Between 524 and 667 lunar Hijri, during the existance of Islamic government in Andolos, which was relatively long, a dynasty named, "Movahhedin" could bring about their wide empire there. They established their empire by a Religous revolt. Under the dynasty" sruling, mental, cultural, social and political status of society experienced some fundamental changes.
From the Arabic literature point of view, under the Movaheddin dynasty, the appearance of a kind of poem, named "Na"liat" by the author, is a prominent phenomena and a topic which necessitates study and investigation. In this regard it is hoped that we can introduce the poetical phenomena, "Na"liat" by mentioning different examples, the analysis of conceptual characteristics of these songs and description of their poetical motivation.
In this regard, the framework of discussion is guided to a certain direction. and then it is dealt with the shape of "Na"l". Although the descriptive nature of the subject and investigation in special songs does not necessitate to mention the references repeatedly, from the other point of view this matter shows that, after "Moghari Talmasani", "Na"liat" has not been discussed except by Dr.Mohammad Tavit.