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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Sport is one of those tools influencing conducting social forces to realize sustainable development, particularly in communities with high population growth. Sport not only allocates lowest cost versus other management costs, but also can create more value-added than the other factors. The aim of this study was to estimate the economic growth model of Iran sport industry by autoregressive distributed lag model for the period from 1974 to 2012. For this purpose, econometric method was implemented using the value-added data on the sport sector, government size, capital and active force of the sport sector, technology and savings. The results of model estimation showed that all the research variables had short-term and long-term positive and significant effects on the economic growth of Iran sport industry. The results also showed that the human resources of sport sector had the highest shortterm and long-term effect on economic growth of the sport industry in Iran. Therefore, it is better to invest in human resources sector for economic growth of the sport industry.

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Recognizing war-related injuries and factors affecting quality of life play a key role in designing a targeted training program. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of combined training at home on different dimensions of quality of life and its relationship with abdominal obesity and functional indices of veterans. 120 veterans from three regions of Mazandaran province were randomly divided into training and control groups according to some criteria. The aerobic-resistance training protocol was performed at home for 8 weeks, 6 sessions per week with respect to the principle of overload. Quality of life was evaluated through SF36 questionnaire and abdominal obesity indices (BMI, WHtR, WHR, SBSI, BSA, BAI) and functional indices (upper body strength, lower body strength and VO2peak) were evaluated with standard methods at the beginning and the end of the training period. To analyze the variables, ANOVA, t test and Pearson correlation were used. The training program significantly improved the abdominal obesity and functional indices of the subjects (P<0. 001) but this difference was significant only in the components of physical function, social function, mental-spiritual health of the quality of life and VO2peak (P<0. 001). In addition, a significant relationship was found only between total physical components and total values and each component of mental health (P<0. 001). The results showed that combined training at home particularly in veterans' rehabilitation department improves different dimensions of quality of life, increases muscle strength and improves body composition in veterans.

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Among the many kinds of sport, football has undergone many changes and has converted from a simple sport into a business which has been able to attract the attention of organizations and companies for advertising. Due to the importance of this subject, this study investigated the effect of the importance of match, intensity of fanship and excitement of match on environmental advertising. In addition, this study determined the priorities of people’ s attention to different advertisements in football premier league. This study was applied in terms of objectives and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection method. The population included all football premier leagues spectators. According to Morgan table, 384 subjects were randomly selected as the sample. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire was confirmed by 7 sport management professors and its construct validity was obtained by first order factor analysis. The reliability was obtained with Cronbach’ s alpha for different advertising as 0. 71 and match conditions as 0. 86. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics and research model fitting with SPSS20 and Lisrel were used. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied. Results showed that spectators paid their most attention to TV advertisements and their least attention to environmental advertisements. In addition, excitement of match, importance of match and intensity of fanship had positive and direct effects on environmental advertising of football premier league.

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Hydrotherapy has positive effects on the behavior of people with autism. Studies show people with autism have serotonin deficiency. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of hydrotherapy on the serum serotonin level in children with autism spectrum disorders. In this semi-experimental and applied study, a pretest-posttest, control-group design was applied. Considering the control variables, 32 autistic children were randomly assigned to the control (n=16) and experimental (n=16) groups as the sample. The Halliwick hydrotherapy intervention continued for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week for 60 minutes. Blood samples were collected to measure the serum serotonin level before and after 8 weeks of intervention. The results of covariance test indicated no significant difference in the serotonin level between the experimental and control groups in the pretest and posttest (P≥ 0. 05). Also, serotonin reduced in the experimental group more than the control group. According to these results, it can be concluded that hydrotherapy reduces the serum serotonin level of children with autism. In other words, a reduction in serotonin level is associated with an increase in serotonin absorption of the body.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to examine the mediating role of emotional commitment in the relationship between psychological capital and retention in employees of Sport Ministry of Iraq. This study was of a correlation nature. The population included all employees of Sport Ministry in 2018. 300 subjects were randomly selected as the sample from 1286 employees according to Krejcie and Morgan table. For data collection, psychological capital questionnaire of Luthans et al. (2007), emotional commitment questionnaire of Allen and Meyer (1991) and employee retention of Kyndt et al. (2009) were used. The validity (content, convergent and divergent) and reliability (load factor, composite reliability coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient) of the questionnaires indicated that they had acceptable reliability and validity. The results of testing hypotheses by SMART-PLS software and t test and path coefficients (β ) showed that psychological capital had a weak and significant effect on the employee retention and strong and strong effect on emotional commitment of employees in Sport Ministry in Iraq. Emotional commitment can play a mediating role in the relationship between psychological capital and employee retention. Finally, according to these results, it can be stated that Sport Ministry of Iraq needs to strengthen psychological capital of its managers and employees so that it can succeed in advancing the objectives and retaining the employees.

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The excretion of excess cholesterol from liver into ileum is accompanied with the activity of proteins such as LXRα , LXRβ , RXRα , ABCG5 and ABCG8 that influences the prevention of atherosclerosis. In this study, the effect of low intensity continuous training (LIT) and high intensity interval training (HIT) on gene expression of these substances in male Wistar rats after high fat diet was examined. This study was conducted in two steps: fatten (13 weeks) and training (12 weeks). Groups in the training step included control, HIT and LIT. After the training, gene expression of dependent variables was analyzed. Analysis of data showed significant elevation of genes expression in all variables except for ABCG8 in experimental groups compared with the control group (P≤ 0. 05). Regarding ABCG8, except for the insignificant difference between control and LIT groups (P>0. 05), the differences of other groups were significant (P≤ 0. 05). Overall, HIT and LIT have beneficial effects on liver genes expression related to reverse cholesterol transport and HIT has greater effect than LIT.

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The aim of this study was to test the conceptual model of the causal relationship between personality traits and intention to use in sport spectators in football premier league in Iran. 390 spectators who attended the matches of Esteghlal of Tehran, Persepolis of Tehran and Tractorsazi of Tabriz teams voluntarily responded to the these questionnaires: the personality traits of Costa and McCarey (1992) and intention to use in spectators of Jamaat (2015) by stratified random sampling method. The findings showed no significant causal relationship between neurotic personality trait and intention to use in the football premier league spectators (t=0. 14, P=0. 89), and between agreeableness personality trait and intention to use in the spectators of the Iran football premier league spectators (P=0. 86, t=0. 17). There was a significant positive relationship between extravertion personality trait and the intention to use in the spectators of Iran football premier league (t=4. 47, P=0. 001). There was a significant negative relationship between the personality trait of desire for new experiences and intention to use in the spectators of Iran football premier league (P=0. 002, t=-3. 14). There was a significant negative relationship between conscientiousness personality trait and intention to use in Iran football premier league spectators (P=0. 001, t=-3. 44).

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The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of aerobic exercise on C-reactive protein and lipid profile in men with colorectal cancer. 27 male patients with colorectal cancer (mean age 51. 56± 11. 28 years, height 1. 71± 0. 07 m, weight 69. 69± 12. 03 kg and body mass index 23. 67± 3. 67 kg. m-2) were selected as the subjects. Subjects were divided into two groups: experimental (n=15) and control (n=12). At the beginning of the study, they were asked to complete Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). The exercise program included 8 weeks of aerobic exercise, 3 sessions per week, 45 minutes per session and was performed with an intensity of 50-60% of target heart rate. Descriptive statistics were used to describe data such as mean and standard deviation and analysis of covariance was used to statistically analyze the data (α ≤ 0. 05). The results showed that 8 weeks of aerobic exercise had a significant effect on CRP (F=99. 251 and P=0. 000), BMI (F=11. 25 and P=0. 02), cholesterol (F=6. 95 and P=0. 015) and VO2peak (F=16. 56, P=0. 02). However, aerobic exercise had no significant effect on LDL, HDL and TG (P≥ 0. 05). In conclusion, 8 weeks of aerobic exercise with moderate intensity can reduce CRP and cholesterol and increase VO2peak in men with colorectal cancer.

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This study aimed to explore those factors influencing the development of volunteering at sport for all of Tehran. The research method of this study was qualitative and the population included physical education experts from 22 areas of Tehran municipality. The research sample was randomly selected until reaching theoretical saturation. A part of the sample included a content analysis on some researches in volunteering scope. MAXQDA11 software was used for coding. The results explained criteria of economic, social and cultural aspects. As a result, 7 criteria were explored for economic aspect; 14 criteria were explored for cultural aspect, and 11 criteria for social aspect. Because of the lack of existing comprehensive research on these aspects of volunteering, this research was novel. Hence, more research is required in this area to identify exact aspects and increase accuracy of research.

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Prolonged exposure to depression can cause heart failure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of endurance aerobic exercise and fluoxetine administration on depression and cardiac M2 muscarinic receptors in Wistar rats. In this experimental study, 56 Wistar rats (3 months old, mean weight of 220± 15 g) were divided into 7 groups. The exercise group performed 4 weeks of endurance exercise on a treadmill with 20 m/min speed, which was equal to 65-80% VO2 max for 45 minutes per day and 6 days a week. The fluoxetine group received 5 mg of fluoxetine per kg of body weight. Intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide was used to depress the rats. The results were analyzed by dependent and independent t tests and ANOVA at the significance level of P<0. 05. Level of depression in depressed-fluoxetine group did not significantly change (P=0. 01). The level of depression was significantly different in the exercisedepressed group (P<0. 05). There was no significant difference in the mean density of M2 muscarinic receptors between exercise and exercise-fluoxetine groups and control group (P=0. 08). There was a significant difference in the mean of exercise-depressed, fluoxetine-depressed, depressed and exercise-depressed-fluoxetine groups (P=0. 01). Untreated depression can worsen depression symptoms. Depression causes significant changes in the density of M2 muscarinic receptors in the heart of rats. Exercise and concomitant administration of fluoxetine can prevent significant changes in the mean density of cardiac M2 muscarinic receptors in depressed rats.

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In our world today, sport has attracted the attention of sociologists and sport managers as one of the key elements of identity. This study evaluated the overall performance of the team using a researcher-made questionnaire and assessed the national team's performance model on national identity components in university students by the National Identity Questionnaire of Bagdono (2011) and the researcher-made sport watching questionnaire. After the face and content validity of the questionnaires were confirmed using professors’ viewpoints, their reliabilities were obtained as 0. 72 and 0. 91 respectively using Cronbach's alpha method. The statistical population consisted of all Iranian students and 317 students were selected as the sample from universities of Iran through multistage cluster sampling method. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The results indicated that the model had a good fit. Also, the results showed that the national team's performance affected all aspects of national identity (cognitive awareness, general and personal assessment, independence, behavioral participation and self-linkage). In the meantime, the national team's performance had the most effect on the general assessment and the lowest effect on the cognitive awareness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the performance of national teams as an important factor influencing national identity.

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and debilitating disease of the nervous system that destroys myelin in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a program of exercise rehabilitation on the Neutrophin-3 (NT-3) levels in multiple sclerosis patients with different levels of disability. 96 MS patients were selected and were divided into three groups: A1 = 44 (score less than 4. 5), A2 = 26 (score between 5 and 6. 5) and A3 = 26 (score above 6. 5) based on their physical disability scale scores. Then, each group was divided into equal experimental and control subgroups; three experimental subgroups and three control subgroups were created. Experimental groups performed selected exercises (Pilates training, PNF stretching, aerobic and strength training) one hour per session, three sessions per week and 12 weeks. Control groups had only stretching exercises. Body composition factors and NT-3 levels were measured before and after the exercises. The significance level was considered to be P<0. 05. ANCOVA test results showed that although there was a significant difference in the NT-3 levels between the experimental and control subgroups of A3 group, there was no significant difference between the experimental and control subgroups of A1 and A2 groups. Also, the results showed a significant difference between experimental and control groups in fat percentage and body mass index. Based on the findings of the present study, it can be suggested that the selected exercises may not only increase NT-3 levels and improve the plasticity of the central nervous system and reconstruct spinal cord and muscle in MS patients but also improve the body composition of these patients.

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The present study was conducted to investigate burnout condition among Iranian sport journalists and to study the role of workload on job burnout. The method of this study was a descriptive survey which was carried out as a field. The study was conducted in the winter of 2018 among the population of sport journalists including writers, office staff, editors and sport photographers. Questionnaires were used to collect data: the general version of Maslach's Burnout Inventory (MBI-GS) and its two main subscales of emotional burnout and cynicism were used to measure the burnout of sport journalists. Also, Liu and Lu (2018) questionnaire was used to measure the workload of sport journalists. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaires: for burnout questionnaire (0. 85) and for workload questionnaire (0. 89). In addition, the validity of the instruments used in the study was confirmed by 5 sport management professors. Finally, data were analyzed using the completed questionnaires (287 questionnaires) with SPSS version 22 and Lisrel 8. 50. The results of the study showed that Iranian sport journalists had moderate burnout. Also, editors felt higher levels of burnout among journalists. Finally, workload had a positive and direct effect on emotional burnout, but this effect was not significant on cynicism.

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