For examining psychological health condition in students of Zanjan University of medical sciences, we preformed a research. Among 1265 students, 395 of them randomly selected to fill demography in formative questionnaire and General health questionnaire (H.Q). The summary of this reassure resulted that 4.6% of the students felt distress and depression, 218% suffered from average depression and according to these test summaries 62% of the students had disorders in average function, 4.1% percent had disorders in acute function, 34.9% had average physical symptoms and 3.3% had acute physical symptoms.The hypothesis of these tests resulted that there weren't any significant differences among these students, whether girl or boy, single or married and regarding their entrance year, educational level, parents job, economical condition and different admission advantages.But from psychological health point of view, there were significant differences among native and nonnative students and employed and unemployed ones. The research resulted that 43% of students suspected to have average psychological symptoms and furthermore, 5.4% suspected to suffer from acute psychological symptoms.