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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مهمترین تولیدکنندگان اولیه سواحل صخره ای ماکروجلبک ها هستند. تحقیق حاضر به بررسی تغییرات زمان- مکانی، تعیین درصد پوشش و تاثیر عوامل غیرزیستی بر ماکروجلبک ها در سواحل سنگی حوضه جنوبی دریای خزر پرداخته است. 10 ایستگاه نمونه برداری درسواحل سنگی طبیعی و مصنوعی از آستارا تا بابلسر انتخاب و درطول یکسال هر 2 ماه یکبار از شهریور 92 تا تیر 93 توسط کوادرات 50 cm×50 cm به صورت تصادفی مورد نمونه برداری قرار گرفتند. ماکروجلبک های اپی بنتیک شامل دو جنس Cladophora و Entromorpha از گروه جلبک های سبز و یک جنس به نام Laurencia از جلبک های قرمز می باشند. میانگین (± انحراف معیار) دمای آب 16.48±4.91 درجه سانتی گراد، شوری 9.83±3.23 قسمت در هزار، pH 8.27±0.19 اکسیژن محلول 9.89±0.19 میلی گرم بر لیتر و قابلیت رسانای آب 16.52±0.33 درثانیه انداز گیری شد. طبق نتایج حاصله بیشترین پوشش جلبکی مربوط به ماه شهریور (70.50 درصد) وکمترین مربوط به دیماه (21.50 درصد) می باشد و نتایج آزمون One-way ANOVA نشان داد که میانگین پوشش جلبکی در ماههای مختلف سال دارای اختلاف معنی داری است (p<0.05). آزمون تشابه زیستگاهی One-way ANOSIM نشان داد، درصد پوشش ایستگاه ها یکنواخت و مشابه هم است. بررسی فاکتورهای محیطی مشخص کرد، دما رابطه اثرگذاری با درصد پوشش ماکروجلبک ها در سواحل سنگی حوضه جنوبی دریای خزر دارد.

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Macrobenthos were performed the main group of the Caspian Sea funa while they have not completelyattentived espacilly in estuaries environoments. In this survey were studied eghiteen river estuaries in Guilanprovince off Caspian Sea southwest. The macroinvertebrate sampling was conducted seasonally at egithstation during winter 2009 to summer 2009. The macrobenthos organisms were sorted and identified aspossible level in genus or species. The results presented fifteen orders including thirty six families. The mostpresentation of genus belongs to Chironomidae family with twenty six genus while others were includedforthy three genus. The Stenogammarus genus had the normally distribution between seasons while themost abundance was linked to Eukifferiella and Cricotopus during winter and spring 2009 nearly same asStreblospio and Limnodrilus. The Cerastoderma was showed a high percentage with decresing of othersespecially during summer 2009. In this paper have been described the fluctuation of benthic aboundanceaccording to biological characteristic and the environoment degradation.

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Nowadays, herbal products as a new class of growth promoters that provide an alternative feeding strategy toreplace antibiotic growth promoters in aquaculture. This study was conducted to investigate the effects ofdifferent levels of sangrovit (0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15%) on growth, some of blood biochemical parameters, survival and salinity tolerance capacity in Cyprinus carpio (2.62±0.117 gr). After 45 days of feeding, results showed that growth performance including of weight gain and % specific growth rate improved which fishfed whit sangrovit compared with to control group, but there was no significant differences in growth parameters which fish fed with herbal supplement compared to control group (P>0.05). There were significant differences in biochemical parameters in fish fed with sangrovit compared to the control group (P<0.05). The lowest level of cholesterol was observed in 0.05 % group and the highest level of total proteinwas observed in 0.15 % group. The highest levels of glucose observed in control treatment. In order todetermine the effect of the herbal supplement on resistance to salinity stress, salinity stress was carried out after 45 days of feeding. Blood samples were obtained at 24, 72, 120 and 168 hours after stress. Hematocrithad significant difference in each groups (P<0.05). On the third day after stress, hematocrit levels weredecreased in all treatments. Survival and tolerance to salinity stress challenge remained un affected by dietarysupplementation of sangrovit. The results of this study showed that addition of sangrovit to fish diet canimprove growth performance and blood biochemical parameters of common carp fingerlings.

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Around ten thousands fries of Striped grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) with average weight and length of 280 mg and 28.3 mm respectively, imported in March 2008 from Egypt. The wild fries collected from surrounding natural waters of Alexandria.They stocked in four earthen ponds (each with 2500 m2) located at the Gomishan shrimp educational centre at late march in 2008. At the first year of culture the densities were 5000 and 10000 individuals per hectare and each treatment with two replicates. At second year, densities changed with 2000 and 2500 individuals per hectares and each of the treatments divided fishes with average primary weights of 80 and 115 grams. They fed twice a day at 8 AM and 2 PM and the amount was 5-7percents of the fish existent biomass in each ponds. After seven months culture period, the average weightand length of fish in treatment 5000 ind./hec. were 113.7 gr and 21.1 cm respectively and in treatment 10000 ind./hec. the average weight and length were 86.6 gr and 19.6 cm respectively. At first year the average survival rate in different treatments was 77 percent. The average FCR in treatments 5000 and 10000 ind./hec. were 3.4 and 3.9 respectively. At second years after six months culture the average weights in pond no.9 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2000 ind./hec), pond no.10 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2000 ind./hec), pond no.11 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) and pond no.12 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) calculated as 476.6, 338.1, 366.5 and 440 gr respectively. The average survival rate and FCR were 93 % and 3.1 respectively.

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Padina boergesenii is one of the most abundant brown algae distributed in the north of Persian Gulf andOman Sea. In this study after sampling and preparation of Padina boergesenii by Chroform-Etanol (3-1) solvent and by Methanol has been extract. Separation and purification of the compounds was carried outusing thin layer, general and inverse column chromatography, Cephadex and high-performance liquidchromatography (HPLC). Structural elucidation of the constituents was based on the data obtained fromH-NMR, 13C-NMR, HSQC, HMBC, DEPT and Cephadex LH-20. The steroids compounds separatedfrom above alga were identified as 22-dehydrocholesterol (1), cholesterol (2), fucosterol (3), β-sitosterol (4), stigmasterol (5), ostreasterol (6) and two epimer of hyroxyestrol (7), based on their spectral data and from comparison with those previously reported in the literature.

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A 2×5 factorial design was used to evaluate the effects of different dietary vitamin C and vitamin E levels on growth, feed utilization, haema to-biochemical status and immune responsein Siberain sturgeon, Acipenser baerii. Ten diets were formulated to contain two dietary vitamin E levels of 0 and 200 mg dl-tocopheryl acetate (TA) and 5 dietary L-ascorbic acid (AA) in theform of L-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate (AMP (levels of 0, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg. Thus, the diets with 0 mg/kg vitamin E were designated as E0 C0, E0 C100, E0 C200, E0 C400, E0 C800 while the diet with 200 mg/kg vitamin E were designated as E200 C0, E200 C100, E200 C200, E200C400, E200 C800.300 fish with an average weight of 29.8±1.6 g (mean±SD) were fed each of the10 experimental diets in triplicate groups for 12 weeks. At the end of experimental period, weight gain (WG) in fish fed E0C400 and E0 C800 diets were significantly higher than those fedE0C0 and E0 C100 (P<0.05). Growth performance, feed utilization, haemato-biochemical statusand immune response significantly improved with an increase in dietary vitamin E level. However, there were no significant differences in those parameters among fish fed E200C100, E200C200, E200C400 and E200C800 diets (P>0.05). The results showed sparing effect of dietary vitamin E on vitamin C. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in survival of fish feddiets supplemented with vitamin C. Deficiency symptoms such as retarded growth and anorexia were observed in fish fed vitamin C of 0 mg/kg at either of the dietary vitamin E levels. These results showed that dietary vitamin C requirement is 200 mg AA/kg diet when juvenile Siberain sturgeon, Acipenser Baerii fed a vitamin E deficiency diet while vitamin C requirement is 100mg AA/kg diet when fish fed a diet supplemented with 200 mg/kg vitamin E.

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This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) in diet for rainbow trout in a complete randomized design with 5 treatments in triplicates using 15 cages in apound for 8 weeks. Ten fish with average weight 120 g was stocked in each replication. The earthworm (as fed) at the levels of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% was replaced with fish meal in rain bowtr out diet. Results showed that feed intake decreased significantly (P<0.05) as earth wormin creased. The diets contain 25% and 50% earthworm showed no significane differences compared to control for weight gain, specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio (P>b0.05). The chemical composition analysis of fish meat showed that there were no significant effects between control and25% and 50% earthworm in diet for dry matter, crude protein and ash, but fat content significantly decreaed as earthworm increased (P<0.05). This present study showed that the earthworm (Eisenia fetida) can be used in rainbow trout diet up to 50% instead of fish meal.

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The most important primary producers of rocky shores are macroalgae. The present study investigated thetemporal–spatial changes, the percentage of coverage and the influence of abiotic factors on macroalgae on rocky shores of southern Caspian Sea. Ten sampling stations were selected in the natural and artificial rocky shores from Astara to Babolsar. Sampling lasted for one year and took place every 2 months from September 2013 to July 2014 using a 50×50 quadrate sampler. Epibenthic macroalgae consisted of 2 genus, Cladophora and Entromorpha, from green algae and one genus, Laurenica, from red algae. The average water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and water conductivity were 16.48oC, 9.87ppt, 8.27, 9.89 mg/l and 16.52 m/s, respectively. According to the results, the maximum algalcoverage was observed in September (70.50 %) and the minimum coverage was observed in January (21.50 %). Results of one-way ANOVA indicated that the mean of algal coverage in various months of theyear were significantly different (P<0.05). One-way ANOSIM ecosystem similarity test indicated that the coverage rates of the stations were homologous and similar. The results also showed that temperature hasa significant effect on macroalgae coverage ratio on rocky shores in the southern Caspian Sea.

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Eeffect of different dietary carbon sources on water quality, growth performance and survival of western white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei post larvae was investigated in zero-water exchange system. Shrimp postlarvae with mean weight of 98.47±8.60 mg and mean length of 22.39±1.70 mm were fed for 32 days in fiberglass containers with 130 liters volume of water and density of 1 individual per liter in five treatments including one control with water exchange and four biofloc treatments with adding different carbon sources including molass, starch, wheat flour and mixture of them at equal weight ratios with 15% to 9% of body weight. In the values of water quality parameters including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH, no significant differences were observed among the biofloc treatments (P>0.05). Maximum pH (8.27±0.09) and maximum dissolved oxygen (6.37±0.56 mg/lit) was in water exchange treatment. Maximum and minimum level of ammonia was 0.43±0.34 and 0.09±0.07 mg/lit in water exchange treatment without floc and biofloc treatment with adding starch of carbon sources, respectively and showed significant difference between treatments (P<0.05). The highest increase in body weight (1640.43±231.28 mg), growth rate (51.26±7.23 mg per day), specific growth rate (8.97±0.42 %/day) and biomass (190.29±26.83mg) was observed in biofloc treatment with adding molass and the highest survival rate (90±0.77%) was obtained in biofloc treatment with adding mixture of carbon sources. The highest feed conversion ratio (1.52±0.23) and the lowest feed efficiency (66.81±7.95) were obtained in water exchange treatment without floc, showing significant difference compared to the other treatments (P<0.05). The results showed that using biofloc technology with zero- water exchange system and adding carbonaceous organic matter could help to recycle waste and improve the water quality. Moreover, the presence of biofloc improved growth performance, feed utilization and production of western white shrimp in zero water ecxhange rearing system.

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Due to the importance of identifying the major characteristics of Artemia populations, in this study some physiologic, biometric, nutritional and genetic characteristics of one Artemia population from Iran named Arak’s Artemia (Mighan Lake) was studied. The hatched larvae of Artemia were reared in the saline water of80 g/l with standards method in which percentage of survival and growth were evaluated on days 3, 7, 11 and15 of culture period. In order to study the morphometric characteristics of Artemia, diameter of full cysts aswell as 11 more morphological parameters of adult Artemia were measured. The fatty acids profile were analyzed by gas chromatography. The Genetic characteristics were compared with other Artemia populationsby sequencing after PCR amplification of Hsp 26 gene. According to the results, the diameter of cysts andnauplii instar were 276.28 and 544.66 micron, respectively. The growth and survival of brine shrimpArtemia, in comparison with other populations, reflected good growth and survival of this population. Theresults of fatty acids profile also showed higher amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in this Artemiacompared to other populations cultured under identical conditions. The morphometric characteristics andgenetic study of Hsp 26 gene showed great affinity of this population with the parthenogenetic brine shrimpArtemia. However, individual differences could be used to characterize this population.

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate effective factors on adopting technologies among trout fish farmers in Guilan province by Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Statistical population of this research contained of all managers of trout fish farms of Guilan province (N=170) that base on limitation of structural equation modeling in determining sample size, 97 of them were chosen as asample. Study tool was contained Vankatesh and et al. information technology questionnaire in six items. Toobtain validity of questionnaire; content, face, convergent and discriminant validity were used. As well, toobtain reliability of questionnaire; principal component analysis, Cronbachs alpha, Dillon-Goldstein’s ʃ andreagent stability were used. To accomplish analysis of data, SPSSV19 and Smart PLSV2 software were used indescriptive and inferential statistics. For testing hypothesis, structural equation model (SEM) and partial leastsquares (PLS) that focus on reagent variance were used. The results showed that there was significant relationship between performance expectancy and behavioral intention. Also there was significant relationship between intention to use and use behavior of aquaculture technologies. Model explains 28.8 percent of behavioral intention variance and 7.9 percent of use behavior of aquaculture technologies variance among trout fish farmers. To increase willingness to accept the technology among trout fish farms in Guilan province, it is suggested that extension-education courses for raising knowledge and awareness ofaquaculture technology to be held by organizations. Providing financial resources and adequate knowledge will enable trout fish farms to equip with the aquaculture technologies.

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The purpose of the present research was to identify and rank the effective environmental (background) indices on OE process in Mazandaran Fisheries Organization. In terms of data collection, the method used inthis study was the descriptive-survey method and in terms of research purposes, it was an applied research. Statistical population included experts and leading experts of Mazandaran fisheries organization in 2014. After literature review, the effective environmental (background) indices on OE were identified. Data were collected using Delphi and paired comparisons questionnaires, and analyzed using fuzzy Delphi method and FAHP. The results showed that the effective environmental (background) indices on OE, in order of priority, were the economic environments, legal-political environment, social-cultural environment, technological environment, administrative environment and international environment.

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Most dinoflagellate produce resting cysts during their sexual lifecycle as well as under unfavorable environmental conditions and from water column settle in the sediments substratum. The evaluation of diversity and distribution of dinoflagellate cysts is very important in environmental studies, because cysts actas seed in sea bed that can cause red tide with excystment. This study was performed to determine the diversity and distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the sediments of Gwatar Bay in 2013 by sediments sampling from five stations. Sediment sampling was made by Ekman grab with covering area of 0.225 square meters with three replicates at each station in two seasons before and after the monsoon. In total of sampling 16 samples in species level belonging to 9 genera of dinoflagellate cysts were identified. The highest and lowest abundances are related to the genus Protoperidinium (52%) and the genusZygabikodinium (1%), respectively. The results showed the average dinoflagellate cysts diversity from 2.22 before monsoon have decreased to 2.06 after monsoon.

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Aquatics, especially fish, are important sources of animal protein that plays an important role in householdfood basket and could account as a good substitute for food and protein needs. The purpose of this study wasto determine factors of social, economic and cultural influence on fish consumption and current fish-usepattern in Sari, using a discriminant analysis model. The results of discriminant analysis showed that theregion of residence, fish health awareness, the assessment of poultry meat benefits, the assessment of fishmeat benefits, consumption awareness, the normative pressure of consumption and meal planning criteriahad the biggest impacts on fish consumption in the city of Sari. Actions, such as informing the society aboutthe nutritional values of marine products, eliminating misconceptions and creating a habit of householdeating fish as well as promoting fish as part of household food culture can be effective steps to increase fishconsumption.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was aimed to examine the impact of different levels of dietary nucleotides (Vannagen) on serumbiochemical and blood parameters of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). Fish (42.37±2.12 g and 23.67±0.61 cm) were divided into four treatments with different levels of dietary nucleotides (0, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.5percent of diet). There were three replicates with a density of 12 fish per tank. After 10 weeks of feeding, serum biochemical and blood parameters were measured. Among the measured factors, blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, erythrocyte and heterophil showed significant differences between the groups fedwith nucleotides and the control group (P≤0.05). By increasing the nucleotide levels, the mean heterophiland serum glucose showed significant increase and decrease, respectively. The highest and lowest values of cholesterol and triglyceride were found in groups fed with 0.25% and 0.35% nucleotides, respectively. The other measured factors had no significant difference (P≤0.05). Therefore, it could be said that with regard to the limited capacity of cells to synthesize nucleotides, external preparing of nucleotides could result in the production of needed nucleotides and an increase of its production speed, especially during stress. Suchpreparation can also improve fish physiology and health status.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, a total of 60 juvenile Acipenser persicus (mean weight 410±267.6, mean length 39.6±19.6cm and 1-2 year old) were captured by trawling method at depths of 20 to 100 meters in the Mazandran province via 7 times surveys during 2009–2012, and studied immunologically. Results showed that the mean of red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) were 585000±151000 and 30300±3200 per mm3 of blood, respectively. Mean percentage of lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophile and eozynophilewere 83.1±12, 2.9±2, 8.3±6.6 and 5.6±3.2 %, respectively. Mean concentration of Immunoglobin M (IgM) in blood serum was 25.6±8.7 mg/dl. Samples showed no significant difference in length (P>0/05). These results showed that the fish by less than the length classes were more sensitive to environmental changes. For this reason, their immune indices improved. Therefore, any change in fish blood immunological factors can lead to the secondary response.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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