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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cause-related marketing on Tak Makaron consumers’ intention to buy. To achieve this goal, the factors involved in this issue were identified through examining the previous studies in this arena. Factors such as cause-related marketing, brand attractiveness, consumer identification with the company, consumer pessimism, ethical feelings, and purchase intentions were then used to form the research model. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of research method. The data collection instrument in this study was a questionnaire with 350 questionnaires, which was distributed among consumers of Tak Makaron product in Tehran between November and January 2015, out of which 330 acceptable questionnaires were collected. Data analysis was performed using correlation analysis and structural equation modeling with the help of AMOS18 software. The results show that cause-related marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand attractiveness, ethical feelings, and consumer purchase intention. However, it has a significant, negative effect on consumer pessimism. In addition, the consumer's moral feelings and his identification with the company have a positive and significant effect on the purchase intention. Finally, consumer pessimism has an opposite effect on the purchase intention and cause-related marketing.

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Understanding management theories – especially in the human resource management arena – is not possible without taking into account the cultural contexts that have affected their formation. Since making the human resource management system effective is possible through the creation and development of the optimal organizational culture (which is derived from the environmental conditions and organizational missions), the attainment of effective human resource functions is in need of strategies that bridge the organizational culture and the human resource functions. To this end, we used Denison’ s organizational culture model and Bamberger and Meshoulam’ s human resource strategies model that aim at organizational effectiveness. Accordingly, this study adapted the input, maintenance, and output human resource systems to a certain organizational culture in line with the consideration of the existing policies and rules in the Iranian official system. The written data and expert opinion were obtained using the questionnaire and interview instruments and were then analyzed. After the identification of the existing legal backgrounds, the executive model of the effective human resource management based on organizational culture was developed. Moreover, the obstacles against it were disclosed. In order to enhance the organizational effectiveness in the three layers of the different organizational cultures in Denison’ s model, different human resource management strategies have been examined and the related challenges in the public sector have been discussed.

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One of the most important parameters of any country's administrative system is the disclosure of corruption and misconduct in the workplace. Although factors such as authoritarian leadership and the dominance of silence culture encourage employees not to disclose corruption, their moral courage is very influential in their intention to expose deviations. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of power distance on the employee whistleblowing intention with the mediating role of moral courage. This quantitative research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-causal in terms of data collection and analysis. The statistical population of the research was all 420 employees employed in the customs center of Shahid Rajaee port. The sample size was calculated to be 200 based on Morgan table that were selected using simple random sampling. A questionnaire was used for data collection whose reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. Structural equation modeling and AMOS software were used to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis showed that employees who believe more in the power of managers and deem a complete freedom for them in doing their duties adopt smart silence and avoid talking about deviations. Moreover, despite all limitations and the potential for harms, employees with higher moral courage believe that it is incumbent upon them to disclose corruption. Finally, the mediating role of moral courage in the impact of power distance on disclosure intention was confirmed.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the antecedents and consequences of psychological empowerment of employees using the meta-analysis approach. The present study was descriptive in terms of purpose, applied in terms of usage, and quantitative in terms of data type. The study population consisted of articles published in scientific journals in the field of psychological empowerment of employees from 2011 to 2019, out of which 53 cases were introduced into the meta-analysis process using a non-random purposive sampling method. The selected studies were analyzed using CMA2 software (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software). The reliability of the research was confirmed using the identification reliability (which was obtained through the agreement of the raters in selecting and categorizing the researches), the coding reliability (which was obtained through the agreement of the raters on the use of specific concepts for coding variables), and the reliability of significance level and effect size (which was obtained through the agreement between the two meta-analysts in measuring the effect size). Findings showed that among the antecedents of psychological empowerment of employees, the variables of benevolent leadership (0. 877), knowledge management (0. 772), social capital (0. 616), genuine leadership (0. 609), organizational memory (0. 603), and spiritual leadership (0. 601) had the greatest effect size. In addition, among the consequences of psychological empowerment of employees, the variables of employee voice (0. 853), competitive advantage (0. 734), job performance (0. 724), spirituality at work (0. 655), employee creativity (0. 630), and innovative atmosphere (0. 626) had the greatest effect sizes.

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The purpose of this study was to identify a jihadi culture model in the Iranian administrative system. In the first part of this qualitative study, the interpretive philosophy was applied using the inductive approach and the textual content analysis method to identify the components and indicators of jihadi culture in the verses of the Quran. In the second stage, the meta– synthesis method was implemented to identify the jihadi culture model in the existing books and articles. Relying on the findings of the previous stages and applying the focus-group method, the third section set out to introduce the jihadi culture model. The proposed model is presented on the basis of the worldview, ideology, and behavior levels, where the worldview consists of 6 dimensions, ideology includes 17 components, and behavior level includes 87 behavioral indicators.

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As a subset of organizational culture, emotional culture represents the emotional environment of an organization. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of creating a positive emotional culture (by considering the effect of internal communication) on customer citizenship behavior with an emphasis on the role of organizational citizenship behavior. The present research was applied in terms of purpose and correlational, descriptive-survey in terms of data collection method. The research population included all 150 employees of Mellat bank in Semnan city and its countless employees. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings of the present research indicated that symmetrical communication and responsive leadership communication cultivated a positive emotional culture in organizations. Such a culture then fostered organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, symmetrical communication, responsive leadership communication, and positive emotional culture influenced organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, it was found that organizational citizenship behavior positively affected customer satisfaction, brand equity, and customer citizenship behavior.

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In today's complex and ambiguous environments, organizations are forced to learn and pay attention to knowledge sharing in order to sustain, grow, and provide better services in their environment. One of the most important tools to create a context for strengthening the positive attitude of employees to continuous sharing of knowledge and organizational learning is organizational culture. To this end, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of organizational culture on organizational learning ability with the mediating role of knowledge sharing among the employees of the Ardabil Branch of Islamic Azad University. The study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data type and research procedure. The research population involved the 261 university employees, out of which 157 people were selected by simple random sampling based on the Cochran's formula. Research instruments involved the Sashkin’ s organizational culture, van der Hoof and Vanvinen’ s knowledge sharing, and Senge’ s organizational learning standard questionnaires. Since these questionnaires were standard, their validity was approved by professors, while their reliability was determined to be 87%. For data analysis, structural equation modeling was done using SPSS26 and Amos18 software. The results showed that organizational culture affects organizational learning. Moreover, it was found that knowledge sharing affects organizational learning, too, and plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational learning. Therefore, paying attention to organizational culture and expanding knowledge sharing among employees can help increase organizational learning.

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the event elements of Ashura-driven organizational culture based on Ashura-driven conduct. The research method used was exploratory and qualitative thematic analysis method was used to extract the themes from religious sources related to Ashura and Ashura-driven culture. The statistical population of this study involved all authoritative books and articles within the Islamic culture and Ashura-driven conduct, while the statistical sample involved all authoritative books and articles of the foregoing domains available to the researchers. In order to extract the themes, first descriptive coding was done which resulted in the extraction of basic themes. Then, in the interpretive coding stage, the basic themes were categorized so as to achieve the organizing themes. The last step was to determine the universal themes that encompassed all of the above-mentioned themes. All in all, this study identified 28 descriptive themes, 13 organizing themes, and 3 universal themes. The validity of the findings was confirmed using the opinions of five experts. The findings indicated that the main components of the Ashura-driven organizational culture could be classified as stance-related, orientation-related, and actrelated. At the end, an analysis of the Ashura-driven organizational culture's event elements is presented using the Ashura-driven culture.

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