Introduction: Safe delivery and less Intervention during labor in recent years in evidence-based care have been considered. Since amniotomy is a common intervention in labor, also, everyone’s knowledge directly effects on their function, their performance, therefore, successful performing of duties is possible by increasing of knowledge. This research was with the aim to evaluate amniotomy evidence-based midwifes care at the time of delivery.Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive study was performed on 95 midwives working in maternities of hospitals related to Mashhad University of Medical Sciences from 2011-2012. First, the evidence-based reliable scientific sources related to labor amniotomy were studied. Then, he Researcher-made questionnaire was completed by midwifes. Data analysis was done by using statistics SPSS software (version 11.5) and statistical descriptive tests.Results: Regarding to the midwifes'' knowledge, the majority of subjects (%83.16) have average information about the role of amniotomy in active labor. About the application of amniotomy in labor, the most of midwifes (84.21%) believed that it is done for discovering of meconium. About amniotomy outcomes in labor, the majority of midwifes stated that the most common complication was cord prolapsed (%83.15) and the rare ones were malpresentation and asynclatism. Studying of midwifes’ performance proved that the main reasons of performing amniotomy by them was discovery of meconium (%86.31) and reducing the duration of labor (%71.58) and the least reason was doubt to abruption placenta (%1.05).Conclusions: Survey of knowledge and performance of midwives in relation to amniotomy as a part of obstetric care indicates the need to promote the quality of maternity care through increasing the knowledge and skills of provider employees.