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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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تنش خشکی رایج ترین تنش غیر زیستی در ایران است و بیشترین اثر منفی را بر رشد و تولید گیاهان دارد. پلی آمین ها، تنظیم کننده-های رشد گیاهان هستند و مقاومت آن ها را به تنش های محیطی مانند خشکی افزایش می دهند. در این پژوهش اثر غلظت های مختلف پوتریسین+اسپرمین (به ترتیب 0+0، 40+40، 40+60 و 60+40 میکرومولار) بر برخی ویژگی های فیزیولوژیک گیاه گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius L. ) تحت آبیاری مطلوب (% 100 ظرفیت زراعی) و آبیاری محدود (%40 ظرفیت زراعی) مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. این آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در گلخانه دانشگاه تبریز انجام گرفت. بدون کاربرد پلی آمین ها، خشکی سبب کاهش معنی دار شاخص های رشد، محتوای آب نسبی، رنگیزه های فتوسنتزی، غلظت پروتئین محلول کل برگ و افزایش غلظت پرولین آزاد برگ و قندهای محلول اندام هوایی گردید. کاربرد برگی 60 میکرومولار پوتریسین و 40 اسپرمین بیشتر این صفات را در برگ ها به ویژه تحت شرایط تنش افزایش داد. کاربرد پلی آمین های برون زا میزان پرولین آزاد برگ را احتمالا به دلیل افزایش غلظت کلروفیل کاهش داد. کاهش انباشت اسمولیت های سازگار نظیر پرولین آزاد در ریشه و قند های محلول در برگ با تیمارهای 40+40 میکرومولار و 40+60 میکرومولار از پوتریسین+اسپرمین (به ترتیب) می تواند به دلیل نقش پلی آمین ها به عنوان اسمولیت و همچنین پاک کننده رادیکال های آزاد اکسیژن باشد. در مجموع نتایج نشان می دهد که اسپری برگی 60 میکرومولار پوتریسین و 40 اسپرمین می تواند برخی اثرات مخرب تنش خشکی را بر شاخص های فیزیولوژیک گیاه گلرنگ کاهش دهد.

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مکانیسم اثر تریفلورالین ازطریق مهار تقسیم میتوز سلولی می باشد. گاما آمینو بوتیریک اسید (گابا) به عنوان اسید آمینه غیرپروتئینی، برخی فعالیت های فیزیولوژیکی از جمله تنظیم رشد گیاه و مقاومت در برابر تنش ها را بر عهده دارد. به منظور بررسی تأثیر علف کش تریفلورالین و نقش گابا بر فعالیت های آنزیمی و میزان پرولین و تنظیم کننده های رشد جیبرلین (GA3) و سیتوکینین (6-بنزیل آمینوپورین) در گیاه کدو خورشتی (Cucurbita pepo) آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کرت های کاملاً تصادفی با 4 سطح غلظت علف کش تریفلورالین (0، 5، 15 و 25 ppm) و دو سطح گابا (0 و 500 میکرومول برلیتر) در 3 تکرار انجام گرفت. تریفلورالین 2 روز قبل از کاشت به گلدان ها اضافه شد. سه روز بعد از رشد گیاهچه ها، آب مقطر و محلول 500 میکرومول بر لیتر گابا به ترتیب بر سطح برگ های گیاهان شاهد و تیمار اسپری شد. علف کش تریفلورالین بر آنزیم اورنیتین آمینوترانسفراز (OAT)، پرولین دهیدروژناز (PDH)، محتوای پرولین و فیتوهورمون های جیبرلین و سیتوکینین معنی دار بود. از سوی دیگر، گابا تاثیر معنی داری بر فعالیت PDH و محتوای پرولین و سطح جیبرلین و سیتوکنین بر جای گذاشت. با مصرف گابا، محتوای پرولین و سیتوکینین و جیبرلین به طور معنی داری افزایش یافت در حالی که فعالیت PDH ریشه و بخش هوایی با استفاده از گابا به طور معنی دار کاهش یافت. با افزایش غلظت تریفلورالین، محتوای پرولین و فعالیت OAT افزایش و میزان جیبرلین و سیتوکینین و فعالیت PDH کاهش یافت. شرایط هورمونی و بیوشیمیایی گیاهان کدو تحت سمیت علف کش تریفلورالین با استفاده از گابا بهبود یافت.

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به منظور ارزیابی تنوع ریخت شناسی، پانزده جمعیت مختلف گل محمدی از مناطق اصلی و مهم تولید اسانس کاشان، جمع-آوری شد. پنجاه و دو صفت کمی و هفده صفت کیفی اندازه گیری شدند. آنالیز خوشه ای و PCA بر اساس صفات ریخت شناسی نشان داد پانزده جمعیت مختلف می تواند به دو گروه اصلی و پنج زیرگروه تقسیم شود. نتایج تجزیه واریانس اختلاف معنی داری(P<0. 01) را در بیست و هشت ویژگی ریخت شناسی مانند طول ساقه، طول برگ و تعداد گل در بوته بین جمعیت های گل محمدی نشان داد. همچنین همبستگی معنی داری میان ویژگی های مختلف مشاهده شد. نتایج حاصل از ارزیابی های فوق نشان دهنده وجود تنوع در ویژگی های گل محمدی جمعیت های مختلف کاشان بود. بنابراین برخی صفات مانند میزان تعداد گل در شاخه و تعداد گل در بوته که در این مطالعه همبستگی مثبت و معنی داری با هم نشان دادند (391/0r=) یا تعداد خار را می توان به عنوان صفات قابل توجه و با اهمیت در تعیین معیارهای ارزیابی و گزینش جمعیت ها مورد استفاده قرار داد. بازده اسانس گل ها پس از استخراج توسط دستگاه کلونجر اندازه گیری شد. نتایج همبستگی نشان داد که رابطه معنی داری بین برخی صفات ریخت شناسی و میزان اسانس وجود دارد. میزان اسانس همبستگی معنی دار مثبت با طول کاسبرگ و همبستگی معنی دار منفی را با صفات طول دمگل و طول غده نهنج نشان داد.

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In this study, the effects of drought on some physiological characteristics of winter and spring leaves of jasmin (Jasminum fruticans L. ) were examined in plants grown in pots and treated with or without water stress for 25 days. Our results showed significant difference in pigment content and phenolic metabolism between winter and spring leaves of jasmine during spring season. In this study, winter leaves showed the higher Chlb, carotanoids, total phenol, flavonoids as well as phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity, and relative water content (RWC) as compared to spring leaves, indicating winter leaves are sufficient in their capacity for non-photochemical energy dissipation via these mechanisms. However, water stress did not significantly affect these parameters. Drought significantly increased the amount of malondoialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) following significant enhancement of peroxidase (POD) activity. However, in winter and spring leaves treated with water stress, decrease in the maximal quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) was not statistically significant. In contrary, spring leaves exhibited a significant decrease in the performance index (PIabs) parameter under drought conditions. Notably, the kinetics of the OJIP chlorophyll fluorescence curve exhibited a quicker difference between winter and spring leaves of jasmine under well watered conditions. Thus, photosynthetic apparatus of winter leaves maintained a higher PIabs during spring season, and showed more tolerance to water stress by dissipating excess light energy by carotenoids; and by screening of photoradiation by phenolic compounds.

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An experiment was carried out in greenhouse condition in 2014 to assess the effects of water deficit stress and nano potassium fertilizer on some vegetative and physiological characteristics of peppermint. The experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The levels of water deficit were; full field capacity (100%FC), 80 percent of field capacity (80%FC) and 60 percent of field capacity (60%FC). Also nano potassium foliar application were carried out with different concentrations; control (T1), 2 g/L (T2), 4 g/L (T3) and 6 g/L (T4). The measured properties were plant height, number of tillers per plant, fresh and dry yield, weight percent of essential oil and its yield, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, relative water content (RWC), prolin and total soluble carbohydrates. Data were analyzed using SAS software and means were compared with Duncan’ s test. The correlation coefficients were obtained by SPSS software. Results indicated that increasing the level of nano potassium fertilizer would significantly increase the plant height, number of tillers per plant, fresh and dry weight, yield and weight percent of essential oil, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, RWC, prolin and the total soluble carbohydrates. All properties except chlorophyll b, prolin and weight percent of essential oil reached to the maximum value by applying control treatment (100%FC). In general, the essential oil percentage were increased with increasing the drought stress. The maximum values of dry weight (4. 81 g/plot), oil yield (7. 52 g/plot) and total soluble carbohydrates (2. 13 μ g per g fresh weight) were obtained by foliar application of 6 g/L and also control, moderate stress and severe stress treatments, respectively. In general, the nano-potassium spray application reduced the effect of dehydration stress.

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Algae have various applications and may use to biochar production. In this study, laboratory biochar production of two macroalgae of Enteromorpha compressa and Ulva lactuca collected from Persian Gulf were investigated. Biochar production was performed at different temperature without oxygen. The characters of obtained biochar were determined by standard methods. Results showed that the temperature had significant effect (P<0. 05) on weight, pH, organic carbon content, N, Ca, Mg, Na and K of macroalgal biochars. The biochar of E. compressa and U. lactuca had, respectively, 13. 54-28. 57 % and 22. 65-43. 75 % ash weight; 8. 04-11. 71 and 8. 17-12. 09 pH; 9. 1-18. 22 % and 12. 14-21. 25 % organic carbon; 2. 1-3. 3 % and 2. 7-4. 1 % N; 16-20 and 20-32 meq/l Ca; 48-172 and 12-440 meq/l Mg; 26485-33531 and 7977-13445 meq/l Na; 7323-8831 and 4675-7933 meq/l K, respectively. The macroalgae biochar have different nutrients that could be used for improvement of soil and increasing of yield of production. In addition, biochar of E. compressa and U. lactuca may use for improvement of acidic soils.

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Storage proteins which found in seeds of many plants are studied in various fields such as human and animal nutrition, chemistry of protein, pharmacology, plant biochemistry and medicinal plants. The ability of these compounds to cause nutritional problems and toxic effects when used as foods has led to several studies on their dispersion in plants. In this research, seed proteins of wheat (Zarrin variety) have been extracted. The protein of interest was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation method; dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. After purification by Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), electrophoretic properties of this protein were investigated by Sodium dodecylpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) method. Inhibitory activity of this Protein against Bacterial alpha-amylase and human saliva were measured using the Bernfeld method. FPLC diagram illustrates the purification and collection of the desired protein. The electrophoretic pattern of this protein with relative mobility of 0. 60 and 0. 59 confirmed the purification process. Hydrolytic activity of bacterial and human saliva Alpha-amylase decreased by this protein 89. 97% and 97. 07% respectively. In general the isolation, purification and alpha-amylase inhibition property of this protein which extracted from wheat seed were confirmed in this study. Inhibition of bacterial alpha-amylase by this protein can be considered by agricultural researchers in biological control of parasites and pests. This alpha-amylase inhibitor can also be used to treat diabetes, digestive deficiencies and modify dietary regimens to reduce weight.

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In order to investgate the effects of zeolite and DTPA on reproductive traits of tomato in soil contaminated with lead a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications in Masjed Soleyman city was conducted in 2015. Factors studied consisted the concentration of lead in four levels of zero, 50, 100 and 150 mg per kg of soil, zeolite in three levels of zero, 0. 5 and 1% and DTPA in three levels of zero, 50 and 100 mg per kg of soil. The effects of lead concentrations, the use of zeolite and DTPA significantly affected the length of inflorescence, number of inflorescences per plant, number of flowers per inflorescence and the number of fruits per plant. Also, the effect of lead concentration and interaction of zeolite and DTPA significantly affect fresh and dry weight of fruit. Spike length, number of inflorescences per plant, number of fruits per plant and fruit dry weight reduced about 60, 42, 34 and 49%, respectively by increasing the lead concentration in the soil compared with control. However, the use of zeolite and DTPA caused a significant increase in measured traits. Also, the use of higher concentrations of zeolite along with higher levels of DTPA increased fresh and dry weight of tomato fruits.

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Forest trees are considered as most important and huge carbon pools in the forest ecosystems and have a great influence on the reduction of carbon emission in the atmosphere. Therefore, how to measure and estimate the carbon stored in the trees is the main issue for ecologists. The aim of this study was to estimate of leaf biomass and leaf carbon sequestration of Cercis siliquastrum L. in Arghavan forests reserves of Ilam. For this purpose, 30 trees were selected using random sampling method and height, mean diameter of crown, number of sprout and crown length variables were measured. All leaves of 1/4 crown area were collected. After of drying, dry weighted of leaves calculated. Enough quantity of leaves was burned in electrical kiln to calculate the carbon storage. To calculate of leaf area index was used gravimetric method. Mean tree method was used to generalize the result to the whole forest. Based on results, mean of leaf biomass, mean of leaf carbon sequestration and mean of atmosphere CO2 absorption were 53. 55, 23. 4 and 86. 02 kg per hectare, respectively. Mean of leaf area index in studied area was 0. 058. The results of allometric using of linear regression showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between of mean diameter of crown with leaf biomass, carbon sequestration and leaf area index variables in Ilam forests.

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In order to study the effects of some environmental factors on quality and quantity of fennel essential oil, an experiment was conducted at 3 stations of Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Isfahan during 2012-2013 and 4 superior fennel genotypes (including: Lorestan, Hamedan, P11-820065 and 11486) were studied basis of randomized complete block design with three replications. Base on the results the interaction of place* genotype was significant for all traits. a-pinene, fenchone, camphor and (z)-anethol in foreign genotypes and p-cymene, limonene, estragole and (e)-anethol in native genotypes were the highest. The maximum essential oil belongs to P11-820065 with 4. 21 percentages. The highest essential oil yield (165. 2 Kg/hec) was observed in P11-820065 located in Golpayeghan and the lowest in Hamedan genotype (60. 4 Kg/hec) of Kashan. (E)-anethol yield of hamedan Genotype in Golpayeghan station had a significant different with Kashan station. The minimum amount of (e)-anethol was observed in 11486 (41/1 %) located in Kashan. There was a negative significant correlation between (e)-anethol and soil total N. Also a negative significant correlation was observed between oil percentage and oil yield with soil salinity. On the other hand fenchone and soil salinity had a positive significant correlation. There was no significant correlation between essential oil and environmental factors in Golpayegan station.

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According to previous studies, salicylic acid decreases the hyperhydricity in Thymus daenesis and this event might be due to the effect on polyamines metabolism. Polyamine oxidase enzyme catabolizes the polyamines in the cell and one of its byproducts is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Purpose of this study is analyses of salicylic acid effect on polyamine oxidase activity in thymus daenensis callus. In this study, the activity of polyamine oxidase, content of H2O2, and responses of enzymatic antioxidant including catalase and peroxidase was measured. Results showed that salicylic acid (concentrations of 10 and 20 μ M) caused an increase in polyamine oxidase activity in a dose dependent manner. In callus under salicylic acid treatment (20 μ M) a decrease in soluble peroxidase activity and an elevated H2O2 content was observed. Increase of H2O2 might be due to the influence of salicylic acid on polyamine oxidase and peroxidase activities. While variations in H2O2 levels resulted in no changes of catalase activity. Regulation of H2O2 level by salicylic acid through its effect on polyamine oxidase activity might contribute to ROS homeostasis, which is necessary for in vitro developmental processes in plant cells.

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Fifteen populations of Damask rose were collected from important rose oil production regions of Kashan for evaluation of morphological variation. two Fifty quantitative and seventeen qualitative morphological characters were measured. Cluster and Principal component analysis (PCA) of morphological characters showed that the fifteen populations could be divided into two major groups including five subgroups. The variance analysis showed significant differences (P<0. 01) among populations of Rosa damascena for 28 morphological characters such as stem length, leaf length and number of flowers per plant. Significant correlations were observed between different traits. The results are indicative of morphological variation among different populations of R. damascena from Kashan. Therefore, some of the traits such as number of flower per branch and number of flowers per plant, which showed a positive strong correlation in this study, or the number of prickle can be used as significant and important attributes in determining the criteria for the evaluation and selection of populations. The essential oil content (w/w) of flowers was assayed after extraction in Clevenger apparatus. Correlation results showed that there is a significant relationship between some morphological characters and essential oil content. Stipule length had a significant positive correlation with the essential oil content, while a significant negative correlation was observed for pedicle length and receptacle glandular length with the essential oil content.

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Drought stress is the most prevalent abiotic stress in Iran and has highest negative effect on plant growth and productivity. Polyamines are plant growth regulators that enhance resistance of plants to environmental stresses such as water deficit. In this research, the effect of different putrescine+spermine concentrations (0+0, 40+40, 40+60, and 60+40 μ M) on some of the physiological characters of spring safflower under well-watering (100% FC) and limited-watering (40% FC) were studied. The experiment was arranged as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications in a greenhouse at the University of Tabriz. Without polyamines application, water deficit was decreased growth parameters, leaf relative water content, photosynthetic pigments, and soluble protein in the leaves. Proline and soluble sugar contents of leaf were increased under water deficit. Foliar application of 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine improved most of these traits in the leaves, particularly under water stress conditions. However, exogenous polyamines reduced leaf proline content probably due to increase in chlorophyll content. Reduction in compatible osmolytes such as free proline in root and soluble sugars in leaf with application of 40+40 and 40+60 μ M putrescine+spermine could be due to polymines role as osmolyte as well as ROS scavenger. These results suggest that foliar spray of 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine can mitigate some of the harmful effects of drought stress on physiological parameters of safflower.

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The main mechanism of action of herbicide Trifluralin is the inhibition of cell mitosis. As an important non-protein amino acid, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contributes in certain physiological functions and stress tolerance. So, to detect the effect of Trifluralin and role of GABA on enzymatic activities and content of proline and growth substances including gibberellin (GA3) and cytokinin (6-benzyl amino purine) an experiment was conducted using squash (Cucurbita pepo) seedlings. Four levels (0, 5, 15 and 25 ppm) of trifluralin and presence or absence of GABA were applied in completely randomized design and in 3 replicates. Pots were sprayed by trifluralin 2 days after planting. Distilled water and GABA (500 μ mol l-1) were sprayed on control and treated plants respectively 3 days after planting. Effect of trifluralin on ornithine amino-transferase (OAT), proline dehydrogenase (PDH) and content of proline and also GA3 and 6-benzyl amino purine was significant (p≤ 0. 01) according to ANOVA. On the other hand, GABA had a significant effect on activity of PDH, content of proline and GA3 and cytokinin level. Content of proline and activity of OAT and the amounts of GA3 and cytokinin increased significantly, although PDH was decreased under influence of GABA. Content of proline and OAT activity were raised and GA3, benzyl amino purine and activity of PDH were declined by increased levels of trifluralin. Overall, it can be concluded that growth and biochemical indices of squash plants were improved by GABA under toxicity of herbicide trifluralin.

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In this study, population of Chenopodium album were collected from four geographical directions such as east, west, north and south of vegetable farms of Gonbad Kavous. Then 10 plants from each direction at least with 100 m distance were collected and at the end leaves below the inflorescence of plants were selected. Collected leaf samples of each direction were tested for epidermal characteristics study and metabolites of plant. Epidermal traits of leaf stomata such as type, epidermal cells form, anticlinal wall type, length, width and area, the number of epidermal cells, index and density as well as content of starch, protein, soluble sugar and total phenols of chenopodium album were measured. Results showed that whole population of Chenopodium album in various directions had stomata in both surface of upper and back. The highest number of epidermal cells and stomatal index and density of Chenopodium album in various directions except in case of epidermal cells number in south were allocated to back surface of leaves. Stomata type and epidermal cells form on both surfaces of studied directions were animistic and irregular respectively. Chenopodium album in both leaf surfaces in different directions except south had anticlinal wall type a slightly undulating. The highest starch, protein, soluble sugar and total phenols in Chenopodium album were obtained in west, south, east and east respectively. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of stomatal cells, the compromise osmolytes of soluble sugar as well as phenolic compounds due to impact of the opening and closing of stomata and transpiration are very important. Chenopodium album also due to suitable content of phenolic compounds in various directions especially east could be a candidate for production of bio-herbicides and antioxidant.

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In order to study the effect of plant growth retardants on potato microtuber production under stagnant liquid medium, a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications was carried out in biotechnology laboratory of agricultural faculty, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch. Experimental factors include four concentrations of chloro choline chloride (0, 150, 300 and 450 mg l-1) and five concentrations of coumarin (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg l-1). Results showed that stagnant liquid culture method used in this research can be successfully used for the production of potato microtuber. Use of chloro choline chloride (CCC) and coumarin, improved potato microtuber production by reduction the time required to start microtuberization, increasing the number of microtuber per plantlet and increase the weight and diameter of microtuber. The shortest time to microtuberization and the maximum microtuber number per plantlets were obtained by application of 300 mg l-1 CCC and 30 mg l-1 coumarin. However, the highest average microtuber weight was observed at media containing 150 mg l-1 CCC and 10 mg l-1 coumarin. Therefore, application of 300 mg l-1 CCC and 30 mg l-1 coumarin for shortened the microtuberization time and application of 150 mg l-1 CCC and 10 mg l-1 coumarin for production of microtubers with more average weight can be recommended

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Regarding the harmful side effects of chemical insecticides, currently the uses of the plant extracts have been considered. The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller is an important pest of potato in the fields and stores especially in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The damage of this pest in stores is more serious than the fields. In this research the extracts of four different medicinal plants including: eucalyptus, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn, lemon balm, Melissa officinalis L., Acanthophyllum bracteatum Boiss. And rampion, Heracleum persicum Desf. Were studied in the growth chamber set at 25± 2° C, 65± 5% RH and photoperiod of 14 light and 10 dark hours. In the study of ovicidal effects, the LC50 in eucalyptus and rampion were 7. 07 and 6. 95%, respectively. In the study of first instar larval penetration, it was found that all the extracts were significantly lower than the control. In oviposition inhibition test, it was found that all the plant extracts have significantly reduced the oviposition of the potato tuber moth. In the fumigant effect experiments, there was no significant difference between the plant extracts and the control. Therefore it was concluded that none of the plant extracts have fumigant effects on different life stages of the potato tuber moth. Therefore, it can be concluded that eucalyptus and rampion extracts can be used to control the composting of potato tuber moth due to the appropriate controlling effects on this pest.

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The bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a medicinal herb from the Cucurbitaceae family. This herb is used as a traditional drug for the treatment of diabetes. This research was carried out with the aim of investigating the effect of the leaf orientation, auxin type and light conditions on the percentage of callus induction and the formation of hairy root from derived callus. The leaf explants were cultured in two directions (up/ down side) in a medium containing 2 types of auxins at a concentration of 2 mg /l NAA and 2, 4-D, under dark and light conditions. The highest callogenesis (95. 40%) and induction of roots (40. 60%) were obtained when the upper surface of the leaf placed on the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium contained 2 mg /l 2, 4-D under the dark condition. These results indicate that dark condition has a significant effect on stimulating and increasing of callus induction (P≤ 0. 05) and 2, 4-D was the better auxin compared to NAA for induction of callus and subsequently roots on the leaf-derived callus tissues.

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On metal contaminated soils, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi may improve plant growth through an enhanced nutrition or by alleviation toxicity of the metals. In order to evaluation of alleviating effects of ectomycorrhizal colonization on zn toxicity, a study was performed using pistachio plants and Agaricus bisporus fungus as factorial in a completely randomized design with three replications. The experiment included two factors: mycorrhizal (M) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) pistachio plants and five levels of the zn concentrations (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 μ m) in 3 replicates. In this study experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of ectomycorrhizal colonization in the alleviation of oxidative stress and improvements of the antioxidant enzyme activities, lipid peroxidation and metal accumulation in pistachio trees (Badami cultivar). The results showed that the increase of zinc concentration caused an increase in the malondialdehyde (MDA), and induction in antioxidative enzymes activity in the leaves of the M and NM plants, but it was dramatically more in M plants. A decrease of ascorbate (ASA) content was induced by increasing the zinc concentration where it was higher in M plants but all metal treatments increased dehydroascorbate (DHA) contents in both M and NM plants. The results showed that the Zn translocated from root to shoot in M plants was lower than NM plants. The amelioration of Zn toxicity by A. bisporus may be a result of improving the antioxidant defense system and prevent the absorption of heavy metals.

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Matricaria aurea is an important medicinal plant belongs to Asteraceae family, which is used widely in pharmacy, food industry, and cosmetics purposes. Regarding importance of this medicinal plant, optimization of its tissue culture could be predisposing factor of many types of research about the usage of this plant. Callus induction and indirect regeneration were applied for optimization of M. aurea tissue culture. Both experiments were conducted in a randomized complete design that was arranged as 2×4×4 factorial with 3 replications on MS medium. For both experiments, various levels of NAA and BAP were compared along with two explants (stems and leaves). The result showed that there was no callus induction observed in growth hormone-free medium. The result showed that callus induction for both explants was faster in 0. 5 mg/l NAA+1 mg/l BAP. Two hormone compositions: 0. 5 mg/l NAA+1 mg/l BAP and 1 mg/l NAA+1 mg/l BAP were the best composition for callus induction of both stems and leaves. The highest callus diameter (15. 31 mm) obtained with 2 mg/l NAA + 1. 5 mg/l BAP on leaves. Also, highest indirect regeneration (85. 59%) was observed in 0. 5 mg/l NAA + 1 mg/l BAP on calli that were obtained from leaves.

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Wild relatives which constitute the crop gene pool, have an inseparable role in construction of new breeding programs. The present study aims to compare diversity of leaf water content, excised leaf water rate specific leaf area, flavonoids, total phenol and protein content traits among three annual wild chickpea species (Cicer echinospermum, C. reticulatum and C. bijigum) with cultivated one (C. arietinum). With this purpose an experiment including 10 treatments and 4 repetition was conducted in Randomly Complete Design at greenhouse in National Plant Gene Bank of Iran during 2014-15. Significant difference has been observed between genotypes from all measured biochemical and physiological traits point of view. Relative water content and leaf relative water loss in C. arietinum statistically was similar to C. reticulatum and C. echinospermum Relative water content of C. bijigum significantly was lower than other species. While leaf relative water loss in this species significantly was more than other species. Average of protein amount was 21% in C. arietinum and C. bijigum, 18% in C. reticulatum and 17% in C. echinospermum. Minimum amount of specific leaf area and maximum amount of total phenol content was found in C. bijigum. There was a considerable variety between C. reticulatum genotypes from flavonoids and total phenol content point of view, which can be used for further achievement in breeding programs for providing functional food or introduction of resistance genotype to pest and disease.

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Valerian is one of the most important herbs in Iran. Regarding the importance of this plant in traditional and industrial medicine, in this research, optimization of tissue culture, callus induction, and regeneration of whole plant from two types of leaf and petiole explants were evaluated on various hormone combinations. The results showed that the leaf segment is more suitable for callugenesis in both light and dark conditions. The highest amount of callus was obtained in light conditions for the leaf explant cultured on the medium containing 0. 5 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L BAP. Dark-induced calli did not show the potential to shoot regeneration on tested media containing different concentrations of BAP and TDZ, and only callus growth and root formation was observed. The light-induced calli from the leaf explants had a good potential to regenerate shoots on the regeneration medium. Maximum mean number of shoots was observed in the regeneration medium containing 3 mg/L BAP. These results provided basic information on the effects of some physical and chemical factors on the tissue culture and regeneration of Valerian. Also, we introduce an efficient system for shoot regeneration in this plant that can be used in molecular breeding programs using genetic engineering techniques.

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