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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Infection is the most common cause of death following burn injurJ. Burned patients are obviously at a high risk for nosocomial infection due to immunocomprizing effects of burn injury. P. aernuginosa is an apportunistic pathogen that produce a number of unique virulance factors. The aim of this study was to compare the antibiotic resistance of different strainesof P. aeruginosa isolated from burn wound infections to: cefazolin, cephalexin, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime, cefixime, ciprofloxacin.Also MIC of gentamicin was determined.Antibiotic suseptibility test for mentioned antibiotics, were done by disk diffusion method. Then, MIC of gentamicin was determined by agar diffusion method in Muller-Hinton agar.From 100 isolated strains of P. aeruginosa, the ferquency of resistanceto cefazolin, cephalexin, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime, cefixime and ciprofloxacin were100%, 100%, 92%, 94%, 100% and 89% respectively. The results of MIC for gentamicin showed that 11%, 7% and 82% of isolated strines were susceptible, intermediate and resistant respectively.The high incidence of P. aernginosa and the widespread of resistance to antibiotics, in Tohid Burn Center, indicates the necessity for urgent measures for restriction of spread of P. aeruginosa and to limit administration of these antimicrobial agents.

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Brucella melitensis is a gram-negative bacterium, which has a cell wall with a complex structure. Because of cell wall characteristics, the common methods for chromosomal DNA extraction of gram-negative bacteria have some problems with this bacterium. In this research chromosomal DNA extraction of this bacterium was carried out for multiplying gene pieces by PCR by CTAB and common method. Because of low efficiency of these two methods, chromosomal extraction of this bacterium was performed by combining this two methods. First, we treated bacteria by SDS and TE, and then we destroyed peptidoglycan by lysozyme. After that, we precipitated protein with phenol-chloroform and polysaccharide by CTAB. In this research, appropriate time for chromosomal extraction from liquid culture was 48 and 72 hours. Then we obtained appropriate amount of 10% SDS and lysozyme respectively 90µ, 85µ (5g/ml). Our results showed that the amount of DNA extracted with this method is higher than the other methodstwo and it reaches 500µ-g/ml. In addition, purity of extracted DNA in this method is better than the other two methods. The extracted chromosomal DNA was used for multiplying L7/L12 (a bacterial ribosomal protein). Because of improved efficiency of this method, it may be used as a method for chromosomal DNA extraction in clinical samples of blood and milk for diagnosing brucellosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2394

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The malnutrition -diarrhea syndrome has affected millions of young children all over the world. The frequency, duration and severity of diarrhea is greater in children who suffering from zinc deficiency than those with good zinc nutrition. Aim of this case-control study is to determine the relationship between serum zinc level and acute diarrhea in young children. Concentration of serum zinc in 204 one to five years old children were measured. The results of a pilot study on 20 cases were used to estimate the sample size. The case group consisted of 102 children.-with diarrhea for not more than 24- hour and less than 4 diarrhea excretion.102 healthy children selected from five Health Care Centers in five different regions of Ahvaz made the control group. Children serum zinc level was measured by atomic absorption. The serum zinc mean on the basis of sex age, infants kind of feeding, education level of mother and household income were analyzed via chi- square, T- student, ANOVA and correlation tests using SPSS software. The serum zinc mean was different between groups (p=0.0001).There was no relation between sex and serum zinc level. The mean of serum zinc in 1.5 to 3.5 years old children was statistically different between case and control groups. The children who fed breast milk had higher serum zinc level than those fed formula (p=0.02 in diarrhea group and p=0.0001 in control group). The lowest and the highest mean of serum zinc were found in children with illiterated mother and higher educated mother, respectively. Generally, 31.86% of children suffered from zinc deficiency and girls were more affected than boys. It is concluded that there is a relationship between level of serum zinc and acute diarrhea and zinc deficiency is a major nutritional problem in young children.

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Intestinal parasites infect humans by different ways and cause unwanted effects.Mothers" health is also important because of their role in maintaining the family health.This study is a quasi experimental research which was done to determine the effect of health education based on PRECEDE model on decreasing the rate of intestinal parasitic infections among mothers who come to health centers of Arak city.All the health centers of Arak are divided into three down, center and up regions based on socio- economic status.1650 mothers were selected and three times stool examinations by Formalin-Ether concentration and direct method were done. Then, all of the infected mothers were treated and interviewed about predisposing, enabling and reinforcement factors. Three times stool examinations were repeated and after that all the mothers were educated based on PRECEDE model.After 2 months, three times stool examinations based and secondary interview were done.Of 1650 mothers, 801 cases were infected by intestinal parasites of which 110 cases (13/73%) were infected by pathogenic parasites. The prevalence rate of reinfection to intestinal pathogenic parasites in educated groups was surprisingly decreased while in uneducated groups was not seen and this difference was significant (P.V=0.0016). On the other hand, the odd sRatio of reinfection of uneducated groups was 2.5 times more than the educated groups.Also, educational intervention causes a significant difference in predisposing, enabling and reinforcement factors between two groups (p.v<0.0001).Therefore, we can claim that health education programming based on PRECEDE model could decrease prevalence rate of reinfection to intestinal pathogenic parasites among infected mothers, for this reason, using this method instead of traditional educational methods recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1066

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Vero toxins are a group of closely related subunit toxins, that have significant effects in pathogenesis of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Recent evidences suggest that vero toxinl induce cytotoxic effects on some tumor cell lines. So isolation of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains and toxin purification are very important subjects. Inspite of different genetically desigened methods in detection of vera toxigenic Escherichia coli strains ,serological detection with polyclonal anti-verotoxinantibodies is a very rapid and important method.Ourpurpose ispurification ofverotoxinl from screened diarrheagenic strains, to preparation of serologicalldt in the future.Toxin production in five diarrehagenicstrains was screened by Vero toxin-producing Escherichia coli-Reverse passive latex agglutination test (VTEC-RPLA kit, Oxoid, Co, Ltd) and then purified by affinity chromathgraphy of receptor glycolipid (PI blood group antigen).Screened strain produced large amounts of toxin that have been comparable with standard toxin. Electrophoresis of toxin indicate an intense and sharp band in rage of 70 kilodalton. Intraperitoneal injection in Balb/c have several effects such as hind-legparalysis, cachexiasand diarrheae.In addition in exposed mouse and Hela and Vera cell lines teratment,we observed severe cytotoxic effects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to the high rate of rhumatologic complaint in Internal Medicine Clinics and for assessing the most frequent complaint and the most frequent diagnosis of these patients, westudied 1000 patients with rheumatologic complaints in Shahid Mostafa Khomeini hospital for 3years from 1997. 68.2% of patients were female and 63% had once visit and the most frequent complaints werejoint pain 27.5%, knee pain 20.5%, low back pain 12.8% and the most diagnosis were Rheumatoid arthritis183%, osteoanhritis 11.8%, chondromalacia of patella 6.2% and the most collagen disease was Rheumatoid arthritis 74% of collagen disease and the most vasculitic disease was Behcet disease with 70.9% of vasculitic disease and the most ostoarthritis was knee OA 69.4% of osteoarthritis and the most seronegative spondyloarthopathy was Ankylosing spondylitis with 34.6% of seronegative spondyloanhropathy disease and the most periarticular disease was chondromalacia of patella with 4Z3% of periarticular disease

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View 1413

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In the present study, the effects of adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists have been investigated on the expression of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) in mice. Subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of different doses of morphine (0.5-5 mg/kg) induced CPP dose-dependently. Intrapretoneal (i.p.) application of the adenosine receptor antagonist, theophyline (2.5, 5,10 mg/kg), 1 hour prior to testing, reduced the expression of CPP induced by morphine in a dose independent manner. Intracereberoventricular injections (i.c.v.) of theophylline (0.015-0.005 µg/mice) also decreased morphine-induced CPP. Adenosine, (1-10 mg/kg, 1 h before the test; ip.), decreased the effect of morphine. The drug reduced morphine effect when it used as i.c. v. (1 µg/mice). The adenosine Al receptor agonist N6-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA) when used systemically (0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.05-0.1mg/kg; ip.) or centrally(1-10µg/mice, i.c.v.) did not show any effect on the expression of morphine-induced CPP. The Al receptor antagonist, 8-Phenyle Theophylline (8-PT) in different doses (2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/kg, ip.) did not show any effect on the expression of morphine-induced CPP. In Conclusion it seems likely that adenosine receptors might be involved in the expression of morphine-induced CPP and the effect is most likely to be via centralA2 adenosine receptors which is in accordance with the distribution of the receptors in rewarding brain area. Further experiments in this field must be done to clarify the exact role of the adenosine system on the morphine reward.

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To assess the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy and oxybutynin in treating menopausal women with idiopathic detrusor instability.41 menopausal women complaining of urge incontinence referred to Imam Khomeini and Baharloo hospitals, and they had inclusion criteria, after routine laboratory investigation were normal, they were evaluated with simple cystometry.Derusor instability in performed cystometry was proved in 32 patients. The participations were treated randomly by combination of hormone replacement therapy and oxybutynin or oxybutynin alone. Hormone replacement therapy was prescribed continuously conjugated estrogen (0.625 mg) and medroxyprogestrone (25 mg) daily, and for two treatment groups;starting dosage of oxybutynin was 2.5 mg twice a day.Patients were followed in interval 3 weeks, if symptoms of illness weren"t improvement, oxybutyninwas increasedto prior diet drug with 5 mg dosage. Ten patients were lost to follow up, therefore22 patients followed for 3 months, ten of them had used oxybutynin alone and the rest had used oxybutynin and hormone replacement therapy. Cystometric test was performed after treatment on seven patients in treatment group hormone replacement therapy and oxybutynin; and ten patients on oxybutynin therapy.Objective evaluation cystometric included post void residual urine volume, volume of first sensation to void, volume of bladder threshold, maximal cystometric capacity and being detrusor instability which were evaluated by performed cystometry prior and after treatment. Symptoms of illness evaluated including frequency of urge incontinence, diurnal and nocturnal voluntary micturition by voiding diary during 72 hours after and prior treatment those patients completed them. Scores of urgency urge incontinence, amount of incontinence, to use pad, patient’s perception of their improvement and side effects of drug were evaluated by questionnaire prior and after treatment.There were no significant differences in cystometric variables between two treatment groups, but there was appositive borderline effect in maximal cystometric capacity after. treatment combination of oxybutynin and hormone replacement therapy (P=O.056); in addition one of patients who had combination therapy had stable bladder and maximal cystometric capacity was more than 350 mL whereas there wasn’t this group of oxybutynin therapy. There were no significant differences in symptoms of illness, degree of improvement and anticholinergic side effects between two treatment groups.The preferences of oxybutynin and hormone replacement therapy in comparison with oxybutynin alone in treatment idiopathic detrusor instability was not clearly proved, it is necessary to perform more extensivestrldies.

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The reliability (Intersession and lntersession) of peak velocity measurements recorded with a custom-built device named Spasticity Measuring Device (SMD) was studied. Ten subjects (7 men and 3 women) with hemiplegia participated in this study. Repeated peak velocity measurements were taken from the non-pare tic and paretic limbs of patients during passive stretching of elbow flexor muscles during the same session and during the sessions separated by five minutes. The lntraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for measurements taken during a single session for non-paretic and paretic limbs were 0.96 and 0.98. The Coefficients of Variation (CV) for peak velocity values were2.70% and 4.17% respectively. The ICCs for the peak velocity values at Retest were 0.98 and for the mean value was 0.97. The CVs were 8.85% and 6.86%. SMD measurements taken on brain-damaged patients appear to be highly reliable during the same testing session. When repeated measurements are separated by a five minute interval, the measurements taken from the pare tic limb continue to be highly reliable. The ICCs for measurements taken from the paretic limb was more reliable than those taken from the non-paretic limb. The results suggest that SMD provides a measure of spastic hypertonic with high reproducibility.

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More evidences show that coronary artery disease is one of the main health problems and causes more mortalities. Increase of knowledge and education about of predisposing factors can be very effectiveness in prevention of coronary artery diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the role of education on predisposing factors of coronary artery diseases on patients already affected and their first degree relatives.This research is a clinical trial study. Samples included 50patients with coronary artery diseases who have been admitted in hospital at least 3 months prior to this study and also 100 of their first degree relatives including their siblings, and off springs who clinically had no complains of CAD. The age of all samples ranged from 18-65 and all of them were living in Semnan city. After the selection of samples height, weight, blood pressure measurement and, inquiry about smoking habbits of sample were performed by investigator. Then blood samples were taken in order to determine cholesterol level After that the investigator had presented an intensive educational program about prevention of CAD for samples, also provided them with an informative pamphlet which had been prepared previously. 6 to 8 weeks after the completion of educational program again height, weight, blood pressure measurement inquiry about smoking habbits and blood cholesterol level were determined in an identical situation with prior  measure ment. ANOVA, t-pair test and macneamar analytical score have been used of in order to access to purposes of study.Results showed that all the variables (serum cholesterol level blood pressure and body mass index) had been decreased. Also results showed that the educational program about smoking training (quiet smoking) just in first degree relatives was effective. The relationship between the effect of educational program on variables with inferable variables were done, the results showed some degree of relationship with age, number of predisposing factors and education. Finding above shown that the teaching program is one of the essenssial factor for prevention CAD.

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