As far as early 20th century; the powerful presence of figurative, representational painting Was felt throughout the history of art. But non-figurative arts, more often than not, appeared in applied, and decorative aspects of art. In early 20th century, avoiding to depict objective, real world, the European painter removed the recognizable objects and elements, and known forms within the objective and visual world from his painted scenes, and tended to reflect his own inner world. His reorientation from the' outside world to the human inside, from representing objects to depicting forms, was considered to be the advent of the evolution of the, modern artistic expression, and the gradual appearance of the non-figurative, or in a sense abstract, painting. Painting was no longer the only single means of representing the visual world. Representational reflection of richly pure, colorful forms could provide the painter with devices to visualize internal echoes of thing, and their reverberations in the human spirit. In this period, the painter was convinced that if the pure, figurative harmonies were devoid of objective or metaphoric pictures. they could be exciting - just as pure sounds of music could be. Ignoring natural pictures altogether, the painter surrended himself to the hands of the representational power of colorful forms. This paper, referring to the context of the development of the abstract art, zero on in the initiators, and the major trends that developed in this art.