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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Teaching-learning process is one of the essential topics in clinical education and it requires modern educational strategies. Teaching based on Reflective Education is one of the active learning methods, which helps students to enhance students ’ ability and clinical skills in health care professions. Therefore, this study aims to assessing teaching based on Reflective Education on management of preeclampsia in Midwifery students. Methods: In this quasi experimental study with designing in two groups including teaching based on reflective education and traditional teaching before and after education on midwifery students of nursing & midwifery school of Mashhad University of Medical sciences has been done. Statistical population consists of all bachelors’ students of Midwifery and MSc students of Midwifery and advisory course. Samples include 60 students from 6th and 8th semester of Midwifery at bachelor degree also 2nd and 4th semesters of MSc students of Midwifery and advisory. We used random sampling of students whom were accessible and willing to participate and divided in two groups randomly. Group of teaching based on Reflective Education and group of learning based on University traditional group teaching method. Management skills of the both groups on preeclampsia has been measured before and one week after intervention by help of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in 6 Stations. Data were analyzed using of Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests through SPSS. Results: Outcomes demonstrate that average skill score between two groups in posttest were different. (p<0. 05) which shows significant statistical increment in skill scores of teaching based on Reflective Education group. Conclusion: Teaching based on Reflective Education will enhance the clinical skills of the students in the caring process, which can be used in promoting quality of clinical education.

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Introduction: Self-efficacy and academic achievement motivation are two key factors in the process of clinical nursing education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between clinical self-efficacy and academic achievement motivation in nursing students Schools of Nursing in East Gilan. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 105 fourth year nursing students of East Guilan Nursing Universities in 2017. The method was cluster random sampling. Data collection tools were demographic data form, clinical self-efficacy and McInerney academic achievement motivation questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, ANOVA, t-test, Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis with SPSS at the significant level of 0. 05. Results: The results showed that 67 nursing students (63. 8%) had high self-efficacy and the mean percentage of clinical self-efficacy was (115. 56± 15. 48 ) and the mean percentage of academic achievement motivation was (108. 30 ± 28. 05). There was a significant relationship between the level of clinical self-efficacy of nursing students and their academic achievement motivation (r = 0. 21, p = 0. 02). There was a relationship between variables of residence (F=5. 2 p=0. 007) and place of study (z=-3. 09 p=0. 002) with clinical self-efficacy and interest in the field of study and motivation to progress (z=-1. 99 p=0. 04). Conclusion: According to the results of the study, nursing students had high self-efficacy and moderate academic achievement motivation, and academic achievement motivation was also associated with clinical self-efficacy. There was also a relationship between motivation for development and interest in nursing. Therefore, identifying and applying effective strategies to increase interest, academic achievement motivation and self-efficacy of nursing students is recommended.

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Introduction: The experts emphasize the importance of organizational culture in relation to development and the specialized and needed human resources of the various departments are trained by the higher education sector. Strengthening and developing universities, especially their faculty members, is of paramount importance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of organizational culture in members’ development. Methods: In the present study, Delphi technique has been used as a separate method in the qualitative stage for achieving the main goals and developing the components of the variables. And a survey method used to reach the secondary goal and validating the organizational culture on faculty reformation of Islamic Azad university-khorasan Razavi, different branches. Statistical population included 1200 faculty members and 291 were determined as final sample size Data were collected through two questionnaires of organizational culture and faculties’ reformation with Likert five-point scale. Structural equation modelings in AMOS software were used to test the research hypotheses. Results: The analysis showed that the impact coefficient of organizational culture on faculty members' reformation was 0. 57 and the influential components of organizational culture were mission (2. 35), job involvement (2. 55) and adjustment (1. 20). The most important of these components was the engagement. Conclusion: From the present study concluded that strong organizational culture can influence staffs’ obligation and improve behavioral stability therefore, in strategic spatial planning components of organizational culture on faculty development include mission, engagement, and adaptation, the most important of which were engagement. It is suggested formulation of a cultural effectiveness strategy be optimally considered for the transformation and excellence of faculty members.

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Introduction: University is one of the most important and productive organs. Thus, teachers with desirable characteristics are necessary to achieve goals of education and nurture. Recognizing teaching criterion from students’ viewpoint would improve education. In this regards this study has been done to survey Rasht’ s dentistry students’ viewpoints about the effective criterion on theoretical and practical teaching in 2017. Methods: In this cross-sectional study 230 students of Rasht dentistry school that were selected through census method, participated. Data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire including two parts that validity and reliability was confirmed. The first part of questionnaire consist of demographic characteristics and the Second part was about theoretical and practical teaching criteria (16 questions). Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics, variance analysis test, Turkey test, Independent T test, two-tail significant, and one-way ANOVA through SPSS. Results: Of 230 participants with mean age of 21. 35, 116 were female (50. 4%) and 114 were male (49. 6%). The most important characteristics in the field of theoretical teaching were mastery of teaching subject (70. 4%) clear and certain speech (53. 9%) making realtion between theoretical and practical subjects (53. 5%). The least important characteristics in this field were giving pamphlet and booklet of materials taught (20%), interesting in research and study (17%). In practical teaching field the least important item was holding scheduled speechs such as journal clubs and case presentation (20%) and the most important item in this field, being available during clinic hours (53. 5%). There was a relation between year of study and mean of practical score (p<0. 001). Conclusion: Based on the results, mastery of teaching subject is the most effective factors in theoretical field, also, in addition to teachers scientific skills, being available in clinical field can be effective in promoting practical field.

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Introduction: Summer schools are a collaborative way of fostering students’ meta-competencies and addressing their favorite topics outside the formal curriculum. Various summer schools are held at universities each year, and it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of these courses in future planning. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the first E-learning Summer School in promoting students' knowledge, skills and attitudes. Method: The study was a quasi-experimental one-group study with pre-test and post-test. The sample of the study was 33 students who participated in the first e-learning summer school in 2017. The course was designed by blended learning approach and completed in four days. Evaluation of the course was performed by using the Kirk Patrick model and research tools included MCQ test for knowledge assessment and questionnaires for self-assessment of their knowledge, skill, attitudes and the educational climate. The Content and face validity were confirmed by 10 experts, and reliability of questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The data were analyzed by using one sample T-Test and paired t-test through SPSS. Results: Comparison of pre-test and post-test showed the significant effect of the course on increasing knowledge (p <0. 001). The results of self-assessment of knowledge and skills showed positive effect after the course. The satisfaction score of the educational climate was higher than expected (P<0. 001). Students had a positive attitude towards e-learning at the end of the course (P <0. 001) Conclusion: Considering positive effect of this course on increasing students’ knowledge and skill also Given students' acceptance of virtual education, holding related courses to e-learning specially for students and effective use of this tool in teaching – learning process is suggested.

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Introduction: Investigating the quality of clinical education and determining effective factors are very important in improving the quality of clinical education. The aim of the present study was to determine the viewpoints of surgical technology students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences regarding the quality of clinical education in 2019. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study all Surgical technology students who were experienced in clinical practice were evaluated by census method. The data collection tool was a two-part questionnaire. The first part consist of 5 demographic questions and the second part 47 questions in five educational domains: Instructor, Problematic factors, Supervision and evaluation and Student. Data were analyzed using descriptive (mean, standard deviation, and table) and analytical statistics (Chi-square test, independent t-test) through SPSS. Results: Results show that domains of instructor, supervision and evaluation, and student were in good condition (with mean and SD of 1. 58± 0. 30, 1. 64± 0. 44 and 1. 64± 0. 40, respectively) and there was a significant difference only in terms of gender (p=0. 033, p<0. 001 and p=0. 031, respectively). Problematic factors’ domain with mean score of 1. 90± 0. 37 and educational domain with mean score of 1. 85± 0. 29 were in moderate condition. Also, there was significant difference among educational domain, gender (p=0. 023) and year of entry into university (p=0. 022). Conclusion: In the present study, none of the clinical education dimensions was in desirable situation. Considering the appropriate space and facilities for students’ rest and conference presentations, greater communication between instructors, staff, and surgeons will improve the quality of clinical education.

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Introduction: Academic performance has always been an important function of psychological dimensions such as information processing and the motivation of learners to progress, and the appropriate activity of these variables leads to successful academic results, so the aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of information processing styles in the relationship between achievement motivation and perceived academic stress in students. Method: This is a descriptive-correlational study specifically modeling structural equations. The statistical population consisted of all female Bachelor's degree in nursing, medical school at Sari Branch of the Azad University in the first semester of 2019 in Sari. 240 students were selected as the sample size by the targeted method. Data was gathered by Hermans Progress Motivation Questionnaire (1970), the perceived academic stress questionnaire of Zajakova et al. (2005) and the Posterior Information Processing Styles Questionnaire of Pacini & Epstein (1999). For analyzing data, Pearson correlation test, fitness indicators, maximum likelihood estimationand bootstrap were used through SPSS and Amos software. Results: The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the variables of achievement motivation and information processing styles with perceived academic stress (P≤ 0. 01). Information processing styles variables played a mediating role between achievement motivation and perceived academic stress in students. Conclusion: Students' motivation for progress leads to an increase in the use of information processing styles, including rationalism and empiricism, which reduces perceived academic stress.

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Introduction: Accountability leads to transparency and commitment to responsibilities and makes each authority improve mission and promote the current system. Accountability of medical education system in the society requires considering degree of achieving the goals in this regard. This research has been done to study degree of achieving the accountable education indicators in clinical education departments in Tabriz University of medical sciences. Method: This descriptive study carried out on four clinical education departments of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences including pediatrics, psychiatry and internal medicine departments (both learners and instructors) at the Medical Faculty, Educational-treatment centers of Imam Reza (AS), Sina and Razi using accountable education assessment tool consisting of 10 areas, 25 related criteria and indicators. Data was collected by interview, observation and documents reviewed. Data were analyzed using Mean statistics and alpha cronbach through SPSS. Results: the functions of pediatrics, psychiatric and internal medicine educational groups in terms of ten-area accountable education were as follows: Pediatrics (61. 45%) fairly good, psychiatry (43. 37%) moderate and internal medicine (33. 73%) moderate with a slightly lower function than psychiatry groups. Conclusion: It seems that different functions of studied groups can be originated in causes such as, the communication of the educational departments heads with Medical Education Development Center and Department of Medical Education, knowledge of the accountability principles and standards, assessment methods, evaluation methods, interests and understanding the field of accountable education.

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