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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Out of 150 carcasses cultured 45 (%30.0) were contaminated on one to eight sites with Salmonella. Salmonella was isolated from 94 (%7.0) of 1350 samples examined. Out of these, 7 carcasses (4.7%) were contaminated and 28 carcasses (18.6%) belonged to infectious cattle or carrier states, and 10 carcasses (6.6%) had both Salmonella contamination and infection. Salmonella was isolated from 94 (%7.0) of 1350 samples examined. 21 specimens (22.3%) related to contamination and the others (77.6%) belong to Salmonella infection. According to Kaffman - White Scheme, the isolates were among B, C1 and D1 serogroups. The public health implication of salmonellosis and the role of abattoirs in spreading or controllng infection are discussed.

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In This study fifty one heads of adu1tand healthy buffalo were used.Longitudinal and cross serial section of this organ prepared and position of Vemeronasal Organ 'VNO" in floor of nasal cavity with notice to palatine ridges were evaluated. The mean length of VNO in buffalo was 18.9 + 1.5 cm which was initiated at incisive tubercle and terminated at the level of second premolar tooth. This organ is encapsulated with incomplete hyaline cartilage ring and maximum diameter of this ring was observed in middle one third of VNO length. In histological observation of the buffalo's VNO, Four VNO was separated from the head of buffalos. After tissue processing the histological study of the organ has shown that the mucosal epithelium lining the lumen of the VNO were of two different kinds i. e. respiratory epithelium in the lateral wall and Olfactory (receptor) epithelium in the medial wall. Also there were an extensive vascular network and distribution of glands in the lamina propria of the respiratory portion rather than of olfactory part. The soft tissue components of VNO are surrounded by incomplete hyaline cartilage tube that is segmented at the end of this organ.

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View 1052

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The purpose of this study was to investigate biometrical and histological structure of the buffalo ovaries. In this regard the buffalo ovaries were collected at Urmia slaughterhouse. After removing the non - ovarian tissue the specimens were measured for biometrical parameters and then processed for histological examination. The results of the biometrical studies have shown that the mean length, Width and diameter of adult buffalo ovaries were 2.46±0.07, 1.77±0.07, 1.50±0.04 cm respectively. The ovarian mean weight was 3.72±0.27 g. These parameters in buffalo calves ovaries were 2.25±0.13, 1.37±0.08, 1.10±0.06 cm and 1.53±0.17 g respectively. The histological study revealed that the distribution of the majority of primordial follicles were in close contact to the tunica albuginea, but with the initiation of follicular growth at first, the distance between follicles and surface epithelium increased whereas with continuation of the growth this distance were reduced. ZP formation initiated in primary follicles and continues ticking up to matura follicle. Accumulation of vitelline granules was developed on the stage of follicular growth, and distribution of this granule in. oocyte was uneq.tal and mostly accumulated in one pole of occytes. Granulose thecal layers in healthy follicles were negative for ORO stain, whereas at least in the granulosa layer of the atretic follicles strongly positive reaction was observed.

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View 1050

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This research was carried out on 4 seronegative native sheep to pestiviruses around the age of 3.5 - 5years. 3 of animals were injected via. I.M with amount of 2 x 107 TCIDSO NADL strain of BVD virus, one sheep was kept as control. In all three infected sheep the leukopenia started the day after injection and Teached a peak on 5-8 days post infection. The lymphocytes were the mostly affected cells. Also an elevated temperature (41.5o C) was seen in infected sheep and lasted for 3-4 days. There was no obvious effect of the virus on respiratory and digestive tracts. The control sheep didn't show any abnormalities in WBC count and clinical examination. 44 days post infection all 3 sheep under experiment had developed antibodies against pestivirus (SN and EUSA test).

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View 781

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Microbiological and thin-layer chromatography-bioautography (TLC-B) procedures were undertaken to assess the residues of some chemotherapeutic reagents consisting of oxytetracycline (OTC), chlortetracycline (CTC), flumequine (FLM) and trimethoprim+ sulphadimidine (rMP+SUL) in the sera and tissues of common carp (Cyprinus cmpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).Treatment of carp as a bath (200ppm) and rainbow trout by mouth (BOmg.kgb.w.) with OTC resulted in kidney levels of 10 mg/g, and 4.4 mg/g, respectively, No antibiotic residue of OTC was detectable in both liver and muscle of both species of fish. Treatment of carp as a bath (200ppm) with TMP+SUL resulted in a detectable level of the drugs in sera and kidney of the fish. Oral treatment (10mg/kgb.w.) of rainbow trout with FLM resulted in the drug levels of 2.37 mg/ml, 3. 18 mg/g and 2.05 mg/g in sera, muscle and liver-kidney of fish, respectively whereas no drug level was detectable in the sera and tissues of carp treated as a bath (200ppm). Similar results were obtained using TLC-B procedure.However, using this method the residues of these chemotherapeutic reagents were detectable for a longer period than bioassay tests. Also using TLC-B, a combined treatment (I.P) of these species of fish with the above drugs was not successful for detect the drugs residues.

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The aim of this study was to assess the effects of different concentrations of fetal calf serum and estrous sheep serum on in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes. Ovine ovaries were isolated from a local slaughter house and transported to the laboratory. Oocytes were aspirated from the folicles and washed 4 times in TCM-199 with or without different concentrations (10, 15 and 20%) of heat inactivated fetal calf serum (FCS) or estrous sheep serum (ESS), and cultured in TCM-199 under paraffin oil. After 24 h culture for maturation, oocytes were denuded from cumulus cells and were mounted on slide glass, fixed, stained and observed under a phase contrast microscope for evidence of maturation, Very few oocytes were matured in the medium without each serum. However maturation rates were significantly increased (P<0.001) when the media were supplemented with sera. The results of the present study show that the maturation in ESS medium is comparable to FCS.

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View 790

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The methylene blue reduction method measures bacterial density in milk in term of the time interval required, after starting incubation, for a dye -milk mixture with a characteristic blue color to become white. The principle of the test is based on a shift of the redox potential of the milk due to metabolic action of bacteria present. As the potential falls, the methylene blue is decolorized. This method is used to grade raw milk, especially for manufacturing purposes. The small amount of equipment and materials and the simplicity of the method are the most important advantages of this test. In this study methylene blue reduction test and standard plate count were compared using 112 samples of raw milk obtained from bulk milk, at the time of receipt, during fall and winter, 1998. Samples were also examined for their acidity, leukocyte count, temperature at the time of receipt and specific gravity, all of which used for evaluating the microbiological quality of raw milk. Correlation coefficient between Log10 standard plate count with methelye blue reduction time and Leukocyte count were low (r=0.41 and 0.28 respectively) No significant correlation was observed between Log10 SPC with the tests of specific gravity (p=0.072) temperature at the time of receipt (p=0.235) and e acidity (p=0.745). This study shows that none of these tests are valuable for assessing bacterial quality of raw milk, and they cannot result in improved coefficient of determination (R2) in multifactorial regression equation. It is concluded that the methylene blue reduction test is an unsuitable test for assessment of bacterial quality of raw cow milk and it should be replaced with other methods which enumerate microorganisms in milk, such as spiral palting system, plate loop method or flow cytometry.

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View 6984

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The efficacy of Ivermectin at 200 mg/kg was evaluated in two groups of indigenous sheep of Mazandaran (zel Bred) naturally infected with B.trigonocephalum. Tichostrongylus spp., Haemonchus contortus and trichuris spp. According to feacal egg count, the number of eggs per gram of faeces (E.P.G) falls to zero in treated groups within 72 hours. The autopsy was done in animals of both groups after 7 days of treatment. There was no evidence of nematods in treated groups but there was few in untreated one.This study indicates Ivermectin was 100% effective against adult stage of the abovementioned species.

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Skin samples from 240 Raini Cashmere goats at different (3 months to 3 years) were taken from the right mid-side of each goat. After prep ration of section, the histological structure of follicle was studied by determination of 1 and 2 follicles. Least square means of primary follicle density (pf/mm), secondary follicle density (sf/mm), ratio of secondary to primary follicles (sf/pf), primary follicle number index (pfni) and secondary follicle number index were estimated to be: 1.95 (+0.045) follicles/mm, 23.291 (+1.044) follicles/mm, 13.138 (+1.058), 15.682 (+1.067), 209.763 (+1.044) respectively. The effects of age, sex, type of birth, age of dam, birth weight and weaning weight on skin follicle characteristics were estimated.

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The experiment was designed as to evaluate the clinical and radiological changes of femoral head resurfacing using foetal skull bone. It was conducted on 15 clinically healthy adult dogs between 1 to 2 years of age and 15 to 25 kg / BW, which were divided in to 3 groups of 5 animals each. The full thickness cartilage of right femoral head was removed in all animals of three groups. The first group acted as control one. Where as resurfacing was done by using the fresh foetal skull bone which was fixed by using 0.8 mm cerclage wire around femoral head in animals group II and III. The hip joint at animals in groups III was fixed by using intramedullary pin (2mm).The observations were made for 60 days and radiographs were obtained on 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. The non – weigh beating lameness was observed during the first three days in animals group I and the first five days in animals group II. The weight bearing lameness was recorded in these animals till end of second week.The non weight bearing lameness was noted in 4 animals of group III till end of observation period on 60 days. There were no significant radiological changes on 15, 30, 45 and even 60 days in group I & II animals: where as fading out articular line, secondary articular changes were noted on 30 days in animals group III. Severe disuse atrophy (osteoporosis) there was remarkable reduction in the density of the trochanter major, neck femoral head was reduced on 45 and. 60 days which were indications for susbchondral damage, adhesion and osteoporosis at the fixed hip joint in these animals. The results show that, the resurfacing of femoral head.Without reducing joint space and joint motion is quite useful for repairing cartilage defects the fixation of joint leading to secondary changes and marked reduction in joint space and motion in not recommended.

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In order to asses the immunogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila, the aethiological cause of haemmorhagic septicemia in common carp in Fars province fish farms, three different preparations of antigen including formalin-killed cell (1%) heat killed cell (60oC, 4h) and live cell were studied. Fifty five common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L) in 9 groups with three routes of administration were exposed to the antigens (oral administration 109 cell/ml/fish, immersion 107 cell/ml/fish and ip injection 109 cell\fish) in day 0 and day 20 of the experiment Similarly 15 fish in three groups were exposed with phosphate - buffered saline as control. Fish were bled 45 and 60 days after immunization and serum sample from each fish was collected. The fish humeral response was detected by ELISA.Results showed that the formalin-killed cell had the best response and that oral administration of antigens in comparison with other routes had the highest effect. The antibody level of fish was still increasing at day 60.

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This study was carried out to determine the role of electrolytes in the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias in cattle which were referred to the Animal Hospital of Veterinary College in North West of Iran. 310 sick cows were blood sampled for serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potassium assessment and then from all cases ECG, were taken using a base-apex lead. The ECS findings were classified in 13 groups. The analysis of serum electrolytes showed that only significant differences in mean of serum potassium (P<0.05) between group of ventricular fibrillation and other groups. There were no significant differences in all other blood electrolytes between arrhythmias group with groups that had regular rhythm in electrocardiograms and or within arrhythmias groups. Meanwhile, the comparison of relative frequency of arrhythmias in various levels of electrolytes showed that only in related to potassium the frequency in hypokalemic and hyperkalemic state is significantly (with P=0.033 and p=0.039, respectively) more than normokalemic state.

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View 1586

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To investigate of Dictyocaulus viviparus infestation in cattle and buffaloes, the study were carried out on 356 feacal samples collected from 221 calves and 135 buffaloes calves. The infestation was observed only in six calves; buffaloes did not show any positive case. In the second phase of the study 470 cattle and 400 buffaloes, which were slaughtered at Urmia slaughter house were examined during 1997-1998. The examination of lungs for the parasite was carried out. The result indicated only one positive case in cattle (0.21%).

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Faecal samples from 413 calves including 322 native and 91 dairy calves which were reared around Urmia region (North-west of Iran) were collected and processed using clayton-lane technique. Our study revealed that only 26 (8.07%) native calves were positive for the aforementioned parasite. The age range of infected calves was 1-6 months.

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Experimental arthrodesis of the hind limb's pastern joint by two pins in cruciate pattern and. autologous cancellous bone graft were performed on four adult geldings. Autologous cancellous bone was obtained from the tuber coxa. The leg was casted for six weeks following operation. Ankylosis of the joint was evident on 50±1 day in horses and was completed on the 120th postoperative day.On radiographs the articular line previously present was absent showing bone union. In conclusion, using pins and autologous cancellous bone for arthrodesis may be easier than using screws or plates by providing a rigid stability of the joint, and the recovery time is comparable to the other methods of arthrodesis.

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View 1282

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In this study delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH, skin test) was investigated in experimentally infected rabbit for diagnosis of Salmonellosis. Eight conventional rabbits were placed into 4 groups and they were infected orally with 2 x 109 C.F.U. of S. typhimurium, S. dublin, S. abortus ovis and non infected group. In feces culture and serological tests all rabitts were negative before experimentally infection. Skin testing was performed by intradermal injection of sonicated S. typhimurium as antigen. Double skin fold thickness and visual assessment were recorded before injection and at 24, 48, 72 & 96 hours after injection of antigen.Histopathological examination of skin from injection site of rabbits at the end of the experiment revealed the cellular infiltrations. Non infected rabbits were negative both in skin test and also histopathological studies.

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View 746

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During six years (1993-1999) nine Holstein calves were diagnosed with intestinal (colon and ileum) atresia and atresia ani in dairy fans around Tehran. Out of nine calves, two calves were diagnosed with atresia ani, two calves had atresia ani and lack of tail, one calf in addition to atresia ani had fifth limbs. The remaining four calves afflicted with segmental atresia coli and ilei. Only one case treated surgically, but died after one day. Four calves were culling from herd and four calves were necropsied.

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View 1817

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Experiments were carried out on 24 apparently healthy shall breed sheep in two sexes. CSF samples were obtained in lying position from Lumbosacral region and blood sample were taken from Vena cava. Some biochemical parameters were investigated by using automated laboratory method in CSF and serum. These parameters are cholestrol, tri glyceried, BUN, Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, uric acid, glucose, creatinin total protein, AST.ALT, AlP and electrolytes Ca, P, Cl, Na and K. The result indicated that the value of all parameters in CSF is less than serum, except concentration of chlor that in CSF is more than serum P<0.05.There are none significantly difference between concentration of BUN and creatinin in serum and CSF. There is nonsignificantly difference between two sexes in CSF and serum biochemical parameters except CSF total protein that its concentration in females is more than males P<0.05. Value of cholesterol and total protein in females serum is more than value in males serum P<0.05 and AIP activity in males serum is more than females serum P<0.05.

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View 915

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This research was carried out to study Salmonella carrier state in five industrial dairy farms around Tabriz city in 1998. The cattle population was 2590, of which 475 cows and 281 calves were stool cultured randomly three to five times at two-week intervals.The isolated Salmonella were S. paratyphi A, S. newport, S. typhimuriutn, S. 11 and S. enteritidis. None of these serotypes are ranked as host - adapted Salmonella. In this article the importance of carriers in epidemiology of Salmonellosis is discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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