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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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What title one can give to Pierre Bourdieu? Sociologist, theorist, activist, structuralist, functionalist, conservative and Such classifications rather than illuminating the dimensions of the scientific personality and the content of his research findings, hide most of them. The fact is that Bourdieu has tried to act as a dialectical relation of opinion and action. He, by criticizing the "hegemony of the totalitarian scientific rationale", which saw it as a symbol of "scientific ignorance", gives rise to enlightening critique of the scientific actions of academics. In Bourdieu's view, research in understanding social realities needed to be contextual. However, such an understanding faces obstacles. What are these barriers? Bourdieu considers the mastery of the researcher on "mentally relation to the subject" as well as the attention to the "subconscious anthropology that specialist uses in his scientific activity" and the contemplation of "the social universe that produces specialty and specialist" important, and he contemplates it as a kind of reformist reflexivity that paves the way for understanding. One of the major achievements of Bourdieu's research is revelation of the "logic" of the internal functions of educational systems' structure, especially in France, and how the "symbolic violence" form. Nevertheless, in what manner and by what concepts, according to Ibn Khaldun, he could "open up mask from the face of such a truth"? It was not possible without avoiding the hallucination of the scholastic. Today, such an illusion from dominance of analytic, simplistic and reductionistic paradigm threatens university systems, not to mention that some of them are overshadowed. What is the escape route from wisdom illusion and false beliefs in scientific discoveries? This paper attempted to contemplate in prevailing formalism in academic activities at universities from Bourdieu's viewpoint, because, as Bourdieu writes, "the production of science, in its formal meaning, can be a cover for understanding the truth". Those who closely observed the germination and expression of this scientist's thoughts (and the author had the chance to attend his lecture sessions at the Collè ge de France in the early 1980's), know that they are rooted in his activistic and reflective approach. Nowadays, Bourdieu's thoughts are noteworthy on the scientific community, including in Iran (But mostly in academic "lessons" and not in research activity! ). Are those who talk about Bourdieu and his "lessons" aware of the context and the way these opinions are formed? Such awareness will deeply change their scholastic approach and put them on the path of reflexivity and self-critique that Bourdieu emphasized them and made them an essential step in understanding.

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The purpose of present study was to design and validate a curriculum model for higher education system in Iran. This study was conducted by using a mixed exploratory design: Instrument Development Model. First, in qualitative part of this study, a questionnaire consisted of 14 components and 107 sub-components was developed by using Grounded Theory approach and interviews with 25 experts. Then, in the quantitative part, the primary designed questionnaire was distributed among 40 Iranian higher education experts. Based on the received feedback, the questionnaire was revised. Then the final version was distributed country wide among 180 individuals. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha (α =. 943). A Non-probability purposive sampling method was used in the qualitative part of the study whereas random classified sampling method was utilized in the quantitative part. In addition, analysis of Structural Equation Modeling was used for testing mentioned model. To verify the factor structure, the first confirmatory factor analysis was used and the model was confirmed with 14 components and 107 sub-components. Results of second-order confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 14 extracted components are sufficient factor leading to predict the curriculum model for higher education system in Iran. In addition, goodness of the fit indices were as follows: (CMIN/DF = 1. 991), (RMSEA = 0. 049), (GFI=0. 990), (AGFI = 0. 990), (CFI = 0. 988), (NNFI = 0. 964), (TLI) = 0. 991, (IFI = 0. 931) and (RFI = 0. 948. ( The results of statistical tests displayed that the designed model for the higher education curriculum system in Iran is well fitted.

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The purpose of this research was to analyze the perceptions of faculty members and instructors about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats posed by the implementation of the lesson study program at Farhangian University. A mixed research method was used, including both qualitative and quantitative for data collection. The statistical population of the qualitative section was comprised of 14 experts in lesson study who were selected through a purposive sampling method. The statistical population of the quantitative section included faculty members and interns instructors at Farhangian University (N = 1012). A sample of 278 individuals were selected using multi-stage clustering method. The data collection tool was semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire. Content analysis and SWOT approach were used to analyze the data. Then, the quantitative planning matrix (QSPM) was utilized to select the best strategy for implementation of the Fakoor teacher-training curriculum. The results of internal factors matrix analysis (1. 45) showed that the university faces a number of weaknesses in implementing the curriculum in the dimensions of the learners, including the knowledge and skills to teach their teacher-students. The analysis of the external factors matrix (1. 82) also showed that the most important opportunity of the university in terms of the learning environment was the potential of Farhangian University campuses for the successful implementation of the program. The most important threats to the university was the inability to conduct group lessons in schools and the low cooperation of guidance teachers in schools. Based on the analysis of the university's position, eight strategies were developed to deal with weaknesses and threats and to strengthen capabilities and opportunities. The findings of this study will open a new window to create the desired changes in the review of the internship program 4.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the areas of development in higher education is the move towards benefiting from the third-generation university systems. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study was to explain the characteristics of a third generation university and to examine their achievement from point of view of administrators and faculty members at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. The current study was a qualitative and descriptive survey research design. The population was comprised all administrators and faculty members at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (N=629). Fifteen individuals were selected through purposive sampling method for interviews. The categorizing method was used for data analysis. Results showed that from interviewees’ point of views, the five main characteristics of the third generation university included skill training, entrepreneurship, inclusive autonomy, interaction between university and the society, and creativity and idea production. The founding also indicated that the university should consider characteristics such as establishment of entrepreneurial thinking, political and economic autonomy, cooperation with industry and society, supporting knowledge based enterprises and increasing academic sabbatical, and updating activities. Results showed that none of the characteristics of a third generation university is fully integrated in Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman and it could be said that this university is still in the first generation (knowledge-based) or at the transition to the second-generation university (research-based). However, in some of the characteristics, including the attribute of the university-based network and interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research is somewhat closer to the third-generation university and it is weak in other characteristics such as autonomy, utilization of knowledge and internationalization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The lack of precise definition and proper analysis of HR risks not only impedes human resource management, but also undermines the organization's performance. By identifying and confronting human resources risks, the organization can mutually bring individual and organizational excellence. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying and evaluating human resources risks in the higher education. This mixed research method was based on qualitative and quantitative inductive-deductive approach. The statistical population of the study were 30 experts who were selected using snowball method and theoretical adequacy principle. In the qualitative section, the data-gathering tool was interview. In the qualitative section, a questionnaire was used for data-gathering. The validity and reliability of the interview and questionnaire were confirmed by CVR index and Kappa Kohn test, and content validity and reliability of the retest. Qualitative data was analyzed using Atlas. ti software, coding method and quantitative data were analyzed using Delphi Fuzzy method. The results of the research consisted of identification of human resources risks and prioritization of them. The results of the research showed that the most important identified risks were knowledge abolition and human resource skills, non-professional career development, human capital erosion, job plateau and lack of creativity and innovation of human resources.

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In recent years, we have faced a large number of graduates in agricultural sciences who cannot enter the labor market and the number of unemployed in this field is increasing every year. One of the solutions to this problem is to increase students and graduates' orientation to entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the factors that influence the increase such an inclination among individuals. One of these factors is the dominant culture in the society. In this study, we investigated the relationship between cultural values and entrepreneurial intention in agricultural students at Kerman province's public universities. Research method was quantitative. In terms of access to facts and data processing, it was a descriptive-correlation research. The statistical population of this study was composed of agricultural students in universities of Kerman province (N = 4069). Based on Morgan table, the sample size was estimated 351 individuals. To increase the validity of research, 405 students were selected based on simple random sampling method using proportional assignment. In order to verify the reliability of the instrument, the composite reliability (CR) and Cronbach's alpha (α ) were used, and the results confirmed the reliability of the instrument. The Department of Agricultural Extention and Education faculty members at Tehran University confirmed the content validity of the instrument. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to assess the construct validity. Structural Equation Modeling, and SPSS and Lisrel softwares were used for data analysis. Results showed that avoidance of uncertainty, long-term tendency and individualism had significant relationship with entrepreneurial intention. Overall, they explained 22% of entrepreneurship intention's variance.

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