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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 2837

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Objective: Study on haematological and biochemical parameters and pathologic changes in experimental infestation to Haemonchus contortus in sheep. Design: Experimental study. Animals: Fourteen lambs, 5-6 months old (Two as egg donors, eight for experimental infestation and four as control). Method: For experimental infestation, eight lambs (5-6 months old) that had no worm infestation were selected and 50000 of third stage larvae of Haemonchus contortus were fed to each of them. Four other lambs (control group) received placebo. In order to study the development and clinicopathologic changes, daily stool and blood samples were taken, weight was recorded, lambs were examined for clinical symptoms and slaughtered on days 12,21,35 and 60 post infestation (PI). Abomasal pH was meseared and microscopic sections were prepared. Statistical analysis: Results were analysed by ANOYA, Duncan and "t" test. Results: No clinical symptoms were found in the animals during this study however the body weight, monitored during 60 days PI indicate a difference between live weight in the treatments. Statistically significant differences were observed in haemoglobulin, concentration, haematocrit, white blood cells count, neutrophil, lymphocyte, eosinophil, total protein, albumine, alpha globulins, and calcium between control and infested groups (P<0.05). Both infested and control groups had no differences in serum phosphorous, magnesium, alkaline phosphatase, beta globulins and gama globulins levels (P<0.05). The comparison between infested and control sheep abomasal pH showed an increased pH in affected sheep. Abomasal necropsy findings were inflammation associated with mononuclear cells and eosinophilia. Lymphoblastic and follicular inflammation were seen in microscopic study. Conclusion: Infestation to Haemonchus contortus were causes remarkable changes in haematological and biochemical parameters.

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View 945

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Objective: This study aimed to examine the role of nitric oxide (NO) as mediator of non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) system in coronary arteries of sheep. Design: In vitro study. Samples: Sixteen hearts of sheep aged 8-10 months. Procedure: In vitro experiments were conducted using isolated tissue preparations. The isolated tissues were obtained from the left coronary arteries of hearts collected from lambs aged 8-10 months. They were mounted in organ bath system to record the isometric forces by a physiograph. The tissues were suspended in 37°c Krebs" solution bubbled with 95% oxygen and 5% CO2. Four experimental groups were prepared and the isolated tissues were treated with 5×l0-5 M acetyl choline (Ach), an inhibitor of NO synthethase, nitro- L- arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) and L-arginine (L-arg) as precursor for NO. Statistical analysis: Student t-test. Results: The tissues treated with Ach contracted for a short time before they were relaxed permanently. The relaxation induced by Ach was dependent on the viability of endothelium. The pretreatment of tissues with L-NAME, not only decreased the relaxation induced by Ach, but also significantly (P<0.02) increased the level of tissue contraction. It was also found that (L-arg) was significantly able to decrease the primary contraction induced by Ach (P<0.01) as well as reducing the effects of L-NAME on coronary arteries of sheep and the results of this study further suggest that there are different types of muscarinic receptors in sheep coronary arteries. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that a NANC system mediated by No is present in sheep coronary arteries and also approved the findings that there are different Achreceptors in these arteries.

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View 1067

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Objective: To evaluate the effect of a mastitis control program (based on the mastitis prevention, elimination and monitoring) on a herd udder health and milk quality status. Design: Field trial. Animals: A large Holstein dairy herd of 1150 dairy cows. Procedure: 1) Evaluating the herd udder health status (by CMT and milk sampling from 19.34% of the milking cows for bacteriologic culture, 2) Carrying out a control program (Consisted of: blitz treatment of Strep. ag, Post milking teat dipping by a 2.5% povidone Iodine solution with 5% glycerin, dry cow combination therapy, systemic antibiotic therapy of late pregnant heifers, bedding management, early detection, and good record keeping of clinical cases as well as continuous monitoring of udder health and milk quality by using bulk tank milk analysis), 3) Reevaluating the herd udder health status (by CMT and milk sampling from 13.2% of the milking cows for culture). Statistical analysis: Chi-square test, Analysis of variance, Correlation coefficient, Fisher’s exact test. Results: 1) Significant decrease in point prevalence, and incidence rates of clinical mastitis, relative frequency of CMT-positive quarters, relative frequency of samples from which Strep. ag, Staph. aureus and Coliforms yielded and distribution of Strep. ago and Staph. aureus in clinical cases, 2) Significant increase in relative frequency of samples from which C. bovis yielded, relative frequency of samples yielding no microorganism and distribution of environmental Streptococci, C. bovis and no growth in clinical cases, 3) Significant decrease followed by an increase in BTSCC (with an average of 225080 cells/ml), significant decrease in staph. count (with an average of 2726 cfu/ml) being noticed at the beginning of monitoring only, and absence of significant differences in TBC, Coli. count and Strep. count (with averages of 56996, 17131 and 9948 cfu/ml, respectively). In addition, in 76% of weekly bulk tank milk samples, Strep. ago and Staph. aureus were not detected, 4) No correlation between the concentrations of major contagious pathogens and herd BTSCC and a significant positive correlation between staph. count and BTSCC were observed. Clinical implications: Seemingly, the achievement of furthur improvement in mastitis status of the studied herd (i.e., eradication of Strep. ago and effective control of Staph. aureus) would be subjected to: Continuous supervising of post milking teat disinfection and shifting from teat spraying to dipping, monthly measurement of individual cow SCC, washing and disinfecting teat cup liners between cows during milking and using more effective dry period intramammary preparations as well. In addition to improve quality of herd milk, good udder preparation prior to milking is advised.

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View 1033

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Objective: This study was carried out for identification of Eimeria spp isolated from poultry breeder farms in Iran by PCR. Design: Pop-Gene Analysis. Animals: Poultry breeder farms. Procedures: A total of 114 litter samples from poultry breeder farms without previous exposure to anticoccidial vaccine were collected randomly from relatively five different climate regions of Iran. DNA was extracted from oocysts of samples, using phenolchloroform and proteinase-K. Four pairs of specific primers, designated from Internal Transcribed Spacer-1 (ITS I) regions of ribosomal DNA of E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. necatrix, and E. tenella and one pairs of universal primer BSEF-BSER which amplify ITS 1 of different Eimeria were used in PCR assay. In tests on purified genomic DNA from all species of Eimeria isolated from infected samples, each of four primer pairs amplified the ITS 1 region of their respective target species only. The PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: DNA fragments in sizes of 320 pairs (E. acervulina), 311 pairs (E. brunette), 384 pairs (E. necatrix) and 287 pairs (E. tenella) were detected on agarose gel electrophoresis. Universal primer pairs also amplified ITS 1 of five Eimeria which isolated from infected samples. Laboratory implicatious: The results of this study were showed that PCR technique is a conventional method, faster, technically easier and very cheaper than other methods to identify the Eimeria spp. Finally, this technique can be recommended to be a routine work in well equipped veterinary diagnostic labs in IRAN.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 825

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Objective: Study on the presence of Escherichia coli, Coccidia and Cryptosporidium in stool samples of neonatal diarrheic calves in Ghaemshahr and Babol, simultaneous shedding of Coccidia and Cryptosporidium with Escherichia coli in these calves, serotyping of Escherichia coli, comparison of antibiotic sensitivity of K99+ and other serotypes of Escherichia coli. Animals: Ninety three diarrheic neonatal calves (under one month) Procedure: Taking stool sample from rectum of the diarrheic calves, using standard methods for detection of Coccidia and Cryptosporidium, isolation of Escherichia coli carried out by using standard bacteriological methods and serotyping and antibiotic sensitivity test of isolates. Statistical analysis: Results were reported by descriptive scales. Results: Escherichia coli were isolated from 40.8% of diarrheic calves from which only one isolate were K99+ (1.07%). In 12 samples two pathogens have been diagnosed simultaneously which in 6 samples E. coli and Coccidia (6.4%) and 6 samples E. coli and Cryptosporidium (6.4%) have been isolated. Isolated Escherichia coli were resistant to many antibiotics which routinely used in treatment of diarrhea and there was no significant difference between K99+ and other isolates of Escherichia coli in antibiotic sensitivity test. Clinical implications: From the results of this study it seems that K99+ Escherichia coli is not a common isolate in neonatal diarrheic calves in Ghaemshahr and Babol.

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Objective: To study the presence of spv genes among different Salmonella serovars that isolated in veterinary microbiology departement Design: Observation study. Samples: A total of 138 Salmonella strains belonged to 9 different serovars were studied. Procedure: In this study we applied PCR method using PG44 and PG48 primers to amplify spvR gene in different serotypes. Results: In PCR amplification, serotyps S.abortusovis, S.dublin, S.typhimurium and S.brandburg developed the 890 bp amplicons. S.typhi, S.senftenberg and S.bovismorbificans have yielded nonspecific bands of different sizes. s.newport revealed no band in amplification. Conclusion: Salmonella serotypes such as typhi, senftenberg and bovismorbificans with nonspecific bands in PCR amplification does not share virulence plasmids. Furthermore, spvR loci could be considered as a good marker for presence or absence of virulence plasmids in different Salmonella serotypes.

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View 896

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Objective: To study the effect of CIDR on oestrous synchronization and comparison of twining percentage by using eCG and handing diet and their interaction. Design: Completely randomized design. Statistical analysis: Use of SPSS statistical program for parameter data and X2 and Man- Witny test for non- parameter data. Animals: A total of 69 ewes and 6 rams of Zandi breed. Procedure: Sixty-nine Zandi ewes within 2-5 years old and weighting 47.9 (±5.6) Kg, were divided into 3 groups (group I fed in the pasture and two other groups were fed in their pens). In order to synchronize oestrous cycle, all ewes (in 3 groups) were treated for 13 days with a controlled internal drug-releasing device (CIDR). On the following day after removing CIDRs, ewes in groups I and x2 received an injection of 400 ID eCG. Two Zandi rams were then introduced to each group. Results: The results of the present study indicated that oestrus was induced within 36-48h post CIDR withdrawal in l00, 87 and 96 percentage of ewes in groups 1,2 and 3 respectively and this differences were not significant. The percentage of parturition was 91,83 and 87 in groups 1,2 and 3 respectively and differences were not significant. The percentage of twining (based on ewes lambing) was significantly (P<0.05 lower in the group 3, comparing to groups 1 and 2 (29, 37 and 15 in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively). Male and single born lambs was heavier than female and twinborn lambs (4.2, 4.2 and 3.7, 3.5 respectively), but differences were not significant. However, these differences within each group were significant (P<0.05). The effect weight of dam on the born weight was also significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The result of this study indicated that using of synthetic hormone caused length period of parturition decreased. Also difference of age and weight of lambs are lower. Besides cueing the synthetic hormones caused that percentage of twining increased.

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View 2948

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objectives: The comparison of total and cytoplamic protein patterns between Salmonella abortusovis strains isolated from Iran. Design: Electrophoretic study of protiens. Samples: Salmonella abortusovis strains isolated from Iran. Procedure: Total proteins were prepared by sonication with a microbrobe. Cytoplasmic proteins were percipitated by the addition of 3 volumes of acetone. Total and cytoplasmic extracted proteins were analysed by SDS-PAGE and silver staining. Results: The results showed that there were considerable differences between total protein profile of S. abortusovis strains. The cytoplasmic protein patterns were similar among the strains. Conclusion: The protein profile differences and number of protein bands are showed in figure and tables. Infact this variations indicating a certain genotypic distance between bacterial strains that isolated from different geographical area of Iran and may be useful for describing the epidemiology or at least genetic relatedness of Salmonella abortusovis wild types.

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View 875

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of diagnosed disorders or anomalies in different organs and systems and also effects of breed, age and sex on disorders incidence rate. Design: Retrospective study on cattle radiographs. Animals: A total of 74 cattle referred to the radiology division. Procedure: Data were collected of 171cattle radiographs, which had been taken in the division of radiology during a 4-year period between 1998-2002. Radiographs were evaluated for site of injuries and relation of breed, sex and age with disorders incidence rate. The information was finally gathered in charts specified for frequency of disorders, sex, age and breed. Results: The disorders were fractures, osteomylitis, arthritis, actinomycosis, pneumonia, colon atresia, OCD and etc. The most frequent disorder was fractures (16.7%) and sites of the fractures were at lower jaw (7.1 %), midshaft of radius and ulna, and digits (each 4.8%).All the colon atresia cases were detected in male calves. Frequency of disorders in immature cattle (89.4%) had a very obvious difference with matures (l0.6%). Actinomycosis was more in female. Clinical implication: This study showed the potency of radiography in diagnosis of cattle diseases and disorders and also percentage of incidence probability of them in connection with factors such as sex, breed, age and site in different organs and systems of cattle.

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View 742

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Objective: To determine serological prevalence rate of infection of sheep with IBR virus in Chahannahal-Bakhtiary province. Design: Cross - sectional study. Animals: Four hundred and two healthy sheep. Procedure: Serum samples were collected from 402 sheep during four seasons of 2002-2003 in all townships of Chahannahal Bakhtiary province by cluster random sampling method. Characteristics of the animals (age, sex and history of abortion) were recorded. Sera were tested for antibodies against IBR virus by the serum neutralization test. Statistical analysis: Chi-square, Linear regression. Results: Serum samples from 43 (10.7%) sheep were positive. Prevalence rate of seropositive animals in all 5 townships of the province was estimated. No relationship was found between township, sex, season, previous record of abortion and IBR infection in sheep. Linear regression test indicated a relationship between age and prevalence rate of infection (r=0.94).

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View 1081

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Objective: To evaluate acupuncture therapeutic regimens on histomorphological changes of muscle injury healing in dog. Design: Prospective randomized experimental study. Animals: A total of 10 young adult clinically normal male cross breed dogs weighing 26±4.4 kg and 30±4.2 months old. Methods: All dogs were anaesthetized with 5% thiopental sodium and maintained with 1% halothane. A piece of 3 cm in length, 1 cm in width and 1 cm in depth of right biceps femoris was removed in all of them. Then they were divided into two groups of 5 animals each. Acupuncture treatment was given daily for 10 minutes for two weeks in experimental group by locating acupoints (GB30, BL40, ST36), where as no treatment was given in control group till end of 60 days of observations period. Biopsy sample was collected from each case for histomorphological study which were stained with H & E stain. Result: There was the least inflammatory cells, with regular and parallel arrangement of collagenous fiber in experimental group as compared to control one in which sample of inflammatory cells, with irregular unparallel arrangement of collagenous fiber was quite obvious. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapeutic regimens for two weeks period had positive and stimulatory effect on muscle tissues formation comparatively with the least inflammatory cells with regular and parallel collagen fiber arrangement in experimental group. Clinical relevant: Acupuncture as a physical method of therapy is quite effective on muscle healing and faster remodeling of muscle fibers.

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View 895

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Animals: Hundred stray cats were used in the study. Material and methods: Hundred stray cats were collected from different portions of Tehran by a special cage designed to do this. To improve the accuracy of data in each case measurement was performed three times and it’s average was recorded as IOP in that animal. Furthermore, because in many clinical examinations especially when the animal suffer from pain due to glaucoma use of anesthesia is obligatory and to assess the effect of anesthesia on IOP, all of the cats were anesthetized by ketamine hydrochloride and acepromazine in traditional doses and IOPs were measured again in this situation. Statistical analysis: In this study statistical analysis were performed by independent t test, paired t test, one way ANOVA and tookey as complementary test. Results: In this study, the mean of lOP was 17.5±0.46 mmHg. Furthermore, the results of this study showed that sex and color of iris had no significant effect in lOP, but in respect to age based on statistical ANOVA test, the difference was significant. Younger animals had higher values of lOP compared with older cats. Beside this, the results of this study showed that anesthesia with ketamine and acepromazine in cats can lead to increase in IOP and X=y-0.743/1.021 formula, as an index, can be used for IOP determination in situations that anesthesia performance is obligatory (x=corrected IOP value before anesthesia induction, y= acquired IOP value after anesthesia). Discussion: From the factors evaluated in this study, just age had a significant influence on IOP. Beside this for determination of glaucoma especially when use of ketamine and acepromazine are obligatory and there is considerable pain in the patient and physical restraint is impossible, this could lead in increase of IOP in affected animals. To evaluate IOP properly in this conditions use of correction coefficients could be helpful.

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View 1107

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Objectives: A study on the prevalence of stray cats infected with parasitic helminthes in Tehran. Design: Cross sectional study. Animals: One hundred stray cats captured from different urban areas of Tehran. Methods: One hundred stray cats were trapped from different geographic regions of Tehran and were necropsied. Different organs including: kidney, heart, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity were inspected for helminthic infection. Statistical analysis: X2 test was used to show the relationship between different factors and parasitic infection and E ta coeffeciency was used to presenting effects of these factors on the infection.Results: Four species of helminthes including 3 nematodes, Toxocaracati (23%), Physaloptra praeputialis (7%) and Toxascaris leonine (2%) and one cestode, Diplopylidium nolleri (5%) were found in gastrointestinal tract and only this organ was found infected in examined cats. Conclusion: Although for some species (e.g. T.cati 23%), the percentage of infection was relatively high, but with regard to the mild intensity of the collected worms, they could not cause clinical or subclinical symptoms. On the other hand, considering the contact between cat and man especially children, through courtyard environment or direct contact and visceral or ocular larva migration produced by ascarids of dog and cat, the report of two species of Ascaris in the present study could be a health hazard for human especially children.

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View 1620

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Objective: This study was carried out to find the progressive cellular changes developed in cell culture with cytopathic (cp) and noncytopathic (ncp) pestiviruses isolated from cow and sheep. Design: Observational study. Procedure: Following inoculating the R-BK cell cultures in Lighton tube with NADL strain of BVD, a cp strain of Border disease virus and a nocytopathic BVD, the cells were stained with FA and observed with IF microscope. In inoculated cultures with cp and ncp pestivirus obvious changes were present at the first day and multiple focal expression of viral antigens were seen. Results: In the second day in cp inoculated cultures, the morphological changes began and antigenic spread were more intensive. In the 3rd day the CPE foci were seen in different parts of the cultured cells with high concentration of antigen around the CPE sites.-The cells started to detach and became rounds and finally in the 4th and 5th day, almost all cells were antigen positive and developed CPE. However, those cultures inoculated with noncytopathic strain of BVD, in daily observation the antigenic spread was too slow and up to 6 days post inoculation no CPE were observed.

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Objective: Determination of Nitrite residues in different types and brands of meat products in order to assessment for setting up the standards and measures for this preservative in Iran. Design: Descriptive, analytical study based on random sampling. Number of samples: A total of 250 meat product samples from (Sausages). Procedure: Meat product samples (Sausages) produced by factories in Iran, selected randomly and the nitrite residues were analyzed in all samples by spectrophotometric method. Statistical analysis: Means and standard errors nitrite residues were determined and then analyzed by one-way analysis of variance method. Results: The results of the experiments on the different types and brands of meat products showed that level of nitrite residues were between 1-108 p.p.m and according to one-way analysis of variance differences between the means of nitrite residues in red meat Sausages were higher than the other meat products (P<0.05), and these residues in red meat garlic sausages were lower than the other meat products (P<0.05), while the lowest values were found in red meat garlic sausages (P<0.05). There weren’t significant differences between the values of poultry sausages and poultry garlic sausages. Conclusion: This survey showed that nitrite residues on the different types and brands of meat products is up to 60 p.p.m in some cases which indicate the high level of nitrite residues. Concerning this result, the need for setting up the standards and measures for this preservative and regular control of the meat products is emphasized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Evaluation of IFAT and abattoir methods for identifying and study of buffalo sarcocystosis (Sarcocystis fusiformis).Samples: A total of398 serum samples were taken from buffaloes before slaughtering for IFAT studing the rate of sarcocystis infections and the results compared with meat inspection and laboratory finding (macro and micro cyst). Procedure: Before slaughtering, blood samples were taken from jagular vein for serological examination by IFA method. After slaughtering, esophagus, diaphragm, heart and skeletal muscles were examined for macroscopic cyst of sarcocystis .For microscopic cysts, the samples were taken from each one of these tissues for impression smear (Dob smear). The macro cysts were identified as S.fusiformis. Bradizoites of this sarcocyst were used as antigen in IF AT and rabbit anti buffalo conjugated serum for this test was prepared in. central laboratory of faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Tehran (Dr.Reza Rastegar central laboratory) using standard method. Results: The results showed that macroscopic and microscopic infection rates of animals is 18.6% and 53.5% respectively. In this study, maximum rate of infection include macroscopic and microscopic finding was in eosophagus and minimum in heart muscle. Any significant differences were observed in infection rates due to sex: The infection rate in adult group was significantly more than young buffaloes. A significant correlation was observed between antibody titer and the rate of macroscopic and microscopic infection (P<0.05), increasing the antibody titer till 1:640 had positive correlation and more than this titer viceversa. All of slaughtered animals had atleast 1:40 titer and most of them were in 1:640 titer group (25.9%) and the lowest prevalence was in 1:10240 titer. (1.5%). Conclusion: According to the results, the IF AT is a suitable test for studing sarcocystosis in buffaloes and is useful for further studies about this economically important parasite in Khoozestan province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Evaluation of the efficacy of inactivated monovalent and polyvalent vaccines prepared from E. coli serotypes in poultry in Iran. Design: Randomized completely Design. Animals: Three hundred sixty Arian broiler chicks. Procedure: In this study monovalent vaccines O78:K80 and polyvalent vaccine were prepared, using native and virulent E.coli serotypes of O78:K80, O128:K67, O2:K1, O124:K82, O119:B14 and appropriate adjuvant ALK (SO4)2.12H2O and KOH. Three hundred sixty day old broiler chicks were randomly divided into four treatment and one control groups. Birds in each group were injected with 0.5 ml (1.5 109) of one of four prepared vaccines by subcutaneous administration in second week and intramuscular administration in third and fourth weeks of age. Before challenge serum antibody titers were measured by the tube and slide agglutination test. Ten days after the last vaccination chicks were challenged with virulent strain of O78: K80, O2:K1 and O128:K67 E. coli serotypes. Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance and Scheffe’s test. Results: More than 95 percent of chickens in control group showed colibacillosis and 70% of them were died after challenge with O78:K80, while in vaccinated groups just 3.7% mortality was observed. Live and dead challenged chicks of control group had typical lesions of colibacillosis. No adverse effects were noted on growth rate that were vaccinated with monovalent vaccines. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that inactivated monovalent and polyvalent vaccines prepared from endemic E. coli serotypes are immunogenic and protective in broiler chicks against virulent E. coli. No cross protection was shown among heterologous serotypes. The vaccines do not have any effects on growth rate or carcasse quality in vaccinated chicks. Thus we suggest using the endemic E. coli vaccine to protect broiler chicks against colibacillosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: Clinical case report of leydig cell tumor in dog. Design: Clinical case study. History: An eleven year old male German shepherd dog was reffered, small animal hospital of faculty of veterinary medicine because of Anorexia. Because of poor body condition, the animal was euthanised and submitted for necropsy examination. Based on the light & electronic microscopic observation, leydig cell tumor was confirmed. Clinical implications: Occurrence of tumor in dog is without clinical findings, therefore maybe testicles are not necroptize at necropsy. Thus the rate of tumor, must probably be higher than it is reported. Results: Histopathology and uttrastructural observations, confirmed the leydig cell tumor.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Study of anatomical position of termination of the spinal cord in male cat. Animals: Fifteen male cat in 2 prenatal groups of mid stage fetus (37d) and late stage fetus and 3 postnatal groups of newborn, sexually adult (6m) and adult age (>1y/o) and 3 animals in each group. Procedure: Fixation of spinal cord with injection of and suspension in l0% formalin, laminectomy of vertebral column and definition of spinal cone on related to vertebral column by pin. Results: The results indicated that, as in the mid and late stage fetuses, the spinal cord terminated at anterior one third of Co1 and posterior one third of S3, respectively but in newborn, sexually adult stage and adult age at posterior, middle and anterior one third of S2, respectively. Discution: Thus with increase of age the terminal portion of spinal cord were more anterior and this showed that the vertebral column had been grown faster than that the spinal cord.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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