Background and Objectives: Research in one of the basic foundations in the society’ s development. On the other hand, universities are the most important places for science production and therefore appropriate organization of academic researches is one of the effective factors in society’ s progress. The aim of this study was to survey research barriers from viewpoint of faculty members of medical universities of Iran. Subjects and Methods: In the initial step all related published papered were searched without any time limitation by searching the following databases: Magiran، Noormags, Barakat Knowlegde Network System, Civilica, SID, ISI Web Of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar and Elmnet search engines with standards keywords. Overall, 110 documents were retrieved and 100 of which were deleted because of being unrelated, duplicates or unusable documents. Ten documents after quality control were utilized in this study. Results: In this study 9 subject categories of research barriers were extracted from which educational barriers were considered as the highest barrier and facilities barriers was ranked as the lowest. Other barriers in order of importance were: financial, cultural-societial, individual, management, organizational, professional, and strategicpolicy making. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that a lot of reported barriers involve the organization of pre-university and university educational system. Therefore, preparing people during the preuniversity education, and adopting necessary strategic changes in the scientific and cultural training for doing research in the university educational system seems essential. Furthermore, it is also necessary to modify commonly strategies and rules in the field of research that specifically aimed to facilitate research works and provided both financial and sperituality of the researchers.