Tilletia indica Mitra, causal agent of Karnal bunt or partial bunt of wheat, is heterothallic and no solopathogenic line has been found yet. Although incompatibility in some smut fungi can be determined in vitro by fusion of monosporidial lines, followed by the formation or non-formation of dikaryotic mycelia, this is not the case in T. indica, since no dikaryotic-infective mycelia develop on artificial media, even when paris of monosporidial lines known to be pathogenic in artificial inoculation, are paired on a wide variety of media. Fuentes-Davila and Duran (1986), for the first time, isolated a complex of vegetative and sporogenous hyphae from infected caryopses cultured on axenic media.In this investigation, for the isolation of sporogenous mycelia and the formation of teliospores in artificial media, susceptible wheat cultivar WL711, were inoculated in booting stage with suspension of 2 ×105 sporidia per ml. Ten to 15 days after inoculation, the young caryopses were excised from the inoculated spikes, surface strillized in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, and sectioned in half transeversely, and the halves with embryos were placed on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated at 200C and 12h light period. The mycelial isolates were kept on laboratory benches or in incubator, and periodically subcultured.Two kinds of fungal colonies were isolated in axenic cultures including a complex of sporidiogenous and teliosporogenous mycelia, and the pure colonies of teliosporogenous mycelia. In the subsequent studies, pure colonies were used. In spite of repeated subculturing, teliospore formation has been continuing for ten months. Mean growth rates of teliosporognous colinies on water agar, PDA, and Czapecks agar, in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications at 200Cand 12h light period, were 1.22, 1.8and 3.08 mm/day, respectively. To study the rate of teliospore formation in culture media, in a CRD with three replications, a 7 mm block of PDA containing the teliosporognous mycelia was placed in the center of Petri dish (9 cm in diameter) containing culture media and incubated at 200C and 12h light period. After 4 weeks, each treatment was mixed in a blender with little water, filtered through two folded muslin cloth, and then passed through a 500-meshsieve (25µm). The residue on the sieve was resuspended in 50ml water. Teliospore number wrer enumerated on three replications. Each time, lml of this suspension was added to a small 2×2×2 cm dish. Teliospores were counted by means of a binocular (×50). Mean teliospore number produced in the above mentioned culture media were counted 24.66, 100, and 128.1 teliospores per each petri dish, respectively. Using CRD by Duncans multiple range test, the results indicated that there are significant differences in the teliospore formation in these media. Pathogenicity tests using dikariotic mycelia failed to initiate disease development. Teliospores produced in media were germinated typically 11.4-14.3%, and study on the effect of susceptible and resistant seed extracts on teliospore formation showed that there were no effect of seed extracts on teliospore formation .