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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Moving on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship (value-creating) and fulfilling the desired social responsibility is one of the axes of the evolution of universities in recent years, especially in the last two decades. Innovative and value-creating university, for which various definitions have been proposed and various dimensions and criteria have been proposed for its introduction and creation, is one of the new initiatives and ideas for transformation in university systems. Despite identifying and introducing various components and criteria for an innovative and value-creating university, creating this type of university and purposeful and managed movement in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship requires a comprehensive roadmap and a balanced action guide. In order to evolve and achieve a comprehensive model, a guideline framework consisting of eight dimensions, as an action plan and operational model of an innovative and value-creating university by the European Commission and OECD, design and more than 600 universities and higher education institutes in Europe and OECD has evaluated this model. In this paper, through a review of documents, the guide to innovative and value-creating university is introduced as a guide for mainly European programs, for the gradual and systematic transformation of existing universities into innovative and value-creating universities with local considerations. All Iranian universities and higher education institutions with any mission, by learning and adapting actively and productively from this framework and gradually adapting their conditions to its dimensions and criteria, can take fundamental steps in the path of innovation and entrepreneurship and become an innovative and value-creating university in the Relation of Industry and University, Innovative and Entrepreneurial University, Value-creating University, Third Generation University, Guiding Framework for Innovative Higher Education Institute (HEInnovative)true and actual word.

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Nowadays, inventive consumers play a prominent role in the initial acceptance of the new product and the final acceptance of the new product by other consumers who have lower Innovativeness. Accordingly, many companies are seeking to identify the useful variables for the segmentation of consumers as innovative and adopter consumers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of consumer Innovativeness and personal characteristics on the adoption of new products. In this research, the role of moderating consumer personal characteristics has been investigated on the relationship between consumer innovation and new product adoption. For this purpose, the present study was conducted with a survey methodology strategy, targeting samples of Kaleh products (in Amol, Babol and Babolsar). Accordingly, the data were collected using a convenient sampling method from 398 Kaleh consumers during 1 month. In the end, due to the nature of the causal nature of the research methodology, the results of data analysis through Smart PLS software showed that consumer Innovativeness influences the adoption of the new product and consumer characteristics impacts consumer Innovativeness, and personal characteristics does not have an effect on new product adoption. In addition, the moderation of personal characteristics on the relationship between Consumer Innovativeness and the adoption of a new product, except for "education" was not approved.

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Competitiveness is a complex and multidimensional concept, making it possible to get high-quality feedback from the environment. This research was designed in order to improve the competitiveness capability; because competitiveness plays a basic role in an organization’ s productivity. To this end, we employed the cognitive complexity as a strategic concept using its key components including market sensation and customer psychology. Moreover, we examined three dimensions of market intelligence to develop the model. Data was collected through in library studies and interview with master students of Tehran University, school for performing arts and music. Collected data was analyzed by the system dynamics method with the aim of variables’ future behavior estimation. In doing so, 2 scenarios were simulated using Vensim PLE software. In the first scenario, market sensation led to strategic innovation through requisite infrastructure to create and disseminate intelligence. In the second scenario, customer psychology was identified as an effective factor in market accountability and competency creation. Findings showed that little improvement in customer psychology causes more customer perceptual competency. To understand and interpret the complex environment, designing an integrated and intelligence information systems is recommended. This is required to achieve both strategic innovation and organization competency simultaneously in order to increase the capacity of competitiveness.

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Purpose of this study is effect the role of Human resource management, intellectual capital and organizational entrepreneurship on organizational performance. The statistical population of this study is employees of Payame Noor University of Kermanshah Province. This study is descriptive-survey type of correlation research. For data collection, the standard questionnaire was used. To review the validity of the questionnaires was used content validity (The questionnaire confirmed by a group of university professors) and on the other side of convergent validity (average variance of output (AVE)) this illustrates the fact that the validity of the questionnaires is suitable. Reliability of the questionnaires was calculated with The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the questionnaires was examined (0. 86, 0. 80, 0. 87 and 0. 70) respectively. The results of testing hypotheses by SMART-PLS software (VERSION2) and using the t-test statistics and path coefficients (=), showed that a Human resource management has a strong, direct, and meaningful impact on intellectual capital But HRM has a strong, moderate, direct, indirect, and meaningful effect on organizational entrepreneurship and organizational performance, respectively, The results indicate that intellectual capital has a moderate, direct and significant impact on organizational entrepreneurship, Also, intellectual capital has a weak, direct, indirect and significant organizational effect on organizational performance, Finally, organizational entrepreneurship has a weak, direct and significant impact on organizational performance, As a result, the role of mediating intellectual capital and organizational entrepreneurship in the relationship of human resource management on organizational performance.

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As the business world becomes increasingly complex and more astonishingly competitive; managers are turning to innovation culture as one of the few durable sources of learning and internalizing the brand. In this research; we investigated the Internal Branding Effect on organizational learning with the moderating role of innovative culture as a main hypothesis. To achieve the objective of this study, research was conducted to collect the required information by using standard questionnaires. The current research method is descriptive-correlative and practical, based on the objective. The sample size is (n = 168) employee at the Oil Research Institute and The hypothesis were analyzed through the technique of Structural Equation Modeling with Smart PLS 3 software. By the Cronbach's alpha the stability of the data collected in this study Obtained 0. 854. Therefore, the reliability instrument has been decent the results of the data analysis show that internal branding has a positive and significant role in organizational learning. Research findings also confirm the role of moderating innovative culture.

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The increasing development of new technologies, especially information and communication technology and the expansion of globalization, have forced countries in general and universities in particular to move toward internationalization and defined activities and collaborations in this regard. In order to investigate the consequences of this phenomenon in Iranian universities, a qualitative method study has been conducted using the data theorizing approach of the foundation. The statistical population of the present study is the experts and managers of 18 selected public universities in the country, including Tehran University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tarbiat Modarres University, Kharazmi University, Amir Kabir university, Sharif, Science and Technology university, Allameh Tabatabai university, Khajeh Nasir University, Al-Zahra University, Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Shiraz University, Isfahan University, Tabriz University, Isfahan Industrial university and Zanjan Basic Sciences university and Imam Khomeini Qazvin and Al-Mustafa Society in Qom. "Using purposive sampling method, a total of 82 people were selected as participants in the study. The interview method was collected by general guidance method in a semi-structured manner and MAXQDA software was used to analyze them. To obtain validity and validity of the data, two methods of reviewing participants and reviewing experts in the research were used. The central phenomenon of the present study was internationalization in line with the mission orientation of public universities in the country. Academic and extracurricular have been developed according to causal, contextual, intervening conditions and strategies. He showed that 51 open codes were extracted from the analysis of the interviews and due to the similarities between them, 2 main categories and 6 sub-components were identified. Finally, a paradigm model was presented.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of facilities of incubators in growth of new technology based firms (NTBF's). Statistical population is the NTBF's located on incubators and technology parks in Mashhad city. Data collecting tools is questionnaire made by the researcher. For data analysis, correlation and stepwise regression were used. The results showed that an increase in facilities of incubators, NTBF's will be more growth oriented. There is a significant and positive correlation between the facilities of incubators and growth of NTBF's (r=. 871). As well as, all components of incubators (establishment in the center, advice provided, benefits of being in the center and services and facilities of the existing infrastructure) with the growth of new technology-based firms (growth in sales, employment and profitability) have a significant positive relationship. The results of stepwise regression analysis show that components of establishment, advice provided, benefits of being in the center and the services and facilities of the existing infrastructure in the incubators, together jointly explained 0. 914 of the variance of performance

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The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between scientific globalization of higher education with students’ academic achievements of Semnan University. Present study is a practical research on the basis of purpose and is a type of descriptive-correlative researches on the basis of data collection method. Statistical population includes all the undergraduates and masters of Semnan University (13000 people) in the academic year 1396-97. Participants were 230 undergraduates and masters of Semnan University (162 undergraduates and 68 masters) who were selected using stratified random sampling method. All the participants completed the questionnaires of scientific globalization of higher education and academic achievements. The data was analyzed by one-sample t-test, correlation coefficient, structural equation model and SPSS and LISREL software. The results indicated that the mean of the importance of the dimensions of scientific globalization of higher education has been evaluated at the desirable level and the mean of students’ academic achievements has been evaluated at a relatively desirable level. There is a significant relationship between students’ academic achievement with international scientific collaborations, global scientific community, increase the speed of scientific development, formation of universal thinking, and social development of academics. Scientific globalization of higher education with regression coefficient of 0. 33 has a positive and significant effect on students’ academic achievement. According to findings of the study, in order to enhance the students’ academic achievement in the direction of scientific globalization of higher education, first universal thinking must be shaped in higher education and then, a global scientific community must be formed, the speed of scientific development should be also increased and finally international scientific collaboration with higher education should be provided.

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The main purpose of this research is to identify and investigate the organizational factors for implementing open innovation in Iran universities. This study was a qualitative-quantitative research. The field of research in the qualitative section was all open innovation articles and books in the period from 2007 to 2018 and open innovation components were extracted by thematic analysis in an inductive manner. In this research, the "Thematic Network" was used. The validity of the research was approved by the referee by the audit method. To calculate reliability, coding was done by studying row to row of selected resources manually by two individuals individually. After coding, the results of these two coding were compared by the Holsti method. The result of thematic analysis was the extraction of 20 basic themes from different sections of the articles. From these basic themes, 3 organizing themes and finally global theme of “ organizational factors” were extracted. Then the proposed innovation model was designed and a questionnaire was prepared for fitting this model. The proposed model has three factors related to the organizational preparation, human resource preparation, and setting up for idea creation, which offered three dimensions for the university to exploit the open innovation. The statistical population in the quantitative part of the research was the managers of the centers of growth and innovation of various universities, including State universities, Islamic azad universities, Payam Noor universities, Scientific and Applied Sciences universities, and Medical universities licensed by the Ministry of Science and also faculty member of entrepreneurship management. To evaluate the content validity of the questionnaire, the Lawshe method was used. In order to study the structural validity of the test, the analysis of the questions was done by confirmatory factor analysis method. All calculated factor loads were greater than 0. 6 indicating their favorable condition. Also, all calculated pi values were less than 0. 05 which indicated a significant relationship between each factor and the main factor higher than its own. The reliability of the final test was also examined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. All calculated Cronbach's alpha coefficients were greater than 0. 7 which showed reliability acceptable. the results of the validity and reliability testing of the quantitative part confirmed the proposed model.

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Many scholars have highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship ecosystems in improving entrepreneurial activities, but, nevertheless, studies that are quantitatively analyzing the interrelationship between entrepreneurship ecosystems and their impact on increasing entrepreneurial activities at various stages of entrepreneurship are very limited. Therefore, the aim of this study is to fill the gap in entrepreneurship literature and also to study the effect of these two variables in different stages of development of countries. In this regard, using data from 107 GEM countries During 2008-2017 and Generalized Momentary Econometric Model (GMM), the relationship between the components of the entrepreneurship ecosystem and economic growth has been estimated. The results showed that the impact of the financial environment on the entrepreneurial stages in the resource-based countries was negative and significant. However, the impact of entrepreneurship education, dynamics of the domestic market, social status of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurial culture) and the GDP growth have had a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurship in these countries. The results also indicate that the impact of ecosystem factors such as government policies and programs, taxes and bureaucracy, entrepreneurial education at basic and academic levels, R&D transfer, infrastructure, market dynamics and appropriate business environment have positive and significant impact on the growth of entrepreneurial activities in efficiency and innovation-driven countries. Overall, the results of this study indicate that in an ecosystem with low barriers to entry, government support policies for entrepreneurs, basic and higher education, commercial and legal infrastructure, and normative culture supporting entrepreneurship increases entreprenurial activities.

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This study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intention among students of Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan and PNU surveys have been conducted within the overall framework. The sample consisted of 370 male and female students in agricultural disciplines in undergraduate students formed the College of Agriculture. To collect information, a questionnaire and a simple random sampling was used to select the sample. Cronbach's alpha coefficient to determine the reliability coefficient was calculated to vary from 850 students' entrepreneurial intentions are good. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. The results showed that in general students of entrepreneurship spirit and intent of the high entrepreneurial intentions are more male students. The results of the analysis showed a correlation between gender, employment situation, risk appetite and economic barriers in interest income and a significant positive correlation with their entrepreneurial intentions can be seen. As well as the entrepreneurial intentions Mnadray difference was observed between the universities.

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The aim of this study was to The Role of University and Industry in the Ecosystem of Innovation in the line with realization of Sustainable Innovation. The Mixed method was conducted. In the qualitative study, the population was consisted all of the experts in two field of university and industry. A purposive sampling of 20 experts were selected. The In the quantitative section, the statistical population consisted of middle managers and executives of the university and industry field in Tehran. In this section, stratified random sampling method was used, so 205 people were selected by this method. To collect data, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used. To analysis of qualitative data, thematic analysis, and for quantitative data partial least square method were used. The results showed that the roles of the university and industry include six roles of teaching, research, social service, help to technology development, help to innovation development, help to entrepreneurship development. Based on the findings of this research, the roles of university, industry, based on the goodness of fit index were highly fitted. In this model, both institutions of the university and industry had a significant impact on the ecosystem. The industry with a higher factor loading was in the first place of the importance of role in creating the ecosystem, and the institution of the university with a lower factor loading was on the next order. The model's power of prediction criterion, indicated that exogenous variables, i. e., university and industry roles, have the potential to predict the formation of the ecosystem (relationship) of the university and the industry.

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