The goal of this study was the prospective investigation of self-knowledge processes and defensive styles on health during the stressful period of final examination among university students. 177 students (male=69, female=108) responded to integrative self-knowledge scales (ISKS; Ghorbani, 1385), mindfulness scale (MS; Brown & Ryan, 2003), defensive styles questionnaire (DSQ; Andrews, Singh & Bond, 1993). A list of illnesses (SMUHQ; Watson & Pennebaker, 1989), While symptom checklist scales (SCHS; Barton, 1995) and subjective vitality scale (SVS; Ryan. & Fredrick, 1997) were repeatedly examined (five times) during the exams. Data revealed that integrative self integrative self-knowledge, can predict vitality, symptoms, illness and healthy defensive styles better than the mindfulness. Integrative self-knowledge predicted vitality within the stressful period. The results were discussed based on integrative importance of self-knowledge processes.