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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the generational differences in public service motivation of employees of public organizations. In other words, this study seeks to answer the question of whether there is a difference between the level of public service motivation of different generations working in public organizations? Method: In this study, a quantitative method was used for which a questionnaire of 33 statements of public service motivation after localization was distributed and collected among 351 employees of public organizations in Tehran and the analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test to assess differences of generations was exploited. Findings: The findings showed that of the four dimensions of public service motivation, all have significant differences in the four generations. Thus, there was a significant difference between the generations in the tendency to general policy-making (F = 4. 443, > p0. 01); Commitment to the public interest (F = 3. 728, p> 0. 05); compassion (F = 3. 148, > p0. 05) and self-sacrifice (F = 6. 809, > p0. 01) and in general there is a significant difference between the generations in the motivation of public service (F = 6. 832, > p01). / 0). The post hoc test also showed that the third generation (Y generation) (mean = 1. 935) had significantly more public service motivation than the first generation (baby boomer generation). Conclusion: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the different generations working in the public sector in terms of public service motivation, so that contrary to conventional wisdom, people of newer generations compared to older generations have a higher level of public service motivation and all four dimensions.

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Background and objective: Continuous improvement of organizational performance has a huge synergistic force to develop and create opportunities for organizational excellence and is not possible without measurement and evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the financial and non-financial performance of the police +10 electronic service offices in the province of West Azerbaijan. Method: This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and survey research in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study was all employees of the police +10 electronic service offices and 85 people who were selected as a member of the statistical sample and completed the researcher-made questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0. 80. Research data were weighted using the hierarchical analysis process method and Expert Choice software. The TOPSIS technique was also used to rank offices. Findings: The ranking of research dimensions showed that among the six dimensions of the balanced scorecard, the customer dimension is very important and the main planning and investment of offices should be done on the most important dimension, the customer dimension. Results: The results showed that the dimensions of manpower, finance, internal processes, management and development and innovation are as effective dimensions in evaluating the performance of offices, respectively. In this evaluation, Amini branch of Urmia won the first rank and Rajai Chaldoran branch was the last rank. The overall results show that success owes much to the importance of priorities.

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Background and objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pious leadership and reducing social laziness with an analysis of the mediating role of job attachment. Method: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of data analysis and is a survey. This study was conducted on a sample of 259 principals and employees of the Department of Education and all executive agents of secondary schools in the second district of Rasht. For data collection, the Pious Leadership Questionnaire based on Caldwell et al. (2014), Saffarinia Social Laziness Questionnaire (2012) and Shuffle and Baker (2003) Standard Job Attachment Questionnaire were used. In this study, in order to evaluate the validity and model validity and reliability of the research, confirmatory factor analysis and factor loading coefficient, Cronbach's alpha, combined reliability and convergent validity were used and structural equations were used to test the research hypotheses. Findings: Data analysis showed that there is an inverse and significant relationship between all dimensions of pious leadership and social laziness. The existence of a positive and significant relationship between pious leadership and job attachment is also confirmed. Also, a negative and significant relationship between job attachment and social laziness was confirmed. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be said that the application of pious leadership leads to higher levels of participation, greater commitment to excellence and more support for innovation in the organization, improves organizational performance and extra-role behaviors and significantly reduces social laziness.

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Background and objective: Accrual accountant in the public sector in practice in the 1990s and the need to obtain the best services is required to use the accrual accounting basis in accordance with the provisions of Note 26 of the Law regulating part of government financial regulations in users of public funds. Method: This research was applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data collection and the data collection tools were in the form of in-depth specialized interviews of accrual accounting experts in three stages of open, central and selective coding of data. The sampling method was in the form of snowballs. The identified barriers were tested as a model in three levels of dimensions, component and index through fuzzy triangular Delphi technique by 25 knowledgeable accrual accounting elites. Obstacles were also shown using the EHP technique. Following the ranking and finally with cluster analysis, guidelines for the establishment and implementation of accrual accounting were provided. Findings: The findings of the study indicate the obstacles and limitations of the establishment of accrual accounting system in the police, including limitations of the General Accounting Law and other upstream laws, challenges in applying public sector accounting standards, problems with fixed assets, problems with requirements, inventory, non-registration Some of the financial events in the accrual accounting system are the lack of specialized and experienced personnel and structural approach in the organizational structure of police. Conclusion: According to the research findings, it can be said that in order to implement the accrual accounting system in the police, the limitations of the General Accounting Law and other upstream laws have the highest rank and the structural approach in police organizational structure has the lowest rank in terms of obstacles.

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Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of information technology and organizational culture on human resource productivity in Ghavamin Bank of Kermanshah province. Method: The statistical population includes 386 employees and 191 people were selected as a sample by simple random sampling using Morgan table. Therefore, this descriptive-survey research is of correlation type. For data collection, the information technology questionnaire of Martinez Lawrence et al. (2004), Deninson Organizational Culture (2000) and Hershey & Smith (1980) Manpower Productivity Questionnaire were used. Validity (content, convergent, divergent) and reliability (factor load, composite reliability coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient) of the questionnaires indicate that the measuring instruments have good validity and reliability. Findings: The results of testing the hypotheses by SMART-PLS software and using t-test statistics and path coefficients (β ), showed that information technology has a strong, direct and significant effect on organizational culture, organizational culture has a strong effect on human resource productivity, and meaningful and also information technology has a weak, direct, indirect and significant effect on human resource productivity. On the other hand, organizational culture plays a mediating role in the impact of information technology on human resource productivity. On the other hand, information technology can be used as a moderating variable to enhance the positive effect that organizational culture has on human productivity. Conclusion: Organizations, especially Ghavamin Bank, in order to improve the productivity of their human resources, should take steps to improve their organizational culture, and this requires attention to information technology.

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Background and objective: At present, the real participation of customers in the profit and loss of banking products and services is seen in the theoretical banking structure of our country. But in practice this is not the case and customers only receive profit-sharing services from this huge financial network. Therefore, we decided to design a marketing model for familiarity and awareness and attracting participatory facilities in the country's banking and, for example, in Bank Saderat Iran. Method: The statistical population of this study includes a number of experts and executors of Islamic banking in the country who are also experts in marketing. Findings and Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the marketing of organizational participatory facilities in the form of twelve main categories were extracted in accordance with the data processing theory of the foundation. In-house, service quality, price mix, mix of people, mix of product, mix of promotion, mix of process, research and development, customer-related factors, anonymity as well as marketing philosophy were extracted as main as well as sub-categories. In the quantitative part of the research, the model obtained from the qualitative part was examined and fitted.

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Background and objective: Human resources is a strategic resource and the most important organizational element and is the only resource that acts as a decision-maker and executor. The aim of this study was to design and plan the human resource management development strategy in Iran Police physical Training using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method. Method: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection is part of mixed research (qualitative-quantitative) and in terms of nature, it is of the descriptive-analytical method and in terms of implementation is a survey. The data collection tool is in the qualitative part, interview and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire based on BSC. The statistical population in the qualitative part included academic and organizational experts and in the quantitative part included the employees of the Deputy of Physical Education and Training of Iran and the directors of physical education of the disciplinary command of the provinces of the country. The sample size was estimated in the qualitative part with theoretical saturation (20 people) and in the quantitative part based on Cochran's formula 95 people. Purposeful sampling was used to select the sample in the qualitative part and stratified random sampling was used in the quantitative part. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL software and BSC analysis and one-sample t-test was used to analyze the data. Findings: From a financial point of view, the results showed that how to familiarize new employees with the assigned tasks has been effective in reducing human resource costs. From the perspective of internal processes, the results showed that people who were promoted to higher positions based on their merits and competencies were more active in performing their duties, and from the perspective of growth and learning, the results showed that planning for human resource competencies promotes people growth in the organization. Conclusion: The results showed that paying attention to the four areas of balanced scorecard in Iran Police Physical Training leads to better planning of the organization.

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Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to design a model for promoting intellectual capital in government organizations. In this research, the researcher seeks to present a new model in promoting intellectual capital in the oil industry and identify specific dimensions of intellectual capital and tries to provide a localized model that fits the government system in the field of intellectual capital. Method: In terms of research philosophy, the present study is in the category of research based on interpretive model and in terms of orientation, it is of applied-developmental studies. It is also a field study in terms of data collection strategy. Required data were collected using semi-structured interviews. The study population consisted of 6 experts and managers of the country's oil industry who were selected by the snowball sampling method. Data analysis was performed using the MAXQDA software team analysis approach. Findings: The findings include the model of intellectual capital promotion in the oil industry and include the components, indicators and dimensions of intellectual capital. Based on the results of extracting the main, organizing and comprehensive themes or themes, intellectual capital in this industry includes 8 dimensions, among which the two dimensions of technology capital and competitiveness capital were identified as specific and indigenous dimensions. Conclusion: Based on the results, in order to develop and promote intellectual capital in the Iranian government system and in particular the country's oil industry should seek to develop these dimensions and indicators and related components.

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Background and objective: Given the importance of the role of elites in the development of countries, especially in the production of science, art and technology, attention to elites is essential. Due to their serious responsibilities in establishing security and creating peace in the society and the country and comprehensive development, the intelligence and security organizations have put the use of the capacities of the elites on their agenda. Therefore, the present study seeks to explain the role of communication management in identifying and supporting elites in intelligence and security organizations. Method: This research is a descriptive-analytical survey. The statistical population studied consisted of 300 commanders, managers and experts working in the Police Intelligence and Information Protection faculty, but due to their small number, the census has been conducted. The method of data collection was survey and its tool is a questionnaire. For the validity of the questionnaire, the logical method, ie the opinion of experts and professors, was used and for its reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was a total of 0. 91. Findings: The research findings show that 98. 7% of the respondents consider having a high ability to solve problems, 97% having information and interest and 96% creative and dynamic as effective in hiring people in information organizations, respectively. 96% of the respondents believe that providing the minimum material needs of the elites and establishing a connection with scientific and research centers for the elites is one of the most important factors influencing their identification and retention in the organization. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the winners of prestigious domestic and international scientific olympiads; First, second and third winners of festivals of intelligence and security organizations; Prominent scientific figures of intelligence and security organizations are suitable for recruiting forces and these people should be supported materially and spiritually.

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