Background: 30 to 80 percent of pregnant women suffering from heartburn, because of different reports about the effect of sucralfate therapy and the limitation of studies in the field of training, this research were performed.Method: This research is a clinical trial method, triple-blind, that is done to pregnant women with necessary qualification, by multiple sampling method in three groups involving "placebo" "sucralfate", and "training", At first, clinical evaluation of the average of the last three days heart burn was done. and an interview was accomplished to acquire some information pertaining to their personal characteristics, fertility, health, and behavioral habits. After delivering medicine to its specific group and providing necessary training by educational group, after one week clinical evaluation was done against for analysing the normal distributed variables parametric were used and for nonnormal distributed variables nonparametric statistics were utilized.Results: Findings showed that there were significant difference between mean of times (Placebo P=0.002), (sucralfate P=0.032), (training P<0.0001), intensity (placebo P= 0.003), (sucralfate P= 0.020), (training P < 0.0001), duration placebo P < 0.000), (sucralfate P < 0.0001), (training P<0.0001) before and after manipulation.Decreasing of frequency of radiation rate after treatment were (26.1% in placebo group, 41.7% in sucralfate group and 82.6% in training group). Also outcomes indicated that training inttensity (P=0.004), times (P=0.004) and radiation (P=0.002) had the most efficiency in declining the heartburn. There were a positive linear relationship between acquired degree in education and the rate of improvement, that were for intensity (P=0.008 R=0.5), times (P= 0.024 R=0.4) and duration (P=0.011 R=0.2).Conclusion: Education "life style modification" as an efficient method can be put in the first priority for treating the heartburn of pregnant women, but for providing a point of view about sucralfate, it needs other research.