The attempt to reach ‘ Secure Situation’ is the main choice of political units and predicting the future can be organized the ‘ Secure Situation’ called futures studies security. As one of the regional and global actors in geopolitics, for Islamic Republic of Iran, there is a wide range of possible future prospects. The objective of this research is to identify the Geopolitical factors that affect security of I. R. Iran and its ultimate goal is to outline the optimal security future with the Futures Studies approach. The present study is a qualitative research of case study type that has been compiled using some quantitative and qualitative models. In this study, using security studies, security criteria are classified in six militarizes, economic, local-spatial, cultural, political and ecological spheres, and accordingly, 22 factors for security of Iran was presented; then, through the distribution of 36 questionnaires, the views of a group of professors, specialists and PhD students in political sciences, political geography, and international relations of some universities were collected. Data derived by combining the average and TOPSIS methods, analyses and key factors of security have been extracted. The results show that the three factors of "position", "military capabilities" and "economic power" as the most important factor of geopolitical security of I. R. Iran has formed eight security scenarios. Finally, the scenario of "geostrategic position, military hardware and the big economy" with a higher score, is a criterion for codification of the country's security vision and the achievement of this research is considered.