the tools was confirmed by the professors of education and psychology.Data were analyzed using two software’s SPSS v.22 and Lisrel 8.50 and analyzed by structural equation modeling.Results: The results showed that the proposed model had suitable fit (x2/df=2.96, GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.92, CFI=0.91, NFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.81) and the component of virtual social networking has a direct and indirect effect through the component of social capital on knowledge sharing in cyberspace (P<0.05).Conclusion: The social network of Telegram, based on its hyperactivity capacity in shaped relationships, has been developing the behavior of user knowledge sharing in the cyberspace.Therefore, educating and developing and continuously monitoring the space of these networks and planning for the future can be a major proposition for virtual domain managers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Since anyone can freely share any kinds of information in the cyberspace almost without authenticity, validation information seems important. This paper examines the concept of credibility and describes and analyzes some well-known models for the evaluation of the Web credibility.Methods: This research is a review in terms of research methodology and theoretical in terms of the goal. Data collection was using documentary method.Results: The assessment of known models of Web Credibility including prominenceinterpretation theory of Fogg, Wathen and Burkell’s model for how users judge the credibility of on-line information, Hilligoss and Rieh’s unifying framework of credibility, Sundar’s MAIN model, Metzger’s dual processing model of credibility assessment, Lucassen et al.’s revised 3S-model of credibility, and Choi new framework for web credibility showed that the systematic concept of the connection between credit key dimensions and criteria that can be used to assess the credibility of the Web exists in none of these models other than Choi and thus the templates and the theories have limited explanatory power for a comprehensive interpretation of findings of experimental studies.Conclusion: Due to lack of imperical testing of these theoretical frameworks through standard tools on a large scale, no one was empirically supported. Thus, it is necessary to examine these frameworks empirically to improve their validity with an experimental basis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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