Background: One of the toxins accumulated in the body of hemodialysis patients is beta- 2 microglobulin which is caused and increased by various factors. The one of this factors that can affect beta-2 macroglobulin is of membrane type that using in hemodialysis. In the present study, we examined the impact of C-reactive protein (CRP) as an inflammatory factor on beta-2 microglobulin in high-flux membrane hemodialysis patients.Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in 44 hemodialysis patients that have been dialyzed in two academic centers; Sina and Amir Alam Hospitals, Tehran, Iran from 2013 to 2014. The patients were hemodialyzed via fistula or permanent catheters three times a week for 4 hours for more than three months. Patients with known infectious disease, hemodialysis with low-flux membrane and dialysis less than three times a week were excluded. All patients were hemodialyzed using Fresenius biocompatible high-flux membrane (FX 100, Fresenius, Massachusetts, USA). Arterial blood sampling was performed. beta-2 microglobulin, CRP, BUN and creatinine tests were conducted for all patients.Results: Forty-four patients among the chronic hemodialysis patients were selected for final analysis.20 males (44.5%) and 24 females (54.5%) were included in this study.The frequencies of underlying disease in patients participating in the study were as follows: hypertension, 23 cases (52.3%); diabetes mellitus, 11 cases (25%); hypertension and diabetes mellitus, 2 cases (4.5%); obstructive disorder, 2 cases (4.5%). In 23 patients (52.3%), beta-2 macroglobulin was>12 mg/l and in 21 (47.7%), it was<12 mg/l. 29 cases (65.9%) had CRP values less than or equal 6 mg/l. However, there was no significant differences between beta-2 microglobulin and CRP levels (P=0.460). Also regression analysis of data showed no relationship between beta-2 microglobulin and CRP levels (r=-047, P=0.763).Conclusion: Although it seems that inflammatory factors can be effective in increasing beta-2 microglobulin, the present study did not find such a relationship between CRP and beta-2 microglobulin.