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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    2 (پیاپی 30)
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    2 (پیاپی 30)
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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of a period of the continuous training on the most sensitive of inflammatory marker the predictive of cardiovascular disease (c- reactive protein) in the obesity, female wistar 14848 rats ( 325. 6±4. 93 gram and old - 21 months). For this aim, the first was performed a pilot study about the difference of CRP in the obesity ( 226. 75±5. 12 gram and old -4 months)and thin (168. 13±5. 6 gram and OLd-4 months) young and the obesity (325. 6±4. 93 gram and old -21months) and thin ( 246. 87±4. 79 gram and old -21months) old groups (each group include 8 rats). Then,32 rat also was divide randomly into control and experimental group and each group, in turn, was classified the randomly into the related subgroup. The experimental group training protocol took part for the period of 12 weeks and 5 days in a week with the definite speed and duration The blood sampling in the baseline were drawn in three phases of pre, mid and posttest. HS-CRP the measured with Immunoturbidimetric method. Data were analyzed by the repeated measures and Tukey tests. The results showed that CRP levels were decreased insignificantly (P=0/08) in the first six weeks and was showed decreased significantly (P=0/000) after 12 weeks. In generally, on basis of these findings speaking that decline in this inflammatory, marker after the continuous training means attenuate in atherogenesis process.

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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Thirteen healthy females ( aged 22±2.71 yrs; height 168±1.69 cm; weight 57.46±13.72 kg; body fat 17.25±11.56 percent; V02max 31. 23±7.33 ml/min/kg) participated in this study. Participants were member of takewondo team more than 3 years and completed an informed consent form and health history questionnaire. Subjects carried out 2 exercise: an incremental running test until exhaustion (test A) and a 30 minutes constant speed running at 50 HR max (test B). Venous blood samples were obtained before and 15-20 minutes after both test. Our results showed that iron level was decreased after 2 tests (p≤0.050). HB and HCT concentration were increased after test A(P≤0.050). Test B had no significant effect on ferritin, transferring, HB and HCT. The effect of test A on ferritin and transferring was not significant too low mean concentration of ferritin and the changes in iron levels, would suggest that physical exercise leads to a decrease in body stores of iron. Interestingly, this did not lead to iron deficiency anemia; because mean concentration of HB and HCT was in normal range. But it may be that the decrease in body levels with recurrent exercise bouts leads to iron deficiency anemia. Because in general, women are considered to be at greater risk of iron deficiency anemia, getting adequate iron from foods is necessary for them.

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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Purpose: This study introduces Motor fitness (MF) as a basic factor in sport talent identification, and Octal Test (OT) as a means to measure MF. It also examines the psychometric features of OT. Method: 57 students ( 19-24 years) from three independent sport classes completed the OT twice during a period of 45 minutes. Every class also completed standard sport- skill tests of their own sport (e. g. basketball, . volleyball, or table tennis). Results: OT1 and OT2 times 115(±17) and 105(±16) seconds, respectively (P<0. 0001). Intraclass correlation analysis of OT scores showed a reliability of . 0.93 Correlations Of OT with single technique scores were from 0.38 to 0.59 In all 3 sports, compared to single technique scores, composite scores showed a better correlation with  OT. Considering composite scores of tennis, basketball, and volley ball, for OT1concurrent validities were respectively 0.56, 0.54, and 0. 76. Appling the same criteria, for OT2 validities were improved to 0.63,0.65, and 0.76. Discussion and conclusion: A reliability of 0.93 is deal for a motor fitness test like OT. The study revealed that for all three studied sports, correlations of OT with composite scores were higher than those with single technique scores. This, it was concluded that OT could successfully measure generic sport ability or ME A validity of 0.63 to 0.76 is the most expecting for such a test. The remained variability in sport talent could be attributed to factors such as physical fitness, body built, and psychosocial fitness. Generally speaking, the first administration of OT is appropriate for sport talent identification, though the second administration is even better.  

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The purpose of this study was to describe the body composition, Physiological and anthropometrical profile of Iranian elite indoor soccer Players and the relationship between some of measured parameters. A number of 44 indoor soccer players (25.7± 4.37 age),including members of Iranian national team attended in Asian Indoor soccer Games ( Makauo, 2004) and indoor soccer players present in Iranian premier league of indoor soccer, were tested. For body composition profile, height, weight, body fat percentage, BMI, and for anthropometrical profile thigh circumference and length, calf circumference and length, sitting height and lower body length were measured. Physiological profile was composed of aerobic (20m shuttle run test) and anaerobic (sarjent jump) power, speed (10& 20m run), agility (Illinois), and flexibility (sit & reach).There was a significant reverse relation between aerobic and anaerobic power ( r=0. 307, P<0. 05) of subjects. Similarly, aerobic power was reversely related to body fat percentage (r=- 0.301, p<0. 05), indicating that body fat percentage shouldn't be considered as a limiting factor for aerobic power. A significant direct relationship of agility with 10m (r= 0.391, P<0. 001). Speed, but not with 20m(r=0. 139, P>0. 05), is reported. There was also a reverse, but statistically insignificant, relationship of MBI with 10m(r=-0.045, P> 0.05). As well as 20m Speed  (r =-0.26, P>0. 0). BMI was also reversely related to agility (r=-0.081, P>0.05). Findings showed that Iranian elite indoor soccer players were round the average in terms of height as well as weight.

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Hadevi F. | Mehdipour A.B



Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The main purpose of this study was designing a model for evaluation of the physical education (PE)and sports sciences in public higher education universities. This is aim that this model be utilized for explaining the present status of the (PE) at the level of undergraduate and suggests the suitable suggestions for improving the educational quality of PE. In terms of methodology a Descriptive - analytical and field study was selected randomly from undergraduate students (n=381) and their direct employers (n=150), faculty members (n=180), heads department (n=55) in 15 public universities and higher education institutions in Iran. The method of collecting the data was a researcher made questionnaires, which experts confirm, its content validity. Also Reliability and Alpha Cronbach of these questionnaires estimated nearly % 80 in pilot study. The data were collected from 9 factors such as: undergraduate PE students, PE graduate student, faculty members, Heads department, employers PE, teaching learning process, curriculums, facilities and equipments, and organizational and management structure. In fact, to collect related data information 9 factors were divided to 39 criteria and 145 indicators. Results: The results of this research indicated that according to evaluation criteria form samples point of views, current situation of undergraduate courses of physical education and sport sciences were relatively desirable. The average evaluation on a five scales measurement for faculty members was 2/81, students 3/08, Heads department 3/19, graduate students 3/54 and direct employers of graduate students 2/75. According to results some applicable suggestion were put forward to improvement of the quality of PE in Iran’s public higher education institutions.  

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The period between 1896 and 1928 is the first major period for modern Olympic Games. The sport program and what we understand today by ceremonies both took shape in those days. In Athene (1896) the king gave the medals, diploma and the wild olive branch and addressed the winners with a few congratulatory words. In stockholm (1912) the first point is that for the first time, the national flags of the three best athletes in each competition, were raised at the closing ceremony. In Antwerp (1920) the prizes were awarded at different times. For the first time ever at any Olympic Games, the flag of the gold medal winner was raised. This gesture was accompanied by his national anthem. In Paris (1924) for the first time ever, the president of the IOC handed out the medals. These were the last Olympic Games at which Coubertin was present. In Amsterdam ( 1928) medals were awarded separately for each competition taking place in venues other than the main stadium. From Los Angeles (1932) to Athene (2004) the prize awarding with a podium has done with a same manner. From 1956 to 2004 in Athene No change took place in the victory ceremonies.

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of I goal setting on choice reaction time (CRT). 50 male athlete students (19-23 yr.) from physical education Faculty of Tehran university were selected. 10 subjects were selected by simple random sampling method from 50 subjects as a base group (who did not participate in the main study). Then base group were tested on a CRT test and their scores mean recorded as base record. Other 40 subjects were tested on a choice reaction time test too and assigned to 4 conditions (personal, easy and difficult goal group and control group) by random assignment method. The difficult and easy goal was set far and close to base record and personal goal was set by subjects themselves. After 4 practice sessions groups were tested CRT test. Data analysis indicate significant difference between pre and post test means of groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Goal setting can improve CRT meanwhile difficult goal is more effective than other methods and then personal goal and finally simple goal.

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View 2012

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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In the present study glibenclamide treatment, either individually or in combination with aerobic exercise were evaluated for their effects on blood glucose concentration glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlc) levels, and maximal oxygen uptake (V02max) in patients with type 2 diabetes. 28 men with type 2 diabetes were divided to 3 groups randomly: glibenclamide (5mg daily only) (A), glibenclamide (5 mg daily) plus aerobic (B), glibenclamide (2. 5mg daily) plus aerobic training (C). Aerobic exercise protocole was performed for 12 week, 3 days (sessions) a week, 45 minutes in a session ( ergocycleprogram at 60-70% heart rate reserve). Analysis Variance tests (ANOVA) were used to evaluate data. Data analysis showed: Maximal oxygen uptake (V02max ), fasting glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlc) were measured at pre, mid and post treatment period. Maximal oxygen uptake (V02 max) significantly increased only in B group (P<0. 05).Fasting glucose, and HbAlc significantly decreased in three groups (P<0. 05). There were also no between -group differences for fasting glucose and HbAlc. The results of this study indicate that, glibenclamide treatment alone or combination of aerobic training and glibenclamide treatment, was effective in improving glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. As a results, in patients with type 2 diabetes, the addition of aerobic training to glibencelamide treatment allow lower doses of glibenclamide to be used without impaired in improvement glycemic control.

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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Purpose: In this study awareness and operation of football Players in premier League of Iran with regard to the ways of preventing from injury has been assessed. Method: This research is descriptive. Statistical Population is fourteen teams of Iran in 1382.Statistical sample is about 88 of football players who played in Saipa, Pykan, Steghlal, Zob Ahan. Barghe and Fajre Sepasi Shiraz. In this research awareness and operation of Player in relation to the use of flexibility training, sessions of strength training, warm up, cool down, nutrition and Protective equipment have been studied. Information have been gathered through Hawkins and Fuller's questionnaire. Results: Consequences show that Players have had enough awareness and operation about warm up and strength training but they have had weaknesses in using shin pad during training, Consuming Carbohydrate during pertaining and post- training, cooling down during post - training and match and sessions of flexibility training. Conclusion: In this research it has been revealed that recommendations and programs of trainers, executive directors and behaviour of those who play in the same team are the most important sources that affect awareness and operation of football players. It seems that with expanding of education of directors we can increases the awareness and according to this we can decrease the costs and problems related to injury.  

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    2 (SERIAL 30)
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The main purpose of this study was to examine the relation of hardiness to sport achievement and mental health in a sample of athlete students. Seventy four students (44 males, 30 females) from the faculty of Physical Education and sport Sciences, the University of Tehran, Participated in this study. All participants were asked to complete Hardiness scale (HS) and Mental Health Inventory (MHI). To measure sport achievement athletes' coaches were asked to rate the Sport Achievement Scale (SAS). Analysis of the data involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, analysis of variance, Pearson' s correlation coefficient, and regression analyses. The results revealed that hardiness was positively associated with sport achievement and psychological well - being. A simple negative correlation was found between hardiness and psychological distress but the correlation was not statistically significant Hardiness is supposed to increase levels of sport achievement and psychological well - being through feeling of commitment, control, challenge, coping skills, independence, autonomy and self - esteem.

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