The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of the internship course from the perspective of the professors of this course in the curriculum of Farhangian University. For this purpose, using a qualitative approach and based on purposive sampling, semi-structured interview was conducted with 25 professors of internship in Isfahan Farhangian University. The content validity of the interview questions was confirmed by experts. To increase the accuracy of interview analysis, the peer question method, exploration by the subjects (Halloway & Wheeler, 2009) and the audit trail (Gal et al., 2012) were used. Data analysis was performed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The results showed that the problems of the internship course can be classified into two dimensions: “ curriculum” and “ implementation” . According to the results, the most problems in the curriculum dimension, in the component of internship curriculum objectives: idealistic view and personal goals (0. 84), in the content component: student does not pass the prerequisite courses (0. 84), in the component of learning-teaching strategies: lack of familiarity of some internship professors with the method of qualitative research (0. 60), and in the evaluation component: the necessary lack of coordination in the evaluation method was (0. 52). The highest frequency of problems identified in the implementation dimension, including: insufficient cooperation of education in sending licenses (0. 68), lack of vehicle for internship instructor (0. 54), lack of justification of school principals for internship (0. 36), lack of good teacher educator as a model for student-teacher (0. 68), lack of suitable textbook for this course (0. 88), low level of knowledge of student-teacher about the content of textbooks (0. 52), disagreement of in-service teachers in the internship unit training (0. 72), the shortage of manpower aware of the internship unit in the university to solve problems and administrative-official ambiguities was (0. 60). The teaching profession seems to be a professional activity that requires a philosophy to link theory and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to coherent planning in order to provide practical and theoretical training for the internship course at Farhangian University.