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Increase in feed intake of broiler breeder hens, results to incidence of metabolic and hormonal changes and finally leads to poor reproductive performance. An experiment was conducted to evaluate responses of feed - satiated and feed - restricted laying breeder hens to daily injection of an acute dose of progesterone (P4). A total of 64 Cobb 500 hens were fed either restricted or ad libitum from 27 to 38 wk of age. Fourteen laying hens from each group were selected to conduct P4 injection assay. Each P4 injection were 2.5 mg P4/kg BW subcutaneously, at the base of the neck, daily for 21 days. Each treatment had 7 replicates. Settable and abnormal eggs were recorded daily. Blood sample were taken just before initiation of injections, 10-d and 20-d after initiation of injection. Plasma samples were analyzed for glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerol, P4, estradiol (E2), testosterone, T3 and T4 concentrations. Progesterone injection in feed - satiated and feed - restricted birds resulted in ovary regression; the ovary of these birds had no hierarchical follicle (p>0.05). Progesterone injection increased incidence of holding hard-shelled eggs in the uterus (p>0.05). Our results revealed that whereas injecting an acute dose of P4 induced frequent ovulation early in the injection period in both feed - satiated and feed - restricted breeder hens (p>0.05); however this higher ovulation rate did not result in more settable egg production. Restricted fed and ad libitum fed laying breeder hens respond in a similar way to an acute dose of P4 injection.

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In the past two decade, the application of probiotics to the inhibition of pathogenic or microorganisms has recieved much interest. The aim of the present was to study the effect of Bifidobacterium angulatum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei on Escherichia coli O157:H7 was evaluated during associated growth in milk. At first a quantity of 1.5×108E.coli O157:H7 was inoculated to 500 ml of sterilized milk, homogenized and distributed equally in five erlene meyers. The first erlene meyer was considered as the control one and into the second, third, fourth and fifth a quantity of 1.5×108 of the above probiotics were inoculated, respectively. after 24 and 48 hours of incubation at 37oC, pH and the number of E. coli per ml of them were determined using pH meter and pour plate method in VRBA medium. This procedure was repeated 10 times and the mean of pH and number of E. coli per ml of the Control and probiotic treatments was compared by one way ANOVA Results showed that associated growth of mentioned probiotics significantly (p<0.01) inhibited the growth rate of E. coli O157:H7 during 48 hours incubation. The pH of sample containing E. coli +L. Casei was lower than the control after 48 hours incubation (p<0.01). It can be concluded that the consumption of products containing mentioned probiotics could have beneficial effects on prevention and treatment of E. coli O157:H7 contamination.

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L-carnitine as a water soluble derivative of lysine has a crucial biological role in lipid metabolism. Present experiment was conducted to study the effect of L-carnitine supplementation into broiler and/or breeder diets on broilers' performance, blood related factors, carcass characteristics and immune system. L-carnitine was added to the broiler breeder's diets at levels of 0, and 60 PPM from 25th weeks of age and their progenies diets at levels of 0, 100, and 200 PPM. The broilers performance was investigated in starter, grower and finisher periods. Feeding of L-carnitine reduced feed intake and body weight gain of broilers (p<0.01), while feed conversion ratio was not affected (p>0.05). Serum cholesterol and triglyceride, carcass characteristics and anti - SRBC titers were not influenced by L-carnitine supplementation to broilers' diets (p>0.05). Breeders' diet supplementation with L-carnitine resulted in significant differences in broilers' anti - SRBC titers at 48 day of age and spleen weights at 21 day age (p<0.05). Significant interaction was evidenced for breeders and broilers' diets supplementation with L-carnitine for anti - NDV titers in broilers sera (p<0.05).

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View 2225

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Fungal infections of fish are widespread problem which affect wild and farmed species. The aim of the present study was to isolate and identify fungal flora in cultivated and natural Caspian Sea Acipenser persicus. The samples were obtained from skin, fin and gill of the fish and were inoculated into culture media with antibiotics and incubated at 23±1oC. 13 species of fungi isolated from the fishes including: Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium carioni, Mucor spp., Aureobasidium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Penicillium frequentans, Penicillium notatum, Paecilomyces spp., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, pseudallescheria boydii, Rhodotorula rubrum and Fusarium spp. The most frequent one was Cladosporium carioni in cultivated (16.95%) and natural fishes (10.17%). While the most fungi were isolated from fin (40.68%), the lowest were isolated from skin (28.82%) of fishes.

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Due to economical worth of ostrich and also some unique characteristics of ostrich, having enough information about different scientific fields of ostrich, particularly its histological and histochemical features are necessary. On this research, histological structure of different parts of the esophagus was studied in 4 ostrich chicks. Tissue sections were prepared and stained by routine histological methods. The epithelium of the esophagus was stratified squamous and slightly keratinized. The lamina propria was consisted of a dense connective tissue with a few numbers of elastic fibers. This layer had simple tubuloalveolar mucus glands which were mainly tubular glands. The gland's secretions were contained carbohydrates. The type of carbohydrates was both neutral and acidic mucopolysaccarides. The lamina muscularis was present as a complete structure in the whole length of the esophagus. It was consisted of smooth muscle. The tunica submucosa was consisted of loose connective tissue and was composed of a few elastic fibers. The tunica muscularis was consisted of two layers of smooth muscle; the more thick inner circular and thinner outer longitudinal layers. The tunica serosa and adventitia contained relatively dense connective tissue. The results were compared with the available data on the other birds and also human and other mammals. There were similarities and differences between the ostrich and other species.

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Monogenetic termatodes are exoparasites of Iranian freshwater fishes with high pervalency in both wild and cultured fishes which cause economoic loss each year. The aim of the present study was to detect parasites of gills in yellow - fin seabreams of persian gulf. This study was conducted for one year (between autumn 2007 to autumn 2008) on both wild and cultured yellow - fin seabreams of Persian gulf. 276 fishes were studied and two species of monogenetic trematodes, Polylabris angifer and Lamellodiscus acanthopagri, were identificated. Infestation and intensity rates for Polylabris angifer in all seabreams were 12.3% and 2.76±2.62% respectively. Infestation rate and intensity rates in cultured fishes of Hengam Island were 12.5% and 2.43±0.78% and in Imam Port were 60% and 6.50±3.98% respectively. The highest and lowest rates of infestation with Polylabris angifer were found in spring and autumn respectively. The highest infestation intensity was found in summer. The infestation rate and it's intensity with Lamellodiscus acanthopagri in all wild and cultured seabreams were 6.5% and 6.33±5.73% and in cultured fishes in Imam Port were 60% and 5.50±2.07% respectively. This parasite didn't find in the cultured fish of Hengam Island. There was a direct positive relation between weight and infestation rate. The pathological signs of polylabris angifer infestations are as increase in goblet cells, haemorrhage, dilatation of primary lamella and adhesion of secondary lamella.

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View 966

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Orthomixoviridae family viruses (Influenza viruses) are major cause of death in human with respiratory diseases. Although avian influenza in Iranian chickens are associated with H9N2 subtype, there was not any study for H9N2 human infection as yet. This investigation conducted to serological study of H9N2 avian influenza infection in different human groups. The number of 334 blood sera including 136 serum samples of hospitalized patients with respiratory complications, 130 sera of hospitalized patients without respiratory complications, 42 sera of farmers and poultry workers and 26 sera of students and related ones to veterinary profession were collected. The influenza virus antibody titres were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assey (ELISA) and hemagglotination inhibition (HI) tests. 59.1% of hospitalized patients, 88.1% of farmers and poultry workers, 80.7% of students and related ones to veterinary profession were positive to influenza virus type A contamination by using ELISA test. In HI test, 17.6% of hospitalized patients with respiratory complications, 54.8% of farmers and poultry workers, 30.8% of students and related ones to veterinary profession were positive for H9N2 subtype of avian influenza type A. These groups were compared one by one by T test (p<0.05). The results indicated that different groups of humans were infected with H9N2 avian influenza virus whence farmers and poultry workers were shown more infection.

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View 788

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The reproductive activity is influenced by environmental conditions in most animal species. The aim of the present study was to determine the seasonal changes of seminiferous tubules structure and spermatogenic activity in Khouzestan Arabian rams. For this propose 30 adult rams were reared under closed grazing conditions. Four rams were randomly selected in each season and their live weight, testicular weight and diameters were measured and recorded. Furthermore, their blood sera were collected for measuring testosterone by radioimmunoassay. For microscopic studies, the 5-6fl sections were made and stained with Haematoxylin - Eosin. Results showed that testicular weight and diameter were significantly changed by season (p<0.05) and the minimum values were seen in the beginning of summer. While spermatognic activity was present in all seasons, structural changes were seen in seminiferous epithelium. The seminiferous tubule diameter and germinal epithelium height showed a gradual increase during different seasons during summer and autumn and the maximum values were seen in the beginning of winter. The maximum plasma testosterone was seen in the beginning of winter and significant decrease shown during spring (p<0.05). Seminiferous tubule diameter showed significant correlation with testicular diameter and testosterone levels. It can be concluded that spermatogenic activity of seminiferous tubules in adult khouzestan Arabian rams are highly affected by season.

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Phenol is widely used in numerous non prescription products and the aim of present study was to investigate the dose- dependent effects of phenol on morphometrical and histometrical changes of kidney in an animal model. For this experiment, 60 adult female Balb/C mice were weighed, and categorrzed as one control and three experimental groups of 15 individuals each. Control group, received only distilled water without any additive materials and experimental groups received phenol (80, 180 and 320 mg/kg, respectively) by gastric tube for 10 days. After the 10th days, the mice were weiged and anesthetized by chloroform. Furthermore, after opening the abdomen, the length, diameter and width of right kidney were studied morphometrically. For histometrical studies, sections were prepared and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. weight, length and width of the kidney in the experimental groups showed significant increase compared to the control group. However, body weight, diameters of kidney and renal corpuscle did not show any difference among groups. In this respect, significant changes were shown for, the diameters of glomeruli, the lumen of distal and proximal convoluted tubules and tubular epithelial height in experimental groups compared to the control (p<0.05). Furthermore, the leukocytes infiltration in experimental groups showed more increase, compare to control. These results show morphometrical and histometrical changes of kidney after phenol administration.

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The fishes of Capoeta genus are living in different fauna regions of Iranian freshwater fishes. The parasitological studies of these fishes are important on subjects of ecology and life cycles in different fishes. The aim of this study was to study the parasites of Capoeta spp. in Halil-Rud River, Kerman Province. Samples were collected from the freshwater fishes (between Oct. 2007 to Sep. 2008) and 109 specimen of Capoeta damascina were examined. The fishes were collected from 4 stations, identified under species and examined for parasitic infections. According to the results, seven different Myxobolus spp. were detected as follows: Myxobolus samgoricus, M. cristatus, M. varicorhin, M. musajevi, M. karelicus, M. buckei and M. suturalis. While the first ordered 4 out of 7 parrasites had been already reported from different parts of Iran, M. karelicus, M. buckei and M. suturalis are reported for the first time. During this research Capoeata damascina was introduced as a new host for M. musajevi, M. karelicus, M. buckei and M. suturalis.

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Linguatula serrata is a cosmopolitan parasite which has been reported in Iran. The aim of the present cross - sectional study was to determine the prevalence of linguatulosis in ruminants and its association with the age and sex of infected animals. For this purpose, mesenteric lymphatic nodes (MLNs) and liver of 2721 slaughtered animals including 623 cattle, 784 buffaloes, 787 sheep and 527 goats at Urmia abattoir were collected during seven months. Isolation and counting of parasite nymphs were performed by massaging MLNs. The collected livers were blended and incubated in 0.5% pepsin acid. The results revealed the existence of the parasite in both MLNs and livers of investigated animals. Infection of MLNs and liver with L. serrata in sheep (65.79% and 32.28%) was more than goats (59.78% and 5.46%). The infection rate of MLNs was 47.5% in goats with the age of over three year - olds and it was 0.7% in the liver of cattle with the age of over four year-olds. Average number of collected nymphs in MLNs recorded 1-45. There was a significant positive correlation between the infection with L.serrata and the age of animals (p<0.05). The infection of MLNs and livers with L. serrata were independent of sex in each age group. A significant difference was observed between the prevalence of L. serrata in males and females (p<0.05). It was concluded that consumption of raw or under-cooked ruminants liver may be resulted in nasopharyngeal linguatulosis (Halzoun syndrome) in human beings in the area.

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Caspian miniature horse is a rare small horse in Iran. In this horse, Brachiocephalic trunk originates from the craniodorsal of the convex part of the aortic arch. It supplies the head, neck, forelimbs and cranial part of the thoracic cavity. In this reseach topographical location of brachiocephalic trunk arising from the aorta and its ramifications have been studied. Five Caspian miniature horses over two years were used in this study. The horses were euthanized by exsanguination after general anesthesia. Three horses were embalmed and two others were studied in fresh condition. The thorax was dissected and the topographical location of brachiocephalic trunk was determined relative to the ribs and intercostals spaces. The distances between branches were measured using ruler and caliper. The results showed that there are general similarity and some topographical variation between Caspian miniature horse and the other horses.

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View 948

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Bronchopneumonia is one of the most important ovine diseases in Iran. This disease can be due to bacteria, viruses and parasites. In the ruminants pulmonary worms are the most prevalent cause of this disease. This study was conducted to diagnose the infestation rate of pulmonary worms in small ruminants of East - Azarbaijan. One thousand fecal samples were collected from sheep of different regions of Tabriz (during one year 250 samples per season) and tested for the first stage of respiratory nematodes larvae by bearmann apparatus. Furthermore, 400 lungs of slaughtered sheep were inspected and adult worms were isolated in the laboratory and recognized by diagnostic keys. Results showed that 56.9% of the fecal samples were infested. Infestation rate of sheep to Dictyocaulus filarial, Protostrongylus rufescens, Muelerius capillaries and Cystocaulus ocreatus were 28.9 %, 12.7%, 29% and 29.4%, respectively. Significant difference was observed in the rate of infestation according to seasons by ANOVA (p<0.05). In autumn, infestation rate was higher than the other seasons. Significant difference was observed in infestation level of approximate 2 years old sheep (p<0.05). Infestation rate of male sheep was higher than the female ones.Isolated worms from the 400 lungs which were inspected, were Dictyocaulus fillaria (34%), Protostrongylus rufescens (11%) and Cystocaulus ocreatus (32%). Muelerius capillaris was not observed. Infestation rate to lung worms in autumn was higher than the other seasons. It is suggested to prevent from and treatment of sheep according to high rate of infestation to lung worms in this area.

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