Using content analysis method, 1747 titles of M.A theses and Ph.D. dissertations researched from 1338 to 1386 in Educational and Information Sciences and Psychology were surveyed. The findings showed that during the period of survey, categories such as "Management", 'Tests and Measurements”, “Curriculum and Instruction ", and "Educational Philosophy" were among the most researched ones in Educational Sciences, more than 59 percent, and the remaining 29 categories received 41 percent of the research subjects. In this survey, research subjects conducted in Psychology were mostly (58 percent) confined to 4 categories: "Educational Psychology", "Cognitive Psychology", "General Psychology" and "Education of Exceptional Children". The remaining 42 percent of subjects were distributed among 10 categories. In Information Sciences, 53 percent of subjects were allocated to "Library Materials", "Bibliographic Records", "Library Stock and Materials" and "Bibliographic Control". The remaining subjects, almost 47 percent, were divided among 13 categories.