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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



Information Journal Paper


Incentive Policies for the Retention of Physicians and Nurses in Deprived Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran




 Introduction: The retention of health human resources in the deprived areas is a global challenge, especially in countries with high geographic dispersion. This study endeavored to identify incentive policies for the retention of Physicians and Nurses in deprived areas of Iran. Methods: The study was conducted in two stages of review and qualitative. In the review stage, health system policies and interventions for the retention of Physicians and Nurses in deprived areas of Iran were identified. The list compiled to announce the opinion and complete the policies and interventions of the health system for the retention of Physicians and Nurses in the deprived areas was provided to 18 experts in the field of health human resources. In the second stage, these policies were prioritized by 44 experts using an electronic questionnaire. Data obtained from the responses were described using frequency, percentage, and mean. The compiled list was approved using the opinions of 18 experts in the field of health human resources. Second, these policies were prioritized through an electronic questionnaire by 44 experts. The data were described through frequency, percentage, and mean. Results: Following the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian health system designed and implemented eight policies, including 40 interventions, for the retention of Physicians and Nurses in deprived areas. Prioritization findings indicated that the Law of Service of Physicians and Paramedics, Family Physician Program, Instructions on how to distribute medical graduates, and the health transformation plan have greater and longer-term impact on retention of Physicians; and the Law of Service for Physicians and Paramedics, the Law on Promoting Clinical Staff Productivity, and the health transformation plan had longer-term effects on retention of Nurses. Conclusion: Although policies have been effective in attracting and retaining Physicians and Nurses in deprived areas, they face challenges and failures. Therefore, it seems necessary for Policymakers to review the overall incentive policies, and take serious action to address program challenges by creating cross-sectional coordination, sustainable funding and cost management, and awareness of Physicians, Nurses and patients' preferences as well as aligning policies with their services and demands.




APA: Copy

DAVARI, FERESHTEH, SAJADI, HANIYE SADAT, EHSANI CHIMEH, ELHAM, & ALIMOHAMMADZADEH, KHALIL. (2020). Incentive Policies for the Retention of Physicians and Nurses in Deprived Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran. HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 17(4 (74) ), 159-166. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/410963/en

Vancouver: Copy

DAVARI FERESHTEH, SAJADI HANIYE SADAT, EHSANI CHIMEH ELHAM, ALIMOHAMMADZADEH KHALIL. Incentive Policies for the Retention of Physicians and Nurses in Deprived Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran. HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT[Internet]. 2020;17(4 (74) ):159-166. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/410963/en

IEEE: Copy

FERESHTEH DAVARI, HANIYE SADAT SAJADI, ELHAM EHSANI CHIMEH, and KHALIL ALIMOHAMMADZADEH, “Incentive Policies for the Retention of Physicians and Nurses in Deprived Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, vol. 17, no. 4 (74) , pp. 159–166, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/410963/en

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