Iran’ s scientific comprehensive map as a guideline senior document in education, science and technology and innovation system, is a road map in route of scientific and technology and innovation in Islamic republic of Iran progress. Based on the map is expected that macro strategies and policies in the fields of general, higher and professional educations and scientific and technical development be follow and operate in form of integrated and targeted. In the paper with content analysis method has analyzed the position of technical and vocational educations and skill training in Iran’ s comprehensive scientific map with exploratory and pathology approach. Based on the results of study, although incomprehensive scientific map has been forecasted suitable opportunities and areas for skill training in secondary education, higher education and other educational institutions, but in this document has not been defined how and mechanism of execution and necessary and sufficient operational transparency for human resources skill training. Thus, it is suggested that steering committee of scientific map monitor and evaluate skill training and increasing skill level of Iranian precious human resources in form of periodic and systematic. In this among is very critical and determinative role and responsibility of schools, universities, parents and business firms for comprehensive participation in skill training and development of capabilities, competencies and skills of the students, university students, personnel, workers and jobseeker young.