Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Performance analysis is a crucial requirement in the development of Science and Technology Parks. Having employed both qualitative and quantitative techniques, this mix-method developmental and applied study was undertaken to analyze the performance of knowledge-based firms in Science and Technology Parks based on the performance evaluation model. The model system used was designed based on a sound review of the theoretical background, documentary analysis and interviews with 17 experts in the field. To evaluate the model and the status quo, a fieldwork questionnaire was distributed among 260 experts and managers in Tehran Science and Technology Parks. The collected data were analyzed via Structural Equation Modeling. The results of the interviews revealed that the experts identified the system model as the best model for assessing the performance of knowledge-based companies; this template was developed in the form of inputs, processes and outputs along with related indicators which were further evaluated.At the stage of pathology, the identified variables were scrutinized among which Human Resource Management (HRM) was found to be less efficiently functioning compared to other variables. HRM comprises employment of qualified human resources and adequately maintaining and organizing them to facilitate cooperation, which were found to be far from adequacy. The findings offer some implications for effective management of Science and Technology Parks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed to test the conceptual model for predicting the for human resource productivity of higher education based on the variables of effective leadership and strategic planning. The research community samples were universities of western Azerbaijan faculty members consisted of 310 people randomly stratified (112 from state universities, 114 from Islamic Azad Medical, 84 from medical sciences univrsities).The research method was descriptive and multivariate with three effective leadership tools Saatchi and colleagues, strategic planning based on University of New Jersey model and Shah & Schaniz models (2008), and Human Resources Productivity Questionnaire based on the Acheive Model by Hers And Goldsmith that the content validity (construction) and content reliability (Cronbach's alpha) were reported suitable. Analysis was done using AMOS software and structural equation model. Results have shown meaningful positive relationship between effective leadership and strategic planning with the scientific Human Resources Productivity.Additionally, effective leadership has the most direct positive impact on strategic planning and improving the Human Resources Productivity of scientific research and strategic planning is less effective on improving the Productivity.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative efficiency of major cargo ports in Middle East over the three-year period of 2011-2013. The research data were collected from scientific resources and input and output data from statistical yearbook of the Iranian ports, maritime organization and formal website of each foreignport. Initially, the relative efficiency of ports was evaluated via two basic model of DEAtechnique namely CCR-O and BCC-O and the ports were ranked accordingly using the 100% efficiency Anderson-peterson method.Based on the results of output- oriented CCR modelthatrepresents overall technical efficiency, Khorfakkan Port showed the highest and Bandar ImamKhomeini the lowest coefficient of efficiency during the given period. Based on the results of output- oriented BCC modelthatrepresents pure technical efficiency, Bushehr, Jebel Ali, KhorfakkanandAlexandria were found to have the highestandBandar ImamKhomeini the lowest coefficient of efficiency. Apart from Khorfakkan and Alexandriathat were underconstantreturns to scale, other ports were under variablereturns to scale. The scrutinized ports revealed an average of 54.3%, in technical efficiency and an average of 73% in pure technical efficiency during 2011-2013.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of leadership style on the innovation of service productivity and processes in view of the moderating role of knowledge sharing in branches of the Mehr Economy Bank in West of Mazandaran province. The research method is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study was 800 employees of Mehr Bank of Mazandaran province and the sample size was 260 using Morgan table. In this research, a non-probabilistic random sampling method was used. The instruments used in this study were Charity Transformation Leadership Leadership Leadership Questionnaire (Dan Hartg et al., 2007), Palladino Service Innovation Innovation Questionnaire (2008), Process Innovation Questionnaire (Wang Wahmad, 2004), and Dan Hartgow Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire (2007), (Their reliability through Cronbach's alpha was 762.0, 725.0 and 781.0 respectively, and factor analysis method was used for validity verification. Research hypotheses have been analyzed using structural equation model with partial least squares approach through SPSS and AMOS software. The results of the assumptions test show that leadership style has a positive effect on productivity innovation in the organization due to the role of knowledge sharing in the organization of the Mehr Economy Bank in Mazandaran province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Deregulation such as elimination of tariff system is one of the fundamental institutional changes in the past decade in the Iranian insurance industry. Although it can affect on the markets performance, few research studied the effects of deregulation on insurer efficiency. In this study, a two-step approach is applied for analyzing the performance of insurance companies that combines mathematical programming and statistical method, in the ten-year period from 1384-1393 SH. The audiences of this research are all the stakeholders of the insurance industry, including market executives, their clients and regulatory organizations. The data have been compiled using a library study method from the insurance industry's annual statistics. Firstly we use Data Envelopment Analysis to calculate the efficiency of insurers in the tenyear period, and then in second step by Estimated Regression Equation the effect of deregulation on the insurer performance is investigated. The results show that detariffication has negative effect on the performance of insurers and reduced their efficiency. Finally, we present the recommendations for improving the performance of the insurers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1807

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Deregulation such as elimination of tariff system is one of the fundamental institutional changes in the past decade in the Iranian insurance industry. Although it can affect on the markets performance, few research studied the effects of deregulation on insurer efficiency. In this study, a two-step approach is applied for analyzing the performance of insurance companies that combines mathematical programming and statistical method, in the ten-year period from 1384-1393 SH. The audiences of this research are all the stakeholders of the insurance industry, including market executives, their clients and regulatory organizations. The data have been compiled using a library study method from the insurance industry's annual statistics. Firstly we use Data Envelopment Analysis to calculate the efficiency of insurers in the tenyear period, and then in second step by Estimated Regression Equation the effect of deregulation on the insurer performance is investigated. The results show that detariffication has negative effect on the performance of insurers and reduced their efficiency. Finally, we present the recommendations for improving the performance of the insurers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, many organizations, especially education, are seeking to improve performance. Considering the high demand for products and services of organizations as well as enormous environmental changes, it is not only the products and how it is delivered, but also the use of appropriate tools and measures for the organization's objectives towards human resources and organizational and operational goals such as the realization of organizational missions and There are more perspectives for organizing. Hence, attention has been paid to human factors in order to meet organizational goals and missions. In this research, the relationship between organizational support, spirituality in the workplace and organizational performance of education workers has been evaluated. In order to collect the required information, a questionnaire was given to 89 educational staff of Pakdasht city that were selected by simple random sampling method. To investigate the relationship between variables, regression analysis and correlation analysis were used. The results showed that improvement of organizational support and spirituality indices in the work environment improved organizational performance of employees; meanwhile, mediating spirituality in the workplace in the relationship between organizational support And performance has been confirmed. Also, the results of covariance analysis showed that the demographic characteristics of employees did not affect their organizational performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Productivity refers to attainment of better outcomes proportionate to workload, thoughts, time, nature, assets and capital. Productivity management is a common human experience allusion to which has been maintained in literary heritage. Saadi’s Golesta, as a literary masterpiece contains references to some methods and constituents of productivity.The purpose of this study was to explore productivity constituents in Saadi's Golestan and to examine the extent to which they apply to the status quo in modern management. The research data in this mixed method content analysis qualitative and quantitative study were collected based on review of library documents that were descriptively and analytically reviewed to find out references to constituents of productivity. Further, the extracted constituents were designed as factors in a researcher-made questionnaire the reliability and validity of which was verified statistically. Next, the questionnaire was administered to a research sample of 300 managers that had been randomly recruited from a population of all managers of manufacturing companies in the province of East Azarbaijan based on the Krejcy and Morgan Tables. The results of this study indicate that all factors extracted from Sa' di Golestan's text were regarded by managers of manufacturing companies as factors affecting productivity. The Regression and Correlational analyses also revealed that the selected productivity constituents were positively correlated with productivity. Finally, the Freedman Test revealed that human resources, management of human sources, priority of human knowledge, knowledge and action, learning determination, significance of instruction, economic management, time management and discourse management were respectively identified as the ten significant factors affecting productivity. That is to say, in Saadi Golestan management of human, natural and scientific resources are presented as the elements of productivity.

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