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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Including agricultural strategies in accordance with the goals of sustainable agriculture for increasing soil organic matter, we can mention two factors: plant residue management and use of organic compounds. Therefore, the main goal of this research is Study of chemical and organic characters of compost fertilizer which produced from crop residues and its effect on grain yield and yield components of wheat. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz during 2018-2019 at two stages. First stage included production of compost from crop residues. Statistic design was factorial based on RCBD with 3 replications. First factor was crop residue types (i. e. rice, wheat, canola and sugar cane). Second factor was crop residues weight percent (i. e. 30, 40 and 50%). The second stage was designed in a way of RCB with 3 replications and including of 12 compost fertilizers which produced at the first stage. Results: At first stage showed that used of crop residue had a significant chemical effect on final compost production. Compost fertilizers which produced from rice residue had a higher N (1. 72%) than others, but, in return, had a lowest C/N ratio (18. 31). Sugarcane compost had lowest quality duo to higher C/N (28. 07) and lower chemical element levels. In addition, the highest (11. 8 kg) and lowest (9. 61 kg) compost fertilizer produced was belong to Sugarcane with 40% and rice with 30% treatments, respectively. Result from second stage showed that the highest wheat grain yield (689. 2 g. m-2) was belonged to rice with 30% treatment. The highest (12. 78%) and lowest (11. 1%) protein content were belonged to wheat that treated by compost which produced by 30% rice residue and 50% sugarcane residue, respectively. Conclusion: Our results shown that both highest grain yield (698. 2 g. m-2) and grain protein percent (12. 78%) were belonged to rice 30% compost. At agro-ecological point of view, we find that to reduce usage and replacement of chemical fertilizer by compost, it is necessary that to pay attention to quantity, quality and types of initial organic matter.

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Background and Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the forage yield and quality in the additive and replacement series of sorghum and Berseem clover intercropping. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the Research Farm of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran, during two cropping seasons (2016 and 2017). Cropping systems included replacement series (S75C25: 75% Sorghum + 25% Clover; S50C50: 50%+50%; and S25C75: 25%+75%), additive series (S100C50: 100%+50%; S50C100: 50%+100%; and S100C100: 100%+100%), and sorghum and clover monoculture (S100C0 and S0C100, respectively). Results: The highest and lowest forage yields were obtained from S100C100 and S0C100 cropping systems, respectively. In addition, the highest content of digestible protein (11. 48%), metabolizable protein (8. 03%), digestible energy (2. 77 Mcal. kg-1 DM) and relative forage quality (122. 74%) was obtained in the S0C100. Also, the maximum yield of digestible and metabolizable protein (1956 and 1369 kg. ha-1, respectively) and the highest energy production for lactation (3. 92 Mcal. m-2) were obtained in the S100C100. Among the additive series, only the S50C100 intercropping system was able to produce acceptable forage quality. Conclusion: Considering the quantity and quality of produced forage, the S50C100 intercropping system (with 24. 28 t ha-1 dry forage yield and relative forage quality equivalent to 91. 04%) is introduced as the superior treatment. In general, additive intercropping systems of sorghum and berseem clover increased the quantitative and qualitative yield of forage and could be a good alternative to monoculture systems of these crops.

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Background and Objective: This research was conducted in order to study Genotype × environment interaction effect and identify adaptable durum wheat genotypes with high yield stability in temperate agro-climate zone of Iran. Materials and Methods: Nineteen elite durum genotypes along with a commercial bread wheat check, Mehrgan, were tested in 4 locations, i. e. Karaj, Kermanshah, Neishabour and khorramabad in temperate agro-climate zone of Iran in two years, 2017-18 and 2018-19. The experiments were conducted in a RCBD design with three replications. For grain yield, combined analyses of variance were performed. In order to precise evaluation of genotype by environment interactions and genotypes stability, stability analysis using AMMI method was undertaken. Results: Based on two main components of AMMI analysis, genotypes 5, 11, 13, 15 and 20 had good stability and based on ASV index genotypes 5, 7, 16 and 19 were more stable than check. Finally, genotypes 5, 16 and 19 with average grain yield of 7. 497, 7. 326 and 7. 551 kgha-1, respectively and high yield stability were selected as superior durum wheat genotypes. These genotypes also were desirable based on the days to earing and maturity, plant height and thousands kernel weight. Conclusion: Based on results, genotypes 5, 16 and 19 with high grain yield and low G×E interaction were selected as stable and adaptable durum wheat genotypes. Each of them is superior in on-farm condition, will be introduce as a new durum wheat cultivar for temperate zone of Iran.

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اهداف از جمله راهکارهای زراعی منطبق با اهداف کشاورزی پایدار درخصوص افزایش مواد آلی خاک می توان به دو عامل مدیریت بقایای گیاهی و کاربرد ترکیبات آلی اشاره نمود. بنابراین، هدف از اجرای این پژوهش بررسی خصوصیات آلی و شیمیایی کمپوست های تولید شده از بقایای گیاهان مختلف زراعی و همچنین تاثیر این کمپوست های تولیدی بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد دانه گندم بود. مواد و روش ها این آزمایش در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز در سال زراعی 98-97 در دو مرحله اجرا شد. مرحله ی اول شامل تولید کمپوست از بقایای گیاهی بود. طرح آماری فاکتوریل در قالب بلوک های کامل تصادفی و با سه تکرار بود. دو فاکتور مورد آزمایش، شامل نوع بقایای گیاهی و درصد وزنی آن ها بود. فاکتور نوع بقایا در چهار سطح شامل بقایای گیاهی برنج، کلزا، گندم و نیشکر بود. فاکتور درصدهای وزنی شامل 40، 30 و50 درصد وزنی هر یک از بقایا بود. مرحله ی دوم به صورت طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و شامل بررسی اثر 12 نوع کود کمپوست تولید شده در مرحله اول بر عملکرد گندم بود. یافته ها در مرحله اول کمپوست تولید شده از بقایای برنج، نیتروژن (72/1 درصد) بیشتر و نسبت کربن به نیتروژن پایین تری (31/18) نسبت به سایر کمپوست های تولیدی داشت. به علاوه بیشترین (8/11 کیلوگرم) و کمترین (61/9 کیلوگرم) میزان کمپوست تولیدی به ترتیب مربوط به کمپوست تولید شده از بقایای نیشکر با درصد وزنی 40 درصد و بقایای برنج با درصد وزنی 30 درصد بود. درمرحله دوم بیشترین عملکرد دانه گندم (2/689 گرم بر مترمربع) در کمپوست بقایای گیاهی برنج با درصد وزنی 30 درصد حاصل شد. بیشترین (78/12%) و کمترین (1/11%) نسبت پروتیین دانه بترتیب در کمپوست 30 درصد برنج و کمپوست 50 درصد نیشکر دیده شد. نتیجه گیری در مجموع نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین (2/689 گرم بر متر مربع) عملکرد دانه در شرایط کاربرد کمپوست های تولید شده از بقایای برنج با درصد وزنی 30 درصد به دست آمد. همین تیمار به طور مشابه بیشترین درصد پروتیین دانه (78/12 درصد) را نیز تولید کرد. از دیدگاه اکولوژی زراعی مشخص گردید که جهت کاهش به کارگیری کودهای شیمیایی و جایگزینی آن ها با کود کمپوست، توجه به کمیت، کیفیت و نوع ماده اولیه در تولید کمپوست ضروری خواهد بود.

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Background & Objective: Use of cover crops for controlling weeds is an environmental friendly alternative to conventional chemical and mechanical methods. Kohlrabi is a cool-season hardy crop which can be grown in early spring. The crop is well known in Europe and other regions as a health staple in human’ s diets. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of using sunn hemp and rye cover crops as monoculture or mixed in controlling weeds and improving yield of kohlrabi. Materials & Method: A two-year field study was conducted. Experimental treatments consisted of monoculture rye (Secale cereal L. ), sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) and their mixture and no cover crop as control. Results: Cover crops biomass were 379. 7 and 473. 9 g. m-2 in first and second growing seasons, respectively. Averaged over two years, weed dry weight reduced by 52. 6, 42. 5 and 45. 4 percentage in rye monoculture, sunn hemp monoculture, and mixed cover crops, respectively. Monoculture rye was more effective in suppressing the dominant weeds. Rye reduced lambsquarter, pigweed, and wild mustard by about 44, 60, and 52 percentage, respectively. On average, use of cover crops improved kohlrabi yield by 30%. Sunn hemp followed by mixed cover crops were more effective in kohlrabi yield improvement. Conclusion: Cover crops provide many ecological benefits. When weed suppression is the main goal of cover cropping, rye with fast growing habit and extensive root system is more efficient. However, legumes or mixture of legumes and grass are more effective in crop yield improvement.

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Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of tillage and integrated weed management on growth, yield, yield components, resource use efficiency and inputs such as energy and herbicides in wheat. Material and methods: This research was conducted in split plots and randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in the 2018-19. The treatments included three tillage practices, viz. conventional tillage (disc plow + disc), low tillage (disc + the retractor) and zero-tillage (direct linear planting), as main plot and six weed management options, viz. (no control, manual weeding 30 days interval after sowing, bromoxynil + MCPA herbicide @ 1. 5 liters per hectare, plant residue (mulch) + Atlantis @ 1. 5 liters per hectare, Atlantis @ 1. 5 liters and metribiosine @ 150 grams per hectare. Hectares) as post-emergence was considered as a sub-plot that was applied on wheat of Mehregan cultivar (especially in the semi-arid climate of the south). Results: Among the studied traits, grain yield was only affected by the main effect of weed control. The lowest grain yield was observed under uncontrolled conditions with an average of 1. 93 t. ha-1 and the highest grain yield in weed management treatment was observed in bromoxynil + MCPA with an average of 4. 14 t. ha-1. There was no statistically significant difference between the weed control methods. In terms of energy and economic benefits, the lowest total cost in conventional tillage systems, minimum, and no-tillage was related to uncontrolled treatment. Conclusion: In general, due to the higher ratio of profit to cost of the no-tillage system as compared to the conventional tillage system, it seems that this method is suitable tillage system to assess proper weed control in wheat cultivation, especially in order to prevent moisture lost and degradation of structure in soils of Khuzestan province.

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Background and Objective: In organic farming, soil nutrients management by using organic fertilizers is one of the effective methods to the weed control. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted in the organic field of Razi University as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2018 growing season. The experimental treatments included farmyard manure (mixture of cattle and sheep manure) at three levels (0, 10 and 20 t. ha-1, FM0, FM10 and FM20, respectively) as main factor and the cultivation of green manure (non-cultivating green manure, hairy vetch, berseem clover and fenugreek) as sub factor. Results: Johnson grass, Bindweed and Licorice were the dominant weeds in both sampling, which they had 48, 22. 5 and 9. 8% of relative weeds density at the first sampling, and 48, 14. 4 and 18. 3% of relative weeds density at the second sampling. Consumption of 10 and 20 t/ha of farmyard manure increased the green manure biomass by 9. 8% and 37. 7%, respectively. Fenugreek, berseem clover and hairy vetch were produced 7219, 5799 and 3564 kg. ha-1 biomass, respectively. The highest weed biomass at the 1/3 of primary and end of the growing season was obtained in non-fertilizer condition. Application of 10 and 20 ton/ha of farmyard manure reduced weed biomass by 16. 4% and 29. 1% at the 1/3 of primary growth season, and by 9. 3% and 54. 1% at the end of the growing season, respectively. Without green manure application, weed density in the first and second sampling were 244. 4 and 48. 5 plant/m2, respectively. By sowing of hairy vetch, berseem cloverand fenugreek, weed density was reduced by 12. 5%, 43. 2% and 36. 3% in the first sampling and by 5. 6%, 35. 5% and 26. 4% in the second sampling, respectively. All varieties of green manure at different levels of farmyard manure increased the grain yield of sesame. Finally, the positive effect of organic fertilizers application on weed growth and damage resulted in improved grain yield. The amount of this improvement compared to the control condition with consumption of 10 and 20 t/ha of farmyard manure was 18. 8% and 27. 6%, respectively, and with the application of hairy vetch, berseem clover and fenugreek was 30. 7%, 35. 9% and 45. 5%, respectively. The highest grain yield (1929 kg. ha-1) was obtained from fenugreek application at 20 level of farmyard manure and the lowest amount (918 kg. ha-1) under control conditions. Conclusion: Management of organic fertilizers can reduce the yield loss due to weeds by changing competition conditions in favor of the crop. According to the results study, depending on the type of organic fertilizer used in organic farms, an improvement of grain yield of sesame between 18 to 45% will be expected. The best treatment in which, the highest grain yield was produced and had the lowest density and dry weight of weeds was achieved by consuming 20 /ha of manure and using berseem clover as green manure. Therefore, it is introduced as a suitable treatment combination.

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Background and Objective: This study was performed to investigate some quantitative characteristics and quality of hyssop under heat stress and nitrogen fertilizer. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as a split-plot in a completely randomized block design with six planting dates and three replications in 2017-2018. The main factor was different levels of nitrogen fertilizer: 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg. ha-1 and sub-factor was planting dates between 30-day periods from October 17 to March 25. Results: Increasing nitrogen fertilizer at the level of 150 kg/ha resulted in the increase of 18. 1%, 39. 5%, 20. 1%, 43. 3% and 47. 2% in flowering top-branch length, flowering top-branch weight, plant height, biomass yield and total essential oil yield, respectively, compared to not consumption. The highest yield of total essential oil (36051 g. ha-1) was obtained in T1N4, which was 89. 7% higher than T4N1. Increasing ambient temperature in the range of 25– 40 ° C linearly led to decline of top-branch length, top-branch weight and biomass decreased but decreased essential oil yield in the above temperature range was fitted as a quadratic function (R2 = 0. 86). Heat stress on delayed sowing dates T3, T4, T5 and T6 reduced the essential oil yield compared to the sowing date T1 by 30. 5%, 70. 3%, 66. 4% and 39. 3%, respectively. Conclusion: The application of nitrogen fertilizer increased the studied traits. To reduce the effect of heat stress and achieve optimal yield, are recommended the hyssop planted from 25 October to 25 November and are used 150 kg. ha-1 of nitrogen fertilizer in the subtropical region of Jiroft.

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Objectives: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd. ) is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the family Chenopodiaceae. Protein, magnesium, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin E and antioxidants are among the substances that are abundant in the seeds of this plant. Quinoa is one of the few edible plants that has all 9 essential amino acids in the body. Water scarcity is one of the limiting factors for crop production worldwide. Low rainfall and irregular distribution cause drought stress during the growing season of crops. Plant protection can not only increase stress tolerance, but also improve plant growth and yield. Therefore, it can be said that the proper use of this material can be considered as one of the most important management strategies in increasing the tolerance of various stresses in crops. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stress modulators on morphological characteristics and quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa forage under water stress conditions. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted as a pots factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with 16 treatments and 6 replicates during 2019 at Urmia University. The first factor includes water deficit stress at four levels: 1. stress at vegetative growth stage (after plant establishment to flowering), 2. stress at vegetative growth stage (from flowering to flowering end), 3. stress at seed filling stage (From the beginning of filling to maturity), 4. no stress (control). The second factor is foliar spraying at four levels: 1. ascorbic acid (2 mM), 2. salicylic acid (2 mM), 3. nano-micronutrient chelate fertilizer (2 liters/1000 L water) and 4. Control (water spray). Results: The results showed that water deficit stress had a significant effect on morphological characteristics, quantitative and qualitative traits of quinoa forage. Foliar application significantly increased crude protein (CP), dry matter digestibility (DMD), fresh forage yield, stem diameter, dry weight of shoot, leaf, and flower and significantly decreased acid detergent fiber (ADF), netural detergent fiber (NDF) and crude fiber (CF) in quinoa forage. Interaction of drought stress and foliar application on all forage quality traits (except ash) was significant at 1% level. The highest amount of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) (23. 65 percent) was obtained from water-deficit stress treatment at the stage of vegetative growth and foliar application with salicylic acid. Conclusion: Irrigation is more important in the reproductive growth stages of quinoa (flowering and seed filling period) compared to the vegetative growth period. Also, to moderate the effects of water-deficit stress, improve the quantitative and qualitative yield of quinoa forage, foliar spraying with drought stress modulators is recommended.

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Background & Objective: The pear is one of the most important fruit trees in temperate regions and is salt-sensitive trees. Studies have shown that the use of Piriformospora indica as an endophytic fungus reduces the adverse effects of salinity stress on plants and improves morphophysiological traits. Materials & Methods: In the present study, the experiment was performed as a factorial completely randomized design with 5 replications on the pyrus rootstock CV Pyrodvarf in pot culture experiment. The first factor includes two levels of P. indica fungus (inoculation and non-inoculation) and the second factor is four salinity levels of soil (1. 7, 3, 4. 5 and 6 dS. m-1) using sodium chloride. After inoculation with the fungus, the salinity levels were applied to the plants. Results: The results showed that the interaction effect of salinity × fungi on morphophysiological characteristics, total chlorophyll content (P <0. 05), branch diameter growth, electrolyte leakage, proline, soluble sugars, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase enzymes and root colonization percentage (P <0. 01) were significant. At the highest salinity levels (6 dS/m), fungal inoculation caused an increase in surface-to-root dry weight ratio (38. 81%), branch diameter growth (31. 14%), total chlorophyll (27. 72%), peroxidase (100%), polyphenol oxidase (62. 5%) and root colonization percentage (100%) and decrease in electrolyte leakage rate (19. 34%), proline (10. 34%) and soluble sugars (8. 77%) ) compared to non-inoculated control plants. Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that the coexistence of P. indica can modulate the destructive effects of salinity on this pear cultivar.

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Background and Objective: Excessive use of chemical fertilizers in conventional agriculture on the large-scale decreased the nutrient use efficiency and caused serious environmental problems such as soil and water pollution, genetic erosion, soil erosion, mineral depletion, soil acidification and other issues. Today, to achieve sustainable agriculture with maximum yield and minimum environmental risks, other methods of fertilization (use of nanofertilizers) can be used to provide necessary nutrients for plant growth and yield production, while preserved the soil structure in good shape and the environment clean. Material and Methods: In order to investigation of the effects of sole and integrative application of chemical and nano chelated fertilizers on the quantity and quality of dragon’ s head, a field experiment study was laid out based on the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with seven treatments and three replications at the faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Iran, in 2019. The treatments were 100% chemical fertilizer (N and P), 100% macro nanofertilizer (nano chelated N, P and K), 100% micro nanofertilizer (nano chelated Fe, Zn and Mn), 50% macro nanofertilizer+ 50% micro nanofertilizer, 50% chemical fertilizer+ 50% macro nanofertilizer, 50% chemical fertilizer+ 50% micro nanofertilizer and 50% chemical fertilizer+ 25% macro nanofertilizer+ 25% micro nanofertilizer. The foliar application of nano chelated fertilizers was carried out in before flowering stage. Results: The results demonstrated that the highest (581. 3 kg. ha-1 ) and the lowest (321. 3 kg. ha-1) grain yield was achieved in integrated application of 50% chemical fertilizer+ 25% macro nanofertilizer+ 25% micro nanofertilizer and individual application of 100% micro nanofertilizer, respectively. Also, the highest values of mucilage content and yield was observed in integrated application of 50% chemical fertilizer+ 25% macro nanofertilizer+ 25% micro nanofertilizer. The results of correlation and principal components analysis demonstrated that there was a positive and significant correlation between seed yield, mucilage content and yield. In addition, the analysis of mucilage chemical compounds showed that the highest amount of constituents (gluconic acid, arabinose, raffinose, rhamnose, galactose, glazose and glucose) were achieved in the integrative application of 50% chemical fertilizer+ 25% macro nanofertilizer+ 25% micro nanofertilizer. Conclusion: Overally, the results of this study indicated that integrative application of 50% chemical fertilizer with macro and micro nanofertilizers as a new method in the production and cultivation of medicinal plants can improve the Quantitative and qualitative yield of dragon’ s head under rainfed condition.

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Background & Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the yield and some physiological characteristics of leaves and yield of dry bean affected by water deficit stress and foliar application of molybdenum. Materials & Methods: This experiment was conducted as a split plot-factorial based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications during the two years 2012-2013 at the Research Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz. The main factor includes three different levels of irrigation (control: irrigation after 55-60, mild stress: 90-95 and severe stress: 125-130 mm evaporation from Class A evaporation pan) and sub-factor includes factorial composition of molybdenum levels, foliar application (+ Mo (80 kg. ha-1 from the source of sodium molybdate) and non-applicatin (-Mo) and genotypes (including AKHTAR (red bean) and COS16 (pinto beans)). Results: The results showed that water deficit reduced RWC (on average, 8 and 14% in moderate and severe stress, compared to the control, respectively) and LAD (on average, 15 and 31% in moderate and severe stress, compared to the control, respectively). While molybdenum foliar application by reducing the negative effects of water deficit, due to maintaining the leaf relative water content, increasing green area continuity and pods number per plant, increased biological yield and grain in bean genotypes. Conclusion: Reduction of relative water content (RWC), leaf area duration (LAD) and grain yield and yield components due to water deficit were significantly amolirated (with an increase of 3, 15, 39 and 11% for each of the above traits, respectively) by molybdenum foliar application. As a result, the use of molybdenum can be recommended to reduce the effects of drought stress in plants, especially beans.

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Background and Objective: Emission of greenhouse gases and their effects on global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing developed and developing countries. Examining emissions of greenhouse gases from different countries makes it possible to determine share of countries in greenhouse gas emissions. This article tries to estimate growth rate of methane, oxidantrose and oxidantric gases, as well as the amount of global warming potential in agricultural lands of Khuzestan by using DAYCENT and DNDC models. Materials and Methods: Initially, emissions were measured in rice, wheat, and sugarcane fields using a static chamber, gas chromatography to measure methane and APNA-370 analyzer for nitrous oxide and nitric oxide. DAYCENT and DNDC models were used to estimate and model gas emissions. Results: Based on results data from two models, DAYCENT and DNDC, the highest amount of methane flux modeled at Baghmalek station was 1. 369 and 1. 094 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per hectare per year, respectively, the highest rate of nitrous oxide modeling at Shushtar station was 0. 160 and 0. 988 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per hectare per year, respectively. The highest global warming potential was determined based on observational data at Baghmalek station (55. 074 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per hectare per year) and based on DAYCENT data at Shush station (68. 059 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per hectare per year) and based on DNDC data in Shush station (47. 06 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per hectare per year). Conclusion: According to the statistical indicators both models showed acceptable accuracy in estimating greenhouse gases.

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Background and Objective: The objective of this research was to assess the effect of nickel (Ni) toxicity on rotated barley and faba bean characteristics under chemical and biological nitrogenous fertilizers. Materials and Methods: A greenhouse experiment with factorial arrangement based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in two years of 2016-2017 at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz. In the first part, barley seeds were sown using 36 pots with Ni levels of 0, 10, 100 and 200 mg. kg-1 and nitrogen (N) fertilizer (control, urea and Nitroxin). In the second part, faba bean seeds were cultivated in 72 pots. In this part, the crop rotation factor was applied in addition to N fertilizer and Ni treatments. Results: The results indicated that increasing Ni levels in soil markedly decreased plant height, leaf water content, chlorophyll content index, and root and shoot dry matters, but increased electrolyte leakage of barley and faba bean plants. The high level of Ni (100 and 200 mg. kg-1) was led to soil toxicity. While, the low nickel concentration (10 mg. kg-1) improved the growth of plants. Conclusion: It can be concluded that application of N fertilizer improved the growth conditions of plants under Ni stress. Cultivation of barley significantly decreased Ni toxicity in the soil, leading to an improvement in faba bean performance in rotation.

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Background and Objective: The present study was carried out to compare the phenology of annual ground cherry (Physalis divdricata L. ) and its effect on maize yield. Materials and Methods: A field experiment was conducted in the Research Station of Mahidasht in Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, in 2017. Different densities of annual ground cherry, including 0, 8 and 16 plants m-2 and corn were planted. The competition and their phenological stages were recorded based on GDD (growing degree days) for each growing stage. Results: The results of this study showed that annual ground cherry ends its phenological stages later than corn. In order to complete its life cycle, 1262. 7 growing degree days and 159 days were needed. Thus, complete life cycle of corn required 1890. 7 GDD and 139 days. Both plants passes the early stages of growth and germination concurrently, Maize, however, comleted Vegetative growth and seed ripening more earlier than annual ground cherry. Also, the results of studying the effect of different densities of annual ground cherry on yield and yield components of corn including 1000-seed weight, number of seeds per ear row, corn harvest index and leaf area index showed that all these traits decreased by increasing density of annual ground cherry. However, the number of seed rows per ear, which is genetically-control trait, was not affected by competition with annual ground cherry. In contrary to the above traits, the density of this weed increased with the effect of increasing the height of corn and as a result, increasing the biomass of corn compared to control. In general, weed densities of the 8 and 16 plants m-2 decreased maize yield by 10 and 14 percentages, respectively. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that if corn fields are infected with this weed and we do not succeed in combating it in the early stages, earlier harvest of corn in the fall will allow it to be harvested by cultivation methods or using a general herbicide of this weed before its seeds are fully ripen.

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Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on some biochemical and morphological characteristics of wheat under drought stress and reduction of drought effects under the influence of zinc nano oxide foliar application. Materials and Methods: A factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications in the University of Mohaghegh Ardebili in 2016-2017. The first factor was drought stress at three levels (35, 60 and 85% of field capacity), the second factor was wheat cultivars (Mihan, Heydari, Sysons and Gasogen) and the third factor included foliar spraying with zinc oxide nanoparticles with concentrations of 0, 0. 5 and 1 g. l-1. The foliar application was performed in three-leaf stage and three days after foliar application, drought stress was applied based on field capacity and sampling was performed ten days after stress. Results: The findings showed that under ZnO treatment, the amount of soluble protein, soluble sugar, proline, plant height and grain weight increased. As the severity of drought stress increased, the amount of protein decreased, but the amount of proline and soluble sugar increased. Stress also decreased plant height, dry and fresh root weight, as well as grain yield (15. 95% of grain size and 11. 93% of grain weight). Spraying wheat plants with zinc nano oxide in the Mihan and Heydari cultivars moderated the effects of stress, and in the cultivars of Sysons and Gascogen increased the plant's defense mechanisms against the destructive effects of drought stress. Conclusion: In general, foliar feeding of ZnO at a concentration of 0. 5 g. l-1 makes wheat plants tolerant to drought stress.

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Background and Objective: Salinity is one of the most important environmental stresses that reduce the growth and yield of crops. The use of bio and organic fertilizers increases growth and yield of plants to various environmental stresses such as salinity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of vermicompost, humic acid and inoculation of seeds with Flavobacterium in improvment grain filling components and yield triticale. Materials & Methods: An experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications in greenhouse research of the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili during 2020. Factors experiment were included salinity levels (non-application of salinity as control, application of 50 and 100 mM salinity by NaCl), and bio-fertilizers application (no application of bio-fertilizers as control, application of vermicompost, seed inoculation with Flavobacterim, both application vermicompost and Flavobacterim) and foliar application humic acid (foliar application with water as control and foliar application of 2 g. L-1 humic acid). Results: The results showed that both application of vermicompost, Flavobacterim and foliar application of 2 g. L-1 humic acid under no salinity condition, increased chlorophyll a (83. 38%), total chlorophyll (76. 61%) and carotenoid (89. 26%), maximum of grain weight (53. 56%), grain filling period and effective grain filling period (19. 39 and 55. 11% respectively) in comparison with no application of bio-fertilizers and humic acid under the highest soil salinity level. Also, both application of vermicompost with Flavobacterim and foliar application of 2 g. L-1 humic acid under no salinity condition increased plant height, ear length, the number of grain per spike, 100 grains weight and grain yield of per plant of triticale. Conclusion: Application of bio-fertilizers and humic acid can increase grain yield of triticale under soil salinity conditions due to improve of chlorophyll content and grain filling components.

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Background and Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate freezing stress tolerance and identify tolerant genotypes among a number of rapeseed genotypes. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out in the form of split plots based on randomized complete blocks with three replications in 1397 in a field with an area the 2000 square meters, in the form of autumn cultivation in the agricultural lands of Tikmehdash section of Bostanabad city. The main plot consisted of two dates of common cultivation (September 1) and delayed (September 16) and the sub-plot included 19 rapeseed genotypes. The mentioned genotypes are: SLM046, Opera, L963, Okapi, Nima, KH4, Talaya, L957, Ahmadi, KR18, L1009, Zarfam, Nafis, HW101, Licord, KS7, L14, SW101 and L1008. Results: The results of analysis of variance of yield per hectare under frost stress conditions showed that the effect of stress on the yield per hectare, it was significant at the level of 1% probability. The effect of genotype on plant height and yield per hectare was significant at the level of 1% probability and for 1000-seed weight at the level of 5% probability and was not significant for other traits. Genotype × planting date interaction was not significant in all traits. Also, the comparison of the mean of traits showed that Opera and HW101 genotypes had the highest value in plant height, 1000-seed weight and KS7 genotype in grain yield. Among the indices, MP, GMP, STI, HM and SNPI showed the highest correlation with grain yield under both stress and non-stress conditions and were introduced as the best indices to achieve high yielding and frost tolerant cultivars. Were. Based on the three-dimensional diagram, Opera, Licord, L1008 and Talaye genotypes were identified as the most ideal genotypes under frost stress conditions with above-average total yield under both stress and stress conditions as well as high SIIG values. Conclusion: The results showed that Opera genotype with the highest amount of SIIG was one of the most tolerant genotypes and Nima genotype with the lowest amount of SIIG was one of the most sensitive genotypes to frost stress. The results also showed that the highest grain yield (kg. ha-1) in non-stress conditions was observed in KS7 genotype and the lowest grain yield was observed in KR18 genotype. Under frost stress conditions, the highest grain yield belonged to Opera genotype and the lowest grain yield belonged to KR18 genotype.

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Background & Objective: safflower is an oilseed plant tolerant to water deficit, and have an important role in oil production, dyeing and cosmetics industry. This research was carried to evaluation response of safflower in water deficit and foliar application of putrescine and 24-epibrassinolide in the Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, and University of Tabriz. Materials & Methods: This research was carried out in 2019 as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, to investigate the responses of safflower to different levels of irrigation (I1, I2, I3, I4: Irrigation after 70, 100, 130 and 160 mm evaporation from class A pan) and foliar sprays of water (control), putrescine, (60 μ g/l) and 24-epibrassinolide (25 μ g/l). All plots were irrigated regularly until seedling establishment and thereafter irrigation intervals were applied according to the treatments. Foliar spays were undertaken slightly before flowering. Results: Chlorophyll content index, relative water content, leaf per plant, plant height, green cover percentage and grain yield were decreased, but leaf temperature was increased significantly under moderate and severe water limitations. Foliar sprays of growth regulators improved all these traits under different levels of water supply. Conclusion: Application of putrescine and 24-epibrassinolide at the end of vegetative growth at one stage under water stress conditions had a significant effect on safflower property and increased seed yield in all irrigation treatments, especially in normal irrigation. Application putrescine and brassinolide in water deficit conditions can be produce a suitable yield.

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Background and Objective: The study was conducted to evaluate the environmental effects of the production process of two types of the most important legumes (beans and lentils) in Yasuj. Materials and Methods: The location of bean and lentil farms in Mokhtar village was 5 km from Yasuj city, which was studied in the 2016-2017 crop year. Necessary information was obtained through questionnaires, interviews with farmers, referring to the Agricultural Jihad in Yasuj and statistics of the Agricultural Jihad Organization. The life cycle assessment method was used to assess the environmental impact according to ISO 14040 standard. The study groups included global warming, acidification, land eutrophication, depletion of fossil resources, depletion of phosphate resources and depletion of water resources Results: The results showed that the value of the final index of all the affected groups (except for fossil fuel depletion) in the bean production process was higher than the value of lentil production indices and the final index of the effect of depletion of phosphate resources had the highest value among the affected groups. . The )ECO-X ( Environmental Index for Bean 0. 634 and for lentil 0. 061 was calculated. also The Resource Drain Index (RDI) was also obtained for bean 1. 14 and for lentils 0. 661. Conclusion: fuel consumption and chemical inputs had significant effects on environmental pollution, which can be achieved by using low-tillage and non-tillage methods while saving energy and playing an important role in soil organic matter and improving its fertility.

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Background and Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the phenomenon of unauthorized change of use of agricultural lands (outside the city limits, towns and villages with a master plan) in East Azarbaijan province. Materials and Methods: To achieve this goal, the grounded theory method was used. The participants of the present study were experts on the phenomenon of changing the use of agricultural lands in the province, including activists in the agricultural sector and officials and experts of the Agricultural Jihad Organization and the management of agricultural jihad in the cities. Using targeted sampling and snowball sampling method, individuals were selected for interview and 20 of them were interviewed until theoretical saturation was reached. Results: The obtained data were coded and analyzed in the form of 120 initial codes and 30 categories. Based on the purpose of the study, the phenomenon of unauthorized change of use of agricultural lands was selected as a pivotal phenomenon. In the extracted model, causal conditions include the categories of "large differences in the price of agricultural land with the prices of other uses", "greed of brokers and profiteers", "problems of the agricultural sector" and ather, contextual conditions including "problems and weaknesses of the policy and planning system", "problems and shortcomings of the control and monitoring system", "problems and weaknesses of the legislative system ", " deficiencies and weaknesses of the Jihad Agricultural Organization " and ather, intervening conditions including" purchase and sale of agricultural land by agreement ", " micro Strategies and fragmentation of agricultural lands ", " cultural change and the existence of problems and social needs" and ather, strategies include "lack of land management and "comprehensive use of agricultural land protection", "violation of laws and regulations", "lack of comprehensive laws and regulations on land use protection", "Poor performance of agencies and institutions in charge of supervision and supervision", "poor and incorrect management and planning" and "problems of using industrial estates" and negative consequences including "reduction of agricultural production and food security", "creating economic and social problems in villages, agricultural areas and villa construction sites", "increasing problems and costs of society and government ", "society and government" and "destruction of soil, agricultural lands and the environment" and positive consequence include "construction and maintenance of gardens around garden houses and villas" and "increasing the value of land". Conclusion: The main and direct factors called causal conditions and indirect factors called contextual and intervening conditions to provide the necessary conditions for the phenomenon of unauthorized change of use of agricultural lands, but the conditions are not sufficient and if the strategies in this process is not present and does not play its role, these factors will not be able to cause this negative phenomenon. As a result of this phenomenon, irreparable negative consequences have been created in agriculture and rural areas. The most necessary and the first step to preserve the use of agricultural lands is to preparation and implement the required comprehensive laws and programs based on comprehensive land use planning.

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Background and Objective: The present study was aimed to investigate the effects of the application of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and inoculation of different strains of Rhizobium bacteria on morpho-physiological, biochemical, yield and yield components of guar under different levels of drought stress. Materials and Methods: The experiment was performed as a split factorial in a Randomized Complete Block design with three replications in the 2019-2020 growing seasons. Experimental treatments included different irrigation regimes (complete irrigation, cessation of irrigation up to 50% of flowering and 50% of podding) as main plots and treatments of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (control, 50 and 100 kg. ha-1) and inoculation of Guar seeds with different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (non-inoculation, and strains of RS150 and RS153) as subplots. Traits of plant height, shoot dry weight, number of leaves per plant, number of seeds per m2, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll, carotenoids, soluble sugars, grain protein and enzymatic activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase were evaluated in the present study. Results: The obtained results indicated that the application of low irrigation resulted in reducing all traits except indices of soluble sugars and the enzymatic activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase. On the other hand, different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and Rhizobium inoculation significantly increased all studied traits. Also, it was observed that although the strain of RS150 significantly increased chlorophyll b content and enzymatic activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase than the RS153 strain, the application of RS153 strain was maximal in other traits. Conclusion: In general, complete irrigation was required in the study area, and increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels up to 100 kg. ha-1 had no adverse effects on morphological traits, yield, and yield components of guar plants growing under drought stress. Furthermore, the application of Bradyrhizobium japonicum moderated the negative impacts of drought stress.

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Background & Objective: The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting farmers' attitudes towards sustainable management of agricultural water resources. Materials & Methods: The statistical population of this study was 240 wheat farmers in Maragheh city. In order to select individuals for the study, proportional stratified random sampling method was used. Based on Krejcie and Morgan's table, 149 farmers were selected for the study. The questionnaire was the primary research instrument, which was verified by reviewing the sources and interviewing the experts and its content validity. To assess its reliability, 30 questionnaires were completed and Cronbach's alpha value was 0. 85, indicating acceptable reliability of the questionnaire. Results: Findings showed that there was a direct and significant relationship between farmers' attitudes with income, level of cultivation, economic, extension-educational and policy-institutional factors. The results of multiple regression showed that the variables of economic, educational and extension factors can explain 45% of the changes in the dependent variable, ie farmers' attitudes towards sustainable management of agricultural water resources. Also, the results of t-test showed that there is a significant difference between farmers' attitudes towards sustainable water resources management in terms of four variables: type of water source used, use of water storage ponds, use of groundwater and mechanized water resources. Conclusion: In general, the results showed that the determinants of farmers' attitudes toward sustainable management of agricultural water resources were economic factors and programs and extension activities. Therefore, the adoption of direct financial incentives and the implementation of support programs and training of farmers through holding various courses will increase the level of ability, skill, knowledge and knowledge of technical farmers about sustainable management of water resources and related measures. In this way, farmers will have a more favorable attitude towards the sustainable management of water resources and, as a result, will have a greater sense of responsibility in this regard.

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