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Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis is a tick borne and zoonotic disease caused by Ehrlichia canis. The disease has a variety of clinical signs in dogs. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Ehrlichia canis in dogs by ELISA assay and blood smear examination. Blood samples were randomly collected from 184 urban and rural dogs in Ahvaz district. Of the 184 dogs that were studied, 30. 98% (95 % CI: 24. 28-37. 68%) and zero percent were identified as positive on the ELISA and blood smear, respectively. Logistic regression showed that the odds of infection is 1. 6 (95 % CI: 1. 3-1. 97%) between the age based on year and disease and 16. 3% of fluctuation in infection was justified by age (P<0. 001). The odds of infection in male dogs was 1. 1 times than female (95% CI: 0. 58-2. 09) (P>0. 05). The relative frequency of infection in pure breed and mixed breed were 11. 69 and 44. 86 percent, respectively. The odds of infection in mixed breed was 6. 14 times than pure breed (95% CI: 2. 78-13. 58) and 17. 9% fluctuation in infection was justified by breed (P<0. 001). The odds of infection in rural dogs was 4. 31 times than urban dogs (95% CI: 2. 17-8. 59) and 13. 9% of fluctuation in infection was justified by location (P<0. 001). The odds of infection in dogs with tick was 8. 51 times than without tick (95% CI: 3. 7-19. 57) and 2. 02% of fluctuation in infection was justified by contact with tick (P<0. 001). This study confirmed that E. canis exists in dogs of Ahvaz district. Prevention and control measures should be considered by health authorities.

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A total number of 288 one-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used for 42-d period to investigate the effect of different levels of dietary protein and phytogenic supplementation in the corn-soybean meal based diet on performance, blood biochemistry and antibody response. This experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design as factorial experiment (3 × 2) with 4 replicates. Treatments consisted of three levels of protein (recommended, 1. 5 and 3 % lower than recommended level) and 2 levels of phytogenic supplementation (0 and 0. 1 % of diet). Mean feed intake, weight gains, feed conversion ratio were determined at 10, 24 and 42 days of age. Antibody titers against Newcastle and infectious bronchitis disease viruses were determined by haemagglutination and Elisa tests, respectively, at 27 and 35 days. Blood samples were collected to determine some serum biochemical parameters. The results showed that the use of low-protein treatment (3 % lower than recommended level) in comparison with normal-protein diets reduced body weight gain and secondary antibody response to Newcastle and infectious bronchitis viruses and increased feed conversion ratio and blood triglycerides levels (P < 0. 05). The effect of phytogenic supplementation on performance parameters and blood biochemical parameters were not significant. However, phytogenic supplement significantly increased primary antibody tire against Newcastle vaccine (P<0. 05). Significant interaction between dietary protein and phytogenic supplement was observed in term of secondary antibody tire against Newcastle vaccine, so that adding phytogenic supplement to the 1. 5 % lower dietary protein improved the antibody response (P<0. 05). Moreover, the serum cholesterol level was significantly decreased when phytogenic supplement was included in the low-protein diet. According to the results of current study, the use of phytogenic could only improve the antibody response and cholesterol metabolism in low-protein diet based on corn-soybean meal diet.

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In this study, biofloc system with cane Molasses as carbon source prepared with three different ratio of C: N A(15: 1), B(20: 1), C(25: 1) and D(control) in the 100 liters tanks in triplicates with a density of 17. 5 kg/m3 and various indicators of water quality and floc production were evaluated during 90 days. Water quality indices including: DO, TAN, No2, No3, pH, Hardness, Total bacterial count, total acid lactic bacteria, BOD and the rate of water exchange as and some floc quality: FVI(floc volume index), TSS, number of Microorganisms and proximate analysis of biofloc were investigated and compare among the treatments. The results showed that some water quality index were improved by using biofloc system, No2 in biofloc treatment was lower than control group (P<0. 05) but there was no significant difference in TAN level among the groups despite the daily water exchange in control group. Water microbial assay showed that there was significant difference between biofloc and control tanks. Biochemical biofloc analysis showed that level of protein (%28. 4) and lipid (%1. 6) had beter quality compare to fish diet. . According to this study it can be cocluded that notonly some water biochemical factors improved in biofloc system, but also water exchange were extremely decreased and The floc quality were comparable to standard carp diet. Then this technology can be used in common carp in indoor situation. if done daily accurate monitoring this system could be useful for aquaculture species and cause of improving of cultural condition.

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S. aureus is a major cause of food borne diseases throughout the world. The aim of the present study was the identification of source contamination and tst gene in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from food of animal origin in Hamedan city. In this study, the contamination sources of 65 S. aureus isolates which had previously been isolated from cream pastry (45 isolates) and traditional Iranian white cheese (20 isolates) were evaluated using biotyping method. Meanwhile, the identification of tst gene by PCR method and susceptibility of the isolates against several antibiotics was examined using standard disk diffusion test. Of the 65 biotyped isolates, 52. 3% (34 isolates) and 44. 6% (29 isolates) belonged to the host specific (HS) and non-host specific (NHS) biotypes, respectively, and 3. 1% of the isolates (2 isolates) were not placed in certain types. Besides, human ecovars in cream pastry and bovine ecovars in cheese samples were predominant. The prevalence rate of tst gene in the isolates was 4. 6% (3 isolates), and according to the results of antimicrobial susceptibility test, HS biotypes showed higher resistance rather than NHS biotypes. Due to the abundance of human and bovine Staphylococcal ecovars in cream pastry and cheese samples, respectively, it can be concluded that the contamination of cream pastry and cheese samples may be originated from humans and cattle. Also, because of high antibiotic resistance and presence of tst gene among HS biotypes and the possibility of their circulation in the community can have a potentially alarming effect on general health of community.

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Enrofloxacin is a useful antimicrobial drug for treatment of infectious diseases in the horse. The present study carried out due to the limitation of the approved route of administration of the drug (intravenous) and lack of data on its potential effects on hematological parameters in this animal species. Nine healthy mixed– bred (6 female and 3 male) horses, aged between 1-15 years, were randomly divided into three experimental groups (each 3 animals): Control group (with no drug dosing), enrofloxacin moderate-dose and enrofloxacin high-dose groups (using the bovine 5% enrofloxacin solution at 5 or 15 mg/kg body weight, respectively, every 12 hours, for three weeks). In addition to physical examination of all horses, blood samples were collected at five-time points during the study period including before (day 0), during (days 7, 14 and 21) and 4 weeks after completion of drug administration (day 49). Routine hematological tests were done on samples and data of three groups and trend of alterations of hematologic and biochemical parameters were analyzed. There were no significant changes in hematological parameters including hematocrit (PCV), hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC) counts, white blood cell (WBC) and differential counts, platelets, as well as total plasma protein and fibrinogen levels among three groups during 5 sampling time points. The results suggest there were no significant hematological changes due to enrofloxacin at given dosing rates but more studies are needed in this regard.

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The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of feed additives on performance, carcass traits, immune organs and tibia characteristics of broiler chickens reared in high stocking density. Two hundred and eighty, one-d old broiler chicks (Ross 308) of both sex were used in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates for 42 days. Dietary treatments included; 1-positive control (PC) (10 chicks/m 2), 2-negative control (NC) (15 chicks/m 2), 3-NC + 500 ppm Purslane extract (PE), 4-NC + 200 ppm probiotic (P) and 5-NC + 500 ppm PE +200ppm P. The results of this experiment showed that feed intake was not affected by stocking density (between PC and NC), however, chicks in NC+PE, NC+P and NC+PE+P groups consumed significantly less than PC in growing and total period (P < 0. 05). Body weight gain did not differ among treatments. In grower and overall periods, birds in NC+PE, NC+P and NC+PE+P groups had lower feed conversion ratio rather than PC (P < 0. 05). Distal epiphysis diameter of birds in NC+PE+P treatment was significantly higher than NC and PC (P < 0. 05). In conclusion, rearing broiler in high stocking density (15 chicks/m2, until 2kg for final body weight) had not adverse effect on performance and use of purslane extract and probiotic can improved feed conversion ratio by reducing feed intake in grower and overall periods.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate of pre-treating of feed ingredients (corn and soybean meal) with different factors on phytate content under in vitro condition. For this purpose three commercial enzymatic products (Bio-phytase, Rovabio Excel AP, and Rovabio Max AP) and three different solutions including distilled water, HCl 0. 5% and HCl 1% (with levels of pH = 5. 5, 2. 12 and 1. 88, respectively) were used. Each sample was first supplemented with the enzymatic products, and then pre-treated with the above mentioned solutions for 2 hours at at 25 and 40º C, and phytate content was determined. Results indicated that addition of different solutions (at 25 and 40 for 2 hours) to corn samples mixed with Bio-phytase or Rovabio Max AP caused a significant reduction in the content of phytate. The best results were obtained when corn samples were treated with Rovabio Max AP and mixed with HCl 0. 5% at 40 º C, where phytate content decreased up to 98. 5% in comparison with control. The same results were observed in soybean samples, where the highest reduction in phytate content (up to 55. 4%) was found when they were mixed with Rovabio Max AP and then treated with HCl 0. 5% solution at 25º C. According to results it could be concluded that adding HCl 0. 5% to corn and soybean meal which were mixed with Rovabio Max AP (including phytase and NSPases enzymes) increased phosphorus bioavailability.

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The current study in order to investigate the effects of feeding different levels corn hull as fiber source on blood’ s parameters and liver’ s enzymes in broiler type chickens. Two hundred and forty day-old Ross 308 strain broiler type chickens were used randomly in four treatments and keeping 1 to 42 day. Treatments include levels of 0, 2. 5, 5 and 7, 5 percent of corn hull in diets. During the experiments two types of diet including starter and grower used. According to their needs recommended by the National Research Council (NRC, 1994) and all diets were calculated in iso-nutritive to meet or exceed the nutrient for broilers based on corn and soybeans. After 42 days, two birds from each replicates were randomly selected for serum biochemical and liver enzyme profile analysis. Corn hull significantly decreased weight gain and feed intake (P<0. 05), but had no significant effect on feed conversion ratio (P>0. 05). None of blood parameters and liver enzymes including glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, protein, albumin, uric acid, phosphor, calcium, HDL, LDL, VLDL, AST, ALT and ALP were not affected by different levels of corn hull and there was no significant difference between treatments (P>0. 05). Overall, this experiment showed that the fiber that was consumed did not have any affect neither the blood parameters nor liver enzymes in this experiment.

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The purpose of this study was streptococcus isolation from cloacal and oral cavity birds including: (chickens, amazon parrots, kestrels, starling, golden eagles, crows, mynahs, pigeons, canaries, finches african, brazilian parrot, australian parrots, ducks, african grey parrots, cocktail, nightingale, eurasian collared dove, balaban, pheasants, partridges) and identification to species level by biochemical tests, as well as the pattern of antibiotic resistance by disk diffusion method. One hundred and fifty birds referring to our hospital from different regions of province and species were included in this study. For streptococcal isolation, samples were streaked onto Blood agar plates. Biochemical tests were done on suspected colonies and finally, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primer was used for confirmation of streptococcus isolates. In this study, 42 strains were isolated and identified as Streptococcus dysagalactiae, the most frequently isolate 21. 33%, S. galloliticus 2. 66%, S. zooepidermicus 2%, S. mutans 1. 33% and S. suis 0. 66%. In addition the pattern of antibiotic resistance was assessed by diffusion method and showed high resistance to antibiotics such as: cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cephalexin, flumequine, oxytetracycline, and streptomycin. Presence of antibiotic resistance organisms in caged birds which lives in nearness of human has a public health importance.

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Strongyloides papillosus is an important intestinal nematodes in ruminants including, calf, sheep and goat that their life cycle alternates between free-living and parasitic generations and autoinfection can occur in hosts. This infection in adult ruminants asymptomatic but in young ruminant (calves and lambs) is causing severe strongyloidiasis and sudden death syndrome. Strongyloides papillosus causes sudden cardiac arrest by ventricular fibrillation which is preceded by continuous sinus tachycardia in calves and lambs. The main objective of this study, was to determine the prevalence of Strongyloides papillosus infection in livestock faecal samples by using PCR in Kurdistan province. In this present, 30 calf faecal samples, 30 sheep faecal samples and 30 goat faecal samples were examined by PCR with specific primers from the 18srRNA gene of Strongyloides papillosus. The results of this study, revealed that 29(96. 7%) of calf samples, 12(40%) of sheep samples, and 15(50%) of goat samples infected with Strongyloides papillosus. Results of this study revealed an application of PCR method for amplification of 18srRNA gene for diagnosis of Strongyloides papillosus nematod is appropriate.

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Ten Scorpion samples Mesobuthus eupeus were collected from Baghmalek region in the Khuzestan province of Iran before were identified by Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute reference laboratory of Ahvaz. Then, DNA was extracted by phenol/chloroform method in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The molecular phylogenetic analysis of Mesobuthus eupeus is carried out based on sequence data of 623 nucleotides fragment of cytochrome C oxidase subunit I. The gene fragments were amplified by PCR using the specific forward and reverse primers. PCR products were fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis prior to purifying using gel extraction kit. The purified DNA was sequenced by an Applied Biosystems DNA sequencer via Gene Fanavaran Company. In order to confirm the sequencing data, each gene fragment was sequenced in both directions. In order to compare the sequence data with the similar sequences from other scorpions, the target sequence data from different scorpions were retrieved from the Genbank using nblast program via NCBI website. Multiple alignments of the deduced amino acid sequence of cytochrome C oxidase subunit I exhibited 92 and 91% identity to the homologous M. martensii and M. gibossos, respectively. The highest level of identity was scored with M. eupeus philipsi (93%). The results of phylogenetic analysis using cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 indicate that the sequence data of Khuzestan scorpion Mesobuthus eupeus is slightly different from M. eupeusphilipsi gene. As regards of this discrepancy, it concluded that these two Mesobuthus species with highly similar morphological features possibly belonging to two different subspecies.

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World animal health organization (OIE) has introduced Bluetongue as an important infectious disease for its healthy and economic matters. The most of sheep and goat of Iran have risen in Fars province and this study was done to determine the seroprevalence of Bluetongue virus infection and related risk factors in this province. Blood samples were collected from 1782 sheep and 1569 goat in two regions with different annual precipitation (up or down 300 mm) from both male and females. Serum was detected from samples and evaluated for antibodies against Bluetongue virus. The results showed 2138 (63. 8%) of samples had BTV antibodies. Seroprevalence was significantly (p<0. 001) different between sheep (70. 9%) and goat (55. 7%). Associations between precipitation rate, age and sex and BTV infection were statistically significant (p<0. 001). Breed and abortion history did not affect BTV infection significantly. Logistic regression showed higher odds ratio for animals with 6 months to 2 years old age (odds ratio=4. 78). The females had a higher chance for contamination (odds ratio=1. 78). Finally it can be concluded that bluetongue seroprevalence was high in sheep and goat in Fars province, then prevention and control programs establishment and research on distribution pattern of Culicoides vectors, virus isolation and genome sequencing of the isolated viruses are suggested.

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