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Background and Objective: This research was carried out to investigate the effect of organic and biological fertilizers application on yield, yield components, oil and silymarin percentage of milk thistle. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) at the faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh in 2016. The first factor was included organic fertilizer in three levels as without application (control), application of 20 tons per hectare of farmyard manure and application of 15 tons per hectare of vermicompost, and the second factor was included the application methods of Supernitroplas as biological fertilizer in four levels including non-application (control), seed inoculation, fertigation (topdress application) and seed inoculation + fertigation Results: The highest capitol and biological yield was obtained using farmyard manure. The number of grain per capitols and 1000-kernal weight showed significant increases with application of both farmyard and vermicompost compared to control. The highest grain yield (160. 2 g. m-2) and oil percentage (17. 52%) were obtained with vermicompost application and the highest oil yield (27. 9 g. m-2) obtained using farmyard manure that showed increases of 31, 7. 8 and 39. 7 % compared to control, respectively. All three methods of Supernitroplas application significantly increased the oil percentage compared to control. The maximum number of capitol and 1000-kernal weight were obtained by combined application of Supernitroplas (inoculation + fertigation). The highest grain yield (159. 4 g. m-2), oil percentage (17. 7%) and oil yield (28. 7 g. m-2) were obtained by using the combined method without significant difference with topdress application and seed inoculation methods that showed increases of 24. 9, 12. 5 and 41. 9% compared to control, respectively. The highest percentage of silymarin was obtained with vermicompost application and Supernitroplas by different methods without significant difference (average: 6. 2%), which showed an increase 79. 8% on average compared to non-application of organic and biological fertilizers (control). Conclusion: The application of manure and vermicompost fertilizers and the application of Supernitroplas as seed inoculation or fertigation improve the yield components, grain yield, oil percentage and silymarin in milk thistle.

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Background and Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of bio-fertilizers application on reducing the effects of water deficit on Pearl Millet under field conditions. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out as a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications in selected farms under Agronomy Department of Tarbiat Modares University with cooperation of Lahijan Agricultural Jihad (Kolashtajan Agricultural Extension Office) in 2019 year. Planting date was 9 April 2019. Treatments included three levels of stress include irrigation times (15 (control), 30 (moderate stress) and 45 (severe stress) percent depletion of available soil moisture and four levels of bio-fertilizer (control, nitroxin, BARVAR phosphate-2, nitroxin + BARVAR phosphate-2). Results: The results showed that plant height, chlorophyll a and b, grain yield and catalase activity were significant for different irrigation regimes and bio-fertilizers, harvest index, photosynthesis and peroxidase activity were significant for interaction of different irrigation regimes and bio-fertilizers. Combined application of nitroxin and BARVAR phosphate-2 increased 13. 12% plant height, 40. 54% and 45. 83% chlorophyll a and b, 19. 29% seed yield, 30. 62% photosynthesis rate, 41. 12% and 36. 18%, catalase and peroxidase enzymes activity of pearl millet under different irrigation regimes. Conclusion: Experiment results showed that improvement of morphological, physiological characteristics and increasing the resistance of pearl millet to drought stress conditions due to the use of bio-fertilizers. In general, by increasing vegetative growth and leaf chlorophyll content, increasing plant photosynthesis rate and increasing the activity of stress-resistant enzymes, the application of nitroxin and BARVAR phosphate-2 bio-fertilizers can be considered suitable for improving the quantitative performance of pearl millet under moisture stress conditions in Guilan plain areas.

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Background & Objective: Using of potassium soloblizing bacteria in mineral potassium-rich soils can increase the solubility of soil potassium and its absorbtion by plants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of potassium biofertilizer in comparison with common potassium chemical fertilizers in the region on yield and yield components of bread wheat. Materials & Methods: In this study, the effect of K bio-fertilizer application on wheat cultivars in Kerman., Iran was evaluated. For this purpose, these experiments were conducted in Split-Plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Islamic Azad University farm, Jiroft, Iran. Different cultivars of wheat at three levels including Chamran 2, Barat and Khalil were as main plot and sources and amounts of K fertilizer were at four levels were in sub plots. K fertilizer levels were included 1. Control (without using any K fertilizers)2. Potassium sulfate fertilizer application (based on soil test results) 3. Half recommended fertilizer based on soil test results plus fertilizer application and 4. Potassium bio fertilizer Alone (From the source of Potabarvar). Results: Results showed that bread wheat cultivars had different response to different levels of K fertilizer treatment during two years of study. However, application of K biofertilizer alone and in combination with 50% reduction in recommended fertilizer could improve grain yield in Chamran wheat cultivars (8 t. ha-1) and Khalil (7. 49 t. ha-1) and Barat cultivar (7. 6 t. ha-1), respectively. What was evident in the results was that potassium bio fertilizer improved biological yield and grain yield, harvest index, thousand seed weight and plant height. Conclusion: The application of potassium biological fertilizer combined with 50% of recommended K chemical fertilizer significantly reduce the amount of mineral K fertilizers and production costs and improve product health.

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Background and Objective: Low yield and total land productivity are the main challenges related to agriculture in developing countries. Crop diversification can help reduce these challenges by introducing legumes in intercropping. Therefore, evaluation of the effects of green bean intercropping with potato (Agria cultivar) on physiological indices, yield and total land output (TLO), were important objectives of this study. Materials and Methods: Experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University in 2016 growing season. Experiment was laid out as a factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Four planting patterns including sole cropping of potato (M1), cropping green bean between rows of potato (M2), cropping green bean on rows of potato (M3) and cropping green bean between and on rows of potato (M4) were applied in combination with three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N0, N80 and N160: 0, 80 and 160 kg N. ha-1, respectively). Results: The results showed that the highest above ground dry matter accumulation (529 g. m-2) and leaf area index (4. 86) were obtained at M1×N160 tretment. The highest crop growth rate (21. 72 g. m-2. day-1) was achieved at M2 treatment. Maximum tuber dry matter accumulation (877 g. m-2), tuber growth rate (24. 50 g. m-2. day-1), and tuber yield (42. 48 t. ha-1) were obtained at M2×N160 treatment. In green bean, the highest dry matter accumulation, LAI, CGR and number of green pods per plant were obtained from M2×N80 treatment. At the canopy level, the highest accumulation of dry matter, LAI, LER and TLO were observed at M2×N80 treatment. Treatment of M2×N80 in comparison with M1×N0 treatment (sole cropping of potato without nitrogen consumption), increased TLO up to 43 percentage. Conclusion: The cultivation of green beans between rows of potato and the application of 80 kg of nitrogen per hectare, in addition to creating biodiversity and ecosystem stability, causes maximum land productivity.

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Background and Objective: The goals of study were to evaluate the competitive and economic indices of Kochia, Sesbania and Guar intercropping to select the best cultivation system in conditions of salinity stress. Materials & Methods: This experiment was performed at the National Salinity Research Center (NSRC) Yazd-Iran in 2016 and 2017. Three replicates of this split-plot experiment was done using randomized complete block design. The main factor was salinity stress at three levels (irrigation with 4, 9 and 14 dS/m electrical conductivity) and sub-factor, cultivation systems (three sole cropping of Kochia, Sesbania and Guar and their two and three species intercropping. Results: The results showed that salinity decreased the height of Sesbania and Guar and the mixed cultivation maintained the height of Guar and reduced leaf temperature. The highest percentage of green cover was at 4 and 9 dS/m in three Species, but at 14 dS/m in Kochia sole cropping which had no significant difference with three species. By increasing the salinity from 4 to 14 dS/m, the leaf chlorophyll index of the Guar decreased 21. 9% and Sesbania 11. 4%, respectively. Intercropping of the three species increased the leaf chlorophyll concentration. The use of mixed cultivation increased the yield of Guar and Sesbania. Conclusion: Due to the four advantage indices and Relative Value Total at the three salinity levels (1. 16, 1. 08 and 1. 01), it is recommended to replace Kochia sole cropping by three species intercropping.

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Background & Objective: Using the potential of soil microbes such as mycorrhizal fungi in the form of biofertilizers is an environmental friendly way to help reduce the use of chemical inputs and reduce the damage to the environment and humans. In this study, the effect of inoculation of coriander with two species of mycorrhizal fungi (Diversispora versiformis and Rhizophagus irregularis) and one species of mycorrhiza-like fungus (Piriformospora indica) on the yield and phosphorus uptake was investigated in a pot culture experiment. Materials & Methods: The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replications under greenhouse conditions. Experimental treatments included single fungal treatments (Rhizophagus irregularis، Diversispora versiformis، Piriformospora), combined fungal treatments (Rhizophagus irregularis + Diversispora versiformis، Piriformospora indica + Diversispora versiformis، Piriformospora indica+ Rhizophagus irregularis، Piriformospora indica + Rhizophagus irregularis + Diversispora versiformis), positive control (with urea and triple superphosphate, no fungus) and negative control (no chemical fertilizer, no fungus). Results: The results showed that the application of all three species of fungi were significant in terms of the effect on growth indices (shoot and root dry weight) and phosphorus concentration compared to the control treatment (p <0. 01). Compared to the negative control, the enhancement of shoot dry weight in PC was 36. 13%. Accordingly, the root dry weight in R. irregularis, PC and D. versiformis treatments (48. 04%, 45. 65% and 42. 94%, respectively), the chlorophyll index in P. indica (32. 18%), the root colonization in P. indica + R. irregularis (91. 75%), the shoot phosphorus concentration in P. indica (34. 50%) and root phosphorus concentration in P. indica + R. irregularis (25. 88%) were higher compared to the negative control treatment. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, mycorrhizal fungi can be used in vegetable cultivation to reduce the use of phosphate fertilizers to increase plant yield.

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Background and Objective: The objectives of this experiment include determining the appropriate solid medium in terms of bacterial viability, growth improvement, canola oil percentage, as well as determining the amount of oil and type of canola fatty acids in different treatments. Methods and Materials: Accordingly, this experiment was performed to chek the effect of a few combination of solid inoculant of bacteria Enterobacter cloacae S16-3 on growth of rapeseeds (Brassica napus L. ) cultivar hayola 308. Solid inoculants of this bacterium were prepared using different carriers including: bagasse, peat, hydrochar, biochar, sawdust, perlite and bagasse: perlit, hydrochar: perlit, biochar: perlit, sawdust: perlit (with ratio 1: 1 w/w), then after six months, bacteria population was counted and finally the effect of biofertilizers inoculant was checked with rapeseed inoculation in a pot culture. This experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications in greenhouse by considering 10 treatments of solid carriers, a negative control treatment, a positive control containing 100 and 70 percent of NPK. During the growth period, the pots were irrigated at 0. 7-0. 8 FC and during the growing season the leaf chlorophyll index was measured. At the end of the experiment, plants were harvested and number of seeds per plant were counted, then the silique height, stem diameter, root volume per plant, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root, total fresh and dry weight, silique weight per plant, the weight of one thousand seed were measured. The oil content and fatty acid analysis were measured in seeds using Soxhlet extractor and GC, respectively. Results: The results of this study showed that the effect of Enterobacter cloacae in carrier-based formulation (10 formulations) increased the number of seeds per plant, plant height, stem diameter, chlorophyll index, roots volume, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root, weight of silique, total fresh and dry weight and the weight of one thousand seeds. The inoculation effect of solid inocula of Enterobacter on 1000 seed weight was not significant. The results of oil content and fatty acid analysis showed that in all treatments except for peat and bagasse: perlite, oil content increased. GC results indicated that oil quality was affected by bacterial inoculation and bagasse: perlite treatment increased the percentage of oleic acid. Conclusion: Based on the experimental findings, the use of Enterobacter in the form of solid carriers improved many agronomic characteristics, increased the percentage of oil and fatty acid of rapeseed. But to finally confirm the effectiveness of this research, in addition to in-vitro and greenhouse experiments, it is better to test their effectiveness in field conditions with different plants. According to the results obtained from the used carriers, hydrocard, biochar-perlite and bagasse-perlite showed better results and are recommended.

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Background and Objective: The present study was performed to investigate the effects of chemical, animal and biological fertilizers on morphological, physiological, biochemical, functional traits, yield components of corn 500 single-cross, as well as to introduce the best fertilizer treatment. Materials and Methods: An experiment was conducted using a factorial based on the randomized complete block design with three replications in a farm located in Dasht-e-Giv in Khoosf city of South Khorasan province in late June of 2018-2019 growing season. The experimental treatments were inoculation/ non-inoculation of seeds with phosphate Barvar-2 as the main plot, and three levels of chemical fertilizer (control, N150: P25: K150 and N300: P50: K300 per hectare) and three levels of animal fertilizer (control, 10 and 20 t. ha-1) as the subplot. Furthermore, indices of plant height, shoot dry weight, row number per cob, grain number per row, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, seed protein, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids were evaluated. Results: The results indicated that seed inoculation with bio-fertilizer Barvar-2 significantly increased the dry weight of aerial parts, the number of grains per row, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, and photosynthetic pigments. Also, the application of animal fertilizer at the level of 20 t. ha-1 and chemical fertilizer at the treatment of N300: P50: K300 significantly increased all indices studied in this study than the control treatment. According to the results, it was observed that there were significant effects for interactions of bio-fertilizer × chemical fertilizer (chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids and biological yield), bio-fertilizer × animal fertilizer (dry weight of aerial parts, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids), chemical fertilizer × animal fertilizer (dry weight of aerial parts, biological yield, chlorophyll b and carotenoids) and biofertilizer × chemical fertilizer × animal fertilizer (carotenoids). Conclusion: In general, inoculating seeds with phosphate barvar-2, the application of 20 t. ha-1 of animal fertilizer, the application of N300: P50: K300 treatment, the interaction of biological, animal and chemical fertilizers resulted in improving yield and yield components of corn 500 single-cross under agricultural conditions of the present study area.

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Background and Objective: In order to study the effect of two commercial rootstocks and two mycorrhizal fungi species colonization on absorb some elements and fruit quality of greenhouse cucumber, present study was conducted in greenhouse. Materials and Methods: a factorial experiment in a completely randomized block design with three replications was carried out, in the greenhouse of science and horticulture engineering department, University of Tabriz. The first factor was the grafting of cucumber cv. Nagin on the two rootstocks of Shintoza, and Routpower and symbiosis with two species of mycorrhizal fungi (Diversispora versiformis and Rhizophagus intraradices) considered as the second factor. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the rootstock and species of mycorrhizal fungi in terms of qualitive traits. Inoculation of Shintoza with D. mycorrhizal fungi produced the most yield per square meter and increased the concentration of phosphorus and potassium in leaves. Also, in these treatments, qualitative traits such as total antioxidant capacity and total phenol content, fruit firmness, soluble solids content (TSS) were increased. In addition, other fruit quality charachteristics including pH and EC of fruit extract and titrable acidity of fruit were similar among all treatments. Conclusion: the results showed that grafting of greenhouse cucumber on squash rootstock and using of mycorrhizal fungi to increase of fruit yield with minimal consumption of agricultural inputs, and quality characteristics and absorption of nutrients, for sustainable cucumber fruit production in greenhouse condition.

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Background and Objective: In this study, the effect of magnetic water on morphological properties, chlorophyll values, carotenoids, relative leaf water content, anthocyanins, antioxidant activity, total phenol, flavonoids and the amount of savory essential oil was investigated. Materials & Methods: This field experiment was performed in the layout of a randomized complete block design in three magnetic treatments (0, 0. 1 and 0. 2 Tesla) in four replications. Results: The results showed that magnetic water had a significant effect on plant height and fresh weight yield, and the number of flowers per plant at probability of 5 percent. On the other hand, magnetizing water increased the concentration of nitrogen in the plant compared to the control. The results showed that the magnetic water increased the amount of to the control. This treatment also increased the percentage of essential oil in compared to the control. In addition, magnetic water used in this experiment increased the percentage of compounds such as gamma-terpinene, alpha-terpinene, p-cymen, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and alpha-tujene. Conclusion: Using of magnetized water by solubility and absorption of elements, can lead to increase yield and essential oil composition and medicinal properties of savory.

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and also the occurrence of water-deficit stress in different periods of plant growth, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of water deficit stress on the quantitative and qualitative properties of sugar beet and also the effect of different soil additive treatments on modulating the effect of water deficit on sugar beet. Materials & Methods: To investigate the effect of different soil amendment treatments on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet under different irrigation regimes an experiment was conducted in split-plot design based on complete random blocks with three replications Was conducted in two places in Mahabad and Miandoab at 218 crop seasons. Irrigation regimes at three levels, including 60, 120, and 180 mm evaporation from Class A evaporation pan, were assigned to the main plots, and soil amendment treatments including superabsorbent A200, mycorrhiza seed inoculation, livestock manure, and control treatment were assigned to sub-plots. Results: The results showed that the application of mycorrhiza and superabsorbent in Mahabad had the highest leaf relative water content, shoot dry weight, root yield, sugar content, sugar yield, white sugar content, and white sugar yield. Interaction analysis showed the highest leaf area index (4. 11), leaf relative water content (87. 78%), shoot dry weight (4. 11 t/ha), root yield (77. 96 t/ha), sugar yield (13. 38 t/ha), sugar extraction coefficient (86. 63%) and white sugar yield (10. 71 t/ha) were assigned to irrigation regime after 60 mm evaporation and superabsorbent application, Also, in the irrigation regime after 120 mm evaporation, application of mycorrhiza and superabsorbent significantly increased the white sugar yield compared to the control in 60 mm evaporation irrigation regime. Conclusion: it can be concluded that use mycosis and superabsorbent in the soil is recommended to save water consumption and mitigate the effect of water deficit stress.

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Background & Objective: The present study was conducted to quantify rice yield in Shaft city, located in Gilan province, crop production zoning map was prepared through the Geographic Information System (GIS) approach. Materials & Methods: Therefore, farm information of 100 points from the paddy fields of the region was received in two crop years (2012 and 2013) for simulation by WOFOST model. The available data were measured for two categories of local and high-yielding varieties in the region. Results: The results of the model did not show a significant difference between the observed values of rice grain yield with the simulated values (Sig <0. 05). The value of coefficient of determination (R2) was obtained for both groups of varieties was about 0. 80, and the root mean square of normalized error (NRMSE) was 13% and 7% for local and high-yielding varieties, respectively. Evaluation of statistical results indicates the favorable similarity of real and estimated data. Also, statistical indicators show that the model has less error in estimating yields of paddy fields with local varieties than high-yield varieties. In large-scale studies, the estimation error is mostly due to differences in crop management. The spatial distribution of yield has intensities and fluctuations in the study area, which can be in response to different amounts of inputs, delay in planting date, off-season rainfall and soil variability and soil physiographic status. Conclusion: Therefore, the use of simulation models can be effective in achieving sustainable rice production and economic savings of agricultural inputs in the region and provide a landscape of production conditions for farmers and managers.

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Objective and Background: This experiment was performed to evaluate the feasibility of Lima bean cultivation in Guilan province and to evaluate the effect of planting date and plant density on its yield and growth. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications and two factors of sowing date (April 9, April 24, July 27, August 11) in main plots and plant density (plant distances 10, 15 and 20 cm) in sub plots in 2016 and 2018. Morphological traits and yield and yield components as well as phenological stages were evaluated. Combined analysis of variance showed that the effect of year on the studied traits was significant. Therefore, annual analysis of variance of the experiment was performed. Results: In the first year, the results of analysis of variance showed that in exception the grain yield per unit area and percentage of grain protein, other traits were significantly affected by the interaction of sowing date and plant density. The effect of sowing date on yield and grain protein percentage was significant, but these two traits were not significantly affected by plant density. Comparison of means showed that the first sowing date had the lowest grain yield per unit area. The sowing date of April 24 showed the highest yield and percentage of grain protein. In the second year, the results of analysis of variance showed that in exception the percentage of grain protein, other traits were significantly affected by the interaction between sowing date and plant density. According to the mean comparison of the traits, the highest grain yield was related to the sowing date of August 11, with a distance of 15 and 10 cm plant spacing, respectively. The lowest grain yield per unit area was obtained from the sowing date of April 9, with a plant distance of 15 cm. Conclusion: According to the results of two years of experiment, a plant distance of 15 cm is suitable for planting lima beans. Considering the fixed distance of planting rows, in both spring and summer sowing dates, 24 April and 11 August are preferred. Also, due to rice cultivation in Guilan province as the main crop, cultivation of Lima beans after rice harvest in early August is recommended.

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Objective & Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of tillage, planting method and the levels of nitrogen fertilizer on the grain yield and some properties of soil in planting Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ) as a second crop after rice. Materials & Methods: A split factorial experiment in complete randomized block design was conducted with three replications at research fields of Rice Research Institute of Iran in Rasht during two cropping seasons of 2016-2018. In the experiment, three tillage methods including the conventional tillage (moldboard plow at a depth of about 25-30 cm + double-disc), minimum tillage (once using tractor-mounted rotavator at a depth of about 10-15 cm) and no-tillage were considered as the main plots. In addition, two planting methods of direct planting and transplanting as well as the four amounts of nitrogen fertilizer of 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg. ha-1 urea source were considered as factorial in sub plots. Results: Results showed that the minimum tillage at 200 kg ha-1 of nitrogen had the highest grain yield with the average of 4144. 3 kg. ha-1. The system of no-tillage had the maximum soil bulk density (1. 58 g. cm-3), cone index (3. 74 MPa), soil moisture (72. 13%), minimum root length (20. 65 cm) and root weight (61. 43 g. m-2). The treatment of without nitrogen consumption showed the minimum values of soil nitrogen, organic carbon as well as root length and weight. Conclusion: Based on the results, the combination of minimum tillage by using 200 kg. ha-1 of nitrogen in both planting methods could be recommended for rapeseed production in Guilan region due to the high grain yield.

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Background and Objective: The goals of study were to evaluate the combined effects of tillage practices, corn residues, and nitrogen (N) rates for improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and protecting yield performance of wheat in arid and semi-arid regions of southern Iran. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as split split-plot based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in the Zarghan Field Station, Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Fars Province during two cropping seasons (2015-17). The experimental treatments included tillage practices (Conventional tillage, CT; Reduced tillage, RT; No Tillage, NT) as main plots, with and without corn residue (at 30% residue retained and removed) as sub plots, and pure N rates (0, 101, 152, and 202 kg N ha-1 from Urea source) as sub sub-plots. Results: After 2 years, wheat yields (5266 kg. ha-1) were tended to be increased with increasing N rates from 101 to 202 kg N ha-1 under RT with corn residue retention. Likewise, the increasing N rate at 202 kg. ha-1 can be increased apparent recovery efficiency of N (AREN) and nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) under the reduction of soil tillage operations when crop residue retained. In the contrast, the highest physiological and agronomic efficiency of N (PEN and AEN, respectively) (58. 18 and 19. 31 kg. kg-1, respectively) were obtained by CT and RT methods with 101 and 152 kg N ha-1, respectively. Nitrogen nutrition index values <1, around 1, >1 were recorded at <152, 152, >152 kg ha-1 of N applied, respectively. Conclusion: Our research has shown that replacing RT with CT and/or NT with corn residue retention and 152 kg N ha-1 can greatly increase NUE especially AEN and PEN, improve NNI, and protect wheat grain yield under wheat-and corn in a rotation.

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Background & Objective: A field experiment under dryland farming, was designed to investigate the grain yield response of three bread wheat cultivars to sowing date as well as Azospirillum inoculation. Materials and Methods: The experiment was a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Tested factors consisted of three wheat cultivars (Zagros, Kohdasht and an indigenous cultivar ), sowing date (29th Nov and 14th Dec) and Azospirillum (inoculated and non-inoculated). The experiment carried out in Abdanan, located in the south of Ilam Province, Iran, during 2018-19 growth season. Results: Grain yield, yield attributes and harvest index responses of three wheat cultivars to Azospirillum inoculation were found to be various and were affected by the type of wheat species and sowing date. Among three types of wheat cultivars tested in this experiment Zagros, sowing on 29th Nov, gave the best grain yield response (2763 kg. ha-1) to Azopirillum inoculation as compared to the two other wheat types. Response of the indigenous wheat to Azospirillum was found to be negative. Delayed wheat sowing resulted in reduction grain yield of three wheat cultivars and this reduction was not offset by Azospirillum. Indigenous cultivar on 14th Dec produced higher grain yield. Conclusion: Overall, based on the obtained results from this study it can be concluded that positive response to plant growth promoting bacteria is depend on the plant species and may be affected by the sowing date.

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Narjesi Vahideh

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Background and Objective: In order to reduce the effects of temperature and high light intensity in hot areas and reduce the percentage of sunburn and increase the quality of pomegranate fruit, the present study was conducted. Materials and Methods: The productivity of pomegranate cv. Malase-e-Saveh was examined under shade nets with two colours (White and Green) and two shade intensities (30 and 50% PAR) with two methods of application (on scaffold and on tree crown) and a control (open field without any treatment). Results: The experimental results clearly showed that photoselective nets influenced photosynthetically active radiation transmitted through the canopy which caused variation in average monthly temperature and humidity. Shading with the net (White 50%) resulted in the significant increase in juice percent, aril weight with higher fruit weight and highest yield as compared to the control condition. Maximum total antocyanin and Vitamin C, were recorded in the fruits grown under white shade net 50% (T3). Maximum TA, TSS and pH were recorded under open field conditions and White 50%. T3 imparted deep red color to peel and arils and increased juice recovery. Conclusion: Present results indicated that installation of T3 reduced sunburn by up to 29%. T3 treatment (50% white) reduces sunburn and increases the quantitative and qualitative yield of fruit, total anthocyanin, total phenolic and vitamin C without changes in TSS, TA and pH, its use in pomegranate orchards to achieve higher yields and It is recommended to produce marketable fruits without any destructive effects on fruit quality.

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Background and Objectives: Improvement and release of last desi types chickpea cultivars (Pirouz and Kaka) goes back to more than forty years ago. Objective of this study was to achieve new high yielding, stable and adaptable chickpea genotypes to spring sowing at dry western highlands of Iran. Material and Methods: In this study, 18 selected desi type chickpea lines as well as two check varieties (Pirouz and Kaka), were compared at four experimental stations including Kurdistan, Maragheh, Urmia and Zanjan during three consecutive years (2015-2018). Experimets were arranged in RCB designs with three replications each year at each station. Statistical calculations including simple and pooled analysis of variance were done on seed yield data. Genotype by environment interaction was analyzed through AMMI model and GGE biplot. Results: Results of this study revealed that two first IPC’ s were significant. Partitioning of total sum of squares indicated that effect of genotypes followed by G×E interaction and effect of environment were siginificant sources of variations in this analysis, respectively and identified different environmental groups. According to the GGE biplot analysis, a number of new genotypes were identified that were competitive with Cv. Pirouz in terms of grain yield and yield stability. Conclusion: Genotype by environment interaction had vital role in identification and introduction of two promising lines with high seed yield, acceptable stability rank and favorite marketability, G2 (IDDMAR-2012-32) and G1 (IDDUR-2012-12). These genotypes can be introduced to chickpea farmers as alternative to Cv. Pirouz after complementary studies.

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Background & Objective: Considering the popularity of strawberry crop as well as its vulnerability to pests such as weeds, it seems necessary to employ methods to increase its production. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of strawberry production in the southern regions of Khuzestan province and inhibit broadleaf and narrow-leaf weeds in strawberry using new pre-planting or pre-emergence herbicides in combination with some types of mulch. Materials & Methods: An experiment was conducted in a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan in 2018 growing season. Experimental treatments including two types of herbicide, trifluralin (2 L ha-1) and indaziflam (100 ml ha-1) applied under mulch surface as main plots and soil surface cover with three types of mulch, chopped leaves of date, polyethylene (black plastic), sugar cane bagasse, and without mulch as sub plots were considered. Weeds were sampled after herbicide treatments (56 days later). Harvesting began eight weeks after planting the rooted seedlings in the main field. Also, yield components including fruit number, fruit diameter and total fruit weight were measured. Results: The results showed that the application of polyethylene mulch and chopped leaves of date was generally better than the non-mulched and sugarcane bagasse mulch treatments in weed control. Both herbicides, on average, reduced the dry weight of weeds by more than 50% compared to control. Results showed that the interaction effects of herbicide and mulch treatments were significant only on fruit anthocyanin, while other fruit quality traits including ascorbic acid, total acidity, and taste index were not significantly affected by mulch and herbicide treatments. The highest number of fruits (52. 96 and 47. 51 fruits m-2) was in polyethylene and indaziflam treatments. The highest fruit diameter (31 mm) was in polyethylene plus the application of indaziflam and the highest total fruit weight (1049. 3 and 880. 2 g m-2) was observed in polyethylene and indaziflam. Conclusion: In general, polyethylene mulch, along with herbicide application, was the most effective treatment for strawberry weed control. Regarding strawberry yield indices, the use of polyethylene mulch increased the yield and fruit quality. For quality indices, the use of trifluralin is recommended if the mulch is not used and the use of polyethylene mulch is recommended if the herbicide is not used.

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Background and Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of adoption conservation tillage technology on the incidence and probability of technical efficiency. Materials and Methods: To achieve the research goal, Heckman two-step model was used. The applied cross sectional data cover the growing season of 2015-16. the data were collected through completing questionnaires from a sample of 168 wheat growers in Dezful county who were selected by multistage random cluster sampling method. Results: The results of financial analysis showed that conservation tillage increases yield and gross profit per hectare by 20. 22% and 21. 44%, respectively compared to conventional tillage proceders. The average technical efficiency of the selected farmers is 0. 78. Also, the results indicated that in terms of production and management technology, the technical efficiency difference between the most efficient and inefficient producer is 0. 43. Furthermore, It is found that technology adoption of conservation tillage, ratio of available cultivation machines of conservation tillage in each village, growing experience water use and education level have significant effects and Labor and distance from village variables have negative and significant effect on technical efficiency of farmers. The conservation tillage adoption with a marginal effect of 0. 48 showed the highest effect on the technical efficiency. The results also showed that farmers who use conservation tillage technologies are expected to be more efficient by 0. 35, on average. Conclusion: Adoption of conservation tillage technology and providing the relevant machines will increase the possibility higher technical efficiency. Regarding that conservation tillage is more beneficial compared to the conventional one and that there is a positive and significant relationship between adoption of conservation tillage and technical efficiency of wheat growers, farmers should be encouraged to adopt conservative technology through enhancing farmers' knowledge and awareness of the benefits of conservation method and increasing the provision of facilities to farmers.

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Background and Objective: In this study, the effects of different levels of tillage and nitrogen fertilizer on wheat yield in rotation with chickpea were studied. Materials and Methods: An experiment with 8 treatments in a split plot design based on randomized complete block design with two factors of tillage type including T0= low tillage and T1= no tillage and quantities of different nitrogen fertilizer application at four levels including N0= without nitrogen application, N30= 30, N45= 45 and N60= 60 kg. ha-1 pure nitrogen for 4 years in 3 replicates from 2015 to 2019 in moderate-cold region of Kermanshah was conducted. Results: Finally evaluated treatments technically and economically were. The highest amount of organic carbon (0. 703%) belonged to T0N45 treatment. The results of soil analysis showed that the effects of tillage and nitrogen fertilizer application. The results showed that the highest yield occurred in the second crop year in T1N45 treatment. The results of economic evaluation showed that each treatment alone was economically profitable and among the treatments, T1N0 treatment had the highest benefit-to-expenditure ratio. Conclusion: In both no tillage and low tillage systems, it was observed that the ratio of present value to interest expense decreased with increasing nitrogen use. Finally, considering the ratio of present benefit-cost ratio difference showed that T1N45 treatment, namely rainfed wheat cultivar with low tillage and 45 kg/ ha nitrogen fertilizer, be known as the best economically treatment in Sararood region of Kermanshah.

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