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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Zinc is one of the most important micronutrient with essential role in biochemical regulation of the body functions. The importance of zinc in pregnancy period was widely studied in various countries. Variation in zinc plasma levels during pregnancy needs more investigation, because maternal zinc deficiencies may cause some severe abnormalities in the fetus. In this study the plasma levels of zinc in pregnant women admitted in the hospital during the third trimester were determined and compared with normal values in nonpregnant women. Blood samples were collected from pregnant and non-pregnant cases (32 subjects in each group) and zinc levels were measured based on curve plotted by standard values (100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/l). Values under 75 mg/dl and 75 to 85 mg/dl were defined as severe and moderate. The results showed that mean plasma concentration of zinc among pregnants was 65.49±15.34 compare with that in non-pregnant women, which was significantly lower (P<0.05). Zinc deficiency in third trimester of gestation could be due to malnourishment or other conditions such as plasma expansion during pregnancy. Enhancing the daily uptake of zinc at the third trimester could be supportive.

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Introduction: Acne is the most common skin disease, affecting nearly 80% of people at some periods of their life. Patients with acne often get anxiety, minor depression and lowered self-esteem so as resulting in a poor quality of life (QOL). Irrespective of clinical severity, this disease has a great impact on lifestyle. The aim of this study is to assess quality of life issues in Bandar Abbas medical student.Methods: This cross sectional study was performed on medical students in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The severity of acne was graded using the Lehman criteria. All the students suffering from acne vulgaris completed the acne specific quality of life instrument, the Acne – QOL questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 16 software using T and Chi-square test.Results: The result of this study shows that in 54.04% of the students acne vulgaris showed mild effect on their quality of lives. The overall mean Acne – QOL score in three domains (self- perception, social, and emotional roles) were higher in male than female. The severity of acne symptoms in women's explanation was greater than men's. 14 students (7.45%) suffered from sever acne. The severity of acne was significantly related to the quality of life (P<0.05).Conclusion: It seems that women are more vulnerable than men to psychological effects of acne. Care of acne should include attention on the quality of life as well as clinical treatment of the patient.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Diabetes has adverse effects on reproductive functions in human. Clinical as well as experimental studies revealed impairment of spermatogenesis, reduced volume of seminal fluid and atrophic changes in epididymis. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the preventive and therapeutic effect of garlic juice on epididymal and vesicle seminal damage in male rats with streptozotocin induced diabetes.Methods: In this experimental study, forty male wistar rats were divided into 5 groups:1- Normal group (N) 2- Normal group+garlic (N+G). 3- Diabetic (D) received STZ 60, mg/kg BW/ip. 4- Diabetic group+garlic before (D+Gb) received garlic juice for 3 weeks before STZ injection. 5- Diabetic group +garlic after (D+Ga) three days after STZ injection, they received garlic juice for 3 weeks. Garlic juice was given by gavage (1ml/100g BW). Epididymal and seminal vesicle damage was examined by using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Data were analyzed by means of SPSS, using analysis of variance test.Results: Diabetic rats showed a significantly reduction in the size of the tubule and lumen of caput, corpus and caudal epididymides and regression of seminal vesicle epithelium. Garlic significantly attenuated the diabetes-induced morphological changes in the diabetic rat epididymis and seminal vesicle. The diabetic group receiving garlic before STZ injection showed more amelioration in complications than that receiving it after STZ injection.Conclusion: We showed that administration of garlic juice could play both preventive and therapeutic role on testicular damage in male diabetic rats.

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Introduction: Goiter in primary school age children is a standardized criterion for evaluation of goiter in each area. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of goiter and accompanied thyroid dysfunction in school children.Methods: During a cluster sampling in primary schools of Ahvaz, 1594 (833 Male) were enrolled and examined for goiter. Data of weight (Wt), height (Ht) and Body Mass Index (BMI) were collected from all subjects. Children having goiter were referred to clinic and assessed for thyroid function tests (TFT).Results: Among 1594 children, 4.3% (69 pupils) were identified as having goiter grade of which forty pupils were followed for TFT. TFT was abnormal only in two cases (one overt and other one subclinical hypothyroidism). There was not any correlation between goiter and age, weight, BMI and sex. However, it was directly correlated with height (P=0.002).Conclusion: Prevalence of goiter is still nearly endemic (4.3%) in Ahvaz, but has not significant effect on thyroid function and childhood growth. Direct relationship of height and existence of goiter might be due to more iodide requirement during rapid growth periods.

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Introduction: Identification of the factors related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and adolescents help us to know appropriate methods for prevention and control of chronic diseases.Methods: This cross-sectional and analytic study comprised 962 children and adolescents, aged 6-18 years, in Isfahan in 2008. Variables related to life style and metabolic syndromes related were determined and their relationship with non-alcohlic fatty liver disease were analysed using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression method, using SPSS.Results: The final obtained model with the omission of 13 low effect variables had 5 powerful and effective variables in which oil consumption, waist circumference, body mass index and blood cholesterol level are factors that increase the probability of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The age variable is an ablative variable with negative coefficient in the final model. The relationship between body mass index as well as waist circumference with nonalcoholic fatty liver were statistically significant (P<0.01).Conclusion: This study confirms the appropriateness of the LASSO regression model for analyzing non-linear variables and in the case where predictor variables are more than the sample size. Moreover, it shows that, even among children and adolescents, lifestyle habits are associated with fatty liver disease; it underscores the necessity of establishing healthy life styles from the early life to prevent chronic diseases.

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Introduction: Proving management with a reliable information system, can facilitate decision making regarding planning, organization and control. This study aims to evaluate information needs of Iranian Nursing Offices.Methods: This applied, cross-sectional research utilizes critical success factor (CSF) and business system planning (BSP) methods to assess information needs Iranian nursing offices.Results: Of 78 identified information needs, 56% were initial information needs of managers. 18% of information needs were found to be critical success factors of managers of nursing office. The first priority of managers was "the number of manpower employed at hospitals separated by wards". 5% of the identified information needs were not priorities and thus excluded, 3% were through the web site and 70% were without sources.Conclusion: Despite the important role of users in designing information systems, other scientific methods also need to be utilized in designing information systems.

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Introduction: Thalassemia major is the most common inheritable disease in Iran with high prevalence in Fars province. Growth retardation is prevalent in this patients, mainly due to malnutrition. The aim goal of this study was to determine the relationship between growth status and nutritional intake. Patients under 10 years old with thalassemia major.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 62 below ten years old thalassemic children were selected with systematic sampling. Growth status was determined based on WHZ and HAZ and nutritional intake by 3 times 24h food recall and analysed with Food Processor software. Statistic analysis was performed using Pearson correlation.Results: 13.1%, 9.8% and 3.3% of children had mild, moderate and sever degrees of wasting, respectively. 43.5%, 17.7% and 3.2% showed mild, moderate and severe degrees of stunting. Wasting was more prevalent in younger children and stunting was more prevalent in older children. Calorie, carbohydrate, vitamins A, C and E, zinc and iron intake were significantly lower than references. A reverse relationship (P<0.05) was found between calorie and carbohydrate intake and wasting, however, none of the nutrients showed any relationship with stunting.Conclusion: Growth retardation and nutritional deficiencies were prevalent in these patients and a nutritious diet could improve growth, specially in lower ages.

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View 785

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Introduction: The most effective method of collecting, storage, communication and presentation of huge amount of Information in order to obviate user needs is computer. The comprehensive hospital information system (HIS) resulted in processing of information, operational and hospital control needs in daily practice, and also accelerating and facilitating in planning, budgeting and management decision making. In this study user’s views about seven criteria of ISO9241/10 for implemented HIS was considered.Methods: This is a descriptive cross- sectional study. Sampling was done by using simple randomized sampling that includes 95 users of Bandar Abbas children's hospital. Data collection was done through questionnaire. Data analysis was done using descriptive and Chi-square test by SPSS software.Results: 69 persons (%72.7) with suitability for the task criteria, 56 persons (58.9%) with self-descriptiveness criteria, 73 persons (%76.9) with controllability criteria, 70 persons (%73.7) conformity with users expectations criteria, 51 persons (53.7%) with error tolerant criteria, 63 persons (%66.3) with suitability for individualization criteria, 56 persons (%58.9) with suitability for learning criteria of hospital information system were agree or pretty agree.Conclusion: The findings indicated that the criteria of hospital information system are relatively desirable. To achieve desirable condition, observance and implementation of phases that is effective in development of suitable information system must be considered. Hence, HIS should be reviewed and revised in the hospital.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Aging may cause an obvious effect on physiologic systems which are involved in the balance function. It is estimated that 6% of health care costs are spent on unintentional injuries in elderly population. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of Mini-trampoline training on dynamic balance abilities in the elderly subjects.Methods: During a clinical trial design, a sample of 30 females (mean age 55-75 years) in a simple non randomized sampling method, without any remarkable sport experience, were evaluated in Tehran. Patients with cognitive, muscular or neurological disorders were excluded from the study. Height, length of the leg and weight of the subjects were measured. Then, the dynamic balance ability was assessed in eight directions using SEBT (Star Excursion Balance Test) evaluation, before and after Mini trampoline exercises. Each subject participated in a whole mini trampoline program on trampoline during an 18- sessions (three times a week) period, while each session lasting about 30 minutes. Data analysis was carried out by SPSS 11 Software.Results: The findings revealed that mini trampoline exercises showed a significant effect on dynamic balance abilities in all directions in the elderly population.Conclusion: Mini-trampoline exercises could improve the dynamic balance abilities in the elderly population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Following urbanization of developing world and increase in prevalence of risk factors for Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD), the major global burden of IHD is in low and middle income countries. This study was designed to determine trends in early MI (Myocardial Infarction) during ten years and comparison of its risk factors with other patients with MI.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we collected data about age, sex and history of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and smoking of 1829 patients with first ST Elevation MI (STEMI) admitted in Rasul-e-Akram Hospital from 1998 to 2007 for data analysis, we used SPSS software.Results: Of 1829 patients with first STEMI, 25.2% of them had early MI which consisted of 84% men and 16% women (P<0.001). Trends in proportion of early MI had no statistically significant change in men, women and totally in a period of 10 years. Smoking was the most frequent risk factor (47.3%) with significantly higher proportions in men than in women with or without early MI and its relative frequency in patients with early MI was more than others (P<0.001). In women with early MI, smoking, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia were more prevalent than other women, however these differences weren't statistically significant. Hypertension was more frequent in older women (P<0.001).Conclusion: In spite of stability in trend of early MI during the 10 years period, higher frequency of smoking in patients, specially in men and younger patients showed the necessity of comprehensive planning for primary prevention and control of smoking.

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