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The purpose of this study was to present The Role of Women in Sport Management in the Country with Future Research Approach. The method of research in terms of level is strategic, in terms of type is qualitative, in terms of strategy is processed, in terms of purpose is practical and in terms of time is prospective. The statistical population consisted of two sections: human society (18 people) and information society (39 copies). The research tool consists of three methods of library study, interview and Delphi method. The validity of the tools was evaluated based on the scientific and legal validity of the statistical sample, content evaluation of the experts and the agreement coefficients between the eligible experts. Coding and conceptual systematic analysis methods were used to analyze the findings. The results showed that the general framework of the future of women's management strategy in sport includes four layers of future opportunism, bottleneck analysis, prospective approach, and implementation and review that each separated output layer has respectively, key factors, roadmap and performance in terms of topics. Future studies' perspectives of women's management in country's sport were investigated in three perspectives of past, present and future, and two theoretical and executive aspects. Finally, a prospective model based on the actions and considerations necessary to improve women's Place in the management of sport in five levels of challenge, capability, strategy, performance, and outcome was developed. Based on the findings, it can be said that the future role of women in sport management in the country is simultaneously influenced by the internal and external factors and actions of sport. This framework has a holistic, systematic, and long-term view of the management of women in the field of sports and seeks to guide managers' action in the distant future and wider areas of administration.

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The sport management curriculum is considered as one of the most important pillars of sport management in the country. This study examined and compared the curriculum of Master's degree of sport management in Iran and selected universities. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical-comparative with qualitative approach. Sports management’ s approved curriculum were received from the Ministry of Science website (Higher Education Planning Office) then adapted and compared with curricula of 16 universities in the world. Examining the curriculum of selected universities showed that, from the six sport management’ s academic orientation in Iran, there is more overlap to the topics of the sport marketing orientation and also the slightest similarities with the Strategic Management in Sport and Leisure Management and Recreational Sports. Also there is most variety of course titles and the most diversity of orientation toward other universities. More than 90% of curriculum of selected universities were segregated into 26 subject areas, sport management education has been addressed to 21 subject areas in Iran. The bachelor's degree in Iran is defined in a general and comprehensive manner and sport management is a small part of that with limited titles. On the contrary, at the master level, there are more specialized and differentiated academic orientation for sport management. Based on this, it seems to be lack sufficient cognitive and empirical skills to select and enter to master of sports management in Iran

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The primary purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and new product development performance with the mediating role of Product modularity in firms manufacturing bodybuilding equipment. In terms of purpose, the present study is an applied descriptive-exploratory research. In term of philosophy, it is based on the deductive research and positivism paradigm. The statistical population of the research is 147 senior managers and employees of factories and companies manufacturing bodybuilding equipment in the country. A total number method has been used for sampling. In order to measure the variables of the research, Huang and Li’ s organizational ambidexterity questionnaire (2017), Yuxiao et al’ s Product modularity (2018) and the new product development of Cheng and Krumwiede's (2018) have been used. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and for data analysis, structural equation modeling and PLS software were used. The findings show that organizational ambidexterity has a positive and significant effect on new product development and Product modularity acts as a mediator variable in relation to organizational ambidexterity and new product development.

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Increasement of competition and motivation for survival has led many organizations to focus their activities on basic services and core competencies and this issue requires investment in research and innovation. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the factors affecting R & D capabilities at Sport Sciences Research Institute. It was a field research using mixed method. The research samples were directors, deputies, faculty members and expert personnel of Sport Sciences Research Institute. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information and its validity and reliability were confirmed. For data analysis SPSS software and for confirmatory factor analysis Lisrel software were used. The results showed that all the mentioned variables are important for research samples and the priority in each part is in this base: knowledge management in effective strategic factors, creativity and innovation in effective human factors, the ability to transfer and release technology in effective technological factors, and increase the motivation of technical people in effective management factors. There were no significant differences between components in financial factors and factors of commercialization. Based on the obtained results and the necessity of establishing this department in this scientific organization, and in order to reach the objectives of Sport Sciences Research Institute, the establishment of this department seems essential.

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Obviously, the most important human capital is an appropriate use of these funds is necessary in an integrated system. This study analyzes the effect of government investment on employment MSC degree in physical education is public and private universities. Methods In this descriptive-analytical study and the research community all MSC degree in physical education in the years 1385 till 1390 all the trends in both public and private universities have graduated from the population size 7500 study estimated that a sample size of Cochran's formula was used to estimate the sample size was 360 patients. Stratified cluster random sampling was performed. A questionnaire was used to collect data confirm the validity of the questionnaire Physical Education teachers, administration, economics, sociology and the social sciences. For construct validity, exploratory factor analysis indicated that an acceptable construct validity (factor loading 0. 748) level of reliability equal to 0. 98 (Cronbach’ s alpha) were reported. The cost of software for statistical analysis (SPSS 20) and LISREL was used. In general, graduates of public universities and non-governmental, public investment factors affecting the employment of graduates of master's degree in physical education were identified. The results of the study showed that between 7 operating state investment in jobs to support plenty of private investments in physical education among graduates of two universities with the highest correlation coefficient (a public university with a correlation coefficient, 0. 819 universities and NGOs with a correlation coefficient, 0. 801). General government investment in job creation as the main trustee is very important.

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The purpose of this study was to Study the factors affecting the outbreak of negative pressures of stakeholder’ s professional soccer clubs of Iran. The present study was descriptive analytical that it was done on the field base. The statistical population of the study consisted of all members of the Football Federation Association, the Based on the selection of all the numbers, all members identified as a research sample. In order to investigate and analyze was used the Structural Interpretation Modeling whith use Mic-Mac software. The results of the research also revealed that the factors of ambiguity in stakeholder power in clubs, the marginalization of some mass media, the inability of clubs to stabilize their economic resources, low managerial communication skills, the lack of necessity and concern in responding to stakeholders in the club The existence of financial problems in sports clubs were of the key independent variables. With this in mind, managing the identified pressures and controlling these pressures can alleviate existing stresses while reducing stress in clubs.

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In the present age, the body has become very important with the growth of consumer culture and mass communication media. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using luxury outdoor sports brands on body management, with emphasis on mediating the role of physical pride and social influence among athletes. The methodology of the research is from the perspective of the applied objective, in terms of collecting field information, and the correlation type that is based on the structural equation modeling with the smart pls3 software. The statistical population was athletes of sports complexes in Karaj Municipality. A total of 380 people was selected by random sampling. A tool for measuring the questionnaire, whose factual and content validity was examined by some of the sports management professors and after the corrections. The findings showed that the use of luxury outdoor sports brands is influential on body management. Also, the use of luxury brands with the mediator role of physical pride and social influence also influenced body management, but this effect was due to physical pride relative to social influence at a higher level. Therefore, factors such as physical grasses and social influence are effective in the attitude of athletes in the management of the body and the use of luxury outdoor sports brands. They tend to focus on the management of the body and the use of luxury outdoor sports brands because of the need to show and show the body and the community's luck and show their socio-economic status.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing the students' desire to play computer games in comparison with exercise and physical activity. The research method was descriptive-survey and of practical type. Study population was consisting all students of universities in Tehran province. Finally, 392 questionnaires with validity and appropriate reliability were completed by the samples available. In this research, data were collected through questionnaire and then analyzed by PLS software. The results of the research showed that the conceptual model of research has a good fit as well as between video games with the variables studied. The results showed that cost, mental stress, opportunity, choice and unpardonable pleasures are factors that students face in choosing to play computer games. Therefore, due to widespread changes in the intellectual environment and a different perception of sport, it is necessary to make appropriate fixes for computer-based games based on physical activity and sports, or the boom of traditional sports in engaging with computer games. It should also be noted that due to the development of student media literacy and, on the other hand, the reduction of physical activity and excessive obesity of balance in the event of frequent use of computer games, attention to the attractive elements of games should be given to each individual's position.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of service experience on future attendance of spectators in stadiums, with mediator role of their satisfaction. This study was descriptive-correlative type. The population of the research was all of the Iran Football Premier League spectators in 2018-19 season. According to Kline (2011), 200 to 300 samples are favorable for structural equation modeling. Thus, 282 people were selected by the convenience sampling method from the spectators of Esteghlal and Persepolis teams of Tehran. Three questionnaires were used to collect data including of service experience questionnaire from Pine and Gilmore (1998), spectators’ satisfaction and future attendance questionnaires from Oh et al. (2007). The data analyzed by Partial Least Square method. Findings showed that service experience has a direct and significant impact on satisfaction and future attendance of spectators. Also satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on future attendance of spectators. Furthermore, the results showed that service experience has an indirect and significant impact on future attendance of spectators through the mediator role of satisfaction. In general, service experience can intensely predict the behavioral intention of spectators; hence, it seems that designing meaningful experiences for spectators can be a new approach to sport event organizers to gain more market share in the tourism and leisure market.

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The purpose of this study was to study the factors affecting the improvement of sports organizations' capacity to respond to social responsibility using the tricyclic theory. This research is a descriptive-analytical research that was conducted in the field. The statistical population of the present study included managers of Khorasan Razavi sport organizations including managers of the Department of Education, Physical Education and Health of the Education Organization, managers of the Sports and Youth Organization of the Khorasan Razavi Province, as well as some experts in the field of social responsibility in the province. They were Khorasan Razavi. According to snowball method, 19 individuals were identified as the sample. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with 15 questions. The validity of this questionnaire was confirmed by eight university professors. The reliability of this questionnaire was also 0. 86. The TOPSIS method was used to select the ranking of these factors. All data analysis was performed using BT TopSis SoLver software. The results showed that creating an index for evaluating organizations in the field of social responsibility with a coefficient of closeness of 0. 9847 was identified as the most important factor affecting the improvement of the capacity of sports organizations to respond to social responsibility. Generally formulating and setting standards and benchmarks in sports organizations for evaluating and evaluating their programs and activities regarding social responsibility is understood as an important issue.

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The aim of this study was to design the Compilation model of empowerment process, talent management system and organizational intelligence capabilities by using interpretative-structural modeling at general directorates of sports and youth. The research method was qualitative with interpretive-structural modeling approach. The components were identified through library study and interview (11 specialists). Then, 10 experts were asked to construct the model and the validity of the model was used using a pair comparison questionnaire. Data was analyzed by interpretive structural modeling and MICMAC analysis. After analyzing the data, the components were arranged in seven levels, based on which the ISM graph was designed. It was suggested that the operating performance factor was at highest level (seventh level), in the sixth level of the model of the factors of discovery and attraction and strategy and futures. At the fifth level, there were the factors of development and development, assessment and adaptation, knowledge and information, and variability and transformation. In the fourth level, the factors of deployment and utilization, maintenance and services, and synergy and cohesion. The third level included the organizational participation. In the second level, self-based adjectives, freedom and job independence and suitability and job capability were found and at the lowest level of the model (the first level), there was the factor of influence. Therefore, a composite model of three variables of empowerment, talent management, and organizational intelligence is based on the performance management component and their outcome will ultimately affect the organization through its impact component.

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The purpose of this study is to develop and test a framework for identifying the dimensions of sports brands love among Iranian consumers. And then recognize the effective variables on the dimensions of sports brands love and the dependent variables of the dimensions of sports brands love. In this study, the researcher has used mixed research methods and grounded theory. In order to develop the framework of sports brands love, the qualitative method by interview tool with 106 customers and then theme analysis technique are used. Then, a quantitative method has been used to test the model using questionnaire extracted from qualitative data and confirmatory factor analysis method. The results of qualitative analysis show that the structure of sports brands love among Iranian consumers is measured by 14 dimensions (Trust, Declaration of affect, Functional perceptions, Dreams, Attraction, Memories, Self-congruity, Satisfaction, Beauty, Intimacy, Pleasure, Duration of the relationship, Uniqueness and Attachment). Brand identification, brand trust and brand image are known as sports brands love antecedents. Brand commitment, brand loyalty, word of mouth and desire to pay a premium are known as the consequences of sports brands love. Also, the results of quantitative analysis indicate a strong relationship between antecedents of sports brands love, its dimensions and sports brands love’ s outcomes. Therefore, it can be concluded that brand love in the present statistical sample is more closely associated with the functional perception of these products, as well as brand satisfaction has the greatest impact on the creation of brand love, which is due to the product quality, after selling services and proper staff training.

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