Introduction: Evaluation of university teachers is a necessity in order to improve the knowledge of the community. In this regard, the performance evaluation instruments of university faculty members are different. Therefore, the aim of present study was to develop and Psychometrics "Scale of Performance Evaluation Criteria for University Faculty Members". Methods: The present study is of methodological type and includes two qualitative and quantitative sections. In the qualitative part, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 university faculty members and experts in measurement and evaluation. From the qualitative findings, the initial scale was developed with 38 items. Then, in the quantitative part, the scale for measuring face validity, content validity ratio and content validity index was distributed among 20 faculty members and experts in measuring and evaluating. To measure the construct validity, the exploratory factor analysis method was used. Reliability was measured by 30 faculty members of Zanjan Branch of Azad University using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed in SPSS. 23. Results: According to the qualitative findings, the "Scale of criteria for evaluating the performance of university teachers" was developed with 38 items. Items with a content validity ratio greater than 0. 42 and a content validity index greater than 0. 79 were retained (7 items were deleted). Structural validity findings showed that the designed scale has 6 dimensions (individual ethics, professional ethics, educational activities, maturity, executive activity, research activity). The reliability was obtained by internal consistency method (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) for the scale 0. 93. Conclusions: The "Scale of Performance Evaluation Criteria for University Faculty Members" with 31 and 5 point Likert scale, from strongly agree (score 5) to completely disagree (score zero) in 6 dimensions, has high validity and reliability. It is suggested that the above instrument be used in the evaluation of university faculty members.