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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a prevalent disorder in women 30 to 60 years old, which is due to compression of median nerve in hand wrist tunnel. As this syndrome is prevalent, diagnostic power of clinical tests are undefined and electrodiagnostic tests are not accessible widely. This study was conducted to determine the diagnostic power of Phalen's test in comparison with NCV.Methods: 93 patients (overall 97 hands) entered this case-control study. The Phalen's test was performed for all the patients, then definite diagnosis was made by electrodiagnostic tests, and diagnostic power Phalen's test was defined. Data were analysed using Chi-square statistical test by Minitab software.Results: 75 (7502%) of participants were female. Mean age of patients group was 39.1 years old and mean age of control group was 39.4% years old. The sensitivity of Phalen's test was 85.3% and its specifity was 88.5%. Tinel's test was studied too, that its sensitivity and specifity were 57% and 68%, respectively.Conclusion: This study shows that positive clinical tests approve the diagnosis of CTS, and as note to results of Phalen's test, negative test is valuable too, but negative Tinel's test can not rule out CTS. So, the Phalen's test is valuable to rule out or rule in the diagnosis of CTS but we can not rely on it for certain diagnosis of CTS and for definite diagnosis, electrodiagnostic test are recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4865

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Introduction: The b-thalassaemias represent a heterogenous group of diseases resulting from decreased b-globin mRNA expression and imbalanced alpha/beta globin chain synthesis which are clinically manifested by ineffective erythropoiesis and excessive hemolysis. Increasing levels of hemoglobin F (HbF) by improving the balance in globin chain synthesis. Hydroxyurea (HU), as an effective with low toxicity for activatingy-globin gene, has been shown to enhance HbF synthesis.Methods: To analyze the clinical presentation and possible side effects of HU treatment 80 thalassemia intermedia patients were selected and followed-up for one year regularly. All of them started their regular blood transfusion beyond of 2 years of age and were being treated with 10-12mg/kg/d HU orally.Results: The study group consists of 38 men and 42 women. The average age was 16.8(±6.9) years and thalassemia was diagnosed according to the RBC indexes and Hb electrophoresis. An improvement of erythropoiesis was reflected by an increase in hemoglobin concentration, the state of energy; fatigability, and mood. About 83% (69) of the patients tolerated the HU well and showed a dramatic response to the drug. Thirty of 80 transfusion-dependent patients became completely transfusion-free and 23 cases had one or two transfusions throughout the study.Vomiting and thrombocytopenia were seen in two patients.Conclusion: During this close observation, no malignant change was seen in our patients. HU therapy appears to be safe and effective when administered in thalassemic patients.

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View 3788

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Introduction: Lead is a heavy metal that could be an environmental pollutant. It is a natural metal that exists in water and soil, enters the body through digestive or respiratory systems. The researches showed that various amounts of lead have some effects on the endocrine glands and metabolic activities of the body. So, in this research, we studied and compared the effects of different amounts of lead on thyroid gland and liver enzymes in adult male rats.Methods: 40 adult male wistar rats were studied in the from of experimental, sham and control groups. Experimental group was in divided into three subgroups and received lead acetate 25, 50, 100 (mg/kg) by oral rate, in fifteen days. Sham groups received distilled water and control group received nothing. At the end of the fifteenth day, blood samples were taken and concentrations of T3, T4, TSH, AST, ALT and ALP were measured.Results: The assessed results using Tukey test were studied. The findings after statistical analysis showed that concentration of T3 hormone and enzymes of AST, ALT by receiving various amounts of lead acetate in comparison with control group show no significant difference, but concentration of TSH and ALP showed a significant reduction.Conclusion: According to above results and to findings and studies made by other researchers, lead has an effect on thyroid hormones, causing damage to thyroid function by inhibiting deiodination of T4. U;:id decreases the activity of MAO and acety1cholineasteraseand in this way changes the pattern of releasing TSH. It decreases the release of TSH hormone by inhibition of dopamine uptake. We may conclude that lead has some toxic effect on thyroid function and the liver as well.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2723

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Introduction: Nowadays, noise exposure is one of the most important industrial health problems. Noise exposure can cause hearing loss and many other health problems. So, paying attention to the noise exposure problem should be of main priority in industrial health programs. This study was conducted in an oil producing region, aimed to assess noise pollution and noise induced hearing loss.Methods: In this descriptive analytical study, study cases were working in a noise producing industry. 55 workers randomly selected as a case group and 55 persons who were working in the administrative department were selected as control group.First, the noise producing source was defined and then sound levels were measured by means of sound level definition and the hearing loss. Data analysis was by Hest and correlation between noise hearing loss factors, using SPSS statistical software.Results: Main noise sources were gas turbines, compressors, diesel generators, fans and gas containing pipes. The results of noise level measurement show that noise level at workplaces is higher than threshold limit value (P<0.001).Analyzing the audiometric results show that in all frequencies hearing threshold level of exposed workers is greater than hearing threshold of non exposed workers and the workers exposed to noise levels more than 85dB have increased hearing loss at high frequencies (P<0.001).Conclusion: It can be concluded that oil industry is among the industries having a hazard of hearing loss and other noise induced health disorders. In addition this study shows inefficiency of noise control methods and hearing preservance programs in the studied oil industry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2487

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Introduction: Nowadays, the patterns of diseases have been changed from acute and infectious diseases to chronic and noninfectious. Atherosclerosis is one of the main factors of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Diabetes mellitus (DM) and hyperlipidemia are two of the main risk factors of atherosclerosis. For the treatment of these two disorders various herbal and synthetic drugs have been used.The aim of the present work was to study the effect of garlic (Allium staivam) on blood biochemical factors in hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic individuals.Methods: This clinical trial was carried out in 25 volunteer individuals with fasting blood glucose (FBS) higher than 126 dl/mg and blood cholesterol higher than 245 mg/dl. Fasting blood samples were collected for biochemical tests. The volunteers consumed 5g raw garlic twice a day for 42 days. Second fasting blood samples were collected and the individuals were told to not use any garlic for next 42 days. After 42 days of stopping garlic consumption the third fasting blood samples were collected and the biochemical factor was measured in a specialized pathobiology laboratory.Results: The mean of FBS (P<0.01) and cholesterol (P<0.001) were reduced, respectively after 42 days of garlic consumption but after cessation of garlic consumption increased again. The mean of HDL-C was increased significantly (P<0.05) and HbAlC was reduced significantly (P<0.05). Urea, Creatinin, Uric Acid, liver function test, LDL-c, did not change during the study.Conclusion: Regarding to the results of this study, garlic consumption can decrease total cholesterol, FBS and hbAlC and increase HDL-C. Therefore, garlic can be used in mild hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus, especially in individuals who can not tolerate chemical drugs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 33263

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Introduction: Increase in life expectancy in communities tends to increase in number of elderly people and increase in prevalence of memory deficit. This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between memory deficit and some related factors such as stress oxidants.Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 220 people were studied. After physical examination and blood sampling, they were interviewed by a psychiatrist based on diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disease (DSM IV) for ruling out mental disorders. Standard questionnaire of memory deficit were filled out. Based on this questionnaire population was classified into two groups: with memory deficit and without memory deficit. Data was analysed based on t-test and by SPSS software P<0.05 was considered as a significant level.Results: In our sample, mean age was 72.7±2.8 Mean level of malondialdhyde (mmol/l) was 2.7±036 and 1.5±0.48, respectively in the presence and absence of memory deficit (P<0.001). Mean antioxidant capacity was 74.5%±1.6 and 77.6%±1.36 respectively in persons with memory deficit and those without it (P<0.0001). Glotation peroxidize (IU/g Hb) level was 35.1±1. 8 and 37.21±1.6, respectively in the presence and absence of memory deficit (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Findings of this study suggest the theory of relation between high stress oxidant and low antioxidant capacity with memory deficit. It seems that treatment removing free radicals and stress oxidants can control the trend of memory deficit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 880

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Introduction: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders that its prevalence has been reported to be 10-64% among university students. This study was performed to investigate the prevalence of depression factors in medical and nursing students of Hormozgan University of Medical sciences in 2004-2005.Methods: In this descriptive study, 190medical and nursing students (with an equal proportion) in medical and nursing faculties of Bandar Abbas were selected randomly. The questionnaire which was designed in 2 parts was the way by which data was collected. The first part included questions about the causes of depression and in the second part 'Beck' depression test was used. Data were analysed by Chisquare test and P<0.05 was considered significant.Results: The results showed that the prevalence of depression was higher among the nursing students (60%) than medical students (24.5%). The results showed that causes of depression in nursing students were significantly related to the birth order (P<0.04) and desire to study in their filed (P<0.01), but in medical students, causes of depression were mostly related to marital status and psychoactive medications.Conclusion: With regards to the results of this research which indicates high prevalence of depression in students, it is necessitated to take appropriated measures to reduce the factors causing depression, and ultimately to prevent its consequences by prompt and on time diagnosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3376

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Introduction: Prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is increasing in the world. Modernization and reduction of physical activity in present century and also controversial results about relationship between work-related physical activity and CVD, lead to investigate the relationship between work-related physical activity and CVD.Methods: This cross-sectional study is based on data from first phase of Isfahan healthy heart program in 2000. 12514 people were selected by randomized cluster sampling from Najaf-Abad, Isfahan and Arak. Demographic data and history of CVD and stroke was collected using a standard questionnaire and physical activity was measured using Baecke questionnaire in MET-hour/week. Data was analyzed by SPSS at level of 0.05 by using linear regression after adjusting for confounding variables.Results: Work-related physical activity was related to stroke inversely (P<0.04) but it was not related to CVD. Leisure-time physical activity was not related to stroke nor CVD significantly in this study.Conclusion: We found a negative relationship between work-related physical activity and stroke only. It seems that were studies are needed in different types of job subgroups.

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View 1146

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Introduction: Admission of patients with severe National Institutes of health stroke scale (NIHSS Score> 16) or moderate (NIHSS 8 through 16) acute stroks is different. Taking care of stroke patients admitted in stroke unit care (SCD) is costly.In comparison with admission in general neurology ward, we assessed the outcome of such patients based on stroke care unit (SCD) versus general neurology ward admission, based on controlling hypertension, diabetes, bed sore, pneumonia, mortality and morbidity.Methods: In this perspective cohort study, 100patientswith moderate or severe stroke according to NIHSS criteria are assessed. Treatment outcome and complications of stroke were evaluated. The patients were allocated randomly in SCD or general ward and matching was according to age, sex and NIHSS. Blood pressure, blood glucose, evidence of pulmonary infections, bed sore, mortality and duration of admission were assessed. The results were analyzed using SPSS soft ware.Results: There was no significant difference between SCD and general ward in the cases of hypertension control, diabetes control or occurring pneumonia and mortality rate, but incidence of bed sore was significant between two wards with the relative risk of 1.5. The duration of being bedridden was significantly different (P<0.001).Conclusion: This study shows that there are not significant differences in the cares given in the SCD and general neurology ward. Thus, these costs analyzing studies will help physicians deciding to admit patients with stroke in different wards. Improving quality of care in general wards may be a suitable approach for hospitals to decline extra costs.

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View 7742

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Introduction: Tribes life style, specially the migrant ones and their attitudes and actions due to their current belief about health issues have made them deprived of the allocated sources of health care. It should be mentioned that continuation of this situation not only contradicts the definition of "fairness" in health system but also is one of the significant issues effecting health care standards of our community. This research was carried out on Kerman tribes with the aim of investigating their attitudes and function to ward health issues according to their current believes.Methods: In this cross-sectional research, 75 variables regarding the attitudes and functions of Kerman tribes were observed and interviewed based on valid and reliable questionnaires according to their current beliefs about health care issues.Among 44 tribes and 59 regions, 2681 subjects from migrant, centralized and semi-centralized tribes participated in this research and the sampling method was done with various procedures in different territories. Data analysis was done by SPSS software and Chi-square test. Results: In this research 1969 (73.4%) males and 712 (26.6%) females with mean age of 46.36±16.41 and mean family size of 6.64±25 were investigated. Migrant tribes constituted 48% of the sample group and centralized and semi-centralized groups constituted the rest. Among all participants, 1478 cases (55.1%) believed in the therapeutic effect of sleeping in domestic animals skins and 909 persons (33.9%) believed in Jinn and 64% of them considered writers of prayers as factors of treatment. According to the results, 90% had no knowledge about the importance of on-time vaccination. Totally, in 94% of the subjects, the attitudes and function of tribes was poor and originated from their current beliefs. This situation was significantly higher in migrant tribes (P<0.05).Conclusion: Traditionally, current beliefs about health care among tribes, effect health care standards and their health. Generally, providing mobile health care centers especially mobile schools and research centers and as a whole all possible facilities are highly recommended in order to solve the problems changing tribes, current believes and their knowledge, attitude and function improvement.

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