Introduction: About 330 BC, Aristotle states that “ All men, by nature, desire to know” ; 1 but despite the high value of information and regarding the innate human need for knowledge, some avoid exposure and acquisition of information. Information avoidance is a set of selective behaviors and actions intended to stop, limit, and delay the search, the encounter, the processing, and the use of information. 2 Individuals sometimes avoid information about their illness or condition, which is called health information avoidance. Ignoring information threatens individuals' health. In this respect, health researchers refer to health information avoidance as a counterproductive behavior. 3, 4 Individuals with certain diseases, such as cancers, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and diabetes avoid medical information for a variety of reasons, including an unwillingness to change their normal routine, unpleasant feelings such as fear and anxiety, as well as stress, and may be screened for testing, and even refuse to visit a doctor. Besides, sometimes information forces a person to do unwanted actions and even change beliefs and opinions. Therefore, individuals choose information avoidance as a defensive and coping strategy. At a time when the world is suffering from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) disease, health care system, education and information services face various challenges; 5 and one of those challenges is how individuals interact with information. On the other hand, in domestic research, more attention has been paid to information needs, information seeking, and use of information. Information avoidance, as one of the important aspects of information behavior, has been less considered compared to other ones. An evidence confirming this claim is searching related words such as avoiding health information” , “ health information avoidance” , “ health information ignorance” , “ health information anxiety” , “ health information phobia” , and so on in July 2020 through Persian articles available in Scientific Information Database (SID), Magiran and IranMedex databases, which led to no significant outcome. Understanding the health avoidance information, as an inevitable part of health information management, is especially important because it can affect many areas of health communication like public health campaigns, patient education, provider-patient communication, and even social support.