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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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سابقه و هدف: مطالعات اخیر تایید نموده اند که پماد گیاهی فاندرمول در درمان زخم های سوختگی موثر است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثر این پماد بر روند التیام زخم سوختگی در موش صحرایی با قطع عصب و مقایسه آن با اثر این پماد در حیوان با عصب سالم است. مواد و روش ها: این مطالعه تجربی روی شش گروه موش صحرایی نر بالغ انجام شد. پس از بیهوش کردن موش ها با استفاده از یک صفحه فلزی گرم یک سوختگی درجه دو عمقی، به مساحت 4 سانتیمتر مربع روی ساق پا ایجاد شد. در گروه های قطع عصب، قبل از القا سوختگی، ابتدا حیوان بیهوش شده و سپس در شرایط استریل اعصاب سیاتیک و فمورال قطع و حدود 3 میلیمتر از آن برداشته شد. 24 ساعت بعد از سوختگی، پماد گیاهی فاندرمول و کرم سولفادیازین نقره 1 درصد به صورت موضعی مصرف گردید. سطح زخم، درصد زخم، رشد و افزایش عروق خونی و رشد فولیکول های مو در روزهای مختلف بعد از ایجاد سوختگی تا روز سی ام اندازه گیری شد. یافته ها: نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که درصد بهبودی زخم در گروه قطع عصب و گروه کنترل در همه روزهای بعد از القا سوختگی مشابه است. درصد بهبودی زخم در گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با فاندرمول در روزهای دوازدهم، پانزدهم، هجدهم، بیست و یکم، بیست و چهارم، بیست و هفتم و سی ام بیشتر از گروه قطع عصب بود (P<0.001). درصد بهبودی زخم در گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با کرم سولفادیازین نقره نیز از روز نهم سوختگی تا بهبودی کامل زخم بیشتر از گروه قطع عصب بود (P<0.001). اختلاف بین گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با پماد فاندرمول و گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با کرم سولفادیازین نقره معنی دار نیست. میزان عروق خونی و رشد فولیکول های مو در روز بیست و هشتم در گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با فاندرمول بیشتر از گروه قطع عصب تحت درمان با کرم سولفادیازین نقره بود. نتیجه گیری: بر اساس این نتایج پیشنهاد می شود، پماد گیاهی فاندرمول ترمیم زخم سوختگی پوستی را در موش صحرایی که عصب آن قطع شده است، همانند حیوان با عصب سالم تسریع می کند. این اثر قابل مقایسه با اثر کرم سولفادیازین نقره است.

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Introduction: Many investigations have, so far, carried out to determine antibiotic resistance pattern and plasmid profiles. The aim of this study was to assess coagulase positive Staphylococcus resistance to 12 selected antibiotics, using disc diffusion and to determine their possible origin, through plasmid deletion, using mitomycin C treatment. Material and Methods: Bacterial strains were isolated from clinical specimens taken from patients in Imam Khomeini (RAH) hospital and preserved at our laboratory. Being cultured in nutrient and blood agar, they were incubated for 24 hours at 37°c. Gram staining, coagulase and DNAase monitol fermentation tests were done. After preparing inoculating suspention, disc diffusion (12 antibiotics) test was performed. Susceptible and resistant strains were also determined through their treatment with mitomycin C. Results: The results indicated that antibiotic resistance was the most against erthromycine (89%) and mitomycin C significantly decreased the frequency of single, double and multiple resistant cases. Conclusion: These findings suggest that coagulase positive; Staphylococcus aureus is resistant, to different degree, to some selected antibiotics. Plasmids not only cause resisance to a antibiotic but also play obvious role in multiple resistance.        

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Introduction: The present experiment examined the effect of pre and posttraining and before of retreival test injections of muscimol, a GABA agonist, into basolateral amygdala (BLA) on retention of spatial memory in place avoidance learning task. Materials and Methods: Male Long-Evans strain rats were surgically implanted bilaterally with cannulae aimed at the BLA and were trained to avoid a 60 degree segment of the arena entering which was punished by mild footshock. Place avoidance training occurred in a single 30-min session and the avoidance memory was assessed during a 30-min extinction trial 24 h later. The time to the first entry and the number of entrances into the punished sector during extinction were used to measure the place avoidance memory. Muscimol (0.5µg/0.6µl, per side) as a GABAergic agonist were injected bilaterally and unilaterally into BLA immediately after training and before retreival test. Retention test was done one day later. Results: Results indicated that infusion of muscimol before and immediately after training into BLA significantly impaired retention performance. Infusion of muscimol before retrieval test into BLA bilaterally and unilaterally only right amygdala not left significantly impaired retention performance. Conclusion: The above results show that GABAergic receptor plays an important role in acquisition and consolidation of spatial memory in place avoidance learning. Also this result show that GABAergic system play an important role on retreival of spatial memory in BLA of the amygdala and this role is very important in right BLA.      

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Introduction: Treatment of brucellosis is a medical problem, and regimens of treatment with duration of six weeks have significant relapse. This disease is prevalent in our country. The aim of this study was to compaire the efficacy of two months of treatment with two different regimens. Materials and Methods: From April 1998 to September 2000, this interventional study was performed on patient with brucellosis in Yahyanejad hospital in Babol. One of this 2 regimens [Co-Trimoxasol + Rifampine (Regimen I) and Doxycycline + Rifampine (Regimen II)] was randomly prescribed and all cases were followed for 12 months. After treatment, clinical manifestations and relapses with 2 regimens were examined by Chi-Squaire test. Results: 66 cases with mean age 31.6 ±13.7 years and 63 cases with mean age 36 ±15.4 years were treated by regimen I and II and relapse rate was 10% and 25.3% respectively. In comparison to regimen II, regimen I reduced relapse rate 2.3 folds (P = 0.028). From 23 cases of relapse, 13 cases were female and 10 cases were male and 61% of relapse cases were occurred within six months after treatment. Conclusion: This study showed that Co-trimoxasol + Rifampine in compared with Doxycycline + Rifampine is a preferred regimen. Follow up for one year is necessary following treatment according to find out relapsing cases.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: One of the most important difficulties in patients requiring myringotomy and tympanostomy tube insertion is rapid extrusion of the tube. The aim of this study was to compare extrysion rate of tympanostomy tubes in anterosuperior quadrant (ASQ) to those placed in the anteroinferior quadrant (AIQ). Material and Methods: In a sequential control clinical trial on 35 patients with bilateral chronic otitis media with effusion, using subjects as their own control, in each case, tympanostomy tubes (similar tubes) were placed in ASQ in the right and in AIQ in the left ears. Extrusion rates of both ears in each case were compared. Results: the results indicate that duration (mean ±SEM) of extrusion in the ASQ VS AIQ were 228.4±69.4 days and 221.7±59.1 days, respectively, which there was no significant difference between the two conditions. Conclusion: From the foregoing results it may be reduced that, as far as extrusion is concerned, it is of no consequence whether the tube is inserted in which quadrant. We conclude that the location of a myringotomy for insertion of a tympanostomy tube should not be determined on expected increased duration of action. Different tube designs should be considered when prolonged middle ear ventilation is desired.      

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Introduction: Adenosine is a neuromodulator which has anticonvulsant effects in different laboratory models of epilepsy including kindling, but the precise site (S) of its action in the brain has not been recognized. In this study, possible anticonvulsant effects of 2-chloroadenosine injected locally into the perirhinal cortex of amygdala kindled rats was investigated. Materials and Methods: Animals were kindled by daily electrical stimulation. Full amygdale rast were microinfused ( 1µl/ 4min) with 2-chloroadenosine ( 2-CLA; 5, 10, 15, 25 and 100nM), caffeine (50 and 100µm) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid applied through a guide cannula located in the perirhinal cortex and were stimulated at 10, 30 and 120 min post drug injection. Results: At the doses employed, 2-CLA significantly reduced after discharge duration and stage 5 seizure duration. The latency to stage 4 seizure was increased only at the highest dose of 2-CLA (100 nM), while even at this dose no significant change in seizure stage could be seen. The maximum effect of 2-CLA was obtained 30 min after microinjection of the drug. Pretreatment (intra perirhinal) of animals with the nonselective adenosine antagonist, caffeine (50 µm; 1 µl), blocked the anticonvulsant activity of 2-CLA. Conclusion: These results suggest that adenosine receptors located in the perirhinal cortex may play an important role in the suppression of seizure activity elicited from the amygdala.      

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intraoperative low molecular weight (LMW) heparin in reducing the severity of postoperative inflammatory response after standard extracapsular cataract extraction and PCIOL implantation in cases of phacomorphic glaucoma. Material and Method: In this randomized blind clinical trial 46 eyes (23 cases and 24 controls) were operated on by a single surgeon. In the cases, 5 IU/ml LMW heparin (Fragmin) was added to irrigating fluid. Intraoperative and postoperative hemorrhage, degree of postoperative fibrin and postoperative synechinae formation, pigment deposits on the intraocular lens were evaluated in the both cases and controls. Results: Mean age was 68±8.1years. Male to female ratio was 1/2. Cases and controls were matched regarding age, sex, duration of operation and hospitalization, preoperative IOP, concurrent ocular or systemic disease and smoking. In the cases, there were significantly less cells, flare, fibrin, pigment deposits and inflammation. Final visual acuity was significantly (P< 0.001) better in case than control group (20/50 Vs 201125). Case and control groups were comparable regarding intraoperative and postoperative hemorrhage. Conclusion: the data indicate that adding 5 IU/ml LMW heparin to the irrigating tluid during cataract surgery is safe, reduces postoperative fibrin formation and leads to better visual results in phacomorphic glaucoma.    

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Introduction: Pain is one of the most common medical problems that nurses encounter with it in the clinical care field. Pain induces due to the different factors. The one of the Common causes of pain in the clinical situation are drug injection through subcutaneous injection. One of the most important nurses's duties is pain reduction of injection. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the TENS on the pain intensity of the subcutaneous injection. Materials and Methods: This study performed on sixty admitted patients in CCU ward in Semnan fatemieh hospital. These patients received subcutaneous injection of heparin. In this study, the pain intensity of the subcutaneous injection was evaluated in three states; without using TENS, using TENS, and using TENS placebo. Pain intensity was evaluated by the visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain. Results: The data show that there was a significant difference (P<0.05) between patients' pain intensity in two subcutaneous injection states; without using TENS and using TENS, so that pain intensity has been less in subcutaneous injection state using TENS. There was also a significant difference (P<0.05) between patient's pain intensity in two subcutaneous injection states; using TENS and using TENS placebo, so that pain intensity has been less in subcutaneous injection state using TENS. But there were not any significant difference between patient's pain intensity in two subcutaneous injection states; using TENS placebo and without using TENS. Conclusion: The study suggests that patients feel less pain in subcutaneous injection state using TENS than other states; therefore TENS has been effective on the pain intensity of the subcutaneous injection. Thus it can be suggested that TENS as an effective method to reduce the pain in subcutaneous injection.      

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Introduction: Reduction dose of nuclear medicine staff with consideration of ALARA need to awareness of exposure manner and the effect of reduction dose methods, by way of measurement. Nuclear medicine staff receive dose from two main localities of exposure, the first radiopharmaceutical consist of storage, milking, preparation, distribution and injection of radioactive substances and the second radioactive patient, patient who gives radioactive substances. In this investigation, we measured exposure from two main localities of exposure and efficacy of syringe shield and apron for reduction dose. Material and Methods: Superficial and deep dose equivalent of chest (Whole body) gonads and superficial dose equivalent of fingers from two main localities for exposure was measured with lif (TLD-100) in four departments of nuclear medicine for a month. Superficial and deep dose equivalent before and after a lead plastic with 0.35 mmpb thickness was measured with TLD for a month. The superficial dose equivalent rate of syringe and syringe shield was measured while syringes were contained 85, 370 and 740 MBq of Tc-99m. Results: Mean superficial and deep dose equivalent of chest and gonads were equal but superficial dose equivalent of fingers from radiopharmaceutical main locality of exposure was rather (P<0.05). Making use of apron was caused to reduce superficial dose equivalent but don't have effect on deep dose equivalent. Making use of syringe shield was reduced dose equivalent. Conclusion: Equality of mean dose equivalent was due to increase of exposure of radiopharmaceutical main locality of exposure. Correct making use of syringes shield was reduced exposure to 1.5 percentage of its primary. Making use of apron with 0.35 mmpb thickness was not reduced exposure because of high energy of photon that use in nuclear medicine. Survey of protective instrumentation was recommended for radiopharmaceutical main locality of exposure in departments of nuclear medicine.      

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