The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of MA graduated students in the major of educational administration. In fact, these students have been graduated during 1382-1389 from Tehran and Kharazmi Universities. The participants included 152 graduated students which were studied numer ically. For measuring the quality two researcher made question aries were used.First questionnaire was designed to gather data of graduated students in four individual, economic, social and scientific dimensions in fifteen factors.Second questionarie evaluated the factor of employers' satisfaction toward the graduated students in form of 9 indicators. Results showed that in the individual dimension the quality of these factors was rather desirable: academic achievement, knowledge, skill, attitude and innovation, continuing education; in the social dimension achieving social – educational goals was rather desirable; in the economic dimension employment was undesirable, relation between job and major and entrepreneurship were rather desirable, and employer ' satisfaction was desirable; in the scientific dimension presenting national articles was rather desirable, presenting international articles, writing or translating books and implementing research projects were undesirable, and presenting articles in scientific conferences was rather desirable. These results indicated not much desirable situation of aforementioned universities in the four dimensions. The noticeable issue was the unsuccessful manners of these universities in employment factor of economic dimension and factors of scientific dimension, too.