An experiment was carried out in greenhouse condition in 2014 to assess the effects of water deficit stress and nano potassium fertilizer on some vegetative and physiological characteristics of peppermint. The experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The levels of water deficit were; full field capacity (100%FC), 80 percent of field capacity (80%FC) and 60 percent of field capacity (60%FC). Also nano potassium foliar application were carried out with different concentrations; control (T1), 2 g/L (T2), 4 g/L (T3) and 6 g/L (T4). The measured properties were plant height, number of tillers per plant, fresh and dry yield, weight percent of essential oil and its yield, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, relative water content (RWC), prolin and total soluble carbohydrates. Data were analyzed using SAS software and means were compared with Duncan’ s test. The correlation coefficients were obtained by SPSS software. Results indicated that increasing the level of nano potassium fertilizer would significantly increase the plant height, number of tillers per plant, fresh and dry weight, yield and weight percent of essential oil, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, RWC, prolin and the total soluble carbohydrates. All properties except chlorophyll b, prolin and weight percent of essential oil reached to the maximum value by applying control treatment (100%FC). In general, the essential oil percentage were increased with increasing the drought stress. The maximum values of dry weight (4. 81 g/plot), oil yield (7. 52 g/plot) and total soluble carbohydrates (2. 13 μ g per g fresh weight) were obtained by foliar application of 6 g/L and also control, moderate stress and severe stress treatments, respectively. In general, the nano-potassium spray application reduced the effect of dehydration stress.