Cardiovascular system is one of the most sensitive systems of the body which changes blood pressure and heart rhythm immediately after any environmental or emotional changes such as stress, anxiety, fear, fury or happiness. One of the major sources of stress for patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the stress resulting from hospital discharge. It is therefore important that transfer and discharge of the patient takes place in completely safe and relaxed conditions and methods should be applied to encounter the bad effects of stress. Furthermore, tools for assessment of stress resulting from discharge of patients with AMI from hospital should be applied to make the patient ready for dealing with that stress. This research was a semi-experimental study with the aim of studying the effect of AMI Benson’s Relaxation technique on hemodynamic parameters and discharge time stress in AMI patients hospitalized in the CCU ward, Shahid Rajaei Heart Hospital, Tehran in 2002. In this study, a sample volume of 60 patients with AMI were studied in two groups; case and control. Tools for gathering information comprised of sample specification slips, observations & registration of hemodynamic parameters .Tools for assessment of intensity in two reports related to the amount of chest pain and the extent of relaxation. After providing for necessary readiness on the first day, Benson’s relaxation tape was recorded with the researcher’s voice. On the second day, it was given to the patients with a headphone for relaxation at due hours and their vital signs were assessed four times a day for a period of nine days. Then, utilizing variance analysis, repeated measurement, independent T, Chi – square, and Fisher exact were tested. Results reflected that in the two groups of case and control, hemodynamic parameters (radial pulse, Apical pulse, blood pressure , mean arterial pressure , pain intensity, and ventricular extra systole , PVC in minute ) showed meaningful difference from statistical point of view . (p<0.05). But, in general, mean decrease in the aforesaid parameters was more in the case group as compared to the control group. Also , the amount of stress mark for discharge time of patients with AMI showed a decrease in case group in comparison with the control group , (p<0.001) . It is therefore suggested that Benson’s Relaxation technique should be considered in the care plan of patients for betterment of hemodynamic parameters, decrease in pain and stress attenuation for the discharge time from the very first day the patients with AMI are hospitalized in the cardiac care unit.