Studies and investigations on the ecology of any area based on Identification of vegetation cover and evaluation of geographical distribution of plants in each area. The purpose of this study was to introduce floristic list, life forms and geoghraphic distribution of Aran & Bidghol deserts area plants. This region covering about 605100 hactars and is located 5 km of north of Aran & Bidghol. The results showed that 347 plant species existed in the region belonging to 58 families and 230 genera. A total of 230 genera, 32 genera (13. 9 %) and 43 species (12. 4 %) belong to monocotyledons class and 193 genera (83. 9 %) and 296 species (85. 3 %) belongs to dicotyledons class. The families with high number of species are including, Chenopodiaceae (60 species), Asteraceae (37 species), and Poaceae (Each 33 species), Brasicaceae (30 species), and Fabaceae (30 species) respectively., the genus Astragalus L. and Salsola L. (12 species), Atriplex L. and Calligonum L. (8 species), Nepeta L. (5 species), have more speceies respectively. Geographical distribution showed the Iranian-Turanian vegetation area has more species with 205 species (59 %), then Iranian-Turanian/Saharao-Sindian with 47 species (13. 5 %), Cosmopolite with 24 species (6. 9 %), Iranian-Turanian/ Mediterranean with 21 species (6 %) and 15 species Iranian-Turanian/Europea-Siberia/ Mediterranean vegetation area, respectively. According to Raunkiaer’ s life form, species followed as: 44 % therophytes (153 species), hemicryptophytes (67 species), 19. 3%, therophytes (184 species), phanerophytes (60 species), 17. 3 %, 11. 2 % chamephytes (39 species).